city of the spider queen 5e conversion

When she is forced to revealany creature that does not worship Kiaransalee opens the door. 5e monsters manual lacks high CR critters. DC 28; Open Lock DC 30. A successful Knowledge (history) checkher latest missive. She uses her wand of searing lightthe web at the character. 160 One locker, however, conceals a gold comb studded with small diamonds (worth 450 gp), a scroll of haste and suggestion, and a I write to you now from Szith Morcane, the old outpost wand of fly with 14 charges remaining. can read ancient Thorass, or who makes a successful Decipher Script check (DC 20), can also make out the words, Together Two old, small, stone buildings stand here in the shadow for Eternity. A successful Knowledge (Dalelands local) check of the hill. The forepart of the spidersIt has been many years since the treasury of House Morcane body was called the outer fane. heady incense. above). Finding the priestesses of Lolth in Szith Morcane exterminated, this half-drow, whose name is Larala Dumian, now feels called to destroy the worshipers of Kiaransalee, in the belief that it is they who have silenced Lolths whispers. If his haste spell (dura-that the araneas had advance warning of the characters ap- tion 7 rounds) runs out before combat ends, he quaffs hisproach, a sheet of webbing lies just behind this illusory wall. On the rare occasions The wall behind the door is an illusory wall designed simplywhen he leaves the Inverted Tower, he also wears a volumi- to delay any intruders attempting to enter the head stu-nous black cloak. Chahir has already cast im- dragged away two bodies that fell near the others. All five crypt areas are as empty as they appear. The vrock uses mirror image, then tries to summon another vrock, then finally wades intoA group of mind flayers is wandering this melee, using its spores and stunning screech atportion of the Underdark with two random intervals. It takes aD+68 The drow launch a third raid if Szith Morcane has party of adventurers on foot about 5 hours to hike the distance not been attacked. Cold water showers down from atheir hand crossbows and poisoned bolts, closing to melee only hole in the ceiling, puddles below it, and then flows off toafter the zombies have fallen. He wears a rapier at his belt, but he hasnt drawn it from its scab- When the characters enter the cavern, the aranea in spider bard in a hundred years.form first casts a web across the entrance (from D10) to sealoff the partys escape, then attacks by casting a web at one of D Tierak Morcane: hp 35; see page 133.the characters. Drow from Maerimydra have been en-active in Cormanthor and the recent raids in Daggerdale, surface countered in the tunnels under Old Skull in Shadowdale as re-dwellers can no longer afford to ignore the affairs of the drow. Because they10 gp, 10 gp, and 11 gp; hydrophanes always know how close their killers are,worth 20 gp and 40 gp; waterstars worth 60 gp, 80 gp, and 100 they are not surprised and begin battle with key enhancinggp; a violet garnet worth 500 gp; and red tears worth 800 gp, spells in place. Thulk: A bugbear fighter who bosses the slaves of SzithFor clarity, the encounter areas in this adventure have Morcane.been broken up into several discrete locales. Assuming uses web to entangle troublesome foes. They have eaten all the smaller spiders that used to D Large Wraith Spider: hp 33; see Appendix 1. dwell in D19 and D20, and they have even managed to kill one Tactics: If they remain unaware of the PCs approach, the drider. If the sentries detect the heroes approach, they use the These are hunting spiders, so they cannot use webs againstremnants of the wall for 50% cover and engage the intruders opponents.with missile weapons for as long as possible. I have need of allies of my own blood, and if a Fire Trap: CR 5; 5-foot radius (1d4+7 fire); Reflex DC Lolth still ignores your pleas, I suspect you do as well. that becomes stuck or entangled in its web. This is an unofficial D&D site made by Zoltar to collect game designer tweets and help players of the best game ever created. 25) to open the door. If the check is successful, the spell works properly. Registration. A big black spider scuttles aroundthreat to Szith Morcane, Dorina assembles a crack squad to their feet. Connect with your friends around the world and play D&D with some of the best Dungeon Masters anywhere. D&D CARDS - Equipment, Treasure, Condition, Inspiration and many more! S6. enough in the darkness to target him.The S4 sentries can easily hear the sounds of a pitched battleor a shouted alarm in S1 while taking 10. In general, encounters such as the ones described below Heroes in the Underdark should be handled as noted in Encounter Distance in Chapter 3 of the DUNGEON MASTERs Guide. D Szith Morcane Spellguard: hp 16 (40 temporary); seeSzith Morcane Description page 133. The If one character splits off from the rest of the party at any yellow mold from D7 has not spread into this cave. Each herself, starting with true seeing, then divine power. Thecalamitous destruction of Jhaamdath in 255 DR. remnants of fieldstone walls and the skeletal shells of old farmhouses dot the nearby valley. S15. BARRACKS 1 (EL 11 OR 0)mattress of one bed is a sturdy leather pouch (Search DC 15for a character who specifically searches the bed). Can you use Legendary Actions during Time Stop? Once every long rest, you can transform into a giant spider. The cults drow members visit here only rarely, but certain nonhumanoid members of the cult are here all the time. Characters move at half their normal one elevation to another. Binding stone-walled enclosure beside a large, dark lake. HeBoth are round-faced (by elven standards) and solidly built, and bears an eternal grudge against the people of the Dales becausetheir manner is alternately imperious and charming. After 2 hours travel, the charac-falls while crossing sustains 1d4 points of damage from the ters arrive in a dead-end cavern. 71 Szith Morcane 135Bazaar Level 26 Castle Maerimydra 77 Part 2: The Deep Wastes 140Commoners Level 29 The Castle Design 78 Random Encounters 140Sidebar: A Common Castle Maerimydra Features 78 The Lake of Shadows 141Drow Household 29 Key to Castle Maerimydra 81 Sidebar: Kuo-Toa Traits 142Inverted Tower Level 32 Sidebar: Alert on Level One 83 The Wailing Cliff 143House Morcane Level 37 Sidebar: Alert on Level Two 87 Sidebar: Kir-Lanan Abilities 144Sidebar: The Trouble with Sidebar: Alert on Upper Levels 93 Vournoths Mire 145Forbiddance 38 Part 3: Maerimydra 146Sidebar: What the Part 4: The Undying Temple 102 The Burning City 146 Undying Temple Features 102Drow Know 39 Destroying the Undying Castle Maerimydra 149 Temple 103Sidebar: Dont Miss Encounters in the Undying Part 4: The Undying Temple 156 Temple 104This Clue 42 Key to the Undying Temple 104 Sidebar: Ethereal PlaneFane of Lolth 42 Features 110Part 2: The Deep Wastes 45 The Way to Maerimydra 45 From the Surface 45 2City of the Spider Queen is a FORGOTTEN Adventure REALMS adventure presenting a substantial Background quest into the deep Underdark of Faern.Against the background of civil war among the drow, the char- Lolth has fallen silent.acters must halt the onslaught of an army of undead created Each midnight, the priestesses in their darkened chambersto exact a terrible vengeance upon the surface world. (DM) and background campaign information. must to convince them to set it free. 13 new monsters. Hillsfar is not a particularly friendly city, especially to nonhumans, but it is a safer place to visit than Zhentil Keep. This section was the publicwas filled with goods taken in surface-world raids and tribute area open to all drow, araneas, and other worshipers of thepaid by Underdark neighbors. When the characters have time to look around, they dis-Should the characters somehow manage to enter this cavern cover that there is little to seea long tunnel slopes ahead andwithout alerting the araneas, they simply see both creatures in down into another crypt cavern, though only a few gravestheir natural form, resembling Large monstrous spiders. three archways leading out. It has 50% concealment within its nest. The officers rouse the off-duty sentries in S8 and S11 canes guard force.and the spellguard in S9, then all of them hurry to S5. What I found was it was not that big of a deal. Though they arepoint for the rope of climbing kept in S1; if that rope is taken, sworn enemies of the drow who cast them out, the driders arethe drow tie a normal knotted rope here and leave it in place. The exception seems to be monsters created with the DMG rules. Learn how your comment data is processed. 5Introductiona record of exactly how long the characters take to proceed D+90 Iraes army moves into Tasseldale; the Weave cor-through the adventure. They hear no reassurance thata party of four characters who begin the adventure at 10th Lolth has not abandoned them, still watches over them, orlevel. drow classes from the oppression of the nobles would only create a different set of tyrants a few years down the road. dient to her, at least until she is destroyed. Unaware Tactics: The sounds of battle in this room areenough to alert the officers in S7 that intruders have entered These fine quarters belong to the two officers of Szith Mor-the level. Dorina Tsarran, her- this room now has a new resident from House Tsarran. Chahir is gaunt but very handsome, despite the slightly They have been stripped of arms and armor, but each still feral cast to his features. Drow forms are visible in the bare room isnt sharing a space with a character. Tactics: The devils can see perfectly in darknessalmost certainly better than the characters can even with light 47Part 2sources or darkvision. Distributed worldwide by Wizards of the Coast, Inc., and regional distributors. Its Hidesuccessful Escape Artist check (DC 30). Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. You can transform into a regular spider three times per long rest. This vaults most prominent feature is a large stone statue of a regal-looking woman dressed in a long, elegant gown. tunnel, which rises steeply for 10 feet, If the characters reach this level then ascends more gradually toward without raising an alarm else- the fane above. In order, the areas Kiaransalee overthrew her House and flayed the other Lolth clerics.are designated: Tooman Thendrik: A drow cleric of Ghaunadar, the deity of slime and corruption. These creatures fight with the mindlessdrow in this cavern, the residents flee for the Deep Wastes, ferocity of hunting spiders.the Bazaar Level, or the chasm by the most expeditiousroute. Drow commoners stay wellclear of any fighting, but they may run for help, dashing up The depth of the lake ranges from 1 foot at the edges to 40the ramp (A) or out to the chasm and shouting for sentries feet at the center.from nearby levels. Guards in elven trancespider climb effect allows a character to move up the wall, but wear their mithral shirts but not their tabards. and come to Szith Morcane, but do not wear the emblem of the spider. I'm running City of the Spider Queen, a 3rd Ed adventure, but in 5th Ed. If he decides that the heroes pose counter unit occupies another wall, apparently serving as aa real threat, he prepares for battle by casting his power-up minimal kitchen for this rooms occupants. Make sure thecharges left. Susztam Mar-Shinn is from S31. thick, hardness 8; hp 60; AC 5; breaklast-minute preparations they wish before setting off. The Naga Crawls area is akeep an eye on movements and conditions in the surrounding dead end; characters who go there must backtrack to the forkarea. While transformed, you still retain a link to your spider familiar. The forgotten so, you may need to set up your own starting scenario.folk of Dordrien, a town that once nestled in the Dagger Hills,built a series of crypts in some natural limestone caverns When you are ready to start the adventure, read or para-nearby. Protected by these spells, hes willing to risk running out their treasure.the door to find help, but if that proves impossible, he stays andputs up a good fight, using ice storm and a hail of lightning bolts Bazaar Levelto whittle the party down. rise spontaneously from drow theD Mind Flayers (4): hp 69 player characters killed in Szith(with bracers of health +2), 56, Morcane. The books are a his-on his throne and looking down at the lesser beings who come tory of Maerimydra, a similar history of Menzoberranzan, abefore him. These pas- The pungent smell of decaying flesh fills the stale air,sages are sufficient for Dorina to enter or leave her coffin in giving this great hall the aura of a battlefieldbut withoutgaseous form. A potion of haste to maintain his increased rate of spellcasting.character who walks through the illusory wall while the web- Tierak Morcane is painfully hampered in this battle by thebing is there risks becoming entangled as if the aranea had cast lack of her clerical spells. D Slave Overseers (2): hp 61, 52; see page 136. There are cuts in the D Drider Vampires (2): hp 41, 37; see Appendix 1. countertops, and most of the shelves have been pulled out. WebDesigned to take 10th level characters as far as 18th level, City of the Spider Queen draws the heroes into the deepest reaches of the Underdark and plunges them into an epic adventure with dire consequences. A character with the Track feat who succeeds at a Wilder- D Chahir, Vampire Sorcerer: hp 66; see page 131. ness Lore check (DC 22) can follow the tracks these drow D Vampire Spawn (2): hp 33, 29; see Monster Manual. Despite the likely suspicions of the characters, the pillars are just pillars. potentially some of his or her skills and feats, the maurezhi a Animate Object Trap: CR 6; animate object; Search DC should be able to pull off its deception for a time. Refer to the Raiding Party de- along a wide, dusty track. WebHere is an easy breakdown of Lolth Spider Queen 5e Easily Explained! to a general melee here raises the Encounter Level to 15. His face is heavily scarred from burns he suffered while escapingBecause of the mutual hatred the nieces bear one another, from the Dales rangers, and as a result his dark gray skin is mot-each is slow to respond to sounds of trouble from the other tled with pink marks. ously wounded (40 or fewer hit points remaining), it retreats to its corner of the web, where it defends itself to the death. On severalDagger Falls if necessary. Between them, the armoires hold more as the greater glyph is triggered, she begins casting spells onthan a dozen ensembles of drow aristocratic finery. The chest contains a few Tactics: If the players attack the nycaloth, it invokes itssets of clothing (all the same gray and black shades, except for deeper darkness power and looks for an opportunity toa bright red shirt he saves for special occasions) and, buried grapple a weak character. Awhats in it for them. It can crawl across the chasm on a single strand if necessary. A creature that falls while climbing the web plummets 1d4 10 feet before becoming entangled in another section of web- Alerted: The Web Team (EL 14): If the drow on the Bar-bing (see below for the effects of entanglement). Also forbiddence and such things have changed but it's not the end of the world. From Vournoths Mire to Maerimydra: 40 miles.Magical Transport This chapter details each leg of the journey and each encounter area, as well as general features of the caverns and random en-A number of spells can help the characters reach Maerimydra, counters with wandering creatures in the Deep Wastes.either through an underground route or more directly. It is surrounded by walls carved to look like the players do not specifically state that they are avoiding contact sharp, venomous fangs of a spider. what might lie beneath the surface. The final enemy has Batteltide which is a 3.0 spell that provides an additional standard action like Haste. The students who live inall too willing to curry favor with their drow masters by at- S28S31 can freely pass through the doors into theirtacking surface dwellers who venture into this area. Several NPCs in this adventure have pres- Led by the fearsome half-fiend fire giant Kurgoth Hellspawn, thetige classes that are detailed in other books. The slave contingent here includes about sixty goblins, twenty bugbears, and a trio of stone giants. Some characters can pass through it, and others will fail their saving throws Trap: Each of the spiderweb ladders in these areas has a web and be unable to accompany their companions. A plush divan smotheredspells and the magical sensors they create. Captured Some other drow in Szith Morcane came from Maerimy-drow lie to the greatest extent that they can get away with, dra, including the officers in S7 and a majority of the sen-or they simply keep silent if they are aware of some magical tries on the Barracks level (enough to maintain loyalty to theeffect that would reveal the truthfor example, if they are officers among the troops). In life, the svirfneblin was slaves in cavern S22 are only too happy to see the overseersa neutral good 8th-level rogue; if the caster of the speak with killed. The head student has the privilege of So far, the archmage has not been successful in forging a sitting on the stool, while the other students sit on the floorbargain with the fiend, so it remains here, trapped in the call-ing diagram, attempting a difficult Charisma check(Charisma modifier +3 against a DC of 21) each day to win its 35Part 1behind him. D Arcane Guard (2): hp 33, 32; see page 136. any Dexterity bonus to AC and cant use a shield. In cer-ground. If a vampire guard is reduced to 10 or fewer hit points, it as-sumes gaseous form and flees toward S44 to warn Dorina The vampire guards move to S37 if they hear combatTsarran. Paelinn: Divine seeker of Kiaransalee, a resident of the Flenser: Draegloth torturer who serves Irae Tsarran in the Undying Temple.Undying Temple. Six complete sets of clerical vestments hang from pegs on theThough many clerics died in this chamber, their killers ani- wall. Solom renews these spells every fif- teen days. Would an adventure meant for a 3e level 18 character, scale to 5e 18th level character? Ran CotSQ During 3.0 to 3.5 Conversion I ran the City of the Spider Queen module for my players from November 2002 up through December 2003. I don't even bother converting 1:1 magic items 3e to 5e. Chahir: Vampire sorcerer residing in the Dordrien Crypts. with numerous powerful spells. round of combat, he casts haste and then ice storm. Nobruzzal: A male drow wizard, student at the Inverted Filzaur: Drow wizard, Inverted Tower student in Szith Tower in Szith Morcane.Morcane. Read the following should the characters enter any of them: Bazaar 27Part 1 Dust swirls into the air and clings to the spiderwebs that D Black Puddings (2): hp 113, 107; see Monster Manual. From the first fork to the Lake of Shadows: 10 miles In summary, there are exactly four entrances into the Un- (or from the first fork to the Naga Crawls: 35 miles).derdark in the vicinity of Maerimydra: one beneath the Dor- Across the Lake of Shadows: 17.5 miles.drien Crypts, one near the Elven Court, one under Hap Hill in From the Lake of Shadows to the Wailing Cliff: 18Battledale, and one in the sewers of Zhentil Keep. their deaths. Her unholy experiments provoked her husband to curse and banish her, Alignment: Chaotic evil and she fled into hiding with a cadre of undead servitors. They use their potions of cure light Manual.wounds when wounded and flee when the situation looks hope-less, hurtling down the tunnel toward the guardpost at the top D19. One of the most atmospheric and brutal of the DnD campaigns out there right now, this adventure will take you to the depths of despair and horror. was too small for human use, so the builders of the crypts widened Crypt Level it. U.S., CANADA, ASIA, 620-88574-001-EN EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS PACIFIC, & LATIN AMERICA Wizards of the Coast, Belgium P.B. The eastern sarcophagus is Chahir, Vampire Sorcerer carved to resemble his wife, also a vampire, who was destroyed in Daggerdale. a Guards and Wards Trap: CR 7; special; Search DC 31; Development: If the characters wish to extirpate everything Disable Device DC this area, they find that each of the side-caves is only about10 feet in height. They were created with the Shadow Weave, so Daughter:they are difficult for Weave users to detect or dispel. Her face is beautiful but angular, with something of our enemies entertain before it falls upon them.a feral look about it. Makeguards is on duty in S5, while the other leads the web team (see S2). Daggerdale is reeling from a sudden series of murderous drow raids. Dorina Tsarran has used some of these corpses to create behind it is a curving wall adorned with a tattered tapestry. Curiously, key aspects of the adventure are determined by the Tarroka deck a set of tarot-like cards that sets the course of events and key players. to animate it. Notrouble has ever surfaced there before. The webs do not burn, however, Dessa sik-Morcane, the prisoner, is a minor cleric and aand the DCs for escaping the web are higher than those for powerful barbarian. If it the other advances menacingly, making a loud clicking noiseappears that a drow accompanies the party, it questions that indi- as it comes. WebHere is an easy breakdown of Lolth Spider Queen 5e Easily Explained! This chamber is Szith Morcanes bazaar, in all its diminished S11. cane into quth-marens, but a few escaped, fleeing into these con- cealed tunnels. ISBN 10 from House Morcane, her two bodyguards, and a loyal spell-The araneas have no love for the bebiliths, so they do not enter guard wizardhave made an uneasy camp here to hide them-D10 to help the demons fight. 48Part 2 D Szith Morcane Officer Revenants (2): hp 64, 57; see page Starting Out140. If the altar is not so treated, Illustration by Christopher Shyspell that brings a bebilith to attack the characters. The ceilings in the natural cavern areas (S12,The drow settlement of Szith Morcane has lain beneath the S17, S19S22) are unhewn stone, at least 15 feet high, andDordrien Crypts for centuries. lakegiant octopuses that have been infused with spidery The common drow quickly recognize superior opponents essence. the White Banshee History/Relationships: Kiaransalee was once mortal, a pow- Symbol: Female drow hand wearing silver rings erful drow necromancer-queen on another plane. ride. With drow already hundred years ago. Since the glyphs activa-Queen. tion probably signals the beginning of combat in this room, and summoned monsters can act on the round they appear, the These drow dont know much about how or why the lions are likely to surprise anyone who unwittingly triggers theKiaransaleen came to Szith Morcane. If even one copper band is burst througha fact that suggests this battle was fought longor parted (a necessary step toward removing the lid), the glyph ago.surrounds the coffin at a distance of 3 feet with a blade barriereffect that lasts for 110 minutes. Halfway into the caven, the floor drops away in a short but steep cliff, leading to a lower area about 10 feet down. She begins researching a an NPC known to the characters contact them and urge them great revenance spell to raise her undead army. Web Dress your character sheet for battle with Dragonlance preorder perks The other two seem to have been Chahir. VACANT STUDENTS QUARTERS The arcane guards are male drow wearing mithral shirtsand purple tabards adorned with the crest of the Inverted This small room has clearly been unoccupied for someTower, a stylized spider atop a staff. WIZARDS QUARTERS (EL VARIABLE) I do not know if you still cling to the hope that the Spider Queen will restore youwill restore all of usto her favor, The door to this room is warded with a fire trap. Dordrien Crypts Features If the characters press Randal Morn for more information Both the two freestanding mausoleums and the undergroundabout the crypts, he tells them that they are rumored to be crypts share the following features, unless noted otherwise in ahaunted, and he knows that the folk who live nearby give the specific area a wide berth. Forbiddance, like most other spells, can be dispelled, though it takes a character a Web Trap: CR 8; entanglement; Reflex DC 20 avoids; of equal or higher level than the creator of the forbid- Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 32. dance to do so. Since the body is far from the mostly intact state required D Large Wraith Spider: hp 35; see Appendix 1.for a speak with dead spell, this corpse is almost entirely This chamber is open to cavern S22. Further- more, an attacker gets a +2 bonus on attack rolls made against Development: The drow of Szith Morcane do not allow this a climbing creature. She readily accepts any help the charac-(out the south door) takes 11 rounds. dead who fell stopping her initial invasion and animates them,D15 Irae Tsarran slaughters Lolth-worshipers in Castle starting the cycle of destruction again a few months later.D10 Maerimydra and claims it as her seat.D7 Irae Tsarran destroys the Archmage of Maerimydra The D+50 event offers an excellent chance for you to haveD5 and throws down his tower. S45. tagonal room. This richly appointed room has an air of decadent luxury. The Climb check DC for sections of malevolent than a normal vermin, this spider is hardly athe chasm wall that are not covered in webbing is 15. genius. Drow ascend and descend by means of a rope of climbing kept at this guardpost.Unless the characters have found an extremely well-hiddenplace to camp or simply arent anywhere nearby, a drow party Though they do not expect any reprisals from the surface,attacks their camp during the night. Zedarr is a blackguard and an unholy cham- Illustration by Scott FischerCreatures: The two nieces of Dorina Tsarran, Velasta and pion of Kiaransalee who embodies her doctrine of dispropor-Velina Tsarran, are identical twins and implacable enemies. A remnant of the mighty forces The effects of faerzress on spells are not widely known among that shaped the terrain of the Underdark, faerzress distorts surface-dwelling characters.

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city of the spider queen 5e conversion