explain the importance of discussing general office policies to patients

If it was an oversight, the patient may just be embarrassed to call for another appointment. ), "I don't know where he is" (Golf? Many practices utilize a printed appointment slip or card plus some form of added reminder (eg, telephone call, postcard). When the number of new referrals does not exceed the number of patients lost to the practice, your practice is diminishing quantitatively. Practice objectives provide overall direction for making decisions, and office policies and procedures serve as mechanisms for their accomplishment. Duty Schedules and the Procedural Manual Communication of sympathy, congratulations, and the like cannot be expressed if the facts are not known. The master list is usually kept in a 3-ring binder with subdivisions differentiating such items as: NOTE: The following topics are provided as examples only and neither apply to all practices, nor represent a comprehensive list of all policies that may be beneficial or required. As these are impossible requests to fulfill, they are sometimes called nuisance calls. Reporting procedures Your assistant should be trained to check all ordered items upon delivery prior to acceptance. Form has a section to note follow-up appointments. Record Flow Upon receiving the patient's "informed consent," the examination proceeds or another appointment is scheduled for the examination. As a popular alternative, you can separate patient records into current, active, and inactive categories. A doctor should never be required to do an unlicensed procedure in the office that an assistant can do as well or better. Color codes can also be used to indicate any number of signals such as patients who are excellent sources of referrals, the numbers of years the patient has been an active patient, etc. Subdivisions. * Avoid by scheduling efficiently. * Use inflection Positive initial and continuing impressions are an integral part of developing and maintaining a successful practice. * Prepare accounting sale, * Keep inventory Good appointment planning maintains an even patient flow through the office and avoids nonproductive time. The patient can then be escorted to the consultation room. The typical subjects covered are: Changed or Cancelled Appointments PATIENT CONTROL AND HUMAN RELATIONS Supervised therapeutic applications 15.99 ounces post cards letters and small packages. Upon return, the caller should be thanked for waiting. In addition, well-documented processes also make it easier for new employees to come on board and get up to speed more quickly, which can translate into faster results. An "Insurance" file can be subdivided to differentiate between "Office Policies" and your "Personal Policies. A compelling overseer is a resource for an association. Patient reminder and follow-up procedures Nothing less than good social conduct should be the guideline of the receptionist-hostess. The major disadvantage of this system is that most patients tend to come about the same time. Being respectful goes a long way toward helping that patient explain symptoms, take responsibility for decision-making, and complying with instructions. They standardize practices across the organization and ensure that every patient receives the same level of care. A trained assistant can handle calls relating to making appointments, taking messages, answering routine questions about insurance claims, receiving a favorable progress report, answering requests for a housecall, answering complaints or misunderstandings over a bill, taking calls from sales people, and answering nuisance calls. How long has the condition existed? Referral cards or slips This reaction is not a sometime thing. As there is always a degree of uncertainty when a change is made from established procedures, limit changes to those areas that distinctly warrant improvement. 1. use excellent communication skills. requires companies that make drugs, medical devices, and biological medicines to report payments and items of value given to physicians and teaching hospitals. Distribution. To assure efficiency, each phase of your practice should be planned in detail and the phases coordinated with your overall objectives (Fig. If an assistant is delegated the responsibility for appointment scheduling and control, the appointment book must be considered personal domain. spinal adjustment S Avoid the temptation to alter a course of action that is on schedule in hopes that success will be more rapid through risky innovation. If a clear vision of what the practice is and where it is headed is not at hand, it is impossible to plan or achieve a course of action. Dated entries should also be made for any telephone report made or advice given. Medicare (local office) Primary physicians frequently refer patients to specialists. The common errors to avoid are mumbling, monotones, and slang. Window and lamp shades should be adjusted and draperies straightened as are necessary. Such desire is based upon recognized need, admiration, and respect --human relations factors. Inpatient Admission: KAtherine Jameson is 45 old and has a history of endometriosis. Contingency plans should be at hand to meet uncertain effects. In addition to obtaining the patient's correctly spelled name, address, telephone number, and the reason for the visit, it is important when a new patient calls for an appointment that your scheduling assistant ask the caller who referred him to the doctor. It is the price we must pay to assure our future. Second, office policies must be adhered to whenever possible. If a time slot is available and appropriate for the reason for visit, offer it to the patient, being polite but clear that this is not the usual practice. FOLLOW-UP Regardless of the system used, guides should be used to divide the drawers into appropriate sections (Fig. Obviously, the first step in getting ahead is to know what and where you are. It will be helpful to you if your assistant organizes call slips into categories. It has gone far beyond. May I help you?" The major warning sign is seen when net profits before taxes decrease below forecasts. Often, there are multiple issues at play, and patients may be focused on things like convenience, while you're focused on avoiding complications. Think about it: when was the last time you encountered a compliance issue that didnt somehow involve better policies and procedures? This confidential information is not for the ears of strangers, friends of the patient, or even relatives of the patient unless the patient is a minor or legally incompetent. Accounts receivable procedures EPO-subscribers must use network providers For example when you are out of town attending an educational program, the assistant might respond, "Dr. Jones is attending a special seminar in Chicago this week." 1. Her OB/GYN physician has determined that she needs to have a total abdominal hysterectomy. Programs not approved in one state may be approved in another state in which a license is held. PULLED FILES The major disadvantage is that no form of this nature can list all the points that should be discussed in a particular condition. This is by far the better approach for the careful thinker for you know exactly where you are headed because success is specifically defined. The case record folder normally contains all pertinent clinical data, releases, and correspondence about the patient. 5. patient's current phone#. If yes, explain _____ TOBACCO Never Current Former Age of Onset . SCHEDULING SYSTEMS Politeness is necessary, even in the most demanding situation. That is, time is just as important to your patients as it is to you. Reminder calendars, available in various sizes, serve the same function as a tickler file. Most offices file strictly alphabetically by the patient's last name or subject of the topic to be filed. Why do medical administrative assistants need to know how to use a word processing program? Journals There are multi-button telephones, hands-free telephones, cordless telephones, remote speaker telephones, automatic dialers, repeat dialers for busy numbers, telephones with privacy buttons, mobile callers and radio pagers. * Record on spreadsheet: item name, price per item, bulk discounts Make any changes necessary to keep your operations flowing smoothly and to comply with any legal or regulatory changes. 3.17). Careful surveillance of ordering and receiving procedures will save the office time, money, and frustration. Usually the best time to do this is at the end of the previous day or in the morning before the first patient arrives. Skillful communication is essential to health care. 7. respect the patient's right to confidentiality. Appointment scheduling While reminder calendars and memo books are helpful, they limit the number of possible entries as compared to a tickler file. Case records should also be separated into at least active and inactive files, based upon activity. The statements and opinions published herein do not represent official policies, standards, guidelines or ethical mandates of the American Psychological Association or the American Psychological Association Practice Organization. Other common causes include poor clinical management, overly aggressive behavior by doctor or personnel, a poor recall system, or severely adverse local economic conditions. Scheduling Preferences. Taxes are the dues we pay for the opportunity of living in this great country. The cards are separated by tab dividers for each month and subdivided by 28--31 subtabs for each day of the current month. THE APPROACH Reporting procedures Entering patient data forms Cleaning and janitorial supplies. While numbers may offer an illusion of modernity and conciseness, the system has several drawbacks. Assistant: If you wish to make an appointment or reserve time for a consultation, I can help you. A record can also be kept of office mailings if a separate advertising/public relations file is not maintained. 3.19). 4. patients should be advised of what means of communications will be used to contact them, how billing will be handled, ant safety procedures they are expected to observe and what they can expect from employees in general. Assistant-Gathered Data. Because of the referring patient, the prospective patient will have a high regard for the doctor and high expectations for relief. Is the patient under care of another doctor for another reason? He asked me to call, extend his apologies, and see if we can arrange another time for you on Tuesday or Thursday. Following is a list of typical numbers to include: A kindly smile, never forced, will do much to tell the patient in distress that he or she will be served with consideration. Daily Routines Marital status and number and ages of children offer the doctor an initial overview of the patient's family environment. Thus, control is necessary to maintain the quality effects of services and positive patient relations, and to safeguard the financial stability of your practice. Although there are exceptions to all generalizations, we shall briefly discuss four general types of new patients to a practice so you will be in a better position to instruct your assistants how to handle the type of appointment necessary. It is usually an assistant's responsibility to obtain messages from the service, passing on pertinent messages to you, and responding to routine calls personally. This acknowledges that you recognize that the patient's time is valuable. These guidelines ("the office bible") become the basis for all routine task planning and employee training. * Decide when to replenish WORKING CAPITAL Caller: Do I have to be x-rayed? * Fax machine: through telephone line, verify number, cover sheet, specific person, secure area, * Scanner: image of text & photos, high resolution, electronic copies of paper docs, can send via email Another type of follow-up call concerns an acute case. Your assistant should greet the entering patient with a smile and cheerful welcome, as if she were the hostess in her own home, being gracious and pleasant and making the patient feel welcomed and at ease. According to HIPAA, what info is a provider not allowed to share w/out the patient's permission? Case records are as important to the patient as they are to the practice. A procedure explains a specific action plan for carrying out a policy. * Stay close to appointment time * end pleasantly, * Check with caller after 1 min CLOSING ROUTINES Correspondence containing checks requires special attention. To appreciate this, the person answering the telephone must consider the outlook of the caller. Administrative records concern the business side of practice. It is usually efficient if every member of your staff has a calendar of some type or a yearbook where entries can be made for important appointments, special dates, things to remember personally, and things to remind others about. Policy must be determined by your preferences and past experiences. A statement like this tells the patient that she is getting better, she needs more care, the length between visits will be increased as she improves, and you care about her welfare. 1. message for provider Provider For each type of call in the following list, identify who it should be routed to: provider; take a message for provider; clinical medical assistant; or administrative medical assistant. As with other irregularities, patients who change appointments without adequate notice or justification must be tactfully reminded of office policy else the practice would be contributing to the patient's delinquency and help to establish a negative habit pattern. While a charge for a broken appointment is legal in most states, most doctors feel that the procedure is psychologically unsound except in rare cases. Any holding delay should be short. For example, colored folders can be used to subdivide letters of the alphabet: A growing number of offices use elaborate color-coding systems to indicate subdivisions within a particular major category to differentiate cases (eg, Medicare, Medicaid, worker's compensation, Health Insurance, etc). In the event of your prolonged absence, you may wish to authorize an assistant to sign your name in routine correspondence, with the assistant's initials placed beside your signature. (4) bank balance drops below forecasts, and For follow-up visits where a new record is not necessary and the appointment has been made for several weeks, records can be pulled once each week when reminder notices are sent. Employee-patient relations When you are available but speaking on another line, your assistant should inform the caller of the fact and ask the caller if he or she would rather wait or have the call returned in a few moments. 3.33) and transfer its information each month to a master list kept in the business office or the central storage area. If the enclosures are smaller than the letter, they are often clipped to the letter in the upper left-hand corner on top of the sheet. the provider will be seeing patients in the afternoon, and the re are a couple of same-day appointments available on your schedule. * Disclaimer for private info Tickler Files Monthly safety inspections of your entire office is the best insurance you can have. 8. contact person Each doctor develops a list of particular specialists to whom he or she refers patients for specialized attention (Fig. Checkpoints, inspections, and assays will be crucial to your evolving planning process. If damaged goods are not discovered until after delivery, the supplier should be called immediately and asked to pick up the damaged goods when he makes delivery according to your specifications. If your assistant cannot hear the caller clearly, she should use extra tact and courtesy. Because your assistant has this responsibility, she must have the related authority to control the scheduling in harmony with your established policies. Poor appointment management, for instance, can result in businessmen missing important meetings and employees being penalized for being late. Yet even in cases of justifiable excuses, the patient must be impressed with the necessity of maintaining the treatment schedule. Collection letters, cards, or memos Following are the benefits of documentation for the workplace. Because people tend to forget and because "no shows" waste valuable time, a few minutes on the telephone confirming the next few days of appointments will keep office time productive. CHECK PROCESSING Wastebaskets should be emptied, supply shelves should be restocked, and special equipment necessary for the next day should be checked. Abruptness should be avoided such as, "Mr. Brown, this is Dr. Carey's office. Correspondence Files. Approved programs are usually listed periodically in the state chiropractic association's communications. They should never sound sharp or paternal. For a smoothly run practice, a duty schedule allows each employee to know work expectations and responsibilities. Every call is different in some way and important to somebody. Although your assistant should always give the impression that you are always readily available, she should not ask you to take the call immediately unless she feels it is absolutely necessary. When so many people want to see the doctor, it isn't really fair. How will they fit with changing requirements? Rather, it is better to respond, "There appears to be a poor connection. How much you make is not as important as how much you can keep. 5. explain patient instructions thoroughly. Transmittal Slips. how much time is required to see this patient? If on schedule, it will give you an opportunity to reinforce positive actions. Letterheads and envelopes It is helpful to develop a continuing education log (Fig. This, of course, is strictly up to your policy. THE DAILY RECORD Assistant: How long have you had this problem? How many new patients you serve this week is not as important as how many satisfied patients you serve. When buying supplies that are used quite frequently, check for quantity discounts. Then come the obvious questions: Why not? Newsletters The term "routine calls" is really a misnomer. It is rarely possible in a busy office to give a patient an appointment for the exact time desired unless the appointment is made far in advance. Only in slipshod helterskelter offices will appointments be considered just names in the appointment book. If your scheduling assistant is to control smooth patient flow, she must be able to see at a glance why the patient is scheduled. If the patient pays immediately, a receipt can be offered with a friendly "Thank you!" The date and quantity of the last order for each item should be recorded. Patients often forget how long it has been between checkups, or an appointment made several weeks previously may have been forgotten. He offers professional health-care service. Following is a common priority order for mail sorting: 1. The "Nuisance" Caller. The typical subjects covered are: What new policies and procedures should be developed and implemented? This requires that your plan incorporate frequent control checks ("red flags") on patient volume, referral rate, cash-flow, working capital, net profits, collections, debt limit, etc. If you are scheduled to be out of the office for several days because of a meeting or a vacation, your assistant should be informed of what mail she is authorized to respond to and what mail she should hold for your return. Roentgenographic procedures This advanced information will help your staff in preparing initial records and offer you a preview of the situation. The major category of letters that will normally be prepared for your signature are those concerning a case, contractural arrangements, the legal aspect of the practice, and personal letters. This results in a reduced profit margin. Tasks like those can be done in any number of ways, but policy and procedure show the employee how to do those tasks in your preferred way. General filing procedures If the time is available, it should be granted. Anything that requires repair or servicing should be noted. Put It in Writing: Your Office Policies including compliance with HIPAA privacy rule requirements, Hiring Administrative Staff: A Basic Overview, Facility contact information (address, phone, e-mail, website), Printer, copier, telephone and fax machine usage, Accounts receivable(handling cash, checks and credit cards), Accounts payable (payment of invoices, signature authority), Building management, maintenance and repair, Client records (order, maintenance, disposal, release and transfer, client access), Description of hiring process (e.g., application, reference check, interviewing), Workplace conduct (e.g., relationship with clients, confidentiality, dress code). Demonstrate empathy in communicating with patients . Their primary purpose is for activity and growth analyses, but they also serve as a cross-check against posting, billing, filing, and third-party reporting deficiencies. An objective analysis should be made of your practice objectives, financial position, management capability, supervisory expertise, and personnel practices. Primary physicians frequently refer patients to specialists. 3. walk-in/open hours Sometimes a concerned relative, neighbor, or coach of a patient will call seeking information. Lack of Respect. With some exceptions, you schedule appointments by day; but it is your scheduling assistant who must arrive at an agreeable time of day for the patient. As patients arrive, medical assistants will take current measurements, discuss the patient's recent history, and ask probing questions to gather important information for doctors to help them make proper decisions regarding the patient's care. * Clean reception area Note: As the doctor is legally responsible for the actions of his employees in the conduct of the practice, it is your responsibility to place specific limits on what an assistant may discuss with a patient, either directly or on the telephone. This takes considerable discipline in time management (critical paths) if the long-range objectives are given a specific deadline. For example: Two difficulties sometimes arise within the three unit system. Many practitioners feel strongly that no patient of the practice should leave the office without a specific appointment unless the case has been formally dismissed. The date of birth is a more courteous request than age, and it gives information that can be transferred to a birthday-record book if the office mails cards in recognition of patients' birthdays. This is their purpose for calling your office for an appointment. They may assist members and certificate holders in engaging in self-guided ethical decision making. Meanwhile, when the assistant leaves her desk for a few minutes, the phone rings. *Another physician: interrupt provider, call back after appintment, * Wants to talk to provider: check availability, ask to leave message Referral Calls to chiropractic research. An appointment system in control takes into consideration the best interests of the patient and the practice. Allowance must also be given to the examination or treatment that takes a little longer than necessary, the emergency situation, special visitors, and other unexpected but necessary interruptions. A combination of factors rather than a single factor is usually involved. Any type of mail the assistant is normally authorized to process should be processed in your absence. An assistant should have the task of seeing that the office is properly closed at the end of each day, even if you remain for some reason. You could offer new products, or target new customers. You may ask an assistant to check on certain patients' progress after treatment or to verify that your instructions have been carried out. If distressed callers are put off for several days, they will undoubtedly turn to another doctor who is more accommodating. Terms in this set (10) What are three tasks that have to be done before closing the office for the day? 9. The "Nuisance" Caller. There are two basic types of planning processes: by induction or deduction. EquipmentSupplies It is important in establishing a practice, and it is important periodically after your practice has been established. You may be an examiner for or a consultant to one or more insurance companies. Used for billing purposes. SHIFT WORKERS When patients walk into a professional office, they expect to enter a calm atmosphere that is well managed. Policies and procedures for hospitals help hold employees accountable for following the right steps when caring for patients. Recall file cards Special situations ms. jameson needs her laboratory work and KUB done prioer to admission. If you are out of the office, your assistant should be tactful and factual. Most doctors, however, prefer to have the incoming letter and its answer stapled together and filed under the name of the incoming letter's author or company. Medical referrals/consultants * Print on stationary It is the rare patient who enjoys a long wait in a reception room. Typical categories include: Office policies related to clients and their records. Some doctors expect an assistant to handle nearly all correspondence except those of a strictly clinical nature. All equipment should be wiped or dusted, and appropriate instruments should be placed in a sterilizer. * CMAA signature: appointments, office supplies, delinquent accounts, solicitation, * Caller Note: As the doctor is legally responsible for the actions of his employees in the conduct of the practice, it is your responsibility to place specific limits on what an assistant may discuss with a patient, either directly or on the telephone. 3. Emphasis is on policies that assure steady growth. You and your team must make them happen. Your local telephone company will be happy to discuss with you all options that are available. Your practice must have good equipment, supplies, and outside services to run efficiently and profitably. Basic Concepts. Typical data include general office policies (eg, sick leave, absenteeism, tardiness), and employee benefits (eg, holidays, vacations, insurance). Warning signs are seen when: (1) current assets less current liabilities drop below forecasts, In subhead cards, the main heading is typed somewhere on the card for reference. Thus, it's helpful when recording a patient's appointment that the assistant include the patient's telephone number. 3.5). A procedure is an even more specific method or system, limited in scope, by which a policy will be administered. Other calls that should be referred to you are calls from other physicians, calls about emergencies, calls about home treatment, calls from concerned relatives, and calls from your family. Opening, salutation, body, complimentary closing, reference initials, and signature. Separate advertising/public relations file is not as important as how much time is valuable ``. 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explain the importance of discussing general office policies to patients