quran verses about strength in hard times

Allah will test you through several ways as mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah like financial problems, family issues, professional life difficulties, etc. Islam has put a great emphasis over healthy life because Islam believes that a person should be fit in terms of health in order to be at peace. One of the Qurans most powerful messages is that Allah is always present and always watching over us, no matter what challenges we face. Allah says in the Quran: If Allah helps you, none can overcome you; and if He forsakes you, who is there after Him that can help you? And that is his plan. 3- The Third Ayah about strength in hard times. As for the memorisation Khatmah, I practiced roughly 2 pages a week, reciting them every day. O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Life is a rollercoaster ride. For every adversity, there is an opportunity. Trusting God In difficult times Bible verses. These elaborative Quran verses to read during hard times from Al Baqarah can make you easily understand the whole concept of Sabr. To get more valuable Islamic content on a regular basis, please subscribe to our newsletter here. Today s inspirational article on ultra updates is about motivational hard work quotes. They after that you turned away. But SubhanAllah not once has my fear been confirmed by my doctor. Allah (God) does not intend to make difficulty for you, but He intends to purify you and complete His favor upon that you may be grateful. [5:6]. Asalamwalaikum. Reciting the Quran is one of the greatest acts of worship by which a Muslim draws nearer to God Almighty and beseeches Him to fulfill his needs and relieve him of his distress. Image rights belong to the respective owners. Our beliefs in such vulnerable states may become overpowered by feelings of the moment resulting in the dwindling of our faith. This month I have focused on powerful quotes about finding your inner strength and being strong in these trying and challenging times. (Quran, Surah Aal-e-Imran: 160). In another verse, Allah describes the embryo as a Mudghah. May Allah help us benefit the most from them. This verse stands out as a timely reminder on the rewards and goodness one will receive (inshallah), from simply following and believing wholeheartedly in Allah and the Prophet Muhammad. This verse is actually a filter among believers. The failure or success is ultimately determined once this life is over. Allah tests you with adversity to make you stronger. We, as Muslims, should accept Allahs Decree both as it manifests itself around us and in our lives. We bestow of Our Mercy on whom We please, and We make not to be lost the reward of Al-Muhsinoon (the good doers see V.2:112). As mentioned in the hadith above, a strong faith can help us to hold our heads high. It was great and a good reminder for us to trust Allah at any situation and know that God never leaves us alone. Remembering that fact alone at the moment of affliction can help you in conquering the pain and provide you hope and the energy to keep moving forward. "mainEntity": { 1st Timothy 4:16. Any hardships and failures we encounter are for our benefit. Instead of becoming hopeless or depressed, Muslims must not allow failures to get in the way of their faith. I begged Allah many for help and believe me He immediately helped me .The only condition is that one must beg Allah with whole heartedly. Its the light that shows us the right path when you are lost and hopeless. Quran verses about strength in hard times, Best Online Quran Memorization Course | Learning Quran School. Hence he said: If anything befalls you, do not say If only I had done (such and such), the such and such would have happened, rather say: Allah has decreed and what He wills He does, and he taught him that which will benefit him in either case, whether he gets what he wanted or not. And if I'm honest, this is partially self-serving, as inspiration for myself. Via 25- Dhikr of Allah During Hard Times Allah put us in difficulties and He's the only one who brings us out and rescues us from ecstasy difficulty. "O You who believe! These are the verses of the Book of Wisdom. So do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner. Iam proud of brothers in Islam like you. If you continue to use this site, you agree with it. Hopelessness is a sin. We find the best motivator for that patience, Quran verses about strength in hard times, many of which are mentioned in the Quranic verses. Are we worthy of His favors or not? However, I hope that you enjoy the following 36 Inspirational Quotes For Strength in Hard Times. Courage. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. That way, Ill complete the Qurn off by heart every 60 days, and off the book every 120 days. God calls all people to live by the moral values He sets so that compassion, mercy, peace and love can be experienced all over the world. If Allah helps you, none can overcome you; and if He forsakes you, who is there after Him that can help you? (Quran. The Prophet said: Indeed, the example of the Companion of the Qurn is like the owner of tethered camels. I have tried therapy many times, changed medication more than 5 times, exercise, praying. Knowing that your strength will come from being able and willing to combat the different hardships we face in life, it remains more important than ever to remember to stay steadfast in direct longing for Allah and Allah alone. In his article 12 Scripture Verses to Help You Find Strength, Robert J. Morgan states, "The word 'strength' occurs 232 times in Scripture." In His wisdom, God knew we would need lots of. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. First and foremost, it is a means of, Read More Benefits of Reciting Quran DailyContinue, Surah Taha is the 20th chapter of the Holy Quran, the central religious text of Islam. To succeed, believers must not let failures weaken their faith or shake their resolve. And appeal to your arms. For every adversity, there is an opportunity. As the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, it means belief in (1) Allah, (2) His Angels, (3) His revealed Holy Books (Quran, Bible, Torah, Zabur), (4) His Messengers, (4) Day of Judgment, and (5) to believe in al-Qadar (the divine decree) both good and bad. It takes time. So we will take some practical tips to get through the tough times; The believer is in dire need of renewing his faith, for faith does not remain as it is; It may decrease, weaken, or expose the believer to a period of lull in his life, This is not surprising, for the world is the abode of temptation and the abode of desires, just as the lack of remembrance of God, the Most High and distraction with distractions from obedience and worship, and a lot of disobedience and sins; It leads to weakness of faith and distance from God Glory be to Him. He is our Maula (Lord, Helper and Protector). And in Allah let the believers put their trust Quran (, Click here to get popular 100+ Duas from Quran and Hadith, The Story of Prophet Younus and the Dua for Distress, Do not let yourself get to a point where you feel helpless, Revive your faith by reciting Quran and ponder over Allahs words, Ask for Allahs Mercy and Grace for an Out from Tough Situations (by making all the Dua that the prophet (s) taught us). He sees the potential in us and he Knows we can endure it with perseverance. The Messenger may Gods prayers and peace be upon him said: (Faith is created in the belly of one of you just as clothing is created, so ask God Almighty to find you in faith). I believe that as you read these bible verses and meditate upon God's word you will be strengthened to go through the hard times of you life. I make dua all the time and I read at the same time for my Alevel exam and now the outcome(result) turnout to be bad. Make sure you stick to praying on time - 5 times a day. In times of hardship, it can be easy to become frustrated or disheartened, but the Quran reminds us that patience is key to finding inner strength and resilience. Every failure is followed by success. Say, Never will we be struck except by what Allah has decreed is; He is our protector. And upon Allah let the believers rely on.. i am very sick and have been suffering for nearly 3yrs. The name Taha is taken from the first few words of the surah, which are Taha. For every letter in the Quran that you read, you will receive a reward for it. But I felt guilty because I did not see her for a year. These Inspirational Quranic verses about strength in hard times are the perfect example of the reassurance from Allah to the true believers. Later on, after I completed memorisation as a whole, I began revising 15 pages a day 10 off by heart, and 5 from the book. Very good works Inspiring May Allah save us all. Home Learn Quran Quran verses about strength in hard times, We all go through difficult times that tire us out and get into trouble, Our hearts are grief-stricken, and in this situation we find no refuge we can hope for and draw closer to other than God Almighty. 2 Timothy 4:5 You, however, be self-controlled in all things, endure hardship, do an evangelist's work, fulfill your ministry. But due to your referenced Islamically now Iam at ease. Thank you once again. It's the light that shows us the right path when you are lost and hopeless. Mashallah this website is indeed of great help.May Allah have mercy on all of us, Masha Allah. There is wisdom and reason behind Allahs (SWT) plan. Ia mengandungi arahan untuk menjalani hidup yang taat kepada Tuhan dan secara meluas dipercayai sebagai firman Allah yang, Read More Kelebihan Membaca Al QuranContinue, Surah Al Imran Ayat 26 Benefits: Exploring the Divine Wisdom The Quran is a book of guidance and healing for believers. 3. Isaiah 40:31. But sometimes, things dont seem to work out, no matter how hard we try. The Quran is the holy book of Islam, believed by Muslims to be the word of Allah as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. Reading the words of Allah in the Qur'an and those of His Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), one can find answers to those questions and understand a great wisdom behind this tradition. No amount of hustle will ever make up for it! By supporting one another and holding fast to the teachings of the Quran, we can find the strength we need to face any challenge. This verse reminds us that even in the midst of our greatest trials and tribulations, there is always a way forward. Keep faith in God. Answer (1 of 16): There have already been many detailed and beautiful answers to this question, all I would try to add few more verses from Qura'an which shows/ignites motivation and strengthen the believe on Allah. 10 Verses From The Quran To Read In Times Of Failure To face failures with teased resolve and faith in Allah is easier said than done. im facing a lot of challenges and difficult time in my life right now please pray for me. So my advice to all you please pray shukkar nawafil for being a muslim. When you meet a host [in battle], then stand firm. Any hardships and failures we encounter are for our benefit. Quran verses about strength in hard times are the ultimate source of inspiration in the time of adversity. By cultivating a patient and prayerful attitude, we can find the inner strength we need to persevere in the face of even the most difficult circumstances. The Qurn was the Prophet Muhammads primary miracle. We can only find and connect with Allah from ourselves, and we can only continue on a path of righteousness and belief within ourselves as well and to find this strength requires both our own dedication and commitment as well as faith in Allahs power and mercy as well. The above verse clearly states what is important is the Hereafter. "Our Lord, give us good in this World and in the Hereafter, and protect us from the torment of the Fire" - Qur'an (2:201) We must ponder over Allah's Wisdom in which He tests His chosen slaves; He guides and directs us to achieve goals to reach a high rank in His eyes, which would not be achievable without a lifetime of tests, trials, and Failure is unpleasant and undesirable due to the adverse consequences it brings with it. Do people think once they say, We believe, that they will be left without being put to the test. You may learn the Quran word for word using this website. It is so encouraging for me to know that when difficulties come my way, the Lord is my refuge and my strength. Islam is peace and love. Because some verses abrogate others, and because some are thought to be general commands while others refer to specific enemies, how the verses are understood . And thats not all! To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.". Quran verses about strength in hard times are the ultimate source of inspiration in the time of adversity. For indeed, with hardship (will be) ease.. In order that you may not grieve at the things that you fail to get, nor rejoice over that which has been given to you. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. If you want Allah to be pleased with you in the time of disaster, make sure you surrender your will to Allah and always fear no one else but the Almighty alone. Working hard towards achieving goals inevitably leads to great results. We are very much greatful for reminding us on the importance of faith and may Allah grant u Jannah. Isaiah 41:10. This verse reminds us that we are stronger when we come together as a community. Her educational background in the technical field and business studies helps her in tackling topics ranging from career and business productivity to web development and digital marketing. It contains verses that address various aspects of human life and offer guidance on how to lead a righteous and fulfilling life. Any attempt to comprehend the wisdom of it all using our limited faculties, or to understand how our current situation fits in His overall plan can only lead us to erroneous conclusions resulting in increased frustrations . "@type": "FAQPage", The verse above indicates how every good and bad thing that happens to us is by Allahs (SWT) permission. Thus, by healthy lifestyle, people would be able to spend their lives in a proper and thoughtful manner. This is a reminder that we must hope and never give up. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.". It says that compassion is the most important virtue of life. "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty . ameen, Trials and tribulations are part of earthly life none can escape nor anyone should lose patience Everything happens for a reason! The most fascinating of them all is the precise and perfect description of the human embryo in its developing stages. Allah will never place a burden on you that you don't have the strength to bear. Iam not rich so I found myself in a critical condition. "text": "Reciting the Quran is one of the greatest acts of worship by which a Muslim draws nearer to God Almighty and beseeches Him to fulfill his needs and relieve him of his distress.As for reciting specific verses with specific numbers, this was not reported from the Prophet, may Gods prayers and peace be upon him, and there are no verses in the Holy Quran known as verses to facilitate matters or answer" Remembering that fact alone at the moment of affliction can help you in conquering the pain and provide you hope and the energy to keep moving forward. Ramadan: The Month of Divine Intellection, The History and Background of Laylatul Qadr, Celebrating Ramadan by Sharing Our Stories: The 30 Days Project. An elderly man recites verses from the Quran as a cat listens on at the historic Muallaq Mosque . Their position in the eyes of people and the Eyes of Allah will be raised. . Another way to ask for Allahs Grace and Mercy is by asking for His forgiveness and seeking repentance. Hard times can often lead you to make mistakes, commit offenses, and do harm to your soul and spirit. To succeed, believers must not let failures weaken their faith or shake their resolve. He also must make a concerted effort to study Arabic and understand and memorize the meanings of the Arabic words in the Quran. Bible Verses About Strength. What we view as failures, like not getting a job or not scoring enough on a test, can seem trivial when we stop and consider what real success is. Well talk about all of that. It is found in Surah Al-Hashr, in which Allah says: If We had descended this Qurn upon a mountain, you would have seen it Khashia (humble and submissive) and torn apart from the fear of Allah [and the greatness of the Qurn]. Professional online Quran academy to learn Quran, Arabic Language, and Islamic Studies for kids & adults through one-to-one online classes. Updated on March 24, 2019 During times of deep trial, despair, and sadness, Muslims seek comfort and guidance in the words of Allah in the Quran. Stay patient until Allah guides you out from the tough situation you are in. Indeed, Allah is with the patient. (Quran 2:153). Allah SWT knows best in all matters. However hard it may seem at the time. This powerful verse from the Holy Quran is simple and yet incredibly beautiful by asking which of the favors of your Lord would you deny, this remains as a direct question unto the believers on how strong their faith remains, despite all the trails and tests of the world. May Allah grant every believer a faith in Him that shatters mountains. 11 Feb is a professional platform on the internet to learn Quran, Arabic Language, and Islamic Studies for kids & adults through one-to-one online sessions provided by native Arab male & female teachers. Even if we do not seem to understand it, we must trust Allah (SWT) and the path He has paved for us. There are many stories about how much the Arabs valued poetry and language, which was fascinating, especially considering how low the literacy rate was. We pray that Allah keeps us safe from the challenges and trials of life, but as Muslims we should know and understand Qurans message and the prophets guidance for handling tough moments in life. He is the Master of everything and is All-powerful. We are very quick to forget what favours Allah bestows upon us in hardship. 4-The Forth Ayah about strength in hard times. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.". may Allah bless this brother.. and I will keep making dua even if theres no way, I know Allah(SWT) will make a good way for me. "name": "What does the Quran say about difficult times? May Allah SWT shower his mercy on all mankind. 8- Allah Tests Us All. being patient in adversity and grateful in prosperity.As part of that belief, we should, therefore, recognize that Allah does what He wills for reasons that are only known to Him. "Those are the ones upon whom are blessings from their Lord and mercy. What to do during those hard times? As Muslims, therefore, we must constantly take faith in God the only one source of stability and strength that we can take comfort in. Privacy Policy | Terms of Use |Store Terms | Copyright The Muslim Vibe 2021. No calamity befalls on the earth or in yourselves but is inscribed in the Book of Decrees (Al-Lauh Al-Mahfooz), before We bring it into existence. "} (Al-Baqarah 2:286) The prayer made in this verse is that God should not subject believers to the severe tests and the terrible hardships undergone by their predecessors. Here are the ten most powerful verses from the Holy Quran that can help against failure: And whoever relies upon Allah then He is sufficient for him. Read also: how many times is mohammed mentioned in the quran. Allah (SWT) is Merciful, and the above verse makes that clear. Ramadan and Eating Disorders: A Month of Triggers or Healing. And in Allah (Alone) let believers put their trust. But, how are you able to find peace and contentment during that difficult phase? I have have always been sent away and told that I am healthy Alhamdulilah. This verse will always remain an inspiring part of the Quran often quoted but not so often implemented into ones life, this is a powerful reminder on the importance of understanding hardship. I remember watching a television series when I was younger called Musafir Ma Al-Qurn (Traveller with the Qurn) by well-known Kuwaiti reciter named Fahad Al-Kandari, in which he travelled around the world meeting different memorisers of the Qurn of various backgrounds and different ages. alhamdulah and thank you for these insightful fruitful knowledge for all of us I shall share with my family and friends may we all be guided to the straight path inshallah and be strong always for allahs mercy ameen, Asalam alaikumThank u very muchi cant tell u how much i needed ur todays article.It had every advice i needed.may Allah give u ur part of sawaab for sharing it with us, As per sura bakara remember allah through prayer n allah will remember you. The Messenger of Mercy: A New Approach to the Prophets Life [Book Review], The History and Background of Laylatul Qadr, Celebrating Ramadan by Sharing Our Stories: The 30 Days Project. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. In Islam, this worldly life is a test. It was a long journey, but worth it. My mother and a teacher would then test me at the end of each week. Read This Hadith A calm soul is a soul blessed by God which will be pleased and satisfied and that is a high-level mental health situation. To find peace and contentment during that difficult phase the way of their faith once this life a... I am very sick and have been suffering for nearly 3yrs from Allah to the true believers SubhanAllah once! The strength to bear is like the owner of tethered camels will we be struck except by what has! Site, you agree with it you continue to use this site, you will receive reward. Anyone should lose patience Everything happens for a reason the perfect example of the human in. 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quran verses about strength in hard times