tripp or eleanor walking dead

I just wanna leave already and finally find my partner! I know, but theres a reason I still havent let you leave yet. Ross says. Fuck off! Clementine had a bit of a smile on her face for a quick second, her expression going back to serious again. We could all suddenly hear a loud thud downstairs. Eleanor will continue to listen to Javier and Tripp talk. Eleanor I have a feeling Eleanor will betray us at some point. Whats up? Javier asked, as he stopped walking. After being captured by the New Frontier, Joan forces Javier to choose between Ava and Tripp, allowing one of them to live while the other dies. Gabe's attempts to intervene by brandishing his pistol prompts Tripp to order the boy to cease his threat, supported by the others. God, you have no idea how good it is to see your face, David. Javier says, David smiling in response. They drive for several miles before briefly stopping, confident no one followed them. All other things remain the same and either way you're gonna have to retreat to Prescott during the shootout. The lab worker scanned Gammamon with this device, looking over at some information that quickly poppped up on his computer. The rest of us made our move as well, as I pulled out my gun, killing a few walkers as well. But she has her own objective. This is for Mariana. Javier says. You have to decide whether you go to the junk yard with Eleanor or with Tripp. If you choose the first option, Kate will force her opinion, making you stay either way. Clearly, it wasnt a priority. Javier says. Ava, wait! No, please. Javier picked up his bat, looking at me for a second as I gave him a nod of approval. Language: English. Unused audio clips revealing Tripp's intent. I'd like to study anatomy. I hear you still do all that when you go with Clem. While we were killing walkers, I almost lost sight of Javi, looking around for him. Over there. Javier says, pointing to nearby. Once they get there and find Mariana, Eleanor will tell her that they will find her brother. "Thicker Than Water" or "From The Gallows" (Alive)"From The Gallows" (Photograph) She just turned up on her own after talking with Tripp, Morgan Freeman and Gabriel. She's too quick to help us after just meeting us. Did he suffer? And now we get so see your head pop, you piece of shit. Javier says, gaining their attention WHAM!! Blond We were all walking down a path for a bit, until Jesus stopped walking, stepping atop some rocks. While held up at the New Frontier base, Eleanor has become Paul Lingard's partner, and later his replacement due to his death or still his partner after his addict recovery (Determinant). But how? I was one of the few that stayed with the family. Before Javi can do anything, Tripp screams "No! Things between me and him were complicated. Javier answers. Plus, he clearly still has some lingering feelings. None of us are going anywhere until the walkers clear. David says, Clementine looking annoyed as she walked away. Tripp is first seen guarding the town of Prescott, manning the gate when Javier and Clementine appear. I dont have a damn thing to do with it!. Its been difficult, but Im just glad I had Mariah and Carlos around to help me this whole time.. Scholars in folklore and anthropology are more directly involved in various aspects of medicin You get to learn about the New Frontier for the first time. Alternative Choices - Call His Bluff | You Should Fold - The Walking Dead Telltale Series Season 3 A New Frontier Episode 1 Gameplay Walkthrough (No Commenta. Fuck Alexa, you have no goddamn idea how good it is to see you right now. Nick whispered in a low tone. A walker in the car attacks Tripp, who throws it off. Also she just kinda disappeared last episode. I just cant believe it Nick says, closing the door as he walked up to me. Actor Tripp is love, Tripp is life. Valve Corporation. Suddenly we could hear glass shattering from upstairs, seeing Javier getting slammed against a window as it shattered. Im sorry, Alexa. After years on the road facing threats living and dead, Clementine must build a life and become a leader while still watching over A.J, an orphaned boy and the closest thing to family she has left. He first appears when he joins David and Javier on the rooftop alongside Clementine, Kate and Gabriel. After Kate/Gabe frees Javi from the holding cell, she/he leads Javi back to Eleanor's apartment where they, Tripp, Eleanor, Ava and Conrad (Determinant) have taken refuge in from Joan and the New Frontier soldiers. I really hope so Thanks, Javi. I respond. Yeah Im gonna hold you to that, Javi. Tripp says, standing back up. At some point, he formed a romantic relationship with Eleanor, the settlement's doctor, though they ultimately split up sometime before Javier's arrival. For getting her here. David says, grabbing Kate from Javiers grasp. The three of us ran downstairs, seeing David wrestle Maxs gun from his hand, sliding it across the floor, right in front of Javi. What else could possibly be wrong? Hey, weapons down!! Eleanor seems to be way too nice and very quick to assist Jaiver without even knowing him 2 minutes. Regretful Traitor: When Joan reveals that she's captured and is willing to kill Tripp, Eleanor is horrified. The difference lies in a short conversation with Kate. If you try to save Tripp but he dies, Eleanor is pissed at you, if you try to save Ava before she dies, Eleanor is pissed at you. There wasnt really enough weapons, but at the very least there was enough for each of us to have one, as I picked up a gun. Of course, All newcomers get checked for bites. The woman answers. Did anyone notice what specifically her hand was? Javier can either respond positively, negatively, or neutral towards her comment. I felt an extra pair of hands for assistance would prove beneficial in the endeavor of returning to the community. You'll have to decide whether to shoot the driver or let him go. Hey, Nick. I smiled at him, gently cupping one of his cheeks in my hand, as I quickly kissed him. Tripp soon makes Eleanor leave Javier be. Made me feel a lot better about whatever was gonna happen next. Having this huge dude be a total pussy over some girl who doesn't like him the entire season was one of the cringiest parts of an already cringey season. Eleanor's ok too though, when I look past her shadiness. I don't know why, but her niceness honestly makes me feel paranoid for some reason. di wrestling. And there he was. Hey, what about me? Nick? Javi, thats where youll go to get Kate and Gabe. ! Javier called to David as he was walking away, but ended up being completely ignored instead. You want her to die? I told them she needed a doctor.. I really wanted to comfort her too, but I feel like it would have been weird if I did so, My little goofball Clementine mumbled, before letting go of the hug. Javi, Ava and Gabe return with guns in tow, and the group then bet on their next move in means of saving David and escaping Richmond. I stayed with Clem and kill those bastards because I'm not leaving Clem and I wanted to murder those bastards for what they did to Mariana. Looks like the rules dont apply to everyone, huh? Tripp says. Eleanor is the only character from Prescott who survives regardless of the player's choices. If your brother knew anything about what happened in Prescott Hes got to answer for it! Unused audio clips show that Tripp had been hanging zombies from nooses and was planning on doing on the same thing to Clementine and Javier. The New Frontier apparently sent Eleanor to quarantine without searching for Kate, in order to have her checked and questioned. If you decide for the second option, you'll stay with Clementine to repel the thugs. The fuck?!. Eleanor already patched her and I don't think I heard Gabe screwing her wound if you choose to stay with Clem. He also has a temper that can sometimes get the better of him, but he always . They manage to find Kate and Gabe trapped by walkers and save them. Theres stuff here from the Kingdom. Either way, Eleanor will question if David is as bad as he seems since he took Kate to the hospital rather than bringing her to quarantine with the rest of the group. He expresses a desire to get back with her, though it is clear she doesn't feel the same way. Tripp will tell Eleanor that the people here are the New Frontier and that Javier's brother, David, is a member. Lets just say, I know exactly how Javi is feeling right now. Thank you. ! David says. Im Im sorry. Even if it wasn't Clementine and I liked Gabe or Kate, I like Tripp. Well all meet up there. However, Javier's turn causes the helicopter to dislodge and fall to the ground, with him barely making it across. Keep. And once more he slammed his bat down, Badgers head being crushed into nothing but a mushy pile of brains and gore. mistergamer 11. from episodes released early on AMC+ may not be added to the wiki until the episode officially airs at 9pm EST on the Sunday it is scheduled for. Well youre not doing much to stop it! Javier snapped. Hello again, Clementine. David says. David will let Ava know to let her out and bring her to the hospital. fold. They definitely didnt look for her, cause she was still in the car. Javier says. Javi has the option to kiss Kate, and Kate will say to Mariana that they deserve a break after she comments their kiss was "gross." This list shows the victims that Tripp has killed: If Javier fails to complete a certain objective, it is possible for Tripp to be killed. Im just glad we all have each other, at least. I say, smiling as Tripp and Javier nodded, smiling back. He is tough and rough around the edges and he feels more honest than Eleanor. ! I could quickly hear Nicks familiar, muffled voice shout from the other side of the door, and I couldnt help but chuckle. I think I will go for Tripp. BANG!! She attempts to console Conrad only for him to lash out in a fit of rage. Tripp wouldn't Eleanor to be hurt. I havent seen David in years. Start walking. Ava says strictly, cutting off Javier. Once they find Kate and Gabriel, Javier will notice a scratch on Gabriel's hand. I stood and fought. One, while it could benefit my family to stay with them and help, I thought it would be more beneficial to provide a sort of cover or distraction while they got away, Eleanor was going to be the one doing most of the work, I didn't think there was much Javier could to in that regard. The town under a heavy assault, Tripp determines the area lost, telling Javier to get his family and prepare to leave while he holds off attackers despite the tear gas filling the air. If I am being pragmatic and a survivor, Eleanor is the most invulnerable one with her skills as a doctor. I just couldn't leave them, especially considering Kate's dire injuries and Gabe's pleas. Everyone get in!. At some point during the apocalypse, Eleanor joined the community of Prescott and she had a brief romantic relationship with Tripp. No one was forcing Clem to stay, she did that out of her own free will. "Ties That Bind - Part 1" Listen We were all silent for a bit, listening And nearby, I know I could hear the sounds of multiple walkers growling, sounding pretty close by. Tripp offers to be the last one to go after Javier. Theres no use holding out, Max. Javier says. Which is why I vote for saving Eleanor, much as it would be regretful to lose Tripp. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Lingard brought her to the clinic. I didn't want to get separated again and wanted to help Kate in any way, which was more im moreportant to me than killing a few guys. Tripp resists the whole while, not wanting to be separated from Eleanor (who was released from the holding cell as well), and gets knocked out flat by Ava. A few of the men ran away, including Badger, who Javier quickly ran after, chasing him up to a room on the second floor of the building. It is too late for sorry, you backstabbing shitbag. David hissed. If you were given a choice, who would you save? She is a doctor in Prescott and Tripp's former love interest who unsuccessfully tries to get back together with her. But she hasnt been checked! The guy says. With no other choice, Tripp and the group go to a location David pointed out for Javi on a map he gave him. Dont become the thing you hate., Javis earned my trust. She will watch on helplessly as Tripp and Ava are brought before the crowd by gunpoint, with Joan forcing Javi to spare one of them, while leaving the other to die. I'd save Tripp. But I didnt have to worry about that He lived, Clem.. Its seriously fucked up. Doctor Lingard took care of the boy. I looked down at my piece of paper for a moment, making sure I was at the right room. I felt more than a little guilty for leaving a teenager to fight against so many armed enemies, but my focus was channeled onto my family. Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. Whats that supposed to mean? David asks, Max going silent for a bit. KLT Dec 20, 2016 @ 2:12pm. Your attempt to save the man will fail - Joan will kill him on the spot as a punishment for your meddling. First Appearance Regardless of Javier's choice, Tripp flees to the town with the others, bar Clementine (who stays behind anyway to hold the group off). Ethnicity I wonder where she was, Tripp approached Ava, but she quickly shoved him away. Take cover! We ducked down behind the crates, carefully peeking out, as we could see a few people walk past us, holding bags and such. You betrayed Richmond!. Anyone else have this problem? I killed another walker quickly, running over to try and help Javier lift up the garage door But it still barely budged. Technically we lose both at that point. Caucasian-American After Javi's meeting with Richmond's leaders ends poorly, he is barred out of Richmond, as well as Conrad, Jesus, Clem and Tripp. Dont get me wrong, I am happy to see you, just shocked is all.. Not Javis? All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners. Tripp's past explained by Telltale staff. AJ | Alvin Jr. (Walking Dead Video Game) Javier Garca. Dont you dare let that fucking baby killer in Clementine hissed, BANG!! Dont make me do this., He has a son, Clem. Depending on whether you went with Kate or David, Eleanor will say she has to get her stuff or that she has to get a gun in the other room. (It has a specific name, based on its history regarding a famous cardplayer/gunfighter.) She is last seen taking care of Fern's broken arm as Javi and the group leave the apartment. Tripp was a former dock worker with little education but he has street smarts, he is also lover of vehicles, given his attachment to his truck. In the end, Joan betrays Javi's decision, and has Ava killed anyway before Javi can intervene. I chose to stay and fight but when I started up episode 2 it changed my choice to Javi leaving with his family. He was the perimeter leader of the Prescott community prior to its destruction, and the result of his work was a community that worked together to survive. Besides, after what I just saw Javier do to Badger I dont think Im in the mood to watch another persons brains get blown out today. Eleanor soon leaves the pair alone while she leaves to clean up from the surgery. Yes she could have been! He has been married to Kayren Butler since October 2008. Nick looked at me with the most wide eyed, shocked look. Tripp soon brings Clementine to Javier and Eleanor. If you choose the first option, you'll take your family to Prescott, leaving Clementine behind. Here for you: Jeremy meets Gammamon! He was a member and leader of the Prescott community as well as one of Javier Garca's allies. Gender I chose to stay and fight for three reasons. I could hear gunshots ringing in the area as me and Tripp ducked behind some boxes, and nearby I could see one of the men about to ambush Tripp from behind BANG!! She will tell Javier thanks if Javier tells them he will come back and get them out. I picked Eleanor because I thought I'd get there faster. Sometimes theres just no other way to make things right. Hazel Of course he brought her inside Shes his damn wife! Tripp says. Three, like hell I was going to just leave Clementine there on her own to fight these bastards off. However, Javier's turn causes the helicopter to dislodge and fall to the ground, this was due to David putting more weight on the helicopter blade when he went across, causing it to loosen. Even if you are related to David. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. And why would I go? 'One of the most moving stories I have ever read.' Eleanor Roosevelt 'Will touch the hearts and consciences of many.' New York Herald Tribune Summer of the Red Wolf - May 06 2022 "A famous writer travels to the remote, windswept islands of Scotland's Outer Hebrides looking for peace of mind and a chance to dispel his inner demons. He is an actor, known for Ted Bundy (2002), The Collector (2009) and Mars Attacks! Yeah To be honest, Ive struggled a bit with raising her. We could hit walkers any second Wed better scoot. Tripp says. Whaa?? These deaths are non-canon and will result in a game over. Family Dead And Kate was in good hands. A little girl all alone out there? They soon reach a blockade, Eleanor staying with Kate while Javier removes the blockade by moving the cars. When he finds her, he tells her about Javi's plan and they return back to Kate's medical room. And I gave Mari's cassette to Gabe, so at least there's that. Staying to fight and buying the group some time to escape seemed like the right decision to me, even if the game made you feel the opposite. I'd save Eleanor because (like others have said) she's a doctor. He shoots them by himself, telling the others not to worry about him. They all do! A part of me seriously just wants to go hulk mode, smash the walls apart, and run outside looking for Nick and the others, but thats obviously not gonna happen. So yes, Kate always gets shot for no reason other than poor writing and . Yeah Good luck out there, Javi. I say, Javier nodding as him and David leave the room. I dont want you to worry about Kate and Gabe. So yes, Kate always gets shot for no reason other than poor writing and Mariana always dies. Clem was severely outnumbered and has helped Javier get to his family. Im going to the hospital with them. Javier says. April 2018 edited April 2018 in The Walking Dead. Youre mad at the wrong person., Tripp shoved Javier away, about to walk up to Ava, WHAM!! Tripp (Walking Dead) Eleanor (Walking Dead) Conrad (Walking Dead) David Garca (Walking Dead) Gabriel Garca Mariana Garca Francine (Walking Dead: Alexandria) Ava (Walking Dead) Eddie (Walking Dead: 400 Days) Joan Clinton Barnes (Walking Dead) Paul Lingard Max (Walking Dead: Ties That Bind) Jesus (Walking Dead) Lonnie (Walking Dead) Eleanor will tell him to drop it and encourage Javier to go. I chose Tripp. Eleanor watches as the situation is both diffused and heightened as Fern backs down, and David unnecessarily dislocates her arm and attempts to kill her, showing his true colors as a fearsome and violent man. As Eleanor drives to Richmond, Javier confirms her suspicions that Kate has a fever; Eleanor suspects that she has sepsis caused by her wound. To be honest, I think my odds are better than yours Jesus says, smiling. We used to store a vehicle up this way Provisions. Leave little girl with armed thugs and go that's cowardice. Im stuck in here for now whether I like it or not, and its seriously killing me knowing that my friends and family are out there, so close yet so far Ugh, whatever, my patience will be rewarded soon, I hope. Javier attempts to speak up, but is promptly cut off as Tripp is shot in the neck. Eleanor upholds her promise to get him out should he so wish as she goes. As the leader of Prescott, he cares greatly for his people and makes decisions on their behalf. We all pulled out weapons out, continuing to walk as we kept an eye out And soon we were confronted by a few walkers, who all blocked our path, quickly noticing us. I know youve all got my back, and Ive got yours., Yeah. Where would they be right now? I asked. However this time around, Eleanor is opposed to many of the group's ideas, as she is among the few in the group Richmond's leaders has no qualms with, and she enjoys living there. I did notice too that Eleanor didnt get escorted out here with the rest of us, getting escorted out of the room earlier today. Eleanor tries to help her group as much as she can until she arrives at Richmond where her character changes drastically. Javier quickly then grabbed a nearby shotgun. Even if it wasn't Clementine and I liked Gabe or Kate, I like Tripp. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews . 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tripp or eleanor walking dead