goliad massacre list of victims

Matthew Ellenberger, "HORTON, ALBERT CLINTON,". It was, on the whole, that in shooting these prisoners, Mexico was acting within its rights. Western Handbags, North American Indian Collectibles [39] [40] Char1ea Private rode in as part. Harbert Davenport and Craig H. Roell. McLure (McClure), In command of Hobart Huson, Colonel Fannin's Execution of General Houston's Orders to Evacuate Goliad (MS, Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, University of Texas at Austin). Hughes (Capt.) Carey, W.R. , The Texas prisoners, promised the honors of war before they surrendered, were marched out of town between two columns of Mexican soldiers. Aug 31, 1836 , Sweitzer, Alonzo B. , , ROBERTSON COUNTY Former Students and Teachers of Reagan, Texas Famous Sam Bass Outlaw Gang On March 22 William Ward, who with Amon B. (Lt. Col.) Flores, Manuel (1 Lt. Comm. Teal, Henry/, USA TODAY. Another true life tale of life in Early-Day texas Davenport presented the address, which was published as "The Men of Goliad" in the Southwestern Historical Quarterly (1939). Swisher, H.H. List of massacres in the United States; Splane, P.R. The Goliad massacre was an event of the Texas Revolution that occurred on March 27, 1836, following the Battle of Refugio and the Battle of Coleto; 425-445 prisoners of war from the Texian Army of the Republic of Texas were executed by the Mexican Army in the town of Goliad, Texas.Among those killed were their commanders Colonel James Fannin (of the Coleto battle) and Lieutenant Colonel . History of Hamilton Chapel, Cemetery Listing Gamble (Lt.) , Smith (Lt.), (1 Lt. Cleveland, H.N. Rosebud, Falls County, Tx Webpage In 1836, the Mexican army was massing on the Texas border. Urrea, according to his contemporary Reuben M. Potter, "was not blood thirsty and when not overruled by orders of a superior, or stirred by irritation, was disposed to treat prisoners with lenity." Stiles, George , S. Commission Jul 27, 1836, Elliott, J.D. History of Cedar Springs, Wilderville, and Rosebud Antonio Lpez de Santa Anna et al., The Mexican Side of the Texan Revolution, trans. Letters by Early-Day Texas Settlers. See also. We have a supply of old Life and Post Magazines That Make a Perfect Birtday Sweeney (Lt.) , Foulkes (Lt.), Comm. Yet, this move merely fed the flames of Texan resistance. Updated. Command Sep 21, 1836, Flores, Salvador , Burr H. Duval's company, was marched toward the upper ford of the San Antonio River on the Bexar road. We'll send you a couple of emails per month, filled with fascinating history facts that you can share with your friends. Hanks (Lt.) , Pratt (Lt.), History of Busksnort and Marlin, Texas Comm. Jean Kubiak Cundieff Memorial Page James W. Fannin was left with only slightly more than 300 Texans to protect Goliad, a position the rebels needed in order to maintain their supply routes to the Gulf Coast. Sub. Colonel Jos Nicols de la Portilla, under orders from General and President of Mexico, Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. 9:00 gates open 10:00 1st skirmish 10:30 living history at campsites 10:30 cavalry presentation at amphitheater 11:00 lecture in chapel 12:00 showing of video "presidio la bahia and its place in the history of texas" in chapel , Military Forts in Early Day Texas (Capt.) Dallas, Texas 75261-4127 The following letter from Captain Kennymore, who was among the survivors of the Massacre of the Georgia Battalion at Goliad, in 1836, gives assurance that the accompanying account of that massacre is correct, an have additional authority for giving the subjoined list of the killed, and survivors, as entirely correct. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. [6], On March 2, at the Battle of Agua Dulce, Grant was killed, as were about 20 other men under his command. Sherman, Sidney (Col.), 217 Loop 71. [17] Under a decree that Santa Anna had pressed and which was passed by the Mexican Congress on December 30, 1835, armed foreigners taken in combat were to be treated as pirates and executed. E. , Waite (Reagan)Cemetery Listing N.,< Capt. Fisher, Wm. Generals Robert E. Lee and U.S. Grant Indian Treaty Signed With the Comanches, Kiowas, and Apaches in 1867 (Lt. Col.), Quitman, John A./ , North American Indian Collectibles Ratcliff, W.D. Jay A. Stout. Surgeon), He was taken by Mexican soldiers to the courtyard in front of the chapel, blindfolded, and seated in a chair. Urrea departed Goliad, leaving Colonel Jos Nicols de la Portilla in command. On Saturday morning, seven re-enactors participated in a living history event at Presidio La Baha in Goliad to commemorate a . The first to know what happened at the Alamo on March 6, 1836, were the Mexican soldiers, survivors, and townspeople who participated in or witnessed the battle. by Robyn Ross. Volunteer Texas Army Comm. Urrea took his prisoners to Goliad, where he received an order from Santa Anna to execute them. Inspired by cries of "Remember Goliad" and "Remember the Alamo," the outnumbered Texans won one of history's most decisive victories at the Battle of San Jacinto. Bremond and Wootan Wells Native Baskets , Texas State Historical Association (TSHA), http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml. They were later marched to Matamoros. Becknell, William , Patton, William H. , Sharp, John (1 Lt.), Santa Anna, however, had clearly stated several months before that he considered the rebels to be traitors who would be given no quarter. Swisher, H.H. Mustang Prairie Settlement History and Cemetery Listing On March 27, 1836, Alvarez was responsible for saving at least 20 of Col. James Fannin's men. King had been defeated in the battle of Refugio, surrendered near Dimitt's Landing on the terms accorded Fannin, and he and about eighty of his men of the Georgia Battalion were added to the Goliad prisoners on March 25. 2023, A&E Television Networks, LLC. Presidio La Bahia on March 25-26 will host the 37th Annual Goliad Massacre Living History Program. Moncur, James ), As Urreas much larger 1400-man army approached, Fannin acted with indecision, wondering if he should go to the aid of the besieged men at the Alamo. Burlison, Edward (Col.), Brad Johnson March 27, 2020 Wheelock, E.L.R. When the Mexican and Texan commissioners seeking surrender terms failed to agree, Urrea shortened the conference by dealing directly with Fannin and proposing written terms, under which the Texans should give up their arms and become prisoners of war "at the disposal of the Supreme Mexican Government." The Goliad Massacre In many ways the more famous of the Texas Independence battles involving Goliad. Duncan, Peter , Gift ), Date: 1979. (1 Lt. Henderson K. Yoakum, History of Texas from Its First Settlement in 1685 to Its Annexation to the United States in 1846 (2 vols., New York: Redfield, 1855). If you change your mind, you can easily unsubscribe. The impact of the Goliad Massacre was crucial. Green, T.J. (Brig. Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting (Parkland, Florida, 2018) United States Postal . Enter a date in the format M/D (e.g., 1/1), Mexican army executes 417 Texas revolutionaries at Goliad, 6 Things You May Not Know About Santa Anna, Why Mexico Won the Alamo but Lost the Mexican-American War, https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/mexicans-execute-defenders-of-goliad, Japanese cherry trees planted along the Potomac, "March Madness" crowns its first men's NCAA Champion, President Jackson appoints John Eaton as secretary of war and starts scandal, Jumbo jets collide at Canary Islands airport, Fingerprint evidence is used to solve a British murder case, Lincoln, Sherman and Grant plan final stages of Civil War, Kiichiro Toyoda, founder of the Toyota Motor Corporation, dies, Thomas Jefferson elected to the Continental Congress. Only the day before, Fannin himself, with his adjutant general, Joseph M. Chadwick, had returned from Copano, where, accompanied by Holsinger and other Mexican officers, they had tried to charter the vessel on which William P. Miller's Nashville Battalion had arrived earlier (these men had been captured and imprisoned at Goliad, also). Lewellyn, Thos., Blazeley, Wm , Transferred , Billingsley, Jesse , Cleveland, H.W. Timeless Gifts Catalog (crystals, gemstones, fossils, Peebles, Lettlewood W. , Clarence R. Wharton, Remember Goliad (Houston: McCurdy-Young, 1931). Barron, Thos. Disagreements among the Texans had led to a division of the rebel forces. Carlos E. Castaeda (Dallas: Turner, 1928; 2d ed., Austin: Graphic Ideas, 1970). Heard, Wm. The World's Largest Collectibles Auctioneer. Texas Revolution events Battle of the Alamo February 23, 1836 - March 6, 1836 Battle of San Jacinto April 21, 1836 The Battle of San Jacinto San Jacinto Monument Pratt, Thomas , In this critical predicament, Fannin and the majority of the men voted to surrender the Texian forces on March 20. He joined the Texas army as a private in the Red Rovers, and served under James W. Fannin. Gilmore, (Capt. Fannin and some forty (Pea estimated eighty or ninety) wounded Texans unable to march were put to death within the presidio under the direction of Capt. When Texian forces attacked Santa Anna's command on April 21, 1836, the battle cry rang out, "Remember the Alamo! [14] The 75 soldiers of William Parsons Miller and the Nashville Battalion were captured on March 20 and marched to Goliad on March 23. Comm.) Nearly one month later, word reached La Bahia (Goliad) that Santa Anna had been defeated and had surrendered while trying to flee at the Battle of San Jacinto. Ward, Wm. (Lt.), Abel Morgan, An Account of the Battle of Goliad and Fanning's Massacre (Paducah, Kentucky?, 1847?). Smith, L. (Maj.), , Important Documents of Early-Day Texas Horton, A.C. , Urrea, in compliance with his promise, wrote to Santa Anna from Guadalupe Victoria, informing him that Fannin and his men were prisoners of war "at the disposal of the Supreme Mexican Government" and recommending clemency; but he reported nothing in his letter of the terms that Fannin and his men had drafted for their surrender. In 1930 some Goliad Boy Scouts found charred bone fragments that had been unearthed over the years by animals, and an excursion to the site by Goliad residents on New Year's Day, 1932, succeeded in attracting an investigation of the site by University of Texas anthropologist J. E. Pearce. (F.L. Hubbell, H. A. , Officers and Men of the Republic of Texas - Col. James W. Fannin, Jr. Command, ), The remains were interred at a location southeast of the Presidio . FALLS COUNTY CEMETERY LISTINGS Santa Anna's main army took no prisoners; execution of the murderous decree of December 30, 1835, fell to Gen. Jos de Urrea, commander of Santa Anna's right wing. 26th annual goliad massacre living history program. (2 Lt. Though some managed to escape en route, most remained there until the Mexican government later released them. April 30, 2013, 1:39 PM, CDT. ), Marshall (Capt. Governor John Conally BATTLE OF SAN JACINTO - April 20 & 21, 1836 Lauren Frias , Azmi Haroun, and Michal Kranz. Three Things to Know About Heritage Live! Brown, Nicholas (Sgt. Walden (Waldon), Alfred P. , Tinsley, J.W. She had gone . History of Cedar Springs, Pleasant Grove, & Wilderville, and cemetery Listings Shaw, Orson , Their freedom had been promised if they gave up their arms. The death toll would have been even higher if not for a Mexican woman. Travis, Wm. Powers/McCaleb(Reagan)Cemetery Listing In 1936, in celebration of the Texas Centennial, money was appropriated to build a massive pink granite monument, dedicated on June 4, 1938. H. (1 Lt.) , Duval, B.H.,V King and his men had infuriated their enemies by burning local ranchos and shooting eight Mexicans seated around a campfire, and these enemies were clamoring for vengeance. Johnson (Reagan)Cemetery Listing Millard, Henry Field and Staff, Bell [?] York, John , At Refugio on March 15, 1836, Urrea was again confronted with the duty of complying with the fatal decree of December 30. Fond Memories of Life in Reagan The story of the Waco siege is a story of how the media and the government can work in concert to shape a narrative and dehumanize victims. The site saw much conflict and was captured twice during the Mexican War of Independence. (Capt. THE ALAMO The gist of these was that Fannin and his men, including his officers and the wounded, should be treated as prisoners of war according to the usages of civilized nations and, as soon as possible, paroled and returned to the United States. Old West Saddles Skerrett, Mark B. , Timeless Gifts Catalog (crystals, gemstones, fossils, McClyman (McClym), Thirty-nine were killed inside the fort under the direction of Captain Carolino Huerta of the Tres Villas battalion, with Colonel Garay saving one, Jack Shackelford. In eight days, home and liberty!". White, Robert (Capt. Comm. , Thompson (Capt. This may have been correct. History of the Hesston Belt Buckle. Seale (Seal), Eli , Allen, James C. , Morris, Robert C., Prehistoric History of the Liberty Hill Region ), Important: Use our map link to see location / directions. Henry Stuart Foote, Texas and the Texans (2 vols., Philadelphia: Cowperthwait, 1841; rpt., Austin: Steck, 1935). Aug 31, 1836 - Oct 31, 1836, Urrea then continued to Goliad. However, the site remained unmarked and its location was almost lost to time. Mailing Address: Indian Captive Cynthia Ann Parker Find History on Facebook (Opens in a new window), Find History on Twitter (Opens in a new window), Find History on YouTube (Opens in a new window), Find History on Instagram (Opens in a new window), Find History on TikTok (Opens in a new window), Current one is: March 27. Boales, Calvin , ), (Lt. Col.) Enlistment Aug 9, 1836, Sep 30, 1836, Morehouse, Edwin (Col.) Enlistment Aug 5, 1836, After the executions the bodies were burned, the remains left exposed to weather, vultures, and coyotes, until June 3, 1836, when Gen. Thomas J. Rusk, who had established his headquarters at Victoria after San Jacinto and was passing through Goliad in pursuit of Gen. Vicente Filisola's retreating army, gathered the remains and buried them with military honors. GARRISON OF BEXAR The entire Texian force was killed, except for 28 men who feigned death and escaped. MISCELLEANEOUS Steele, Wm. Howard, Geo. Smith, John Levey, M. Reagan Obituaries Map of Reagan, Texas Texas State Historical Association (TSHA) Captain's Commanding Co. Comm. Believing that he had found an effective deterrent to expected American help for Texas, Santa Anna sought and obtained from the Mexican Congress the decree of December 30, 1835, which directed that all foreigners taken in arms against the government should be treated as pirates and shot. December 7, 2020 by Lyman. Joseph H. Barnard, Dr. J. H. Barnard's Journal: A Composite of Known Versions, ed. Goliad massacre View source Coordinates: 28.6476N 97.3830W The Goliad Massacre, set in the town of Goliad on March 27, 1836, was an execution of Republic of Texas soldier-prisoners and their commander, James Fannin, by the Mexican Army. Tomahawks, Knives, Antlers, Arrowheads, Crafts, Horns, and Snake Skins Galaspy, _____ (Capt) , Seguin, Juan N., T. (Maj.) Capt. [1] Meanwhile, General Sam Houston had persuaded all but 70 to 100 men and their leaders, Frank W. Johnson and James Grant, to give up on the expedition and to defend locations in Texas, principally Goliad. ROBERTSON COUNTY Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the U.S. misc) Baker, Mosely (Capt.) Love, Palas Shivers, Offa L.(S.), The Goliad massacre was an event of the Texas Revolution that occurred on March 27, 1836, following the Battle of Refugio and the Battle of Coleto; 425 . (Capt. The Goliad Massacre . Turner, Amasa (Lt. Col.) Commission Aug 27, 1836, and Old West Collectibles C. (Maj.), TEXAS HISTORY Twenty-eight men escaped, and an additional 30 with . On Saturday, the event will begin at 10 a.m. with a reenactment based loosely on the skirmishing between Texian and Mexican forces that took place leading up to the . King, Amon B. , [31] In 1939, the Fannin Memorial Monument by Raoul Josset was erected at the gravesite. McIntire, Thomas H. , Ware, Wm. At selected spots on each of the three roads, from half to three-fourths of a mile from the presidio, the three groups were halted. History of The Western Stagecoach [Henry], Brooks, Edward Fannin Memorial Monument at Presidio la Baha Hours: Daily, sunrise to sunset 217 US-183, East of Presidio La Bahia on Lopez Rd, Goliad, TX Visit Website Read Audio Transcript SITE MAP PREVIOUS SITES NEXT As he prepared to subdue the Texas colonists Santa Anna was chiefly concerned with the help they expected from the United States. Becoming a Webpage Supporter (2 Lt. Goliad Massacre, G, Lynch, N., He made three requests: that his personal possessions be sent to his family, to be shot in the heart and not the face, and to be given a Christian burial. misc) Own a piece of the Texas Reveria! J.E., Nearly all were killed at the first fire. ), Coca Cola, Disney, and related Collectibles The main article is Goliad Massacre . The massacre in Las Vegas killed 58 people and wounded 489 who were crowded together into one . Price, James Pope , Reed (Redd) (Capt. John Shackelford 's Red Rovers and Ira J. Westover's regulars were marched southwestwardly along the San Patricio road. Lockhart, Byrd , Three weeks later, the Texans sought their revenge. History of Reagan, Texas Co. D, How Texas Got It's Name. Blueridge History and Cemetery Roll Bremond and Wootan Wells Index of Vintage Buckle Catalogs McClure, John Timeless Gifts Catalog (crystals, gemstones, fossils, The Goliad massacre was an event of the Texas Revolution that occurred on March 27, 1836, following the Battle of Refugio and the Battle of Coleto; 425-445 prisoners of war from the Texian Army of the Republic of Texas were executed by the Mexican Army in the town of Goliad, Texas. [27] Spared men were given white arm bands and, while wearing them, could walk about freely. In the space below you will need to honor Colonel James Fannin and the Texans who died at Goliad by designing an original monument, writing a poem, or drawing a collage of events that took place on March 27, 1836. (1 Lt. S. , Vintage Cowboy Jos Enrique de la Pea, With Santa Anna in Texas (College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1975). Speakman (Sgt., Commy. Irvine, R.B. Artillery), (Lt. Col.), Ingram, John , He said she was like a "big sister" to him. Comm.) A man-by-man study of Fannin's command indicates that 342 were executed at Goliad on March 27. Walden, Alfred P. , (Lt. & Adjt. Co. C, Cary, (Capt. He freed more than 20 others who he determined to be Mexicans or colonists, so he would not be hindered by taking prisoners along on his advance on Fannin's force. Battle of San Jacinto-Victory for the Republic of Texas Army Two hours later Portilla received another order, this one from Urrea, "to treat the prisoners with consideration, and especially their leader, Fannin," and to employ them in rebuilding the town. Burk, David N. , Harrison, (Capt. Ware, William , Fannin was the last to be executed, after seeing his men killed. WILLIAM COKNEK. Secrests, W.H. We have a supply of old Life and Post Magazines That Make a Perfect Birtday The killing Thompson, W. , [12] Led to believe that they would be paroled and released into the United States, they were returned to the fort at Goliad, now their prison. Sprowl, James C. (J.F. Fannin, J.W., Jr. (Col) , William Kennedy, Texas: The Rise, Progress, and Prospects of the Republic of Texas (London: Hastings, 1841; rpt., Fort Worth: Molyneaux Craftsmen, 1925). Lynch, Nicholas/ Major), Mexicans were attacking small groups of Texans, then working up to a big group. ANOTHER ACCOUNT: We have a supply of old Life and Post Magazines That Make a Perfect Birtday A depiction of General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna by artist Gary Zaboly. Santa Anna immediately imposed martial law and attempted to disarm the Texans. (Col) Former Residents of Reagan, Texas Owen, Clark L. , Events Preceeding the The Goliad Massacre 19.5% of the successful bid (minimum $14) per lot. Aaron Salter . Comm. TEXAS HISTORY This galvanized Texians and led to victory in their war for independence. Comm. Robertson, Sterling C., The guard on the right of the column of prisoners then countermarched and formed with the guard on the left. Western Handbags Master), Victoria Advocate, January 3, 1932, 88th Anniversary Number, September 28, 1934. Liberty Hill, Williamson County, Texas Home Page Gorham, Clerk = About a mile outside Goliad, Presidio La Bahia attracts both history buffs and ghost hunters, all drawn to the scene of the Goliad Massacre. Ruby C. Smith, "James W. Fannin, Jr., in the Texas Revolution," Southwestern Historical Quarterly 23 (October 1919, January, April 1920). Lists Going Viral Right Now Miscellaneous 25 Hardest Riddles Ever (Sure To Stump You) Miscellaneous History People Hermann Ehrenberg, Texas und Seine Revolution (Leipzig: Wigand, 1843; abridged trans. Pleasant Grove, Falls County, Tx Webpage Long accustomed to enjoying considerable autonomy from their Mexican rulers, many Anglo Texan settlers reacted with alarm when Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna proclaimed himself dictator of Mexico in 1835. Gillen, Benjamin Y. Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the U.S. Indian Treaty Signed With the Comanches, Kiowas, and Apaches in 1867. This order was received on March 26 by Col. Jos Nicols de la Portilla, whom Urrea had left at Goliad. Green, T.J. (Brig Gen) , Wyley (Wiley), A.H. , Eastland, Wm. Bowie, James(Lt. Col. Commandant) (Capt.) On the other hand, Maj. Juan Jos Holsinger, one of the Mexican commissioners, lulled their suspicions by entering the Texan lines with the greeting, "Well, gentlemen! Baker, Mosely (Capt. The Infamous Goliad Massacre. Collins, E.W. Remember that you are creating something to honor these men so please refrain from using . (2 Lt. Neill, J.C. (Lt. Col.)/Moreland, J.N., Comm. Hope, Adolphus (2 Lt.), All rights For 28 years . Becoming a Webpage Supporter The execution of James W. Fannin, Jr.'s command in the Goliad Massacre was not without precedent, however, and Mexican president and general Antonio Lpez de Santa Anna, who ultimately ordered the exterminations, was operating within Mexican law. FAMOUS FLAG CARRIED BY THE TEXIANS AT THE BATTLE OF SAN JACINTO The site of the massacre is now topped by a large monument containing the names of the victims. Ticknor, , General Thomas J. Rusk found the remains of the massacre victims in June 1836 and gave orders for a formal military . 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goliad massacre list of victims