greyhawk age of great sorrow

* 571 CY Iuz conquers lands of the Horned Society. (2015 OR), 494 CY Ivid I dies, Ivid II ascends the Malachite Throne. * 498 CY Greyhawk officially becomes a Free City after severing ties with The Great Kingdom. [1][3], Subsequent Rax Overkings were poor leaders. * 422 BCY Invoked Devastation wipes out Balunish Empire, Rain of Colorless Fire wipes out Suel Empire. **, * 524 CY ** Norah Brithel and Ehrendil Stone become friends working together in The Valley. Might of Iuz grows. [6][7] From 1985 to 2003, newly published material added more "backstory" to the Greyhawk history, subsequently adding many items to Gygax's original timeline. Many noble and good Aerdi were expatriated by these secessions, leaving the heart of the kingdom to opportunists. The priesthood of Hextor officially deposes Ivid V as Overking. * circa 12,000s BCY Strife among elven peoples. Campaign Content Breakdown: 45% Combat/ 35% Narrative (RP) / 20% Exploration. Aerdy nearly doubled in size, and was thereafter known as the Great Kingdom, though its ruler still held the old nationial title and office of Grand Prince. They pushed south the Suel, crushed the old Flan kingdom of Ahlissa to the southwest, and conquered rival Oeridian tribes to the north who had settled there after them. The ultimate fate of Ivid V was unknown, but with certainty the rule of the Overkings of Rauxes had come to an end. Age of Great Sorrow starts due to the Aerdi overkings started caring more for local prestige and wealth instead of foreign affairs with distans lands. (2054 OR), 520 CY Hradji Beartooths discovery of Skrellingshald. This essentially brought an end to the Great Kingdom. (Player's Guide to Greyhawk 6). ** Nasran founded the See of Medegia and granted it to the faith of Palor. * 570 CY Iuz accidentally freed from magic prison, returns to lead his empire. * 455 CY ** Tysiln San captured in the Valley of the Mage, becomes lover/First Protector to the Exalted One/Black One. (Guide 9) 247 Sir Kargoth's castle, Fharlanst, destroyed by the Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom. * circa 7000s BCY Peak of the Torhoon Empire on the continent of Melavi (Hepmonaland). (From the Ashes 7), Turrosh Mak of the Pomarj attacks the Wild Coast and Ulek. * 421 CY Zagig Yragerne disappears from public life. But Gnomes and Halflings are pretty much left out. **, * 1400 BCY ** Drow forces push Suel wizards out of their underground dungeons below the Hellfurnaces mountains. **, * 4400s BCY ** Suel mages begin magically binding genies as slave labor. Holian, Gary; Mona, Erik; Reynolds, Sean K.; Weining, Frederick (2000), All events in Gygax's original timeline had six different dates due to the six different calendar systems used by the great civilizations of Gygax's world. ** Others like you also viewed Ahlissa Boccob Main Page Iggwilv Kelanen An time period that started 213 CY when the rulers of the Great Kingdom started to fall. An time period that started 213 CY when the rulers of the Great Kingdom started to fall. A Brief History of Greyhawk . c. -14,010 The Scarlet Brotherhood invades the Hold of the Sea Princes. Glossography, page 2: "The Savant-Sage is known to have lived in the city of Greyhawk during Oerth's Epoch of Magic." R4 Doc's Island, page 4, calls the period from 659 OR to roughly 857 OR "The Age of Kings." In 857 OR, the Age of Great Sorrow began. His forces are stopped at the Battle of the Pass of Celene by a coalition of humanoid warriors. The different human races are dealt with in some depth - due to the great war that left the huge areas on the original map of Oerth. Age of Great Sorrow [ edit] In 198 CY, Selvor the Younger prophecied an Age of Great Sorrow. * 1243 BCY ** About 100 gnomes return to The Valley to share new magical knowledge for weapons and defenses against raiders. This article was transcribed from Wikipedia. The Index is based on previous work of Jason Zavoda through '08, and his work as continued and updated by Eric Johnson, Richard DiIoia, Jason "PupickDad" Jacobson, a French fan group, and numerous other fans over the years. The tribes entered the Flanaess through the Fals Gap, where they first encountered the Flan. (From the Ashes 6), Before a planned assault on Ratik, the Northern Barbarians mutiny, refusing to fight any further for a god they have lost faith in. Celene expels Keoish royal garissons from within its borders. 213 CY Age of Great Sorrow. Available online. So proceeded an inexorable decline that began as the rulers of House Rax became progressively neglectful, decadent, or dimwitted. * 727 BCY Plagues sweep human empires in western Oerik, 40% of population dies. * 505 CY Iuz disappears and his nation falls into chaos. [7][8] The son ascended to the throne in 556 CY, taking the name Ivid V.[5], By the sixth century CY, however, the Great Kingdom had shrunk to a fraction of its size, limited to the lands east of the Harp River and Teesar Torrent, and north of the Iron Hills and Thelly River. (2029 OR), 497 CY Ivid II is assassinated and replaced by his son, Ivid III. ** * 372 CY University of Magical Arts founded in the settlement of Greyhawk. All give a sense to the events of centuries past. "Greychrondex." * 254 CY Ferrond province breaks from The Great Kingdom, becomes the independent Kingdom of Furyondy. (645 OR), 75 CY Tenmeris and his Queen, Yalranda rule Aerdy. The herzog of South Province, Galssonan of House Cranden, broke with Rauxes and joined a widespread rebellion in the south. The Free City of Greyhawk achieves its first period of greatness under the rulership of Zagig Yragerne. . * circa 13,000s BCY Kopru (serpent-like amphibians) start undersea empire on Oerth. The Royal Minting House of Nyrond moves from Rel Mord to Womtham. ** ), * 2273 BCY Suel Empire stretches to the Dramidi Ocean, but stays west of the eastern mountain ranges. You can help Greyhawk Wiki by expanding it. * 1923 BCY Founding of the Empire of Sulm in central Flaeness, soon conquers neighboring lands. (2056 OR), 523 CY Storrich of the Hold of Stonefist supposedly enter the Burning Cliffs region. North Province declared independence from the Great Kingdom in 584 CY, dragging itself out of the Greyhawk Wars, and the empire shattered within weeks into many pieces. (From the Ashes 6), Keoland, Gran March, the Ulek States and the Yeomanry enter into the Treaty of Niole Dra, a mutual-defense pact and military alliance. With the conquest of Nyrond, Aerdy nearly doubled in size, declaring itself the Great Kingdom of Aerdy and beginning the nation's imperial era. Buffoons and incompetents sat upon the Malachite Throne, and their mismanagement split apart the Celestial Houses. * 406 CY ** Jaran Krimeah born to the House Rax within the city of Rauxes in the Great Kingdom of Aerdy. Ivid II quickly fell into dementia and was in turn assassinated by his own son, Ivid III, in 497 CY. For the next few years, Gygax was the arbiter of all events that occurred in Greyhawk until he was ousted from TSR in 1985. Zagig built for himself an enormous castle complex . (Oerths second sun in the sky may or may not disappear during this time.). * 724 BYC ** Ctenmiir born to dwarven Clan Ironfist under the Yatil Mountains. Ancient legend predicted that the return of Vatun, who had vanished centuries ago, would signal the birth of a barbarian empire in the north. [1] In 213 CY, Overking Jiranen died after the end of a long reign. After the withdrawal of Nyrond from the Great Kingdom, the slide became precipitous. * 479 CY Iuz becomes a political threat in the north-central Flanaess. AGE OF AERDY (rise of The Great Kingdom) (3000 OR), 567 CY The Beggars War in Greyhawk Beggars Union defeated by Thieves Guild. His son Malev rejected the throne, secretly auctioning it off to his cousin Zelcor. The tyrannical Ivid I assumed the Malachite Throne at the price of granting greater autonomy to the provinces, notably Medegia, Rel Astra, and Almor. The neighboring free city of Hardby and the Wild Coast break off from the Domain of Greyhawks influence, causing an economic decline. * 524 CY ** Norah Brithel and Ehrendil Stone become friends working together in The Valley. * 576 CY ** Autumn: Rose, Ehrendil, Norah, Sariel, Bahkgarr the bullywug and others escape White Plume Mountain with Blackrazor, Whelm and Wave. Note: conflicts with 461 CY. The faith of Hextor became the most prominent in the realm, and it laid claim to the See of Medegia, wresting it from the Zilchans who had held it for nearly two centuries after they had supplanted the Pelor. The war ended in 446 CY when Ivid I was crowned Overking, due in large part to the death of all other viable contenders. (Tasha will later become known as Iggwilv, the worlds greatest demonologist.) The original campaign setting of Greyhawk was a home campaign world invented by Gary Gygax in 1972 while playtesting the game that would become Dungeons & Dragons. [4], In 437 CY, Overking Nalif of House Rax was assassinated by House Naelax. This article is a stub. 5 out of 5 rating for Age of Worms Adventure Path. (845 OR), 254 CY Kingdom of Furyondy declared with crowning of Thrommel I. Veluna and Tenh follow in declaring independence. **, * 307 CY ** Entire San family murdered by Lolth priestesses, only Tysiln escapes the Vault of the Drow with help from a mage; both flee to the surface world. **, * 576 CY ** Spring: Valley of the Mages First Protector Tysiln San sends Norah Brithel on a quest to find the missing Ehrendil Stone. Like a window into their day-to-day life, Greyhawk census records can tell you where and how your ancestors worked, their level of education, veteran status, and more. (3017 OR), 584 CY Destruction of Almor; Dissolution of the Great Kingdom; End of the Greyhawk Wars; Great day of Signing; Treachery of Rary; Breaking of the Circle of Eight; The Great Burn in Greyhawk; Formation of the Kingdom of the Bright Lands. Despite creeping insanity, he ably defended his realm from the combined forces of the Golden League (579-580) and civil unrest during the Red Death plague of 581. In the year 645 OR (1 CY), Grand Prince Nasran declared universal peace in the empire, taking the new title of overking. Mass executions follow, ordered by Ivid V. (unbeknownst to much of the Flanaess, Ivid murders loyal generals and turns them into undead servants. (917 OR) (From the Ashes 7), At the same time, the Great Kingdom attacks on a broad front against the Theocracy of the Pale, Almor and Nyrond. [6], The dispute resulted in a period of civil war lasting nine years, during which assassination of nobles and shifting of alliances were common. (995 OR), 356 CY Kingdom of Nyrond established, Kingdom of Keoland reaches peak; Keolands Small War with Furyondy. **, * 576 CY ** Autumn (2 weeks after Brewfest): Oligarchs of Greyhawk sponsor a second magical expedition to Blackmoor. [1], To solve this, he appointed largely autonomous viceroys to rule over each province. Dungeons and Dragons Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. * 551 CY Discovery of gold and treasure under Castle Greyhawk sparks local economic boom. * 435 CY ** Jaran Krimeah proclaimed Mage of The Great Kingdom, stages a failed coup and is imprisoned. This tale begins more than twelve centuries ago, when Oeridian tribes wandering the vast central plains of Oerik beyond the Flanaess in the Far West were driven to the east by a series of raging conflicts that culminated in the infamous Twin Cataclysms of prehistory. Overking Zelcor promptly abolished the astrologers' order for trying to recreate earlier hysteria and banished the members to Rel Astra. AGE OF GREAT SORROW (decline of The Great Kingdom) * 576 CY ** Autumn (week before Brewfest): Rose, Ehrendil, Norah and Sariel arrive in the City of Greyhawk. (1090 OR), 461 CY Demi-human realm of Ulek affected, demi-human realm of Celene revealed (although it is also affected in the eyes of the Great Kingdom, this hidden Elven realm actually just decides to open communications with the human kingdoms at this time). * 1 million BCY Rod of Law (aka Rod of Seven Parts) used to slay Queen of Chaos on prime world (Oerth). . Ascendant campaigns can view previous versions of their pages, see what has changed (and who did it), and even restore old versions. These were largely tracts settled by individual noble houses of the Aerdi, such as the mystic Garasteth, the noble Cranden, the mercantile Darmen, the calculating Rax, and the militaristic Naelax. * 1423 BCY Vecna born into an untouchable caste among the Flan people. ** For a full article on the topic with citations, please see Great Kingdom at **. **, * 576 CY ** Summer: Rose (Ulanu) Flickflower, Norah Brithel, Sariel Galanodel kidnapped by Slave Lords, sold to duergar at White Plume Mountain. (2071 OR), 550 CY The Valley of the Mage is established. **, * 406 CY ** Jaran Krimeah born to the House Rax within the city of Rauxes in the Great Kingdom of Aerdy. You should check them out. (From the Ashes 7), The Battle of Innspa marks the peak of the Aerdy invasion of Nyrond. (Guide 9) Note: Conflicts with 361 CY. (From the Ashes 9), On the same day, Rary instigates a massive magical battle within the Great Hall and attempts to assassinate the other members of the Circle of Eight, killing only Otiluke and Tenser before fleeing into the Bright Desert to form his own kingdom. rasgon. * 576 CY ** Autumn (week before Brewfest): Rose, Ehrendil, Norah and Sariel arrive in the City of Greyhawk. Manshen divided the western marklands into the Viceroyalty of Nyrond, ruled by a junior branch of House Rax from Rel Mord, and and the Viceroyalty of Ferrond, ruled from Dyvers. The chronology given below, however, includes five other calendars which were once used and are sometimes referred to in ancient writings. In 583 CY, Ivid launched an attack upon Nyrond, Almor, and the Iron League states, but the conflict served only to bring ruin to the heartlands of the Great Kingdom and destruction to many tens of thousands of citizens. ** Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. The Royal Astrologers proclaimed it as a great portent, confirming the sign of a coming Age of Great Sorrow prophesied by Selvor the Younger fifteen years earlier. ** Lyzandred, trapped in his private demiplane, finally succumbs to death and becomes a lich. (1072 OR), 440 CY Warrior-Priests of Wintershiven found the Church Militant (of Pholtus). ** (2091 OR), 560 CY Formation of the Circle of Eight. (2060 OR), 537 CY King Belvor III of Furyondy dies in his sleep. Duke Eyeh II of Tenh begins an aggressive campaign to clear the Troll Fens. The now-restored Circle of Eight brokers peace, except that Rary turns traitor, plots to murder everyone, and flees into the Bright Desert. He killed all 123 of his brothers and sisters before bribing Ivid IV's favorite concubine to pour acid into his ear. Lord Sandor the Headstrong of Polvar (in Ket) pursues the goblin horde of Urgush. After the accidental freeing, good-aligned troops raze Robilars estate, driving the fighter into exile. (1035 OR), 416 CY The paladin, Myro, conquers one of the bandit kingdoms and declares himself king (1041 OR), 430 CY Vlek Col Vlekzed establishes the Hold of Stonefist. ** (, Logue, Nicholas. ** The Malachite Throne soon became known as the Fiend-Seeing Throne, and it was widely believed (with good reason) that the Ivid overkings consorted with evil outsiders. The Brithel family are robotics experts, rivals to the famed Kwalish who lived just north of The Valley. The World of Greyhawk Timeline is a list of fictional historical events that either explain the history leading up to the present state of the World of Greyhawk Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting, or that enumerate further developments described in campaign products published by either TSR, Inc. or Wizards of the Coast. The chronology given below, however, includes five other calendars, which were once used and are sometimes referred to in ancient writings. In the year 1 OR (-644 CY), conflict between the Baklunish Empire and the Suel Imperium threatened to engulf the regions inhabited by the Oeridians tribes. She conquers Perrenland. * 452 CY ** Jaran Krimeah, now known as The Black One, arrives in The Valley and champions its elven, gnome and human peoples. [2] Although Gygax referred to Greyhawk in many of his columns, magazine articles and D&D adventures, the overall world remained his personal home campaign for several years. The end came swiftly in 586 CY, when rivals for the throne, perhaps including the fiendish Duke Szeffrin of Almor, attacked the capital after hearing news indicating Ivid V had died or been deposed. At its greatest extent, the Great Kingdom stretched from the city of Rel Astra on the Solnor coast to the Viceroyalty of Ferrond in the west; and from Sunndi in the south to Ratik in the north. ** (1028 OR), 394 CY The publishing of Pontus Hardiggins, halfling traveler extraordinaire, journals and his description of Esmerin, the land of giants and halflings in the Lortmils. (1029 OR), 400 CY Voorman Perren unites cantons of Perrenland. Plus, you have our Assassination of nearly all of the House of Rax. Centuries past, when Greyhawk city was still a burgeoning riverbank trading post, Zagig was already a powerful magician. Ivid made terrible enemies of his kinsmen. In time, the Aerdi arrived at the shores of the great eastern waters, their long journey at an end. His fatuous son Malev was uninterested in the office and proceeded to secretly auction it off to the highest bidder among his relatives. * 576 CY ** Autumn: Theft of magical items spark rumors in the City of Greyhawk that the wizard Keraptis has returned to White Plume Mountain. (1081 OR), 449 CY Second Civil War in Rauxes. Greyhawk, Hardby, [Great Kingdom] 9577 [58] * 1 CY Empire of Aerdy (aka The Great Kingdom) proclaimed. * 213 CY Eclipse during an Aerdy coronation signals the Age of Great Sorrow. 584-586 CY: The Greyhawk Wars. The wiki page for the EGI has a list of sources, full product names, abbreviations, and a link to the full, downloadable index. In 446 CY, the herzog granted an audience to representatives of Irongate, who went to Zelradton to air their grievances. The Great Kingdom reached its height over the next century under House Rax, with ambitious rulers such as the lines of Erhart and Toran. (3011 OR), 579 CY Reformation of Coinage in Greyhawk City; beginning of infiltration of Horned Society into Bandit Kingdoms; The Outbreak of the Red Death, and the Change of Istus. * 903 BCY Empire of Sulm destroyed, lands become The Bright Desert. He took the new title of Overking, which would be used by all subsequent rulers. During Zelcor's coronation in Rauxes later that year, an ominous sign appeared in the sky, a complete eclipse of the noontime sun above the capital. * 394 CY ** Elven Queen Eldrell liberates a 4,500-year-old Suel elemental prison under the Hellfurnaces mountains. But another age is prophesied: An age of darkness, of decay, and of . (1020 OR), 390 CY The Malachite Throne overthrows Vecna II. * 459 CY ** The Mightyhammers of Clan Dankil adapt drow trap techniques to create the Assassins Run in the Valley of the Mage. ** CY = Common Year (counting years since first Imperial reign in Aerdy) Cobb Darg of the Free City of Irongate orders the execution of every known Scarlet Brotherhood agent within the city. . (Guide 9), The City of Greyhawk nationalizes the Cairn Hills smelting trade. Greyhawk Gothic Font by Darlene . (3005 OR), 572 CY The Dawnbreaker Clan of Rauxes fails to overthrow Ivid. -217 CY Founding of the Kingdom of Aerdy. [1], The dominant tribe among the Oeridians was the Aerdi, whose name meant "sky people". Nasran was by all accounts a wise and dutiful ruler, and few openly begrudged him his claim. (From the Ashes 8), The North Province secedes from the Great Kingdom. * 393 CY Zagig Yragerne founds the Guild of Wizardry in Greyhawk. * 315 CY Future city of Greyhawk established as a trading post. * 485 BCY Start of the Baklunish-Suloise Wars, prompting eastward migrations into the Flanaess. Expatriated by these secessions, leaving the heart of the Mage, becomes lover/First Protector the. Trying to recreate earlier hysteria and banished the members to Rel Astra II is assassinated greyhawk age of great sorrow by... [ 3 ], Subsequent Rax Overkings were poor leaders each province ascends! Flan people famed Kwalish who lived just north of the eastern mountain ranges: 45 % Combat/ 35 % (... 497 CY Ivid I dies, Ivid III this essentially brought an end, Turrosh Mak of the Kingdom opportunists... During an Aerdy coronation signals the age of Worms Adventure Path pour into... See Great Kingdom of Aerdy Gnomes and Halflings are pretty much left out certainty the rule of Hold. 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greyhawk age of great sorrow