isaiah 40:31 sermon

It is in this last sense the sense of continuous expectancy that the word is used in the Bible. It's a sorry thing to begin with the eagle's flight and come down to four miles an hour! The soul of fallen man naturally grovels on the earth; his face instead of being raised to heaven, is prone toward the ground. There is nothing that is so helpful to a soul as the contact of another soul.6. Yet the power of thus rising on eagle's wings is not the only quality to be noticed in this symbolism. This is that which does for the most part extend itself to the outside and form of religion. 2. By a sudden impetus or effort. 3. Running. His uncommon bodily strength, therefore, was from the Lord; and when He departed from him, he became weak as another man. There could be little doubt but that from childhood he had often looked upon some of those carved tablets on which men with wings of eagles fastened to their shoulders were common, that he had often looked on those colossal images of winged bulls and lions and men such as may be seen in our British Museum to-day. 3. To make our religion a delight and a glory we must surely wait on the Lord with songs of gladness and joy, praising Him more for what He is, and for what He has taught us to know and believe Him to be, than for the good gifts which His bounty hath bestowed. 31. By continually waiting upon God. Not to hear the word. Fortitude and patience under affliction is also the effect of that renewing and increase of spiritual strength, which is received from waiting on the Lord. He sees the clouds and mist around the planet, but not the world itself. 3. Men who live far from God are apt to grow sick and weary of the humdrum monotony of their daily life, especially if they have to bear some continuous burden from which they see little hope of escape. (3) In the effects, for this supernatural strength is able to do greater matters than the other can do, helping a man to deny himself, to overcome the world, to mortify lusts and corruptions, etc.2. In point of comfort. A patient spirit has the wings of faith and hope. Study and love your Bible, but remember it is God who must give the orders, and you will fail if you take them from a book. We are not to devote all our lives to lonely musing. )Exhaustion and renewal, in nature and in graceD. The deliverance has made the singer look forward to the end, and his confidence in the issue is confirmed. -- ISAIAH xl. The promulgation of the Gospel3. Hidden in that secret pavilion we see things as they really are. He who cleaveth to created things will fall with their slipperiness; but he who embraceth Jesus will stand upright for ever. But the idea in his mind is not one of comparative motions. But they are only painted cloud. I t would be improper to propose an alteration, though a slight one, in the reading of a text, without bearing my testimony to the great value of our English version, which I believe, in point of simplicity, strength, and fidelity, is not likely to be excelled by a new translation John NewtonMessiah Vol. But we have good reason to believe that the prophet drew his imagery from familiar objects in the land of exile. All this renewal of vitality was the result of waiting on one of those wonderful healthfountains. They that wait upon the Lord shall "change," that is, they shall have another strength bestowed upon them, and such as will be more useful to them. A sense of our own weakness, and our need of Divine help.2. There could be little doubt but that from childhood he had often looked upon some of those carved tablets on which men with wings of eagles fastened to their shoulders were common, that he had often looked on those colossal images of winged bulls and lions and men such as may be seen in our British Museum to-day. This is the highest of all exercises of spiritual strength, and effectually prepares for all the rest. For one to wait upon another implies inferiority, and a desire of protection and assistance. When a soul has its inner life hid with Christ and lives a life of true consecration it is enabled to take wing, and its "citizenship is in heaven." (3) But as only few can fly and only some can run, there are still some who can only walk. RENEWAL OF STRENGTH MEANS A RENEWAL OF ACTIVITY. The expression "wait upon" is a most felicitous one, because while it includes prayer it means and covers so much more.1. 4. And this is done commonly, in the greatest uncertainty whether the means will prove effectual.2. Xl. 2 Here I behold thy distant face, And 'tis a pleasing sight; But to abide in thine embrace Is infinite delight. L. Wiseman, B. It is a grand thing that there is one time in our lives when we have wings. A. But the idea in his mind is not one of comparative motions. God never expects more from us than He has already given. Who, of all men who ever lived upon the earth, was the One who had the sorrow of the world nearest to His heart? And we renew our strength for all enterprise which makes demand on our courage and truthfulness.2. And indeed that is a great part of wisdom, to bring forth everything in its season, to discern when and where, and to whom it is pertinent and edifying, to speak such and such truths. The boy who never knew what it was to be fagged out at school is not worth much. It is like a river or a stream always passing away, and yet the power is always present; the power moving the mill-wheel, not by jerks, but by a continuous stream, always passing away, and yet ever flowing in; one measure of strength succeeding that which has been expended. B. Meyer, B. A.Any racehorse will start at full speed; but how few have staying power! L. Wiseman, B. Then there is the triumph of grace in the soul. That is precisely what Paul does say. (1) In regard of its Original, as coming from the Holy Ghost (Ephesians 3:16). It is that spiritual vigour of mind by which sin is overcome.2. They will run nimbly enough after pleasure, wealth and fame, but not after the things which God bids them run after. But while we cannot pass over such times and such experiences, it would be unhealthy to be dwelling upon them as if they were the whole of life. This doctrine was the turning point of the Reformation in the sixteenth century. Locusts are destroying plant life in different parts of Africa and the Middle East. Not only in the immediate exercises of religion, but at all times the Christian will be animated by a spirit of devotion. Thank God for the flying stage while it lasts, for we do get visions in those flights that abide with us long after our wings have dropped off, and we have learned that the ether is not our element; visions whose memory helps to cheer us as hereafter we trudge along the monotonous and dusty ways of life's hard routine. --ISAIAH xl. A weak Christian will be an uncomfortable Christian.(T. Thence the word came to signify patience as opposed to worry and despondency. But you picture the life of the Lord Jesus Christ from the wrong angle, if you picture Him only as "the Man of sorrows, acquainted with grief." Before you read, set yourself still that your soul may realise, I am waiting for God to come in and take possession of me for to-day. And then we come to the quiet, steady, persistent "walk." Although we cannot always account for these moods of the soul, we might all experience them more frequently if our habitual attitude were more of a "waiting upon God." "THEY SHALL RUN AND NOT BE WEARY." Our need and God's provision for us and how our need and His provision meet together in the coming of Jesus Christ. Tymms. But as they came round the curve from one line to the other friction and gravitation asserted their power. It seemed impossible that these few exiles could escape from those nations, and go back to their own land and restore their institutions, but they did. This sense of entire dependence upon the grace of God will naturally express itself in prayer, and in a devout and regular use of the appointed means of grace. Presently a new appetite for food was awakened, and a new life crept into my ten fingers; walking became a delight, and preaching as easy as for a lark to sing. This is the truth on which he is insisting before these downhearted and enfeebled Babylonian captives whose hands hang down, whose knees are feeble. To walk we want something like continuous, sustained evenness of conduct, progressing quietly and steadily day by day in the common round of life; not impulsive, not capricious, not changeable; without show, humble, and always the same. To think that we are labouring in vain is the thought that paralyses. Have we made the hope that is laid up in God our own? If a number of ships of war were sent out to sea, and were ready to start at any moment, and if the question were asked, what are they waiting for?, the answer would likely be one of two things: either that they were waiting for supplies, or waiting for orders. Sometimes, indeed, long before the shadows are stretched out, in manhood's very prime the wasting is manifest. True piety has no greater enemy than fanaticism, which some are so undiscriminating as to confound with the fervours of true religion. (3) But as only few can fly and only some can run, there are still some who can only walk. It means prayer much more than an occasional supplication, however real; it means persistent, persevering, continual prayer; it means an abiding attitude of trustful dependence upon God; it means all that is wrapped up in those beautiful words, "Oh, rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him"; it means trust in the Lord and do good; it means trust in the Lord at all times, for with Him is everlasting strength, and have no confidence in self.2. You see the progression of ideas; it is strength that has to be renewed, and it has to be renewed by God, and God gives it when we wait upon Him. For the less strength we feel we have, the more we shall need and ask from Him. A. His power is vast and unbounded, and nothing is too hard for Him. THE HIGHEST STRENGTH IS DEVELOPED IN THE HIGHEST ACTIVITY. Is this the same as saying that we shall have the power of steady perseverance, of patient endurance under protracted trial? When the determination of the will is not only fixed but strong, then the soul is in a vigorous state. "They shall mount up with wings as eagles," is God's preliminary; for the next promise is, "They shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint." )Godly optimismF. There may he a vigour which is the effect of a disordered state of the corporeal system a feverish or spasmodic action which is much more violent than the strength of a healthy man. THE HOPES THAT ARE BASED ON FAITH IN GOD GIVE STRENGTH ENOUGH TO APPROACH HIM. Verse 10 says; "See, the Sovereign Lord comes with power". As our natural life requires to be nourished by suitable food from day to day, without which it would decline and death would ensue, so the spiritual life of the Christian needs to be recruited continually, with the nutriment which is suited to its growth and strength.3. Nothing looks less like effort.2. It is often found in persons of weak understanding, and in minds not highly cultivated by refined education.3. The most vigorous pinion will never reach the sun, but yet it may reach so high that earth-bound creatures shall fail to track its flight, and lose it in the glare of the excellent glory.2. It is a religion of conscience, and not a mere effervescence of pious emotion. "I can do all things," said Paul, "through Christ which strengtheneth me." Alexander, D. D.)Condition and conductEvan H. Hopkins, B. A.Every river needs a channel; and the wider and deeper the channel the fuller and more copious the stream, provided the waters are inexhaustible. The flash of inspiration brings eager enthusiasm; you actively pursue your ideal for a time, and then, because of the steepness of the place, you come down to a painful walk. We are precisely in the same position in which the Jews were found we are equally apt to faint when under God's rod; and He seeks to inspire us with hope and confidence.I. Consideration of an objection taken from various passages in Moses. 3), and more fully by St. Luke (Is. They are willing to receive direction and instruction from Him.3. 20.--"And the Redeemer shall come unto Zion, and unto them that turn," &c. Doctrines, as things, have their seasons and times. How far this strength shall operate, and what noble effects it shall produce, may be seen by the following words.III. Spiritual strength especially consists in that exercise of faith called trust or confidence. (1) The delay of answering our prayers (Luke 18:1). In 1899 he was called to Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, to succeed Dr. Lyman Abbott in the pulpit VariousThe World's Great Sermons, Volume 10Of Loving Jesus Above all ThingsBlessed is he who understandeth what it is to love Jesus, and to despise himself for Jesus' sake. Even "as the stream of brooks they pass away." Every thing is beautiful in its season. The eagle is a bird that soars upwards towards heaven: so is the Christian to mount upwards in holy contemplation. Hast thou less conscious nearness to the mercy-seat,--diminished communion with thy Saviour? It is a crown (1 Corinthians 9:25). (2) There are races to be run down here upon the earth, special duties to be performed, for which a man must gird himself by special effort. The result will be as it is figuratively expressed: We shall mount up; we shall run; we shall walk.I. To walk we want something like continuous, sustained evenness of conduct, progressing quietly and steadily day by day in the common round of life; not impulsive, not capricious, not changeable; without show, humble, and always the same. 5 Then at thy feet Isaac WattsHymns and Spiritual SongsAt RestGerhard Ter Steegen Is. There is the strength of civility and moral principles. )Waiting upon GodT. This is what we all need in this weary world, whose toils and cares and temptations perpetually remind us of our weakness and the need of invigorating grace. Dickson, D. D.)Strength by patienceT. Love your Bible and fill your heart with it, but let God apply it in your daily life.3. Vaughan, M. Not merely is help found for the weakness of believers, but a provision is also made for relieving and substituting for it a buoyancy and joyful exaltation of spirit, so that he is enabled to hold on his way with gladness as well as with constancy. If, however, his desires are set on the more refined pleasures of sense, such as the enjoyment of works of art, his hopes depend on the retention of the delicate sensibility of the organs by which he receives his impressions. Steady attachment to the ways of God. Heavenly-mindedness. And by which the world is overcome.3. This leads us to notice the three degrees of moral and spiritual activity presented to us in the figurative language of the prophet:. Did he not in his impatience lift up the standard of freedom forty years too soon? Thank God, too, for the running stage. They were born again. But once we understand that it is God that must work it in us, then I understand that my highest passivity will be my highest activity, for when I give myself entirely away to God, God can work in me, and then I will work as they that wait upon the Lord."1. THE PROMISE. If we have failed, or have been foiled, God will put us on our feet again. Halsey.But, you say, if this progression of ideas is a true climax, flying, running, walking why stay there? And then we come to the quiet, steady, persistent "walk." )Recuperative powerF. And God, in His omnipotence and faithfulness, is willing to work in my heart every moment of the day.2. I turn now to dwell on THE NATURAL EFFECTS OF WAITING ON THE LORD, as stated by the prophet, and vouched for by myriads of the faithful and devout in all ages.1. But in time the eye becomes dim, and the subtle beauties of a fine painting cannot be seen; the ear becomes dull, and the sweetest music charms no more. ( C. H. Anderson. A persuasion of the power and goodness of God; His readiness to stretch out His almighty hand to help us, amidst the difficulties, infirmities, and temptations to which we are exposed. L. Wiseman, B. IV. If you want the flash of a new inspiration the man of God will receive it; if you want swift progress the man of God is equal to it; if you want steady perseverance you shall find it in the man of God also. In point of ease. We have found that after all we have to live on terra firma. These two things seem very far away: man with his faintness, God with His eternity and inexhaustible omnipotence. You must cultivate that habit. That the principles of the spiritual life within them shall be gradually strengthened and increased.2. THE SUPPORT OF LIFE'S JOURNEY. You throw a stone into the air. There is also the heroic courage in speeding one's way as on eagle's wings in defiance of earth-born cries and warnings, and in lofty scorn of earthly interests and pursuits. For the old, for the young, for the sick and infirm, and even for such as may be tottering into the grave, he writes for them, and all he says is true and needful for their case. For we have lost the exhilaration of youth and the stimulus of strong emotions. And indeed that is a great part of wisdom, to bring forth everything in its season, to discern when and where, and to whom it is pertinent and edifying, to speak such and such truths. Halsey. 3 I'd part with all the joys of sense To gaze upon thy throne; Pleasure springs fresh for ever thence, Unspeakable, unknown. THE DUTY ENJOINED. "They Shall Mount up with Wings" (Isa. )The power to realise idealsF. Horton, D. D.)Waiting upon the LordJ. T he particulars of the great "mystery of godliness," as enumerated by the Apostle Paul, constitute the grand and inexhaustible theme of the Gospel ministry, "God manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on John NewtonMessiah Vol. It seemed useless to pray further. What a cheering revelation: "Your God!" Howells. The complaint of a heathen. I remember a sunset at sea, where the bosom of each wavelet that fronted the west was aglow with fiery gold, and the back of each turned eastward was cold green; so that, looking on the one hand all was glory, and on the other Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy ScriptureSalvation Published from the MountainsO Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid: say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God! The "walking" is the most important part after all. We are shown the infinite powers that He concealed in the heart of a solitary man of faith. Faith can work miracles. But whatever is done for right is done for God and endures eternally.3. So a heaven-bound soul flies in company with God.(T. Is prayer less a privilege than it has John Ross MacduffThe Faithful Promiser"And the Redeemer Shall Come unto Zion, and unto them that Turn,"Isaiah lix. A. There is many a young man who thinks, "I find plenty of occupation for my energy in the service of the world, but if I become a religious man, then I am sure to become a poor, lifeless, morose character." Not merely is help found for the weakness of believers, but a provision is also made for relieving and substituting for it a buoyancy and joyful exaltation of spirit, so that he is enabled to hold on his way with gladness as well as with constancy. Knight, M. The word does not say anything about the rate at which they go, and is used of the flight of the arrow through the air, or of the way of the ship driven before the wind, or of the gait of a swift-footed animal, or of the ordinary pace of man. In such moods we need to look away from the crowds, and from the glaring lights of the city, to the calm glories of the moon, and the stars above our heads. Grand thing that there is the most important part after all we have wings, or have been foiled God! 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isaiah 40:31 sermon