player's option: skills & powers pdf

Examples of paladins includeeach individualspecialization. Purchasinga nonweapon profi- tant tasks or to achieve feats vital to the story. His 7d6 rolls are: 5, 1,5, 1,3,3, and 4. . About eBay. worth. . Depending on the number of decide to arm wrestle to see who gets the first choice ofpoints in each subability score, the character can make treasure. New weapon proficienciesusually cost 2 or 3 char- points as longas they declareso beforerollingany dice- acter points. To get more targeted content, please make full-text search by clicking. Most males are bald, while females tend to havegnomes have very large noses-compared to the rest of stringy gray hair.their facial features. . Thebase success chance is 35%, plus 5%per level. to this cost quest for the cause of good. Contents. Reason bonus (10): +1 tothe Reasonsubabilii, due toBow bonus Secret doorsInfravision, 90' Stealth gray elves' devotion to developingtheir intellects. High elves are the palest of all elves, with aeyes, which glow a feral red-evidence, perhaps, of the skin tone resemblingthe color of fine cream. Any and all other dice 78 15 9 80 15 10 11 12 For example, Leon wants to create a character usingthis method. Marshallfighter lifts the chest. dd. Whatever the case, this enemy seamanship.caused the character to flee and take up the adventuringlife. . As such, they often live nearer to elves thanplexions run from pale peach to ruddy to dark brown, andtheir eyes are usually black or dark brown. WebDungeon Master Option: High-Level Campaigns by Skip Williams. Abilities cost either 5 or 10character points; refer to the descriptions below. Chapter Nine (pages 142-175) details psionics in the Player's Option system. Gnomes large, hollow trees. They are a serious lot, Ability Score Bonus Levels given rarelyto frivolity. Males will have bulging biceps, broad chests, and 4 expAecrthmaraarcktsemr anwide shoulders. Brian's character wins the arm- wrestling match despite havinglower Strength and M u d e This multiple d20 system does not eliminate the possi- scores. They love to spend Wemia are part human and part lion, combiningthe twotheir days and nights in sport, and they never miss an oppor-tunity to chase after wood nymphs or other comely creatures. Points can be spent to acquire racial abilities for demi- few new ideas that allow players more control over their characters. The pipesthemselves are eas-chance of success. For example, Leon chooses to save 2 character points after creating his fighter. . the number of points that can be divided among his char- acter's six abilities and the maximum score of each ability. . The higher the positive value, the easier the skill becomes for the char- acter. For example, Theodor the fighter has 24 YbVoan Intelligence/Knowledge of 12, which gives him 3 bonus 25proficiencies under the standard rules, or 3 extra character 97%points under the character point system. Sir Lancelot, Sir Cawain, Sir Calahad of King Arthurs Round Table, and Roland and the 12 Peers of Charle- Poison resistance (5): Fighters with poison resistance magne. If thecheck fails, the magical qualities of theitem cannot be called upon, though theitem might function normally the nexttime the dwarf tries to use it. The list can be expand-ed, and details can be added abouteach event. the character is forced to live by his wits. Friends-andenemies-are never forgotten. This is discussed in chapter generate different types of heroes. These pages hold the keys to humans who spot secret doors as easily as do elves, thieves who sense illusions, half-ogre sword masters, and a Flinds are quick to resort to violence, just like gnolls, but unlike their Most bugbears live by plundering and ambush, taking lesser cousins they're much more likely to consider the con-slaves and eating anythingthey kill. Hairfoots aredistinguished from other halflings by their lack of facial with small caps. . games. Usingthe PLAYER'OS PTIONsystem, all Prime Requisite: Strength Allowed Races: AIImembers of the warrior group:- Have the ability to select any weapon and wear any Fighters are experts with weapons, and they are often type of armor available in the campaign. Their ears are large and prominent, and their Gnolls look upon flinds as leaders, heroes, and championsmouthsare full of sharp fangs. , .44Thble of Contents AThug . They head of a bull and the body of a human male. Half-orcs can be members of the following classes:use later in the character creation process. It lets you customize your character just the way you want it. Custom-craft your next PC, selecting the profession, skills and abilities you want! This circle dis-pels hostile magic at a level equal to the experience level ofthe paladinCurative (10): Cure diseases of all types once a weekfor every three experience levels. Design Contributions: Rich Baker, Skip Williams. Or, if the wrong side iswinning the fight, a goblin isn't above reevaluating his alle Minotaurgiances in the middle of a battle. . .43Ogre, Orc, satyr, Swanmay, Soldier, Spy Thri-kreen, Wemic ., . appear to be poorly constructed combinations of various humanoid races, with misshapenlimbs of different shapesKobold and proportions. # of Henchmen: This is the maximum number of 24 +13permanent allies and retainers a character can attrad This 25 +14does not affect the number of hirelings, mercenaries, orother servitorsa character can have. The first ability check would be against Muscle toadditional attempts at feats. Player's Option Rulebooks present an alternative approach to D&D Characters. . Aquatic elves serve to keep the evilinhabitants of the depths in check.Sahuagin are particularly hated foes, asare sharks that are large enough tothreaten sea folk Skin colors vary from silver-green topale blue. . These points can be spent to customize a gnomefrom of the same level. Thev cannot Rain the Reason bonuselven ahck bonus for bows, as such weapons areineffec-tive undewater.Dark &ea Gray Elf Raaal Penalties Due to their reclusive and often haughty ways, gray elfCharacter point cost:45 characters suffer a -1 reaction roll penalty when dealingThe dark elves, also known as drow, live underground. . Sug- haps he was rippedfrom his home world or plane becausegested NWPs: Juggling, jumping, musical instrument, he unknowingly triggered a portal. Melee Combat bonus (10): +1 bonus on their attack rolls vs. kobolds and goblins-the gnomes' traditional Languages: Forest gnomes speak their own dialect, rivals for space and resources. . . WebPLAYER'S OPTION Rulebooks present an alternative approach to AD&D characters. . . If the DM rulesthatmore than one character can attempt the feat, roll thed20s of the character with the highest ability score, thenadd Id20 for each additional character assisting the pri-mary character.RAadcjiaulsAtmbeil&ity, Once the character's ability scores The bonus levels are added to the character's maximum have been determined, the race experience level shown in the Racial Level Limits table. . . Animal friendship (10): Once a day a gnome gains an animal friendship spell ability, as the priest spell, with Although most forest gnomes are neutral good, player respect to burrowing animals.characters can claim any alignment. A paladin can do this as often ashe wishes, but each use takes one round.Faithful mount (5): The paladin can summon a specialst& at 4th level. The Skills and Powers book offers several new proficiencies and ways in which they can be employed during a game. SuggestedNWPs: Any. The character must wet his entire body (a water skin full will do) three times per day, or lose 2 points of Constitution per missed bath. By concentrating for oneround the character can:Determine approximate directionunderground, 1-3 on 1d6.Detect any grade or slope in thepassage they are passing through,1-3 on 1d4.Reaction bonus (5): +1 to reactionrolls due to other races' acceptanceof halflings.IStealth (10): Like elves, halflings gain a bonus to sur- +Heat resistance (5): 1 bonus on saving throws vs.prise opponents, but only if the halfling is not wearing heat- and firebased attacks, as the elfs body is less sus-metal armor. Or, if the player wishes to create his own tchuestloismt oizfeedlveenlvaebnilcitiheasralisctteedr,bheelocwa.nApbiiclitkieasncdosctheoitohseerBow bonus Secret doors fromInfravision, 90' StealthResistance Sword bonus 5 to 15 character points; refer to the dexriptions below.High Elf Racial Penalties Airn bonus (10): +1 to the Airn subability score. I've used several things from it. Tracking: The charactet's sense of smell is so acute points per level on the proficiency, so the earliest he canthat he can track, as per the tracking proficiency, with a 50% gain this ability is at 3rd level. [2] Skills & Powers presents several new ways of rolling a character's six ability score statistics, and then provides extra rules to enable the player to alter them. However, a lizard man in plate mail (AC 3) is AC 3. conservativetones. Create your own specialty clergy with these new Skills & Powers. . Cover art is by Jeff Easley and interior art is by skill is familiar with mining, tunneling and stonework. Move Climb Defensive Adjustment: This modifier is applicable to111 12 0 0 -5% 0% a character's saving throws versus attacks that can be 13-14 0 dodged, such as lightning bolt spells, hurled boulders, 0 0% oo/o etc. Only 1 left in stock - order soon. fully rolls the highest result-if that result is equal to or under the ability score in question. WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for Player's Option : Combat and Tactics; Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Rulebook by TSR Inc. Staff and L. Richard Baker (1995, Trade Paperback) at the best online prices at eBay! . Open Doors: This indicatesthe chance a character hasto force open a heavy door or one that is stuck closed. Distarttkousins of the yeti, alaghi are forest-dwelling They are a strong and proud race, easily offended andhumanoids with barrel chests, short legs, and long, power- impulsive. Strength 14 Dexterity 15 Method VII: Each player has 75 points to divide among Constitution 9a character's six ability scores. . A dwar-ven character might choose to be afighter, cleric, or thief. Lizard men have long, dangerous Goblins are small humanoids standing about four feet claws and thick, powerfultails upto four feet in lepgth. A enemy is considered a charge attack, and the characterplayer can choose one of these races for his character if the suffers double damage if he lands on a spear or similarDM agrees, but the character gains no additional character weapon set against a charge. Or the owner might try to reward the observant character for recovering the item. Another common example of such a contest is an arm- wrestling match. Bugbears inflict a -3 allows players to run half-giant characters, penalty on opponents' surprise checks. The dwarf is also difficult toHit point bonus (10): The dwarf gains an additional hit surprise himself and receivesa +2 bonusto his own sur-pIloluinstioenacrhestiimsteanthte(5c)h:aTrahcetseer attains a new level. The character decided it was time to change professions. Languages: Hairfoots can begin with any four halfling, Most tallfellows are lawful good, but player charactershuman, or elf dialects. whenexposed to bright sunlight or Other Infravision, 60' Saving Throw Bonuseslight sources do not impair them. They somewhere in the stouts'ancient past.have curly hair atop their heads and on the tops of their Ruddy in complexion, stouts vividly blush when pleasedtypically bare feet. .93 Adding Substanceto Psionic Combat ..148Using Disadvantages 93Proficiency Descriptions . 94 Using Psionic Powers 149 Closing an Open Mind .149Trait Descriptions .. 104 Psionics in a Round 1.50 . WebPlayer's Option: Spells & Magic (1996), by Richard Baker, is the third book in the "Player's Option" series of alternate rules for AD&D 2e. In Wemics are playful and curious as cubs, and a small number never grow out of this stage. Each such statistic is broken down into a pair of sub-statistics, and all the existing ability scores of the character now start to depend in one or the other of the sub-statistics. For every 3%points of Constitu-Infravision, 120' Miningdetection abilities tion/Health, the gnome receives a +1 bonus. Player's Option Skills Powers (abbreviated SP, or SP) is a supplemental sourcebook to the core rules of the second edition of the Advanced Dungeons Dragons fantasy roleplaying game. They prefer the Deep Dwarves' Special Abilitiessecurity and the isolation that living far beneath the earth Infravision, 90' SavingThrow Bonuses Melee Combat Bonuses* Mining DetectionAbilitiesprovides.The typical deep dwarf is 4 4 % 'tall and weighs 120 * Attack bonus applies vs. drow, troglodytes, and ora.pounds. Orcs are aggressive hunters jaw structure. Climb Walls: This modifier also applies to those rogue characters with the climb walls ability. . Below is a list of 20 sample eventsthat might have sent a character on alife of adventure. Each ability score must have at least 5 74 173d6, but no more 6d6, devoted to it. pages in length, which is split into an introduction, eight chapters and four. on ld6. There is more information about this in chapter four. their friends. Such an individualtices. by nature, and other races sometimes consider elves frivo-Melee combat (10,. Bullywugs are strongswimmers andhands about halfway along the leadingedge of each wing. 99% +1 25 Open Locks: Similarly, this modifier is used only by QQOIn 11rogue characters with the open locks ability. As I recall, it was the first 3yers asked me, the DM, if their characters could swim. This bonus ends when a character reaches 10th level i (9thfor wanion and priests). Whilethis permits them to wield large weapons in a single hand,or even use huge weapons with both hands, it ako means 39Racial Requirements The Races Bullywug Aarakocra are a race OT inrelligent birdmen who live Bullywugs are bipedal frog-like loacmaptiohnibsi.aTnhseiynhaarebcitoinvg-among the highest mountain peaks. . . The character Doint cost must bethropy and mummy rot are curses, and paladins are not met in addition.immune to these afflictions.Poison resistance (10): The character gains a +1 bonusto all saving throws versus poison. . Custom-craft your next PC, selecting the profession, skills, and abilities you want! The chance of success 4-6 +1is 1-5 on ld6. Get it Jan 12 - 13. The spine is good. Gnolls have a hard time seeing Dast themoment, and patience is a virtue unheard of in gnoll society. . The wizard could improve this score Generation acter's six ability scores. WebPlayers Option: Skills & Powers 2154, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, TSR, AD&D, Softcover $20 or best offer I'm not an expert grader, so it's up to you to judge by the photos. Player's Option Combat and Tactics: 5049. No 4 Exiled matter the character's profession, his business venture 5 Failed business venture failed and he had to pursue another line of work-as an 6 Fell in love adventurer. . The character'sStamina bonus (10): +.1 bonus to the character's Sta-mina subabili score. Malfunc-tion checks apply to magical wands,rods, staves, rings, amulets, potions,horns, and jewels. All other elves hate dark elves, resultingin an initial reaction roll penalty of -2.out of the water. . No score can be lower than Intelligence 123, and none can be higher than 18. The culprits might be power- ful in local politics, they could be foreign spies or saboteurs, Killed someone: Either through intent or accident, or the crime may be so out of character for them that sim-someone dies andthe character is accused.The authorities ply no one would believe the character's outrageous accu-and the victim's relatives are after the character, and if sation against them. Satyrs are very impulsive, and are generallyunreliablecompanions despite their good intentions. Increased movement (5): A fightel's base movement score is 15 rather than 12. The roll Method V: Players roll 4d6 for each ability score and indeed fails, and Leon now can spend a point and reroll select the three highest numbers. Their hair can blond, brown, red, black, and shades in between- They usually wear their hair long, sometimes coveredthough with few exceptions it is always curly. players, and more OPTION":Skdk L? For some reason, all tats. When cir-Mace bonus (5): +1 to attack rolls with the footman's cumstances dictate, elves can be fierce warriors, taking any steps necessary to protect themselves, their homes, andmace. The following- section discusses Points can be used to increase proficiency scores. merman, and Languages: Gray elves begin with six languages of theirundersea common. For example, A wizard with an Intelli- The Player's Handbook gence of 17 has a spellcraft proficiencyscore of 11. 98% I L .4,4.,0/I"" % Learn Spell: This is the percentage chance (on1dloo) that a wizard can learn to cast a particular spell. Unlikehim any time he can, and then strike from ambush only some other barbarians, lizard men are likely to react to thisafter he's sure his enemies have been weakened to the with violence instead of curios'ky.point where they can't threaten him. Aarakocra avoid human weapons with l i e trouble.grappling or combat on the ground, but their talons andbeak serve as formidable weapons in a pinch. A character with leftover character points Score Bonus Halflingmay select additional racial abilities after 4-6 +1Abilities taking one of the standard subrace pack- 7-10 +2 ages. . . For example, itcosts 21 of the 76 character points togive a fighter an 18/30 Strength (1 8+34 1 ) . This negates the requirement that Dexterity8ylvan (Wood)Elves subabilities must be within 4 points of each other. . Exited: For some reason-bad behavior, an unacceptable Homeless: The character has no place to live. . Hurled 1 d6.weapons are limited in tunnels, and other bows requirelarge pieces of wood which are not readily accessible. Simply put, Brian's charactergot lucky, and the nextbility of a character with a low ability score succeeding match between the characters could turn out differently.where a character with a higher ability score fails. This mod- 17 +6ifier can be crucial during battles, where good morale isVital. They are large-boned, but thinner than theircousins who live closer to the surface. . Halflings-unlike dwarves and gnomes-are not hindered when using magical items. better on a d20. It was released in June 1996. . Multi-class combinations are: cleric (or druid)/fighter, open a door.cleric (or druid)/fighter/mage, cleric/ranger, cleric (or Sword bonus (5): +1 to attacks with long swords ordruid)/mage, fightedmage, fighter/thief, fighter/mage/thief, short swords.and mage/thief. Remember, his Dexterity 6d6PC already has the following base points as well: Constitution 3d6 Strength 8 Intelligence4d6 Dexterity 8 Constitution 8 Wlsdom3d6 . . . Such masonry.characters can have exceptional subability scores, just asthey can have exceptional Strength scores. block aloft long enough for the other character to crawl bales at once, but becausethey can lift one or two at a time free. I've mentioned before that I settled on Second Edition D&D. See the Animal Master kit forical debates and the study of magic. Proficiencies: One example of a proficiency that uses the Muscle score as a base number is jumping-an ability that utilizes the muscles'18 +1 +3 255 1 1 16 which represents hand-eye coordination and18/01-50 +1 +3 280 12 20 manual acuity, and Balance, which denotes reflexes and overall agility. -1 Strength, -1 Charisma j. Made an enemy: The character has an eternal foe. Brian's roll was higher. A character with leftover character points A typical hill dwarf stands 4' tall and weighs about 150pounds. Generally, do not apply t6 the character, although using Type S or Bplayers may not customize these unusual races, and they weapons underwater is still very difficult Bullywugs are tmereceive zero character points for selecting a non-standard amphibians and can breathe water; lizard men are still air-race. . [1] Spells & Magic is 192. When a player selects a character, he must acceptthe standardabilitiesand restrictionsof that race-there are no optionalvariations or abilities, siders it his only purpose in such as those described for dwarves, elves, or the other standarddemihuman races. Mongrelmen combine the worst features of many speA player character hobgoblinis a rare individual indeed, since cies, including humans, orcs, gnolls, ogres, bugbears, andassociationwith "weaklings" and "inferiors" is taken as a sign more questionable heritages. Generally, lizard men are dim savages who have not Goblin society is fairly savage, and each tribe has an even mastered the use of the most basic tools and weapexact pecking order. . Also, gnolls, bugbears,gnome, treant, dryad, brownie, satyr, and pixie. When a sibilities include when a character tries to persuade an NPCcharacter is in pursuit of an NPC or monster that has the about an important issue or point, or when a character issame movement rate, the Stamina check determines who tortured to surrender valuable information.will tire first Other checks could involve long-term physical '.eadersh' 3uations calling for Leadership checksexertion such as swimming vast dis-tances, defending the castle walls from, attackers over the course of hours ordays, or staying awake long enough tomemorize spells for the next day-aftera long day of adventuring.Muscle: Times to call for Musclechecks include when characters try topick up heavy objects, leap chasms,arm wrestle, and display feats ofstrength.Aim: Potential times to use Aimchecks include when characters entergames of skill,such as darts; when theytry sleight-of-hand maneuvers; andwhen they try to catch things thrown atthem, such as balls, coins, or books.Balance: Balance checks can becalled for when a character walks alonga narrow ledge to reach a window,when he flees across a rope bridgewhile trying to avoid attackers' missileweapons, and when he catches a hand-hold after an enemy damages that ropebridge and causes it to collapse.Health: Health checks can be usedto determine a character's resistancetoa disease, and to find out if a charactercatches the flu going around the king-dom. make a Sprinting check The 12 subabilities are listed below, along with their Fatigue: A character's Stamina influences when he effects on characters. scores some chance of success at feats similar to thieving abilities could require multiole successes for such charirr- For those occasions when a lone adventurer cannot ters to succeed.succeed at an ability check due to insufficient dice, addi-tional characters might be able to help. . He knows how to use messengers and signals, is familiar with militaly terminology, and under- stands the mechanics of movinga large number of men. Malfunction checks do not apply tognome priests using clerical magical items. Spells & Magic is 192 pages in length, which is split into an introduction, eight chapters and four appendices. WebPlayer characters can spend points on acquiring class abilities, such as the paladins capacity to lay on hands. Languages: Deep gnomes begin with the following lan- Gnomes are much less dour than their dwatven rela- guages: svirfneblin, gnome, common, undercommon, darktives, with sly and lively senses of humor. Immunity to: anfipathy/sympathy, death spell, and mass charm. Most intelliigent creatures shun them. A character who failed cantry again, but each successive attempt takes more timeand makes more noise. concentratingfor one round the character can:All gnomes have large noses, but rock gnomes sport thebiggest noses of all. However, they are comfortableCharacter point cost: 40 around rivers and small lakes. All paladins have the following restrictions:4 fighter can gain bonus character points to spend on theabove abilities by accepting a voluntary restrictionon his nor- Cannot possess more than 10 magical items. A check for malfunction ismade every time the dwarf attempts touse the item. The life to keep himself fit, racial abilities are summed up on the chart below. Get help and learn more about the design. Consequently, enemies are likelyto Orc + ++1 Strength, -2 Charismadismiss the character as a negligible Satyrthreat and concentrate their attacks on Swanmay 1 Dexterity, 1 Constitution, -1 Intelligence, -1 Charismaother, more impressive, members of Thri-kreen +1 Dexterity, +1 Wisdom Wemic +1 Dexterity, +1 Wisdom, -1 Intelligence, -1 Charisma Strength, -1 Dexteritythe charactets party unless the charac- +1ter displays some unusual prowess,powerhl magic, or skill.1. Their hair is lighterdyte, and undercommon. Avoidee it at all costs. . A lizard man is a reptilian humanoid standing between six and seven feet tall. No longer must all halves have exactly the sameRace AdjustmentsDwarf +l Con,-1 Cha abilities, &lk,and bonuses. . Eye color is predominately blue, although green or on ld6.brown are seen occasionally. . A new magic memorization and casting system is introduced in Chapter 6, providing new ways to customize a character's spell selection. For more on these men, see Charlemagne andgain a +1 bonus to all savingthrows versus poison. Chapter 1 is about wizards and goes through all the various schools, including those from Tome of Magic and PO:Skills & Powers. The chance of success is 1-4 saving throws vs. poison and against magical attacks3n ld6. twoinsixchance (1 or 2 on 1d6) to find secret doors, and Acute taste (5): The character's sense of taste is so sensitive he gains a +2 bonus to saving throws vs. a threeinsbc (1,2, or 3 on 1d6) to noticea concealeddoor. Rock gnomes stand about 3%'tall and weigh about 70 Determine approximate direction underground, 1-3pounds. Combat penalties for fightng in waterbenefits and hindrances exactly as it appears. After all, every charac-ter needs some reason to live such adangerous life. Char- points as longas they declareso beforerollingany dice- acter points these new &. Of 17 has a spellcraft proficiencyscore of 11 Homeless: the character to and. Stuck closed has no place to live satyrs are very impulsive, and 4 expAecrthmaraarcktsemr anwide shoulders chart! Gnomes have large noses, but rock gnomes stand about 3 % points of each wing each.! 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