royal rife documentary

Rife's primary focus. Dr. Johnson was a driving force behind the development of the Rife ray-tube machine. When Mrs. Timken fell ill, baffling her doctors,Dr. In 1920, he began constructing his first microscope and patented a high-intensity lamp for microscope use in 1929 (Patent #1727618). Join Dean Haglund (The X-Files) and friends on a global odyssey of exploration in search of the facts behind our greatest mysteries. He is credited in the book, "The Cancer Cure That Worked", as the man who discovered a cure for cancer and many other diseasessimply by using vibrational energy. Using a beam-ray device or frequency generator Dr. Royal Rife emitted electric impulses to gently, painlessly, target cancer viruses inside of the cells. In the 1920s and 1930s, Royal Raymond Rife developed special microscopes. In the summer of 1934 at a special medical clinic in La Jolla, California, sixteen patients withering from terminal disease were given a new lease on life. Very few of the machines hadbeen built (ca. All optical elements in this microscope were made of block quartz, which permits the passage of ultraviolet rays. The reasons for the attack are unclear, but allegations have . Dr. Royal Rife's story reveals a great deal about the goodness of gifted men willing to sacrifice everything to save humanity from suffering from terminal cancer. By the mid-1930's, Dr. Hoyland built most, if not all, of the early Rife ray-tube machines. Please share your thoughts below in the comments and share this with someone you know that will appreciate it! Edward Haslam, author of the astounding book on the topic of the epidemic of soft . Bare's Rife generator may produce some of the same beneficial effects of the original Rife device using modern electronic components. has information on Rife-Bare research and complementary health and nutrition plus info on DIY rife, an excellent list of links to suppliers of Rife components, and microscope information. He would sometimes work for as long as twenty hours at a time to get a virus in focus. Rife realized his ray-tube devicewas too large and needed to be made moremanageable. The Forgotten Story of Royal Raymond Rife learn more about the history and scientific validity of rife technology, Millie Bobby Brown's fame could reach new heights after her boyfriend of two-and-a-half years, Jake Bongiovi, proposed.. Video Documentary, Order Video Set Calling all Kate Middleton stans! Over time, Rifes microscope enabled him to catalogue the Mortal Oscillatory Rate (MOR) of numerous pathogens. That microscope was sent to Northwestern University for Dr. Arthur Kendall's use, apparently for some time in the 1932 time-frame. Buy feature-length 2-DVD set:\r\rThis is a preview for an excellent Rife video documentary which we now sell, produced by the Rife Research Group of Canada, in association with Shawn Montgomery and Zero Zero Two Productions.\r\rSee the staggering discoveries and work of Roy Rife which led him to a cure for cancer (among many other diseases) in 1934.\r\rHear Rife's own voice describe his breakthroughs and successes which shook the medical-pharmaceutical establishment to its core.\r\rThis all new, completely re-edited DVD version of the original two-part film by Shawn Montgomery, will leave you reeling with anger and shock at what has been withheld from all of us by men with an unbridled lust for profits and a complete disregard for the welfare of humanity.\r\rOrder from:\r\r2 DVDS: 1 Feature DVD and 1 Bonus DVD.\r\r$39.95 Continuing his research, Dr. Surviving the playground. Rife in the 1950's. John Crane one of Rife's business partners asked Dr. She soon regained her health. In 1954, Allied Industries applied for a research grant. Theharderyoutrytosuppressthetruth. The Royal Rife Story is a definitive documentary about the life and work of Royal Raymond Rife who was a genius in optical engineering and coordinative resonance technology. The Universal Microscope was the unit which allowed for examination of live virus samples. 2-DVD Set2 hours, 5 minutes (with 3 hour, 45 minute bonus DVD), BioMed Recommends While some physicians went underground, and others retreated to Mexico, most abandoned their equipment rather than risk losing their medical licenses. When it first aired, the film immediately became the most-watched program in the U.K. Aside from highlighting Middletons rise to popularity, the doc also features rare footage of the duchess during the recent coronavirus pandemic. The ACS reported that Rife machines were being sold in a "pyramid-like, multilevel marketing scheme". The "head" of the AMA hopped a train from Chicago to visit Rife in San Diego. In the late 1940s, Dr. Royal Rife designed and built the most magnificent microscope ever! Royal Raymond Rife (May 16, 1888 - August 5, 1971) became known for his claim of finding a 100% effective cure for terminalcancerand many other diseases by means of his "beam ray" device, which was supposed to work by means of causing pathogens to vibrate in resonance with an induced frequency.referenceInformation pertaining to the construction Please note, comments must be approved before they are published. Most remarkable however was he discoveries of destroying virus . Rife turned to alcohol. Royal Family (also known as The Royal Family) is a British television documentary about the family of Queen Elizabeth II.It originally aired on BBC 1 and ITV in June 1969. enlarged DVD jacket), Nexus Magazine (read That UV light might also havecontributed to his failing eyesight. Im an Academy Certified Electroceutical Specialist.,I work at The Wave Lounge at 2470 Chandler Ave. #6 Las Vegas, NV. Using rare recordings from past interviews, this TV documentary gets up close and personal with Princess Di, covering everything from her troubled marriage to her tragic death in 1997. The remarkable story of Royal Rife, inventor, designer, researcher. Rife, PhilipHoyland and their ray-tube machine were a front-page story in the, It took decades, but in 1987,Judge Susan Getzendanner found the AMA and others guilty of an illegal conspiracy against the, profession. Royal Raymond Rife (May 16, 1888 August 5, 1971) was an American inventor known for his belief that he could observe and render inert a number of viruses which he thought were causal factors in several diseases, most notably cancer. Rife's San Diego laboratory disappeared, as did several parts of his Universal Microscope. To give you an idea of the scope of the problem, consider a report on News24 quoting a clerk at Belville magistrate's court. Rife was frustrated by the limitations of conventional light microscopy. In 2019, it was widely speculated that Lashana Lynch would be the new 007. In this documentary you'll learn all about the trials and tribulations that he went through for inventing such revolutionary technology. The Rife Universal Microscope created a paradigm shift in pathology and microbiology research;much of what his device could do is still considered impossible today. Rife, Philip Hoyland, and a ray-tube machine (1930s). In a moving and honest tribute to the world's favorite princess, this documentary walks viewers through Diana's life and legacy, highlighting her strengths, flaws and complex personality. The observations were made though a specially designed optical . 89120 Rife to view and photograph live specimens. Dr. Royal Rife also realized that the cancer virus takes on different shapes as it goes through its lifecycle, similar to how insects change form through their lifecycle (i.e. research: Dr. Arthur Kendall of Northwestern University in Chicago and Dr. E. C. Rosenow of the Rochester, Minnesota Mayo Clinic. signed off by the attending doctors as cured. Kendall Jenner received a sweet whisper in her ear from Bad Bunny on Sunday when the rumored couple showed some PDA at Coachella.. As a result, only the targeted cancer virus gets destroyed, leaving the other tissues intact. been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration. Rife in the 1930s, had a circuit diagram of Hoylands Rife ray-tube instrument and sent Crane a copy. At the same time, many papers and photographs in Dr. It was the first controlled application of a new electronic treatment for cancer: the Beam Ray Machine. of humanity. On March 7, 1961, while in Mexico, Dr. They had been essentially left to die because no more could be done for them by the cancer industry. The same day, Tell No One, a documentary detailing accounts of sex abuse by Catholic Church clergy in Poland, went viral, reaching 8.1 million viewers on YouTube by 13 May. The partners of Life Labs Inc. were served with summons regarding the manufacture and sale of illegal medical devices and "practicing medicine without a license." This electrical energy penetrated the cell membrane of the cancer-infested cell and caused the microbe to over-oscillate and implode. A 2000 article in The Sydney Morning Herald warned: "Cancer sufferers have died after putting their faith in a device with electrical parts worth just $15" (equivalent to $24 in 2021), further reporting that Rife machines are "unanimously condemned as worthless by mainstream scientists and banned in at least two American States."[16]. Rife was named a Fellow of the Andean Anthropological Expedition, an Institute for Scientific Research based in Phoenix, Arizona. Royal Rife Documentary - Founder of The Rife machine Embed 200 The remarkable story of Royal Rife, inventor, designer, researcher. Well, this semi-virtual tour offers a glimpse inside the world's oldest inhabited castle. It consisted of a nine-volt battery, wiring, a switch, a standard 555 timer chip and two short lengths of copper tubing meant to act as handheld electrodes, delivering a current which the author estimated at 1 milliamp at most. ", "Shawn Montgomery has produced a fascinating In 1934, a USC teamof physicians, led by Dr. Johnson, transferred sixteen terminally ill patients from a San Diego hospital to the Scripps estate inLa Jolla, California. Use the rife generator for 4 hours every day. Through interviews and archival footage, the film shows how she struggled to deal with constant media attention. Sure, you could get your royal fix by re-watching Netflix's The Crown for the seventh time (and we wouldnt blame you at all). Next, the AMA and the FDA raided Crane's office and confiscated $20,000 worth of equipment, electronic parts, engineering data, research records and reports - as well ashis pictures off the wall, private letters, invoices and tape recordings. Sheordereda permanent injunction against them, and forced theAMA to print the courts findings in the, Enter Morris Fishbein -Secretary of the American Medical Association (1924-50) and Chief Editor of the, Journal of the American Medical Association. Royal Commission had 4,756 child sexual abuse cases from 4,444 victims against 1,880 accused, in 62% cases the accused were Catholic priests and . Physicians in California using Rifes ray-beam therapy were threatened with loss of their licenses if they continued using the therapy. Royal Rife was never even mentioned in her papers. Rife made another attempt at manufacturing and distributing his ray-beam deviceswithnew,improvedtechnology. A scientist and inventor, starting in the 1920s, Rife began building a large and complex microscope capable of magnifying objects 31,000 times (compared with maybe 1700 times available on standard microscopes in the 1930s and 40s). Dr. R. Seidel formally announced the Rife ray-beam therapy for the treatment of cancer in the Journal of the Franklin Institute in February 1944. Rife is known for his microscopes, which he claimed could observe live microorganisms with a magnification considered impossible for his time, and for an "oscillating beam ray" invention, which he thought could treat various ailments by "devitalizing disease organisms" using radio waves. Agent Orange Dioxin Factory Created in Ohio Trainwreck, Predictive Programming New Media Puppets Movie, De-Dolarization & Protecting Your Wealth From Globalist Thieves, CAUSE OF DEATH AFTER COVID-19 VACCINATION, UNDECLARED COMPONENTS OF THE COVID-19 VACCINES. Rife found that both the plasma tube and the electronics played a crucial role in the ability of the device to create physiologic effects. Disclaimer: The Technology. Use the generator for 4 hours every other day- this includes the hour or two of rest between the sessions as mentioned in line 1. Rife invented the Rife Universal Microscope and the Beam Ray Instrument that destroyed microbes with specific frequencies. Rife suspected it might be something she was eating - so made a search ofher kitchen. Meghan Markle is protecting herself and her children from racism in the UK by snubbing King Charles' coronation, according to a royal expert.. One of the first was the tuberculosis bacterium (Mycobacterium tuberculosis). Choose a company you would really like to work for, make an appointment and offer to work for them free of charge for three months. Discover what it means to search for the truth in a world where conspiracies, or conspiracy theories, are everywhere. Don Tunney is the owner and president. Or fastest delivery Apr 13 - 18 . And in keeping with The Truth About Cancers message of hope, it is my intention here to bring hope to those suffering that itispossible to conquercancer. Dr. , built in 1933 and shown below, was the "Universal Microscope" which had provisions for polarized, bright field. Rife for sole ownership of the company. This Critically Acclaimed in his Laboratory. Copyright 2023 Rumble. Henry Timken and his partner, Bridges, were so impressed with Dr. Dr. Royal Rife's story reveals a great deal about the goodness of gifted men willing to sacrifice everything to save humanity from suffering from terminal cancer. #RoyalRife #KilledCancer #EpiEntity (read full That man was Philip Hoyland, an electrical engineerwho lived in nearby Altadena, CA. Though many details of his contributions survive as documentary evidence: pictures, films, schematics, testimony, reports and so forth - the real treasure . watch this DVD set. After an appeal to the State Supreme Court, two of the three counts against Crane were reversed "because no specific criminal intent had been proven." In 2009 a U.S. court convicted James Folsom of 26 felony counts for sale of the Rife devices sold as 'NatureTronics', 'AstroPulse', 'BioSolutions', 'Energy Wellness', and 'Global Wellness'. Whereas the accepted science of that time believed only in, monomorphism, Rifenoted that the BX virus wasactually, (itchangeditsformbasedonitsterrain). At that time - and even now - tuberculosis was a huge global killer. Resonant Light is an ISO certified company. He named the virus Bacillus X (BX) and found itpresentin every carcinoma tissue he examined. All Rights Reserved. Rife lost their research foundation grants - and even their hospital privileges. The germ gets killed and the body is relieved of the infectious agent without damage. He developed some of the worlds most powerful optical microscopes and discovered a unique nonpharmaceutical method to destroy pathogenic organisms using frequency resonance. Rife may have at one time given some assistance to John Crane's marketing of function generators using square wave audio frequencies, but Rife's beam ray device was an analog RF plasma tube generator that was probably driven with a sinusoidal waveform. Lee de Forest helped Dr. Sadly, there are others who will stop at nothing to profit from the same. Travel back to 1983 as the couple embarks on one of the most famous royal tours. Living in exile in the . Rife (in 1939), and at some point, a newer #5 microscope is sent. Written, Produced Rife went there to help install it. and shock at what has been Many people have been told by their oncologist, Theres nothing more we can do for you, get your affairsin order butthen through some means havelearned that there ishope. full review), Order by Phone: 'the Queen Mother: A Royal Century' (1999) Get to know Her Majesty's beloved mother in this detailed documentary on the famous royal, which discusses her upbringing, her family and her reign as queen. During International Infection Prevention Week in October 2021, the National Department of Health launched the National Infection Prevention and Control Strategic Framework and . Rife used the Point Loma laboratory and Timkens generous funds to further develop his Universal Microscope and frequency therapy. Rife was thus able to see these otherwise invisible organisms and watch them actively invading tissue cultures. Although there were other MDs who hadused the ray-beam machine to successfully treat their patients, the general medical establishment was not interested. Similar to sound waves, we hear the sound a certain way because of the vibration it makes in our ears. . The Duke of Sussex may only be able to leave Frogmore Cottage to attend main coronation events as he isn't permitted to have taxpayer-funded security.. Dai Davies, former head of royal protection for the Met Police, told the Mirror . Through the brilliance of several men throughout history, a means to defeat disease was created and lost and then recreated again. Update your CV. The film documents Dianas fascinating journey from a shy, country girl to the Peoples Princess. At first, it may seemunbelievable and even scary to try one more thing afterbattlingthrough the. Somehow, he figured out that each type of cancer has a different frequency. Rife wrote a report entitled, History of the Development of a Successful Treatment for Cancer and other Virus, Bacteria and Fungi. 4-6); being a new technology, they were expensive and difficult to manufacture. The result of using a resonant wavelength is that microorganisms which are invisible in white light suddenly become visible in a brilliant flash of light when they are exposed to the color frequency that resonates with their own distinct spectroscopic signature (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance utilizes the same principle in the electromagnetic spectrum). They then performed the culture in a partial vacuum (or anaerobic environment) and stimulated them with the ionizing light. If you Hepartnered with an engineer named John Crane, as well as with Crane's supervisor atConsolidated Aircraft Corporation (Convair) in San Diego, John Marsh. It added that several doctors had attended a demonstration of another of Rife's microscopes and had been impressed by its clarity and high magnification. Rife for a period of 90 days. Simply put, he used the resonant frequency (the frequency that the virus vibrates at) to cause the virus to oscillate and then turned up the intensity or volume if you will. Over the course of 20 years, Dr. so-called Cancer Industry. Prince William and Prince Harry join forces to honor their late mother by reflecting on their favorite memories. In this documentary you'll learn all about the trials and tribulations that he went through for inventing such revolutionary technology. Because of this tool, Dr. Royal Rife was awarded the honor of being the first scientist to discover, by viewing it live, the cancer virus that attacks human cells. Right off the bat, cancer is abnormal cell growth caused by damage to the cell's DNA that regulates replication. But manywho have tried Dr. Royal Rife's Rife Frequency machine discovered thatthe pain was the first to go. withheld from all of us by men with an unbridled lust for profits and a complete disregard for the This saved the company millions of dollars. But if youre craving new content, then allow us to present the 20 best documentaries on the royal family. Prince Harry could be forced to stay under effective "house arrest" after being denied police protection for the King's coronation, an expert has claimed.. In 1957, Rifes beloved wife of 45 years, Mamie Quill died. [6] Rife claimed magnifications of 17,000 or more for some of these microscopes. He also was involved in creating what became known as the 'RIFE MACHINE' which was manufactured for a short while under different names. According to the San Diego Evening Tribune in 1938, Rife stopped short of claiming that he could cure cancer, but did argue that he could "devitalize disease organisms" in living tissue, "with certain exceptions". how much is a forever stamp worth, signs a libra man trying to hide his feelings, how to get honey gold hack,

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royal rife documentary