anti polyamory reddit

Polyamory or non-monogamy is the practice of being in multiple emotionally and sexually intimate relationships at one time, without hiding these other relationships from one’s other partner(s). Appeal to nature (normality) - monogamy is inherently normal. I don’t … About five years ago, Cameron Mckillop was talking to a friend at work, when an older woman came up to them and abruptly put an end to their conversation. Fine. Whatever she thinks that is, she doesn't say. Yes, my boyfriend and I can have multiple sexual partners outside of our relationship, but actual “relationships” or secondaries, as the poly world refers to, is just out of the question for me. save. Three incomes, one bedroom, all working as a united group to save up for eventual children. Point your IRC client at and type /join #reddit-poly. I totally agree with this, and just wanted to ask why is it always the ugliest and dustier men that are polyamorous? People from abusive cults repair their lives and so will you. They all fuckiing sound like him. You can visit the /r/Polyamory FAQ, but it's currently still a work in progress! "To me, you can't divide love.". Though polyamory is bigger in pop culture than ever before, it's still pretty misunderstood. I was on the look out for something physically and emotionally committed—something closed and something, well, normal. All of the wives are miserable and jealous while the guy is not even a catch. (Why not enhance your privacy by using the free Tor Browser?). To be polyamorous is to have the desire to have a fulfilling romantic/sexual relationship with more than one person at a time OR to practice ethical non-monogamy. 48 comments. I believe all of them were raised to think that this is the lifestyle they wanted ‍♀️. I've sometimes been accused unfairly of having a bias in favor of polyamory, or even being anti-monogamy, because I feel … It can be for anyone who is dating, regardless of orientation, gender identity, kinks (or lack thereof), or other interests. I had flings with hot men in Paris :), Quote from him ”it is only you who are meeting men, I havent met anyone” :,(, Guess who wanted to be monogamous when I came home? To be clear, I don’t think that polyamory is an immoral choice or an invalid choice, but it is not a viable choice for most people. You're a queen! This thread is archived. Thank you :). We're special snowflakes! Annoying, but whatever. Make it make sense please. I've seen some people pushing it in the comments. I think all other comments after this are unnecessary. This shit is hard for me just like its hard for the author of that article. No one is asking her to. Yeah, I guess I shouldn't have even given such a specious argument a second thought, but the overall tone of it was so infuriating, and yet I didn't have a clear way of responding. Honestly fuck the poly community. She's a young, fairly narcissistic person, writing basically an op-ed about herself. There will always be a favorite, there will always be someone’s needs met first before the other. ", I watch sister wives on tlc(for work but that’s not important) and they do a really bad job trying to convince anyone that polygamy works. People calling themselves polyamorists insist that they are simply cut out to be in relationships involving more than one person at a time, as opposed to "monogomists," who can only "handle" one person at a time. uh, okay. They're just having flings with other people they barely know for six months at a time or less. All moral judgements are made out of fear. lots of people are into casual sex. Life partners should really only be monogamous—yeah let's still have our share of hook-ups and adventures, but at the end of the day I know who I really want to go home back to. If you want to fuck yourself over, you go right ahead. Maybe in other countries but that's an entirely different cultural scenario. ; The FBI considered the creator of the lie detector test to be a phony and a crackpot? Well there are some women arguing how polyamory is great because they like it. That's it. Anti-Polyamory Article is making me flip out right now I found this article on xojane today about someone who is in an open relationship but looks down on polyamorous relationships. I do feel that there is an aspect of monogamy that cannot suss out whether someone loves them unless they are the sole recipients of their partner's love, so I feel a bit of compassion there. They don't. He missed and completely blew up his chance to impress me. When that is defined into the rules of the realtionship, from all sides, and usually with definite unchanging rules, it can work. Suddenly I realise: maybe not so bad to be poly for me, since I’ve met a lot of hot french men here? If polyamory wasn’t all about sex you’d tend to find polyamorous people wouldn’t be driven by sex or physical contact. This got an unexpected chuckle out of me on this crappy day. And I really have no idea what she is so afraid of! I told him ”you were so right. This place is for polyamorous redditors seeking to add a third, fourth or more to their existing relationship. The author sounds exactly like a person I WOULD NEVER EVER EVER DATE. So what if it's legal? Now substitute "monogamous" for anything that used to be considered 'normal' - one race, heterosexual, having children, etc. This perversion of marriage is confirmation that “every intention of the thoughts of our hearts is only evil continually,” and that, without God, “everyone does what is right in his own eyes” (see Genesis 6:5 and Judges 21:25). The argument, in a nutshell, is that supposedly people from polynesia (which is a region, not a country) use the term to identify themselves, and polyamorous people shouldn’t take it away. If you want to be monogamous, fine, go for it, just be honest about your needs. 6 years ago. Which cat. I don’t know if any post-poly support exists, but I’d look at least at domestic abuse victim support, because I’m pretty sure you’d qualify. Polyamory is a trap for women. He always said those things ”all relationships are different. Especially when one party has a higher sex drive then the other. It is an absolute joke how people involved in polyamory talk about how they "love" multiple people. Let's review her logical fallacies: Strawman - that poly relationships have to be about committment, or have to be equal! Let's tackle some myths about polyamorous relationships. The articles are generally specious and badly-written and there are always a few poly people rolling their eyes in the comments section. 120% true facts about polyamory. We focus on effective dating strategies for women who want to take control of their dating lives. Wanna have some fun?You should use Polyamory - reliable dating service for making your life happier If you have some doubts - just read our review where you can find all information about Polyamory. loving two people equally, 50/50, does not seem possible. Life partners should really only be monogamous—yeah let's still have our share of hook-ups and adventures, but at the end of the day I know who I really want to go home back to. No qualms here, she's not poly. These would all normally have been red flags for me, but I still couldn’t get enough of him. Well. I didn't block him because, at the time, I didn't realize how important that is. "Life partners should really only be monogamous". Now, actually having more than one partner, as opposed to just physical flings, seems to me to be defeating the purpose of being in a relationship with someone. The time, energy and vulnerability I put into a relationship, I believe, is precious-tailored for only one person. We’re just living out our 20s; still committed to the other emotionally, but still having our share of fun. It divides his time and attention among multiple women, reducing attention and resources invested in you. These are red flags in my book, not only because I'm poly, but the author seems to think that the idea that one is 'owned' is okay. She is writing in a sensationalist opinionated matter. best. What is polyamory, to you? They publish these obnoxious anti-poly pieces every week or two for pageviews and to rile up the commenters. You are not more mature for going along with it, in fact it shows how weak you are. Polyamory pffft, Let me guess... they tried the polyamory thing and she had guys all over her while he couldn’t find anyone that would willingly go anywhere near his dick for free. If it hard to decide there are 805 dating sites comparison at! Polyamory is openly, honestly, and consensually loving and being committed to more than one person. Polyamory has come back into fashion recently and whilst it’s good we’re living in a more open and tolerant society, I, for one, do not welcome this particular development without a measure of scepticism. People have their own way of making sense of things, and you learn a lot from a person by how they do this. The real crime here is that she is judging and preaching about how other people should experience love and happiness in their own homes when no one is getting hurt. If you take a walk over there you can see some of the fine male specimens with multiple women hanging off of them that you too could share with multiple other women if you want to be polyamorous . She shouldn't be poly then. Y'all I laughed out loud in my home. I've had two people indirectly imply that I want polyamory made "illegal". It made him insanely jealous so he turned back to monogamy. I was very insecure, bad self esteem. Of course people are going to have difficulty with aspects of this life style. Instead I found my current boyfriend, who, truthfully, wasn’t the ideal candidate for my traditional single self. The simplest definition of polyamory is participation in multiple loving relationships at the same time. And you don't shut those people out of your heart, you don't fight the transformational power of caring about somebody because you think a little strange on the side is more emotionally convenient. We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. Welcome to the internet ant the modern western mindset - "your dislike and non participation of my lifestyle is hateful!!! share. ; The man who started the CIA's polygraph program thought that plants can read human thoughts? hide. Due to my unresolved traumas I used to be really into poly. Poly is when it's a thing all involved parties have agreed upon. TLDR: author thinks that real relationships only exist on the monogamy plane - nonmonogamy is for casual sex only and that poly is wrong because she can't see herself loving 'equally' more than one partner. Although everybody knows the original sweet onion is the Vidalia. That is all. Notice she talks about "playing out our 20's". This is the kind of breakdown that I wanted to do when I first read the article, but was too inflamed to actually think straight and do it - so a thousand thanks to you for taking the time to do so =). It didn't feel like an attack on polyamory to me really; she's just saying she can't empathize with it. Polyamory is a ridiculous concept that ruins relationships. This subreddit discusses news, views, and issues around polyamory, polyfidelity, poly people, and related issues. Polyamory comes with its own set of guidelines and issues. You nailed it. Really! He wanted a poly relationship, I did not. So, in the author's view, non-monogamy isn't normal. Thank you all for your thoughtful, logical, and sensible responses. If coercion is involved, it's not poly. Poly TIL: Plenty of Fish anti-poly. Press J to jump to the feed. I just wonder how on earth she could fear polyamory more than casual sex? There are honestly people who have never experienced and thus don't believe there is such a thing as romantic love. Sort by. FDS is not the place for you to discuss your polyamory or push polyamory. Nice. That's basically what that article boils down to. It's an insult. That is where I draw the line. Very true - this was the point that scared me the most and which I had the most trouble responding to in my head, because I tend to be a very all or nothing kind of person. Most men can't even sexually satisfy one woman so I don't know why they think they deserve more than one to disappoint. That has absolutely nothing to do with the prospect of a stable and secure relationship. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. #polyamory on Snoonet. Eh, just another person knocking it before they tried it, in my opinion. #open has better standards and matching options and better code of conduct than any other dating app I’ve seen. Eh, her loss. It's just cheating, but right in the woman's face. And of course, you could say that she's committing some others, depending on how you read the tone of the piece. So thank you for commenting directly on this. "But it's legal" is one of the dumbest arguments for this issue. I am only capable of being in love with one person at a time. People are allowed to do that, allowed their objections to what I consider a lifestyle and way of being. Got my life ruined so bad I'm still not sure I'm going to be able to live a normal life ever again. I mean, who was this guy? Take your red herrings with you while you enjoy your ban for trolling! Speaking of which, I always thought it was fair to let the dad know which child was his but BF#1 feels like, to love all the children in our poly family equally it's best not to know, and raise the kids equally. He looked like mf Santa Claus at 39. I'm 100% celibate right now and will probably stay celibate for the foreseeable future. We are anti polyamory. Polyamory is a ridiculous concept that ruins relationships. "I can't imagine it." It's just that you don't relegate the people who move on to the status of "hook ups" and "adventures." Twitter: PolyamoryFactsT. That's a sad representation of their supposed to "love". The lie detector is itself based on lies…. They would join Charles Manson in a heartbeat if they could. I really think it is a good idea to be poly” and he panicked. Welcome to /r/polyamoryR4R! He did not want to ”put label” on our relationship. IRC (online chat) #reddit-poly on FreeNode. Your browser doesn't accept cookies. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the FemaleDatingStrategy community, Continue browsing in r/FemaleDatingStrategy. Ugh of course it was reported . Literally you will never be enough for them so why even bother at all!! To me, love can’t be multiplied; loving two people equally, 50/50, does not seem possible. Cookies are required to use this site. We had contact on the phone, the ”bf” and I. I cannot wrap my mind around anyone defining their relationship differently from me! Last I checked you can't legally marry multiple people so it's definitely not legal across the board. It's XOJane. And that's fine! And she goes on about how she can't divide her attention/love. It's because they can't get laid so they're fantasy is to get laid by multiple women. I would just say they're low value if they actually like that low level, low vibrational shit. You are not crazy for being mad. Sometime an advice column. It is not to our benefit to share a man with multiple other women. She wants fuck toys. And that's okay! They are trying so hard to paint themselves as this little persecuted minority. Scam. I guess because polyamory requires you to balance powerful emotions of love and trust, whereas being in an open relationship allows you to shut off those emotions and be "just physical" as she says. Black and White thinking: Similar to above - Life partners should really only be monogamous (and thus nonmonogamy is only for flings), again, not true. My feelings for him started to fade. Yeah I decided to give it a go once and signed up. What are your thoughts? Polyamory is, in reality, “poly-lust-ory.” There is nothing loving about it. And also I think this is a case of a mono person falling for a poly person and not accepting that they have different needs. So so so many fallacies in her argument. If you fall for someone with conflicting needs, either walk away, or figure out how to make it work without shitting all over their very valid lifestyle choice. Here's where I think she totally fucks it up: it is not like we are out collecting wives or husbands. Lol. Which dog. What you have there from my perspective is a girl or a guy who has friends of the opposite sex and isn’t fooling around with them. The Teen Titans franchise was a success in the mid-‘60s, only to see its popularity wane by the end of the decade and the series canceled by the mid-‘70s. About this post not the place for you to discuss your polyamory or polyamory. Yeah I decided to give it a go once and signed up resources invested in you, children... Open relationship but looks down on polyamorous relationships are a scam perpetuated by LVM, they 're fantasy is get. Does n't value you as a hardcore cynical atheist, I did realize! Is openly, honestly, and issues around polyamory, polyfidelity, poly people, consensually. That scares her... Nah, do n't think it defeats the purpose had first. Try to tell me his dream was polyamory and I told him to fuck yourself over, you anti polyamory reddit legally! The FBI considered the creator of the keyboard shortcuts 100 % celibate right now and will stay. Of course, you go right ahead an unexpected chuckle out of me on crappy! 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