reddit horror stories

Well, just check out these Reddit horror stories – and do exactly the opposite as these poor people did. Then it moved toward mine. Sometimes she's just a face, sometimes just a jaggedly rearranged torso. "No, that is MY boy", a guttural voice declared. By Solomon Thompson Published Aug 26, 2017. Best Of Reddit: 20 Spooky Video Game Horror Stories. She told him to go to bed at eleven but unfortunately, he couldn’t hear her over the sound of his music. This video features true scary horror stories sure to scare you. I took my glasses off for the first time today. 1. ... Reddit user @akumamatata8080 recently took to the site to ask, “People who’ve been on home renovation shows, how’s the house holding up?” in a thread that has since been upvoted over 25,300 times and received over 2,600 comments. Even though Keith tried to talk to the old man again there was no response. My lights flickered off, the floorboards behind me squeaked, a dark whisper into my ear, “Sam”. I walked over and picked it up. They try to convince us to let them in but don't worry, we really love you and we will protect you. We didn't question why the (funny) man outside by our car let us know that the sun was going down. And if you ever force them to turn them off, they cry and scream and eventually you give in. She always answered her phone. Darkness Prevails Podcast | TRUE Horror Stories • By Darkness Prevails Podcast • May 15, 2020 But things have changed since then; she’s been acting strange lately. 1. And, lucky for you, some people are willing to tell theirs. I turned the corner and crossed the street to the other side of the sidewalk when I saw about 10-20 yards in front of me a tall outline was what looked like dancing in a circle on the sidewalk. 3. He then hid under the child's bed. I'm the "monster" that lives in your closet. She kept taking furtive glances back, and I looked down at my phone or pretended to tie my shoe every time she would. I wanted to move, but fear held me still. You'll never sleep again. In order to get away with what they were doing, they threw a fake birthday party with a Batman theme to distract me. I had a good view from my window to see the new neighbors move in next door early in the morning. And lost my faith. So I stood there was two minutes listening to a desperate mother cry out for help, powerless to do anything. The Reddit community regards these stories as some of the most chilling in existence. I need to inform you that I live in a poor neighborhood, drugs and shit run rampant. Hopefully your story isn’t worse than this. I'll be making a visit real soon, then we can be together forever…. Not that I have a choice in the matter. And although none of them are bad enough to scare you off from dating for life, they'll make you thankful for all of the good dates you've been on. It lasted for twenty minutes and by that time I knew something was definitely there. The dark thing shifted along my carpet, breathing in between the screeching sound of it scratching the wood. My reflection flickered momentarily, before an unearthly hand stretched out from the glass and plucked my son from my lap. Only for thick black hair to consume his sight. My parents discarded it as something to do with the quality of wood in the area. For fans of horror and frightening fiction, two-sentence horror stories are the perfect way to get a quick thrill. I ran to cover myself under a table to avoid getting hit by anything that fell. Nightmare at Check-In. After silently propping them up. He tried making out the words, but it was a struggle. Children of Karens Share Their Horror Stories (15 Posts) ... People took to Reddit to explain what growing up with “Karen” mom (or dad) is like—and it’s not pretty. Just like your balls, this advice is timeless. Every night I wait and every night her face appears. The light was out. Jacob spent an hour and a half playing with his phone. You'll never sleep again. This is a collection of true scary stories from the subreddit "Let's not meet". This time, it was said with more force and a bit louder. It would have been romantic if I hadn't just arrived home from identifying his body at the morgue. These are the most terrifying video game horror stories from Reddit. I proposed after we graduated from college and we planned our future together. A young boy lay sleeping in his bed when he heard footsteps outside his room. Around Halloween each year we would have these contests to see who could ring the doorbell, stand there for 2 minutes without getting scared or running away. Right there and then, I saw my reflection in the mirror. Knock back a few sleeping pills, take off my socks and let myself get drowsy. Horror stories don’t need to be long in order to be scary. It was around this time that a local farmhand went missing. This next story comes from a tenant horror stories thread on A young couple moved into the place around 2004. Teachers took to Reddit to share the craziest things their students' parents have said to them. Here are our ten favorite stories of masturbation gone wrong from the depths of Reddit. I opened it and there was a message “Hey Sam, I’ll come over tonight and introduce myself!”, I thought it was a bit strange and wrote back “Come over tonight? I rarely sleep alone. It was warped. October 15, 2019. Two of the thread’s top comments were by redditors who had had someone die in their arms. For the first time in forever, I saw the entity behind the mirror smiling at me. I turned my head and I saw a mirror. I'm a creature of habit you could say. It was recently, I was sure. After several giddy minutes spent making silly faces with my son, I sighed and held him close, and smiled. He was confused as to why she wouldn’t answer him. Scary Stories. Then the baby died in my arms. 1. then I snapped out of it. Casey was now inside the weirdo house, it was dark but we could see him with his flashlight in the rooms on the second floor. "Who are you? The nights when the body of the thing lays itself beside me, to find us face to face with her lips agape, as if she was mimicking my horrified reaction is beyond description. Keith whirled around and saw no one. Nobody ever did it, well not until Casey moved into the neighborhood. Ana Luisa: video features true scary horror stories sure to scare you. By Lauren Smith ... Reddit user ashlieexoxo says her … This is just for fun, as INSIDER cannot independently verify these stories. Once they were done scavenging the house for information, they realized that I may tell my parents what I had seen and they began to question me as to whether or not I was going to say anything to my parents. Story from SlayingGrounds “Maybe not a bad experience story, but definitely weird as hell. The creature worked at my door, each scratch like chalk on wood. All I could try and block out her screams as we worked to make sure the fire didn’t spread to a neighboring house. Told in the first-person retrospective, the story begins when the main character was a teenage boy and he meets his mom’s friend Rose. On top was written “Open”. “Women of Reddit, ... More than 6,800 comments flooded in, with hundreds of “nice guy” horror stories that will have you questioning the future of the human race. I grew up that day. I was once drugged at a party and later raped by a woman I didn’t know and left passed out with my pants down on the floor. It was a huge one. At this time, my mother had instilled the idea of always telling the truth into my head, so I had naturally responded yes. Keith was 12 the first time the old man in the well spoke to him. Just after three AM, the sound came again and closer. A lessor in London rented to what seemed like a nice young couple, who diligently paid their rent on time in the beginning. I panic and try to move my body the ringing gets louder and louder and louder and I can feel myself crying. They had no idea that she had a baby (she was flung 10-20 feet from the vehicle, and her friends were holding me and trying to keep me calm). The good people of the internet are no different. I felt so comfortable that I would forget to turn it off afterwards. Apparently one day a UPS worker walked up the house, mistaking it for the house next door, rang the doorbell to deliver a package and heard someone say “Coming” then a moment later something hit the door hard. My bedroom was upstairs. Recently, a Reddit user asked people to post two-sentence horror stories and some answers were truly mind-boggling. PLEASE, SAVE MY BABY” We were ordered not to go into that house. None. She appeared to be sleeping. The depth of stories increased throughout the thread, including /iii_shouldbestudying‘s tale of a car accident that killed his mother while he was an infant: When I was a baby (19 months old) my mother (19 years old), her three college friends, and baby-me were in a terrible car accident. A devilish smile. Those are the real-life horror stories that give us an adrenaline rush. But today I wanted to do more. There was a long discussion on the r/NoSleep Slack channel recently about whether a particular horror story on the sub was convincingly true to life. I’d never seen them there before, like in the corners of my room and in darkened parking lots. I fell down and I groaned from the pain. Here are several people's first time stories from both Seventeen readers and Reddit users that, uh, didn't go according to plan. Just go to your room!”. Read 'em and weep (or laugh). And the world has been able to watch true horror stories play out in real time, right on their computer screen. Check out these people's mortifying period stories — and be glad they didn't happen to you. I could see a shadow moving in the darkness of the hallway. It was open, and inside was a girl who looked about my age. We didn't question why he looked so strangely (greedily) at us. Skip some weeks, my family is on a trip to Brazil and we’re at the monkey cage. You humans must be blind. Reddit users reveal their most awkward wedding horror stories. Feeling her turn cold. I fought against my bladder and waited. Nothing happened, but then he reached for the doorknob and walked in, surprising all of us. In a recent Reddit thread, people shared their dating horror stories. I nodded to the priest and signaled to the men sitting in the front row. The noise alarmed the husband who dropped the boxes and the rest is history. My bladder throbbed, threatening to burst. The thread wasn’t the only area of the site in which redditors exchanged horror stories. But it has made me the man I am today. When Casey celebrated hisfirst Halloween with us he accepted the challenge. Read them at your own peril. As with all juicy tales there were follow up stories, and this is where things got weird. The young wife was upstairs one day when the husband rang the doorbell for some assistance carrying some boxes inside the front door. The nights are particularly scary considering there's very little see. My heart pounded as I rang the doorbell. My whole body becomes liquefied with fear and I bolt upright to escape but never make it past my bedroom door. In reflexed, I crawled away as far as I could, even though my head and my legs were hurt. I picked it up and looked out my window. Ahead, we've rounded up some of the craziest, funniest, saddest, and most insane wedding horror stories we found on Reddit. We thought it was time to compile a list of Reddit’s 9 Worst Landlord Horror Stories. He didn’t pay any attention to the time. Her beautiful, sparkling eyes drew me in; they were a reflection of heaven, and her voice, a chorus of angels. It turns out, quite a few Internet users have dark thoughts and the ability to express them. During their lease, however, the woman got pregnant and quit her job causing the couple to no longer be able to afford the monthly rent. Well, I had to admit, it was indeed sounded like a typical fear a 5 years old would have. It was late into the evening, and still no reply from Sarah. They masquerade as one of you and you can never tell. My eyes travelled to the neighbors' vacant, upstairs bedroom window which was directly across from mine. Search Subscribe; ... Reddit user Annepackrat writes that an old neighbor used to … Keith was out playing after dark on the family's small farm near the well. Share Share Tweet Email. avidasd via Reddit. I had known Manny for many years and we were great friends till he had started becoming depressed and sometimes suicidal shortly after being dumped by his first real girlfriend. He even texted his best friend for a while until she no longer replied. bucket and saw a rectangular piece of silver metal, about the size of an army dog tag. “I gave my father CPR as he died when I was 18,” wrote dummystupid. The neighbor said his pallor went from a natural hue to pure white terror. They turn lights on in every room as if it's some sort of security blanket. Comment. At two, I heard the first noise. 1. It felt to me as if it was a creature... An entity, who lived behind the mirror. I always kept my closet light on. Horror Stories. By Michael Koh Updated April 12, 2021. I’d rather things remain blurry, just the way it is for everyone else. She was the prettiest girl in the class, but of course she never heard that from me. No matter how badly I clog myself with prescription pills I can feel her arrival. The one male friend I told gave me a hug, he asked me if there was anything I needed, then told me he was sorry that this happened to me and that he was there for me if I ever wanted to talk about it. As a kid, half cut off my one thumb on the bread cutting machine while sneaking out for a late night snack in dimmed light. I waited another minute before the shape looked at me for about thirty seconds and bolted behind a tree. My parents didn’t think I needed them at first, but the doctor said that there was something wrong with more than just my eyes that was apparently pretty common, and that I needed specially prescribed glasses “for my own good”. We then went back to business as usual and he didn’t treat me any differently or as if I was some fragile china doll who would break at the slightest touch. I was terrified. True Horror Stories from Reddit Manny the Mexican. We didn't question why the clerk at the station (where are her eyebrows and hair) insisted on making a phonecall in the back before ringing us up. Short horror stories to tell at night and scary tales for kids and adults to read online. After a few minutes, the baby in an [inexplicably] eerie but incredible fashion leaned its head off of my knee in a way that, as crazy as it sounds, seemed almost knowingly polite and thankful, and threw up a mixture of blood and who knows what. The gun was the final straw and I said I wouldn’t say anything. I started seeing nightmare creatures. One night, I decided to stay awake and find out the truth. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Google+ Reddit WhatsApp. So, I tried messing her on Facebook today…not surprised she told me to stop messaging her and that “this wasn’t funny” when I told her that I had no idea what she was talking about and all I wanted to do was fix whatever it was that was wrong; she went crazy stating that this was cruel and a “bad joke”. He gasped. Just wait until you read the neighbor horror stories that have been shared on Reddit. Couldn't tell you why I even take them still, the pills that is. Back in January we did a compilation of Reddit’s 9 Funniest Roommate Horror Stories. Once Keith took over the farm, temp workers seemed to vanish every now and then without explanation from the farm. A lessor in London rented to what seemed like a nice young couple, who diligently paid their rent on time in the beginning. Then again so is she. While few, if any, of the stories are light-hearted, some redditors shared tales that broke free from the traumatic vibe. Her seatbelt was faulty and she broke her neck. A flurry of confusion was spinning in my head, I couldn’t speak. I thought about going to the bathroom just after one. NOT every wedding day is perfect. Now she said we’re best friends FOREVER and I intend to keep it that way whether she likes it or not! This happened to me about a year ago. It was also the same time that Keith was rewarded with gold pieces for the first time. Short horror stories to tell at night and scary tales for kids and adults to read online. On the same day, redditor OneForJustice called for firefighters, cops, and EMTs to share their own horrible—or amusing—stories from their time on the job. Or it glides like it's on a conveyor belt back and forth. I’ll love him forever for that. Former home makeover show participants share their horror stories. I thought he meant cars and faraway words would become less blurry, but over the span of a couple of days, many more things have become more clear. He had a bouquet of roses, and dinner was waiting on the table. Suddenly he heard someone say his name in a slow raspy voice. the voice said. 13 Virginity Horror Stories That Are Super Cringy. I always had a problem with sleeping growing up. The mall was slightly dark. Sleepless nights are less cause of love and more cause of horror stories these days. Including one wedding that was almost cancelled over a dress with pockets. A look of confusion spread across his face as he heard it again. It scraped at Mum and Dad's bedroom door. We picked him up and said, “What the hell happened?”. He put those in the bucket and it lowered it. On Reddit, a few newlyweds revealed their wedding night horror stories, and they'll make you feel like laughing and crying at the same exact time. That or Stephen King made a lot of Reddit accounts. So in order to start your weekend off right, I've combed the latest AskReddit threads about real life creepy stories and assembled a “greatest hits” of sorts. Everyone was hysterical. We walked down the street and as I walked past the plot I looked over and saw nothing. I thought that was just a drunk guy or crackhead so I decided I would just wait for him to dance away. “Something pushed me, but nobody was up there at all, not a soul.”. INSIDER was unable to independently verify these stories, but they're still fun to … She hissed and howled, her body writhing in agony. "A co-worker dumped mop water through the ice cream machine in an attempt to clean it. Sign up here to get INSIDER's favorite stories straight to your inbox. Photo credit: Imgur. The classic of the horror genre is, of course, the two-sentence scary stories . Everyone has a work horror story. Well, your reflection was alive looked like an act of a ghostly thing, but no, mine wasn't a ghost. As if someone in the next room worked at the wall with a screwdriver. So, in order to make your nights a little scarier, here are some of the finest horror specimens from Reddit. What happened to me broke who I was for several years, but it has made me able to cope with pretty much anything that life could throw at me. She leaned out the window, curved her hand around her mouth and whispered to me, “Nice to meet you, I’m Sarah.”, I laughed, “Nice to meet you Sarah, I’m Sam.”. “My Mom is a reformed Karen. Whatever made the scratches was only interested in the walls. Her eyes never leaving mine. It flowed from underneath the door and dissolved the illusion of darkness with white brilliance. We’re all familiar with the chill up your spine you get from playing a spooky game. This next story comes from a tenant horror stories thread on It's still short, so readers get through the submissions really fast, yet it's vague enough to give the writers space to work with. "Want fresh!" This just added to the legend. Your balls will thank you. He peeked out of his eyes to see what was, happening when his door swung open to reveal a murderer carrying corpses of his parents. Years (17 to be precise) of therapy ensued, but it never really did anything for me and left me a pretty angry kid who wanted revenge. Blurry by Thatonecricket101 I got my … Crinkling like folded tin foil. Was taken to hospital and it was barely saved and put in bandage. While weddings can make anyone crazy – bridesmaids, grooms, dress makers, cake bakers – we’re going to focus on the 18 nuttiest bridezilla stories, compiled from Reddit. He lay still as the bodies, quietly, An hour passed, and his eyes got adjusted to the darkness. When I was a little girl, I used to read at night. It sounded like something being scraped away. When link5688 asked r/askreddit subscribers to share real-life horror stories, an array of powerful and haunting responses resulted. Your balls will thank you. 12 people shared their worst work horror stories — and they will make you feel extremely lucky if your job is boring. Hopefully you can't relate to any of the horrors below. Just like your balls, this advice is timeless. By Solomon Thompson Published Aug 26, 2017. Most of us have at least one good horror story to share at a party or on a dark night around the campfire. We’re all familiar with the chill up your spine you get from playing a spooky game. That or Stephen King made a lot of Reddit accounts. I was obsessed with her. The thread was balanced out with several stories detailing everything from living in squalor to a morbidly obese woman who, while being arrested and processed, had a grilled cheese sandwich drop from her skin folds. But when they spoke to the agent, he said the previous owners didn't have one. They pretend to love you but It won't last. There was a man and woman carrying boxes into the house, they must’ve been a couple. When Bad Directions Attack!. 0. Getting your period is rough, and tampon horror stories never make your time of the month any easier. The Writing On The Wall by Erlendj A young boy lay sleeping in his bed when he heard footsteps outside his room. A chime sounded from inside and awoke the butterflies in my stomach. “Honey come down for dinner!” my mom shouted. My legs fail me and I'm suddenly a heap by my dresser drawer. Like, the part where the soft serve goes to freeze." In related news, r/aww saw its biggest-ever spike in traffic. And it wasn't a ghost. When Mum and Dad bought the house, they thought the brown scratches on the bedroom doors were from a dog. Some nights I’d hear other strange noises, like faint screams. Not entirely. I looked down to read the message. My mom invited the new neighbors over for dinner, I figured this is what Sarah meant by coming over tonight. T he world is full of mysteries, murders, and deeply disturbing true stories. The priest grasped the crucifix in front of her face and began the recitation. When I was a kid she used to treat people in customer service like trash. These two-sentence horror stories are going to freak you the eff out. When you see us, you flee to you're mommy and daddy. 7. So when Reddit user 'meiguess' asked others "What is the best short horror story you can come up with in two sentences" - the answers scared everyone to death. A while to discover that the old man was only there the night of full moons except. Man and woman carrying boxes into the place around 2004 she wouldn t. Legs fail me and I saw a rectangular piece of silver metal, about man... And saw nothing man I AM today tenant horror stories are light-hearted, some redditors shared tales broke... Got anything tasty? `` began the recitation whisper into my ear, “ our died! Staying within a good view from my subconscious my socks and let just! Or later those are the real-life horror stories. gently made its way my... Visit real soon, then I 'd waste hours of reddit horror stories chorus of angels father was a... 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