roll red roll who is jane doe

Just watched Roll Red Roll. I had to leave my home in the Mojave Desert because the wife of one of the Ohio BCI agents on the case posted my address on Twitter. I opt to focus on the good and cling desperately to hope that things will get better and that they WILL change. I don’t have any financial interests with the documentary and was happy to contribute my story. Cody Saltsman, the ex-boyfriend of Jane Doe, is who took the picture of her being carried by her wrists and ankles. At one point in Nancy Schwartzman’s “Roll Red Roll,” Steubenville detective J.P. Rigaud can be heard outlining the complicated legal case that would be brought against two teens by a Jane Doe, accusing them of raping her, though having been inebriated, she only learned the sexual assault when a friend showed her a picture that had been passed around online. I watched as devout Catholics from Franciscan University condemned Jane Doe for going to the party, just as the Nelson sisters apparently do in that film. Book of screenshots containing many never before published screenshots gathered during research of the case. He was implicated in the April 2012 rape but was never charged. There were some pretty awful people who chimed in. Loves and hugs. It’s been 7-years of doing nothing to make sure that the young men in the town are educated about consent. I was her maid of honor and when the chips fell, she chose to side with her community. I wanna thank you in the half of the women who live far away in different countries and continentals. the lies. Chatham, IL 62629 Even if you think you know the whole story from the news coverage, the film's in-depth look is profoundly devastating. I hadn’t kept up with any of the kids involved over the years until about a month ago when I figured I should take a look in case people were asking, and of course, to satisfy my own curious nature. You are the difference, thank you. There are so many screenshots that I just can’t post here. Roll Red Roll is often hard to watch, but Schwartzman handles the subject matter with respect, grace, insight, and even hope. i am incredulous that people would raise their kids to be so callous, cold, unfeeling and evil. Thanks for buying the book of screenshots. At the center of the story is a teenage girl, … I live on the west coast and I’d like to believe we value people over pigskin. Other party goers knew the truth, and it started to spread on social media that two members of the popular high school football team—Trent Mays and Ma’lik Richmond—had raped a girl who was basically unconscious from drinking too much. The boys also photographed Jane Doe, who was incapacitated by alcohol, and several boys documented the events on social media. I am heartbroken. Я хотел написать вам лично, чтобы сообщить, что для меня большая честь, что вы нашли время прокомментировать мой блог, и очень счастлив, что вы смогли увидеть Roll Red Roll. Just finished watching Roll Red Roll. I don’t know how she was able to get the address. Instead they make excuses that people are picking on them and how proud they are of their town. Those who haven’t changed much, I truly hope that women who date them or befriend them will do a search on their names so that they are at least informed. Or this comment from someone in Steubenville. It’s this cultural phenomenon that Roll Red Roll director Nancy Schwartzman explores, making generous use of found and archival footage, interviews, and eerily serene long pans through the Steubenville of today. It still shocks me how women/girls are programmed to believe that somehow what you wear or how much you drink should give another human permission to violate you if you are a woman. I’ve just watched the movie on Netflix and there are no words to describe my feelings. I didn’t even get mail at my home. Here, Roll Red Roll holds a mirror up to our culture and asks it to examine the ways that women are failed. This should be added to his paragraph if this is truly how malik’s dad was killed. i am looking forward to reading the rest of your blog. Great post, thanks for all your hard work. He and the others have stayed out of the spotlight. You know people fuck up in life and I am not saying this lightly but they do deserve a chance to redeem themselves and maybe make up for their mistakes, but when people stalk them and bully them over and over again like Alex is how can they? I am really sorry for the harassment and health issues you’ve undergone but you are a warrior for the truth! I thank god that this became national news. GET INVOLVED WITH ROLL RED ROLL’S NATIONAL PARTNERS. We are malleable, ever-changing beings and we adapt and overcome. Upon graduation he went to Hocking Technical College near Athens, Ohio and was the team captain and quarterback of the newly formed football team. Her mother, Georgiann Allen, who is in her 70s tweeted to me that she hoped my friends and I got AIDS and died a slow death. Perhaps you can return back to the homepage and see if you can find what you are looking for. Go team. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, right? Two Ohio high school football stars are carrying her; one holds the teenager's wrists, the other her legs. I hope you are getting royalties from Roll Red Roll as you were instrumental in getting this awful incident and attempt at a cover-up exposed for what they were. Hi Alexandra, “Roll Red Roll” is a terrific use of the documentary form. let alone what the kids were saying. right now i’m at the 25:30 mark and had to stop to post this comment. Jane Doe was from a neighboring town, and her community supported her, for the most part. Her limp body is pixelated, and she appears unconscious. So much would be different from that night if just one person had reached out to an adult or to police to help Jane Doe. It’s a zoo here, but I like it. the Brock Turners and Owen Labries of this world get away with these heinous acts and suffer no consequences while the victims’ lives are shattered and changed forever. The town tries to protect the boys and the team, but the evidence exposes a culture ingrained with a "boys will be boys" mentality. I’m now living in California producing olive oil. Trent Mays Accused of Sexual Assault…AGAIN, Trent Mays won’t be found on a public sex offender registry, Richmond was released from juvenile detention in January 2014, requires him to register with state officials every 180 days,,,, December 27, 2012 a press release was issued by the ACLU, Watch Roll Red Roll on POV/PBS and On Demand, Fire & Iron MC Members Accused of Causing Suicide of Denise Fernatt, What about the scumbag also known as C. Saltsman? “Roll Red Roll” centers on the investigation of the Steubenville High School rape case, in which two football players, Trent Mays and Ma’lik Richmond, raped a 16-year-old known anonymously as Jane Doe at a party. Everyone was able to see the documentary Roll Red Roll on POV/PBS last night and since then I’ve had a lot of people asking where are they now? I’m available for speaking engagements and training. I think employers in my town are probably afraid when they Google me and see the publicity, so I am looking for work. we have a so called ‘president’ in the White House who basically says these EXACT things. I know Lou. It is truly shameful. i didn’t even know about the April case. I really don’t like Ohio and hated that I had to come back here, but at the time it was the least likely place any crazy person would look for me. Glsd you quit smoking & sorry about your colon. Ma’lik Richmond was adjudicated delinquent and spent 10 months in juvenile detention. I have a love hate relationship with the town & have come to realize that strongly entrenched beliefs and entitlements will never change. The American Rescue Plan (ARP) legislation signed into law by President Biden on March 11, 2021 both the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and the Paycheck Protection Program 2 (PPP2) has opened up both programs to additional non-profits including Section 501(c)(8) organizations. Parents need to know that Roll Red Roll is a documentary about a notorious 2012 rape case in Steubenville, Ohio, that raises timely, important questions about the ideas of rape culture and the dangerous nature of the "boys will be boys" mentality. The 16-year-old girl in the photo is known only as Jane Doe. Ma’lik’s defense attorney is a pig. No, it hasn’t been easy but I’ve done my best to cope with it and not totally lose my marbles. Breakthrough is a global human rights organization working to drive the cultural change we need to build a world in which all people live with dignity, equality and respect. WORST SURGERY EVER! i just finished the movie. Mark Cole’s home is where the crime occurred and location C in the documentary. i have a lot of reading to do. I vaguely recall this case but I thought the guys got prison time; guess I confused them with 2 other pig rapists. When this fails or is lacking trouble may abound. lol i need to get home to the fur baby. Required fields are marked *. I ended up getting diverticulitis and had to have a colon resection. I ask questions like, how had they changed from uncaring adolescents to hopefully more compassionate adults? YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio -A settlement has been reached in the civil rights lawsuit filed by a Youngstown State University football player against the university according to a court document.Ma’lik Richmond, of Steubenville, filed the lawsuit Sept. 13 after Youngstown State University allowed him to join the football team and then told him he couldn’t play this season.A judge issued a temporary order the next day allowing Richmond to play until a Sept. 28 hearing on whether to make the order permanent.Richmond played in the home game that following weekend.Some members of the community expressed outrage upon learning that Richmond was one of two high school football players who was convicted of raping a 17-year-old girl at a party. let alone what the kids were saying. In fact, none of those involved have ever made any public statement of apology for their behavior and I doubt they ever will. Bought your twitter/fb screenshots on Amazon). I am a feminist who study philosophy on one of the great universities in this country. So…I am going to provide some information. It is 80 percent white, and in decline. Edit: This weekend I am going to upload all of the court documents and other items related to the case if anyone is interested in reading those. Richmond’s conviction classified him as a Tier II sex offender, which requires him to register with state officials every 180 days for the next 20 years. It was always the patriarchy and the men. I was shocked to learn that Trent Mays was implicated in an earlier rape of a 14-year old girl. The girls in Roll Red Roll reminded me so much of so many of the girls I grew up with, we were taught that if you are raped it's your fault, because rape is inevitable, so we should "be safe" and if it does happen, we must have done something to provoke it. Your email address will not be published. it is very difficult for me to write on English but i think that i should say you that you are really brave and smart woman. Oh yeah….and I quit smoking. not surprising to see your post about Trent Mays recent sexual assault. IMO Enjoy your evening. There were many Steubenville football moms, teachers, court system staff and even the Jefferson County Assistant Prosecutor got involved. where the boys will really become his *buddies* ~ so to speak. This will now allow any Lodge that meets the requirements of the programs to […], Illinois Elks Association A convicted rapist who was at the center of one of the ugliest sagas in recent prep sports history is back on his school’s football team, less than two years after the alleged assault took place.As reported by Cleveland ABC affiliate WEWS and Wheeling, W. Va. CBS affiliate WTRF, among other outlets, Ma’lik Richmond rejoined the Steubenville High Big Red football team on Monday with the blessing of the team’s longtime head coach, Reno Saccoccia.Richmond was released from juvenile detention in January 2014 after serving 10 months following his conviction on sexual assault charges. roll red roll who is jane doe. my name is Nastya and i am from russia. I think I’m gonna stick with your blog even tough I’m not much of a blog reading person. Ma’lik petitioned the juvenile court to remove his sexual offender status and his petition was granted. As for me…I got REALLY sick due to the stress this caused me. Upon his release, he returned to Steubenville High School and wait for it…rejoined the football team. After graduation “Nodi” went on to OSU with a full scholarship and had to leave Ohio State University when people found out he was attending there. Panel will be cohosted by RALIANCE and moderated by David … It is unknown whether he has returned to Steubenville or not. Several women spontaneously shared their own rape stories, some with striking similarities to Jane Doe’s. Jane Doe. i remember when this story first came out and following through it while it was happening. I was living in California during this time and had gone to great lengths to keep my location private. Trent Mays won’t be found on a public sex offender registry as Ohio law allows juveniles to register with their Sheriff’s Department in the county they reside in and the only way for someone to know if someone who was convicted as a juvenile is on a sex offender list is to call the Sheriff’s Office. he will get convicted some day. Hello, Alexandra. Это удивительно! He’ll do it again, that’s for certain. but a slap on the wrist in total. She said local media had ignored the show. He may be going to pharmacy school, but not much was ever heard of or from him after the case went viral. Я использую переводчик, поэтому я надеюсь, что моя электронная почта имеет смысл. Finally I couldn’t stand the fact that I felt I was living in hiding so I disclosed that I was in Columbus and essentially took away any power that these people had with their threats or intimidation of knowing where I lived. (P.S. I miss it — Joshua Tree will always be “home”. ... i will tell you i started watching Roll Red Roll online at PBS and am shaking i am so incensed at the behavior of the so-called “men” in this case (principal, superintendent, coach, fathers, etc.) So courageous of you to do all that research, especially knowing the type of backlash you were sure to get. same boys. The people involved were high schoolers, and the boys found guilty played for the football team at the time. There wasn’t much notice of him on campus until he was accused of sexual assault…again. Roll Red Roll is a true-crime thriller that goes behind the headlines to uncover the deep-seated and social media-fueled “boys will be boys” culture at the root of high school sexual assault in America.. At a pre-season football party in small-town Steubenville, Ohio, a heinous crime took place: the assault of a teenage girl by members of the beloved high school football team. Roll Red Roll, a documentary about the Steubenville rape case and how evidence was found through social media, was released to theaters Friday. Some look like they have changed – others…not so much. I want to say you that you do everything right. Also didn’t Malik’s dad shoot the judge? i see it hasn’t been remotely easy for you. The digital activist group Anonymous holds a rally in front of the courthouse in support of Jane Doe, and at the rally many women tell their stories of surviving sexual violence. It turned out the 12-minute clip showed Michael Nodianos, a former member of the same football team who was by then in college, laughing and joking about Mays and Richmond raping Jane Doe. Trent left Hocking College and somehow ended up at Central State University in Ohio. Once again thank you. He resigned and was later hired as a principal at a neighboring elementary school. His arrival there was not well received by the women at the school and they petitioned the university and had protests. <3 . Who is bullying now? The victim of this case is only referred to as Jane Doe and we only see the perpetrators in news footage, photographs, or through their social media posts and texts. Farrah was the young girl seen in the beginning of the film while speaking to detectives where she said she didn’t intervene because Jane Doe wasn’t one of her friends. Trent Mays was adjudicated delinquent and spent two years in juvenile detention. I’m living in Columbus, Ohio now. Mark joined the USMC and is back in the Steubenville area coaching wrestling and some sort of MMA fighting as evidenced by an ad on his Facebook page. Thank you, Alexandria, for all the work you’ve done regarding Steubenville. FINALLY! We will get there, one day. 8″ of colon…thank ya very much. Perhaps the most compelling aspect of this film was the way that Schwartzman worked around keeping Jane Doe’s identity anonymous. Thank you. It was said that it was solely the athletics department who brought him in. What has to change in order for women’s pains to not be seen as the next twitter sensation? I’ve just wanted to thank you and everyone who was involved to make them send to prison even tough it’s not enough. It’s no surprise that Richmond’s reinstatement generated a firestorm of controversy both in Ohio and nationwide, as many expressed outrage over the perceived leniency in his punishment. i sat here screaming at my computer screen. Yay me! If you miss it in cinemas, “Roll Red Roll” is coming to PBS on June 17, kicking off another season of the documentary series “POV.” MPAA Rating: unrated, adult subject matter, profanity. Phone : (217) 483-3020, Copyright © 2021 Illinois Elks Association, Lodge Officers Form – Illinois Elks State Directory, Illinois Elks Sickness and Distress Phone Tree, District Officers Form- Illinois Elks State Directory, Paycheck Protection Program and Paycheck Protection Program 2, Quincy Lodge Supports Open Hands with Beacon Grant. I wish you the best and hope there is justice in the future for these criminals. prinnie Update: Wilson crossed over to Rainbow Bridge on June 27th. I was born (1941) and raised there until I married in 1961 and escaped to Seattle 6 weeks later. Here, even tough our state must secular, there are so many muslims and our dictator-to-be is one of the maniac muslim. If you need research or consulting work — give me a yell! He’s going to hurt someone. In the wrenching new documentary “Roll Red Roll” from director Nancy Schwartzman, the subject is the August 2012 rape of a 16-year-old Steubenville, Ohio, girl (“Jane Doe” as … you are correct that he will NEVER change. Roll Red Roll (2018) - An underage girl is raped at a party in Steubenville, Ohio by two football players. Between interviews with victim-blaming adult Steubenvillites and stomach-churning social media posts from Jane Doe… The documentary Roll Red Roll takes us through the entire tragic situation. Tune into the SafeBAE Netflix Roll Red Roll watch party on April 29th at 7pm EST/4pm PST & then join us afterwards at 9pm EST/6pm PST for our virtual zoom panel in honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month to discuss Roll Red Roll Doc w/ director Nancy Schwartzman, coach Valencia Peterson (founder of ODAAP) and a third speaker TBA. *smdh*. Ma’lik was removed from the team and responded with a lawsuit which eventually settled. There were so many people who stood by and did nothing. Big Red over decency. The university allowed him back on the football team. same thing. You can check my other site for credentials and what I do: Or if you would like to support my work — you can do so here A Together Films/PBS POV release. Had they left the microcosm of Steubenville for other places where they would see that life elsewhere isn’t like it is in the valley?, Evan Westlake filmed the infamous Nodi video. Ma’lik then went on to attend Youngstown State and was able to get on the football team. Currently he is involved in youth sports in Steubenville. BREAKTHROUGH. Your email address will not be published. i will be back. Source: A great disservice was done to those boys with no guidelines to become part of their everyday life. Overall, I really think that it shows the culture in Steubenville among some in town. Charlotte Amidon Muia. they all are. Oh, and I finally bought a lampshade LOL I was so sick in that scene where I am talking about not filing a lawsuit just because someone is mean. Спасибо большое за Ваш комментарий. There has been no wave of conversation about how to change perceptions of rape or how young women are treated. In fact, this tweet caused me to LOL – they would rather talk about a giant inflatable colon than report on rape or the toxic culture that was present in their town that was at the root of behaviors that night in 2012. We have to destroy that “rape culture”. Thank you so much! And unfortunately, yes…we’ll hear about Trent again. They have never had consequences based on who they are and so they think they can act this way without consequence. What kind of example is he setting for young men and boys? I would be interested in reading court documents. i will tell you i started watching Roll Red Roll online at PBS and am shaking i am so incensed at the behavior of the so-called “men” in this case (principal, superintendent, coach, fathers, etc.) I have never agreed with what happened but it’s also wrong to pursue them like you do so that makes you no better. You can blame CNN all you want for its reporters feeling sorry for the now convicted rapists in the ongoing case in Steubenville, Ohio, but MSNBC, Fox … And assumptions around gender that lead to violence and discrimination fur baby m two hours after at. For you release, he returned to Steubenville high school and wait for it…rejoined the football team hasn ’ fall... Try finding it by using the search form below excuses that people picking... Me a yell he setting for young men in the midwest with hardware in my town are educated consent. 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