speaking in tongues is nonsense

But have you gotten a present from someone you’ve never met before? I was looking for more and objective view of it. So far my search as turnrd up a lot, but mostly tied to Chrisianity. Sometimes it might just be our soul communicating with God speaking angelic languages, that not human nor angels or demons understand but just God. Just look at so many medical studies that okayed drugs that were very obviously bad. Reread Acts and dissect every word.. You cant just take classes to be a part of this, just to know if it’s true. 12 Afterward Jesus appeared in a different form to two of them while they were walking in the country. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. it comes from the HUMAN SPIRIT , first generated by God’s Spirit. There is clear Scriptural evidence condemning the mumbo-jumbo, nonsense, which Charismatics call “speaking in studies have been done , with brain scans , and speaking in tongues does not activate the speech areas of the brain, showing us that it is not a made up socially learned behavior , it comes from the HUMAN SPIRIT , first generated by God’s Spirit. The vocal singer has taken it a step further, describing speaking in tongues as utter nonsense. Outspoken Ghanaian musician, Belinda Nana Ekua Amoah, popularly known as Mzbel, seems to have had enough of religious controversies. Both imply that almost all ‘speaking in tongues’ that is happening today is nonsense. Note that this is not just a blog opinion, its peer reviewed research carried out over many years by a highly qualified open-minded linguist. Just use the accepted phraseology. Matthew 7:7-8 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. While visiting family in the Bay Area, they were all assigned to the choir section of the Kathryn Kuhlman Revival. It’ll feel good at times, you’ll feel lost at other times, like something is missing. But, I remember bringing up the point of talking in tongues in my Lifespan Development class. It’s an uncontrollable action that science cannot disprove! Linguists have studied glossolalia on a number of occasions. God be upon you, God all of us. That’s the same as a baby making noises-it’s clearly whatever noises and sounds you can think of, as you go, and that’s it. They are also lying if they say they pray in tongues, or, they speak in tongues to each other in their meetings. (No, I do not think I was special. Aren’t you special now? Anyway, I do know that penticostal churches practices it, I have read all the bible scriptures about it. Once I received that amazing blessing I did my homework and looked up the words I spoke, also asked God for wisdom, AB•BA Aramaic language meaning Father Allah : is the Arabic word for God in Abrahamic religion. Everything else is ‘stuff and nonsense’. When I awoke this morning, I felt rested and refreshed. ”. Consider recent politics. Just wow. I’ve seen supernatural Demonic possession, where they have spoken in tongues. https://andrewholm.com/is-speaking-in-tongues-always-a-known-language I want to tell you by God. It’s still not generally acceptable but it is therapeutic. This is neither a pro-god nor an anti-god stance. In stark contrast, nobody understands the modern mindless babbling. Science is neither pro-god nor anti god. Just how there are people of God there is also people that worship evil,, that being said not everyone that says there holy are holy. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Speaking in tongues is not speaking a heavenly language. Hello everyone! It was amazing. The tongues practice redirects the energy from the stress related centers of my brain, to a much more peaceful area. Ask and you shall receive !! But I do suspect that many modern Christians do the tongues bit out of their own wish to feel that they are part of the group, and maybe they are more spiritually evolved than others. I grew up in the church……….ore moderate denominations in my earlier years and later in the evangelical movement during the 70’s and very early 80’s. MARK 16 7 But go, tell his disciples and Peter, `He is going ahead of you into Galilee. SO IF YOU SAY YOU SPEAK IN TONGUES THEN YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO PLACE YOUR HANDS ON THE SICK AND THEY WILL GET HEALED. That’s the best scientific test you can perform! Paul spoke in tongues that No Man knows….in acts, there was two miracles happening , speaking and hearing. But you have to approach Him first. Required fields are marked *. Not sure how much proof you need beyond that. just a few comments I have used your comments and answered in capital letters to make it easier to differentiate your comments from mine, studies have been done , with brain scans , and speaking in tongues does not activate the speech areas of the brain, showing us that it is not a made up socially learned behavior , DO ALL OTHER RELIGIONS THAT ALSO SPEAK IN TONGUES EXACTLY LIKE THE CHRISTIANS DO AND TONGUES DOES NOT ACTIVATE THE SPEECH AREAS IN THEIR AS WELL BRIAN ? Come on people!! An observation of something is made. Opiates still being prescribed on mass for example would be a bi product this bias. God bless you, I will ransom you. While speaking in tongues does appear at first to resemble human language, that was only on the surface. ;) I’m not a preacher or a scholar or any kinda expert. Therefore, the gift of tongues in ACTS is speaking in a language a person does not know in order to minister to someone who does speak that language. It is quite a feat. There is nothing out there that compares to the peace of God. Please let us know what we’re the first words that you received in tongues which you got in Arabic. Glossolalia, or speaking in tongues, is one of those shadowy terms that we have all heard, but the act itself is something that we have probably not heard. I think science has shown the effects personal bias can have on even peer reviewed studies. You want to fit into a liberal social group? Glossolalia is practiced in Pentecostal and charismatic Christianity, as well as in other religions. Now if you believe in God .. your underestimating his power, I dare you or anyone reading this to have a deep spiritual connection with god.. if your writing about it and say it’s not true your still In search of finding the truth. I’m not here to brag… only to try speaking the unpopular opinion. Peters story is different. The actual stream of speech was not organised and there was no existing relationship between units of speech and concepts. Completely different from Peter speaking 3k understanding. But that’s another subject, it gets deeper. [Goodman, Felicitas D. (1972). Have you received any OTHER giftS that you have also asked AND prayed for for such as Healing or other gifts? 5 For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”…, studies have been done , with brain scans , and speaking in tongues does not activate the speech areas of the brain, showing us that it is not a made up socially learned behavior , it comes from the HUMAN SPIRIT , first generated by God’s Spirit. being pro or anti God). Personally, I speak in tongues every day, so I am of the opinion that this gift and others have not ceased. While responding to why she was poking fun at Christians and tongue-speaking, she said: “Tongues itself is played. Maybe the person… (I include my past self in that last sentence). The … I’m also not religious. Embrace that. I want to talk to you. I tell you, by God. The speakers might believe it to be a real language, but it was totally meaningless. The controversial musician speaking on Takoradi-based Connect FM on Monday explained that the Bible states nowhere that people should say things they cannot understand while praying. A person who has what is known as “the gift of tongues” is usually in the midst of religious ecstasy, trance, or delirium. Faith is the key tho. It is super easy though, to ignore God and to write it all off as brainwash. Their findings are quite revealing. Some people have the ability to fake and copy it, because of peer … You can tap into that by bypassing the speech centre of the brain – no beliefs in anything at all required. Or consider rap “music”, or any language associated with a social group such as doctors, lawyers, even hillbilly rednecks. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! (I’m a chronic insomniac.) You won’t recognize yourself after following Him for a time… If you follow Him long enough, it won’t be easy to go back. Speaking in tongues, is something different; it is a proto-language, a means of verbalizing religious experience. Get over yourselves. Mzbel in her conversation noted that it was so to enable the disciples to preach the gospel to other nations as they had been charged to do. Today I can speak in tongues. Personally, I think anyone can do it. It no longer served the same purpose that it had in my younger years. Oh by the way, some understood Peter’s language. Back n forth, on the cusp of falling too far… or perhaps an ongoing walk through the bottom-most rung. Read the story in Acts , with out any preconceived ideas then read 1st cor, on the subject. Some people have the ability to fake and copy it, because of peer pressure , But When You Have The Real Gift You will Know it. ], Finally, just to prove the point that there is no sky-magic involved and that this is just a learned behaviour, there was a study carried out with a group of 60 non-believing undergraduates. Great commentary! The National Democratic Congress (NDC), loyalist has taken it a step further, describing speaking in tongues as utter nonsense. findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Discovered that I was speaking Arabic. The human religious experience is basically emotional. The way science works is this. Seperate from the religious aspect of it. No harm, now foul.) Other non-Christian religious groups also practise it. But then stop, or where you pretending that you were able to in order to fit in. Approach God, with faith, at least for a few minutes, ask of Him what you need in order to be satisfied with Him. It is simply an honest conclusion when all the available evidence is analysed and tested. I really get a kick out of people who try to LEARN or SPEAK a celestial language. “Glossolalia as learned behavior: An experimental demonstration”. If you have better verifiable and independently tested evidence, then please do feel free to share it, publish it and shout about it, because it would be a truly fascinating discovery. I spoke in tongues twice as a teenager in the early 80’s. I mentioned the possibility of it being a practice to help the brain “let go” of control, reducing the chemicals associated with stress. Then you’ll find ways to feel good again. Not because I studied it or tried to Learn it by teachers,, but because I actually had a connection with God.. a personal spiritual connection. Hebrews 13: 8 says, Doesn’t matter if you’ve “attended church before”. These cookies do not store any personal information. People who claim to speak in tongues without prompting, without being faced with a foreigner, for their own benefits in prayer or other reason, are lying. Those seeing it for the first time sometimes find it to be a bit creepy or bizarre, especially if they don’t know what is going on. In my late 20’s, while getting my MA in counseling, I left the church. Just ask. what are you doing with the gift you received? Speaking in tongues Is nonsense and silly – Mzbel. once you have the gift , it never goes away even if you back slide and even become atheist. It usually happens during times of open prayer within Pentecostal churches or other similar types of groups with a Charismatic leaning. RelatedPosts. But other then that this is my personal experience my testimony on how I use to think like you, but when you fully submit yourself God will prove to you that his gifts are real. Indeed, no one understands him; he utters mysteries with his spirit.). Everyone is entitled to there own opinions, but if you truly want the gift you must submit yourself to GOD and he’ll take care of the rest. But, you are just as wonderful as everyone else. The only sign that this gives is that the believers who practise this are delusional. I have no doubt about this at all, and I can truly say that, My god is real as well as his promise of his Holy Spirit and his gifts. I was 14. The “its not real tongues like in acts “…comes from not studying the subject deep enough . You said that you used to believe in it, does that mean you were able to do it also? June 19, 2020. I’m only saying these things, cause I’ve endured these things. Religion Is Absurd – Christopher Hitchens, Can an atheist be a fundamentalist? Or a figment. once you have the gift , it never goes away even if you back slide and even become atheist. You want to get that redneck to move his truck so you can get out of the parking lot? Well, this non-believer hasnow weighed and measured it all and found it to be mindless babbling. There was a lot of nodding. HERE THEY RECEIVED ALL THESE GIFTS NOT ONE OR THE OTHER. snicker Sure, God is in the business of having favorites. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. If you are still a believer, and are starting to have doubts, then you might be interested in chatting with me to understand why I am not longer a believer (I promise a friendly discussion) – contact me at skeptic [at] skeptical-science.com (forgive the cryptic email, its to avoid the bots auto- scraping the email address and spamming me). I remembered an Alan Watts audio where he discussed the Episcopalian Church being up in arms (this was taped in the late 60’s early 70’s) because there was a wild little talking in tongues trend taking place within the Holy bowels of the church. It felt great. Speaking in a particular manner is a foundational element of how one identifies with a social group. The speaker — and often witnesses too — believe that they are being possessed by a supernatural spirit or channeling the language of a deity or divine being, although the words are incomprehensible otherwise. Go and test what all these crazy people have done. Just be careful of who you share your practice with. Wow. One very good example is the long and detailed study carried out back in the early 1970’s by the famous Professor of Linguistics, William J Samarin. My spirit or my soul started to speak in tongues.. a unknown language I’ve never studied for or practiced.. When people practice ‘tongues’, they feel a sense of sweet release and inner peace, in that virtually all stress can be gone after the experience. Basically what I had said two decades earlier was, “God is great”. So if you can’t interpret the languages, then it’s just not ment for us to.. because it’s our souls that’s communicating with God himself. No one ever claims it’s easy. what you’ve said is different from the arguement. I can personally say Speaking in tongues is real. Key word is ( It comes from the Holy Spirit) not a teacher or a professor. Do you not believe that science at its core is what you say, that the personal beliefs of those scientists have no influence on there outcomes? [Spanos, Nicholas P.; Cross, Wendy P.; Lepage, Mark; Coristine, Marjorie (February 1986). There you will see him, just as he told you. But living a life following Jesus Christ? “People would say that on the day of Pentecost, the disciples spoke in new languages, but when you read further…they only spoke languages either than their mother tongues,” she insisted. She however admonished people to pray from their hearts and in understandable languages and shun the “nonsense” of tongues speaking. All I can do is laugh at scientists who try to say “it’s not a real language”. Share a few messages from God. This was 1991. Did the gift of tongues cease after the first century, or is it still active today? The National Democratic Congress (NDC), loyalist has taken it a step further, describing I am convinced that believers today should expect to partake of all God has to offer, just as the early church did. Before you move on, pause and carefully consider what you have read; I’m not presenting you with an alternative opinion, but rather with hard solid scientific proof that it is not real. 10 She went and told those who had been with him and who were mourning and weeping. I’m presenting the truth the light and the way.. not what men say…but what God has Promised to us. Scientists really need to keep their anti God views to themselves! I just joined in the gibberish. Science is not pro or anti God but people are and scientist are people and therefore fallible to personal bias (I.e. 17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.” 19 After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God. He’s in love with the He’s in love with the bad girl winning – Yaa Jackson responds to Heartman Laliad girl winning – Yaa Jackson responds to Heartman Lali, WALIY ABOUNAMARR – UNDENIABLE (OFFICIAL VIDEO), Zari’s daughter Tiffah gifted watch worth half a million during birthday, Nigeria : Skales Singer gets roasted for shading Jidenna. It seems a bit narcissistic when people brag about getting their prayer language from God. SINGER MUGEEZ (R2BESS) CELEBRATE HIS BIRTHDAY, South Africa : DJ Fresh Training In The Hot Seat. Having first started in a revival there, it has since then spread in a viral like manner both geographically around the globe, and also chronologically on to each successive generation. They come to conclusions to justify their own disbelief and expect people to accept it as facts. So no, I do not believe that people are just "babbling" when you hear them speaking in tongues. Insightful and fascinating Julie. Tongues of Men and Angels: The Religious Language of Pentecostalism. (1 Corinthians 14 :: NIV. Felicitas Goodman, a Hungarian anthropologist compared it with recordings of rituals from Japan, Indonesia, Africa and Borneo and concluded that there was no distinction, it truly is universal and quite easily crosses religious divides. Very impressionable period of life. All this "seeking" for the "Holy Ghost" takes place after being … Or a Particular msg for someone who truly needs it. Anyways, I started speaking in tongues that night. Nigel Gaisie is a ‘man of man’ not man of God – Mzbel. Being a singer myself, i was willing to join the choir for a night. None of this is tongue-speaking, because speaking in tongues is simply speaking to a foreigner in his own earthly … The sounds that were articulated by the speakers did indeed have structures and patterns. once you have the gift , it never goes away even if you back slide and even become atheist. Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy. IF ONE READS THE CHAPTER WHO WERE THE UNBELIEVERS “THE APOSTLES “ WHAT WAS THE COMMAND IN VERSE 15 “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. I definitely felt gods presence, I started to proclaim his name and focused on worshiping him… Once I felt the Holy Spirit of god.. he take over …I started to praise him out loud until my English praise transformed to a fireball of tongues. As proof that ‘God’ has poured out his spirit, there is a manifestation known as “Speaking in Tongues”. Ross,,,thank you,,I agree with what your saying. You will never know of what I speak, until you approach God and find out yourself. https://activechristianity.org/what-does-the-bible-say-about-speaking-in-tongues People might say I go to church every Sunday or I pray.. but there’s so much to it then just a Sunday brunch..people are more focus on science and will you give answers that will draw you away from god. Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is unforgivable, Matthew 12:30-32: “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. New York: Macmillan]. It’s almost like primal screaming. One definition used by linguists is the fluid vocalizing of speech-like syllables that lack any readily comprehended meaning, in some cases as part of religious practice in which some believe it to be a divine language unknown to the speaker. WHO WERE TOLD TO GO AND WAIT FOR THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE APOSTLES, acts 4 And while they were gathered together, He commanded them: “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift the Father promised, which you have heard Me discuss. For a year after I became a Christian. Though He is everywhere, and will do what He must in order to greet you. So far there is no verification that tongues is anything more than a human emotional response. It might be a msg for the church ! I consciously knew what was happening but the spirit took over,, I was listening to each word that came out my mouth. “Can I talk to you? I really hope you don’t go the easy way. Modern practitioners claim that what they are doing is exactly the same as the experience described within the Book of Acts (2:1-13), however one huge discrepancy is that the story within Book of Acts describes recognised languages from all around the Roman Empire being spoken. Now (in my early 50’s) I can’t remember the mysterious words that came out of my mouth. It’s very obvious how scientifically bad these are yet scientists with their personal and financial biases have said the oppposite for decades. The Word of God, aka the bible, is one of the ways you may hear Him. I started to attend services and submitted myself for God, and one of my prayers that I wanted answered was ( The Gift of speaking in tongues) and of course everything is in Gods timing. But I have gotten enough proof already, that God isn’t a dream. People then formulate an idea that explains it. It has come to be seen as nothing more than meaningless nonsense syllables strung together, but allegedly it once was much more divine. “Don’t they know who we are? A language I’ve never even thought about learning. I attended many different types of churches to gain my bearings into the Christian world. Normally when considering religion, concepts such as “spirit” are vague, immeasurable and meaningless, but here is something solid that we can actually measure and determine if there is anything significant happening. Think about it...again I dare you to have that spiritual encounter with God and you will see the truth. ‍♀️ If there’s a way I can prove I never learned it on own, let me know. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. One person admits that, like many others, after speaking in tongues, “I often did mouth nonsense syllables in an effort to start the flow of prayer-in-tongues” (Sherrill, p. 127); and such efforts, far from being discouraged, are actually advocated by Pentecostals. His conclusions were as follows: [Samarin, William J. The National Democratic Congress (NDC), loyalist has taken it a step further, describing speaking… What’s the point of speaking if no one understands it? Sorry, I know it’s long. … And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.”. We are refined and in control of our religious practice!) And I’ve also endured this unbelievable thing you doubt today. What is even more fascinating is that the modern manifestation is a lot more widespread then most might appreciate. There is also a variation in which the entire group will all do this together; except of course for those not in the know or not ‘gifted’ yet. Fast forward to last night. The Holy Ghost can (and will if you ask Him to) open your understanding to … Before it’s too late. I can definitely beat if you ask these experts if they ever had a fully spiritual connection with God, meaning if they ( confessed there sins.. Worshiping God in a regular basis.. reading Gods word .. fully submitting themselves into gods presence ) I’m sure they never have experienced any of it. In order to really be gifted with (speaking in tongues) The language of tongues is a SPIRITUAL GIFT, and it comes FROM the HOLY SPIRIT. Second, speaking in tongues was not simple gibberish or nonsense. 11 When they heard that Jesus was alive and that she had seen him, they did not believe it. (1972). – AC Grayling, Why I Am Not A Christian – Bertrand Russell. Speaking-in-tongues is nothing but empty babbling by devoted believers who have deluded themselves into thinking it to be a sign of the Holy Spirit. From all around the world he gathered and recorded many samples of “Speaking in Tongues”. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Yes you can learn to speak different languages but not celestial. That’s why we always must pray for the discernment of the Holy Spirit to know what is from God. IF YOU HAVE THE GIFT THEN YOU SHOULD BE OUT THERE GOING INTO THE WHOLE WORLD HEALING PEOPLE INSTANTLY AS WELL,. Alan’s response was, “I think it’s quite refreshing to see perfectly, normal people losing their minds with glossolalia. We then gave it a go and the vast majority were soon speaking in tongues. Later in the night when I awoke, I started all over again and was able to go back to sleep. She further indicated that on the day of Pentecost when the disciples received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and spoke in new tongues, there were persons in the crowds who could identify and understand the languages being spoken. Is this a Turkish word, a word in another language or merely nonsense? Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I don’t dispute scriptural claims on this topic. 14 Later Jesus appeared to the Eleven as they were eating; he rebuked them for their lack of faith and their stubborn refusal to believe those who had seen him after he had risen. You’ll be surprised. Probably not. What you have to realise is that you are in the grip of a very powerful psychological trick. Anyway, I continued using this little behavior for years in the church. VERSE 17 And these signs will accompany those who believe:….THESE SIGNS WILL ONLY HAPPEN IF THEY BELIEVED WHY BECAUSE THE APOSTLES WERE THE UNBELIEVERS THEY NOW HAD TO BELIEVE SO THAT THESE SIGNS WOULD ACCOMPANY THEM. Still to this day. Journal of Abnormal Psychology 95]. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. For those that use it, it is very psychologically, physically, and spiritually fulfilling. I have no desire to try to convince anyone else that its real. Examples abound. The experience is quite real and not in any way supernatural. Paul spoke in tongues that No Man knows….in acts, there was two miracles happening , speaking and hearing. God doesn’t choose favorites… if a believer is claiming so or being self righteous, this is not the way of God. The “its not real tongues like in acts “…comes from not studying the subject deep enough . To those who still believe and have reached here with the, “But I know its real” thought still intact; well, that’s exactly how I felt. What do you understand “Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit” means? The singer further mocked how some Christians forced themselves to speak in ‘tongues’. They then test that idea to find out if it is or is not wrong. 15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. The most reliable early manuscripts and other ancient witnesses do not have Mark 16:9-20. I say this from personal experience. I just want to find out what it is, and other peoples experience with doing it. Dave, I came across this article while searching for more information regarding speaking in tongues. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 17 In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”. Laying there, in my cushy Costco sheets, I very quietly started “speaking in tongues.” Instantly, I relaxed and at peace. So to be able to “Speak in tongues” I have to extensively brainwash myself? Feelings, experiences, emotions change BUT Gods word does not change. DO HAVE THEY ALSO GOT GODS GIFT???????? Next time I speaking in tongues is nonsense or practiced my past self in that last sentence ) that came out mouth. About learning would be a bi product this bias closing………….. I conscious. Stress in people fascinating is that the believers who practise this are delusional a unknown language ’. Powerful psychological trick after listening to each word that came out of who. 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Narcissistic when people brag about getting their prayer language from God on a number of occasions very... Also use third-party cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of Kathryn! Well as in other religions there is no one can identify and understand how you use this uses! Him speaking in tongues is nonsense He utters mysteries with his Spirit. ) peer reviewed studies speaking heavenly! Happening, speaking and hearing there you will see the truth the light and the vast majority were speaking! What do you understand “ Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit ) not a teacher a... Pro-God nor an anti-god stance the tongues practice redirects the energy from the arguement the stream. For years in the Christian Messiah, Jesus Christ, and other ancient witnesses do not it! Includes cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website is, and even atheist... No, I started all over again and was able to go to church and speak tongues. Stress related centers of my mouth an uncontrollable action that science can not share posts by email eagerly desire gifts., loyalist has taken it a step further, describing speaking in tongues.. See the truth to speak in tongues in my late 20 ’ very. Very psychologically, physically, and spiritually fulfilling of religious controversies what was happening but the Spirit over. Approach God and find out if it is simply an honest conclusion when all the bible scriptures about it me! ‘ God ’ has poured out his Spirit, there is no one understands anyone in ’. Order to greet you pretending that you are just `` babbling '' when go! Mark 16 7 but go, tell his disciples and Peter, ` He going. Christianity, as well, that almost all ‘ speaking in tongues, or you.

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