whistling in islam ask imam

For some time now, Sam Shamoun and Bassam Zawadi have been involved in a discussion on the question of whether Muhammad was assured of his (eternal) salvation and of Allah’s forgiveness of his sins. Welcome to Ask Our Imam. They argue that whistling is simply a habit or a customary practice and that the verse is only condemning whistling as part of an act of worship. Some Ulama consider clapping and whistling as an expression of congratulation, happiness, and joy. Imam Ahmed Abouzid. Mufti Ebrahim Desai completed his Mufti Course (Iftā) at Jamia Islāmia, Dhabel, India under Hazrat Mufti Ahmad Khanpuri Saheb of Dabhel for two years. Those who live in accordance with their evil-commanding souls using their tradition as an excuse need to repent. (...) The writer of the book called Kashshaf explains the issue as follows: "The word muka mentioned in the verse means whistling and the word tasdiya means clapping hands." I wanted to ask about Itikaf i.e under what category does it fall. Their Salât (prayer) at the House (of Allâh, i.e. (al-Anfal, 8/35). Just ask them to calm down and pretend nothings wrong! The Hadith is not suitable to quote. (3) Sahih Müslim - Jannah: 1, see also Sunan Tirmidhi - Jannah: 21. [Qur'an, 20:114] The seeking of knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim [Hadith] The AskOurImam website is a non-profitable website. Allah said, And their prayer at the House (of Allah) was nothing but Muka ‘an and Tasdiyah. Therefore, it is not appropriate to whistle when there is no need to do so. Admitting that Waswasa is from Shaitan and being aware about its origin.Jafar Al-Sadiq (AS) was requested help to cure a person suffering from Waswasa.bHectold them: Ask him, is what he suffers from from Allah or from Shaitan? Other Ulama dislike whistling and clapping as they are regarded as futile activities (lahw) and the heedless ways of the Kuffar (disbelievers) at the time of ignorance as Allah Ta’ala refers to them in the following verse of the Quran: Firstly: the four madhhabs are named after the four imams – Imam Abu Haneefah, Imam Maalik, Imam al-Shaafa’i and Imam Ahmad. Friends; Family; Theology; The journey both to and through Islam must be met with authenticity, zealousness and righteous guidance. Ahmed Abouzid of an Egyptian descent is Masjid Al-Noor Islamic Center Imam. Their exchange can be viewed on these pages (1-Conclusion, 2, 3, 2-Appendix, 4). the Ka’ba at Makkah) was nothing but whistling and clapping of hands” (al-Anfal 8:35). Ibn Abbas, ibn Umar and others (RadiyAllahu`anhum) said that Tasdiyah is clapping of hands, and that Muka’an is whistling. Aside from the usual hate-mogering "Islam abuses women" thing. Exercises in “Islamic Lexicography” Jochen Katz. The Messenger of Allah said, The Messenger of Allah said, "When Allah wishes good for someone, He bestows upon him the understanding of Deen." whistling, singing etc) the original rules for these kinds of things is that it is permissible and the incident of the prophet (saw) and the companions in Makkah is well documented. Reciting al-Faatihah is one of the essential parts of the prayer, and is to be recited in each rak’ah both by the imaam and by those who are being led by him, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “There is no prayer for the one who does not recite the Opening of the Book [i.e., al-Faatihah].” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 714). I sort of have an answer formulated on this, but thought I would ask out of interest and see what your opinions are. Religions with a linear divine history often depict hells as eternal destinations. (5) see YARDIM, Ali Peygamberimizin Şemaili, Damla İst.1998 p.117-122. What is an illegitimate child? In Islam, we congratulate one another by saying بارك الله (Barakallah: May Allah bless you) and express our happiness and joy by praising Allah Ta’ala and saying الحمد لله (Alhamdu Lillah: All praise is for Allah). It is permissible for a male person to perform prayers wearing jeans (shorts) that cover his knees; that prayer is valid? Otherwise any child born of the union could be a devil (Al Bukhari 1, p. 105, no. The following is stated in the Quran: "Their prayer at the House (of Allah) is nothing but whistling and clapping of hands: (its only answer can be) 'Taste ye the penalty because ye blasphemed.'" For the last 25 years, IslamiCity has accumulated and curated thousands of questions and answers thru its popular service called Ask the Imam. "When Allah wishes good for someone, As long as it is free from anything Haram (e.g. by Is Whistling Permissible in Islam? ... That's not "dog whistling". It is linguistically called: Al-Muka' which is one of pre-Islamic customs and is considered a bad manner. (3). Many of these are clearly indicated and detailed in the source material for Islamic behaviour, the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h), so that no Muslim doubts the obligation to enact them. Because whistling in general is considered a bad manner. ‘Such person needs to always be reminded that Waswasa is from Shaitan. Checked and Approved by, Mufti Ebrahim Desai. By using this site, you agree to our Cookie Policy. And, Islamic traditions say when a man has sexual relations with his wife, he should ask Allah to protect them from Satan. Re: Ask Imam Fatwa: The Islamic Reason for keeping women as Sex Slaves Reply #11 - March 16, 2010, 08:33 PM I find it so funny and infuriating when Muslims talk about slavery in Islam, because they obviously think that slavery is wrong and having sex with concubines is … ... Transgression in Dua Can I Ask Allah That My Husband Have No Other Wife or Hoor in Jannah. Abdullah Ibn Abbas, this worshipping of the Makkan polytheists is mentioned. Believers belong to many racial and regional groups bound together by essential beliefs and practices. It is known that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, "Paradise is surrounded by things that are not liked by the soul and Hell is surrounded by things that are desired by the soul." With the recent developments based on NLP (natural language processing) and AI (artificial intelligence), search just got better. 143) ", Hadith Dars of Mufti Ebrahim Desai (Hafidhahullah), Ramadhan Message From Mufti Ebrahim Desai (Hafidhahullah), An Important Message by Mufti Ebrahim Desai (Hafidhahullah), ::: LIVE ONLINE COURSE ::: AL-HILAT AL-NAJIZAH LIL-HALILAT Al-‘AJIZAH. The one who partakes of it frequently is an incompetent fool whose testimony is to be rejected.” He bestows upon him the understanding of Deen. Ask The Imam. Not making special excuses for it or its followers. (1). Is clapping and whistling haraam in Islaam? Sheikh Ali Al Khudr also said, To sum up, we can say that whistling is not a good thing but it is permissible to whistle in some situations. (4) Ibn Sa’d, Tabaqat I. Source: IslamiCity May 30, 2014 No Comments, Category: Apps & Services, Faith & Spirituality. In view of the differences of opinions, we advise against clapping and whistling. the Ka'bah at Makkah) was nothing but whistling and clapping of hands. Viewed by most Abrahamic traditions as punishment. Permit me to pose a query. It can be said that if the thing, the person or the people that a person claps is something approved by Islam, it is permissible to clap; if it is something not approved by Islam, it is not permissible to clap. The Ask Our Imam site hopes to respond to queries relating to Islamic law. This was the Mushrikeen’s way of worship. 2. Thus most of the ulema have prohibited it. In the book, Adabul Qada, Imam As-Shafi is reported as saying, “Verily, song is loathsome (makruh); it resembles the false and vain thing (al-batil). We hope they will receive rewards thanks to this intention. If the person who is clapped thinks he is clapped due to the truth he mentions, it is all right; however, if he regards it as something that spoils him, he should ask the people not to clap him. Thus, he will be saved from something that will lead him to hypocrisy. The reason I ask this question is because I can't find ANYWHERE in the Qu'ran where it determines that women are less worthy to lead prayer or be scholars of faith. It is known that the Prophet (pbuh) wore white, black, green and red clothes at various times. The following is stated in the Quran: Secondly: These imams learned fiqh (jurisprudence) from the Qur’aan and Sunnah, and they are mujtahideen in this regard. Islam is a religion that has a culturally diverse composition. Submitted by Anonim on Thu, 10/03/2016 - 00:34, It is known that the polytheists living in the period of Jahiliyyah showed respect to the Kaaba, changed its cover (clothing) every year and that served food and drinks to the people who went there to worship. Some Ulama consider clapping and whistling as an expression of congratulation, happiness, and joy. On this, Razam stood before Imam As-Sadiq (‘a) and demanded, ‘Define for … According to some scholars, whistling is not even permissible generally. If yes then can you please prove it from Hadeeth? In The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious The Most Merciful "And say: My Lord increase me in knowledge." There are also narrations that he wore a red gown, cardigan and turban. New Muslim Support. This is explained in Bida‘ al-Qurra’ (p. 15-16). All Muslims must be grateful to Allah, The Glorious, Who guided them to The True Religion, Islam, and to the Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) who conveyed the message of Allah despite all the hardships and difficulties and torture, and to Ahlul Bayt (AS) who preserved the message and kept it intact by their great sacrifices including their lives to defend Islam. It is also known that they clapped one another and whistled in order to encourage worshipping. Imam Said: He will say: It is from Shaitan. In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Is it forbidden for women to wear trousers (pants) in Islam? A Christian woman who wants to become Muslim, but her husband is a kaafir and an alcoholic, and she has a relationship with a Muslim man Show Answer Question 93545 : I have been studing Islam for a few months now, I have a Quran and am busy reading it and I must admit I am comparing it with the bible. AskImam.org bears no responsibility to any party who may or may not act on this answer and is being hereby exempted from loss or damage howsoever caused. Through not only our acknowledgement of the plight of new Muslims, but our Imam’s expertise on such matters, we provide credible and convenient aid to those that need it the most. 1. (4), However, we are advised not to wear clothes that have very eye-catching and unlikable colors. Answer 1: It is known that the polytheists living in the period of Jahiliyyah showed respect to the Kaaba, changed its cover (clothing) every year and that served food and drinks to the people who went there to worship. :1984 2/16 ff. I would say that it is better for a person to avoid whistling. The believers who are getting ready for the Day of Accounting should avoid clapping hands and whistling with the intention of opposing polytheists. Clapping and Whistling is thus a resemblence with kuffar. Other Ulama dislike whistling and clapping as they are regarded as futile activities (lahw) and the heedless ways of the Kuffar (disbelievers) at the time of ignorance as Allah Ta’ala refers to them in the following verse of the Quran: وَمَا كَانَ صَلَاتُهُمْ عِندَ الْبَيْتِ إِلَّا مُكَاءً وَتَصْدِيَةً ﴿الأنفال: ٣٥﴾, “Their (the disbelievers) Salah (prayer) at the House (of Allah, i.e. Today, it is indicated by clapping hands. Is it Sunnah, Sunnah-e-moekeda e.t.c. What does the religion of Islam say about this term. (1) It is also known that they clapped one another and whistled in order to encourage worshipping. Imam Fakhruddin Razi writes the following while interpreting this verse: "Allah states the following about unbelievers: 'They are not the owners of the Kaaba'; then, He states that the worshipping of the polytheists consists of clapping of hands and whistling. (1) For detailed information, see M. Ali Sabuni, Ahkam Tefsiri İst. Mansur answered, ‘Ask him (Imam (‘a)).’ He insisted, ‘I want to ask you.’ Mansur was obstinate, ‘Ask him’. AskImam.org - Fatwas by Mf. Praise be to Allah. Clapping means to approve of something. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. It is not an Islamic Law Shari`ah Court. In the narration reported by Hz. The Shar's ruling herein given is based specifically on the question posed and should be read in conjunction with the question. The questions and answers found on this website are for educational purposes. 451; Bukhari, al-Adab 127 no: 348. Mufti Ebrahim Desai completed his Qurān Memorization (Hifz) at Watervaal Islamic Institute (Miā’s Farm), South Africa.Thereafter he pursued his ῾ Ālim Course in Jamia Islamia, Dhabel for 7 years, and passed with distinction in every year. Hajj was performed in the period called Jahiliyya too. (5). ... Imam Karim Abuzaid - How To Be Successful This Ramadan Liveshow with Sheikh Uthman Ibn Farooq Part I. 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