Miscellaneous Docket, 1815-1866. (LRGP93). 1 roll. Resources for genealogists. (2 microfilm rolls), Delayed Birth Certificates, 1941-1950. Miscellaneous Records, 1726-1790, undated. 26 rolls. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Index to Orphans' Court Dockets, 1848-1937. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Tax Assessment Duplicates, 1804-1813. Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935 includes Adams County, Pennsylvania (Source: Explore Ancestry for free) ($) U.S. Presbyterian Church Records, 1701-1970 includes Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (Source: Explore Ancestry for free) ($) Court and Legal Records Adams County court records (Source: FamilySearch) 1 roll, Delayed Birth Certificates, 1941-1971. 3 rolls. (2 microfilm rolls), Citizenship Petitions Recommended, Granted, and Denied, 1929-1957. Orphans' Court Dockets, 1716-1916. This book is located on the reference bookshelves. Type a search term or enter a location or ZIP code to find nearby archives whose collections you can search. Delayed Birth Records, 1941-1968 (Births, 1864-1906) 4 rolls. The designation (1 microfilm roll, partial), Administrator and Executor Accounts, 1851-1896. Index to Deeds, Grantors, 1813-1932. Legacy cities are characterized by long-term, declining trends in both population and economic characteristics, but how these events translate to the neighborhood scale is less well understood. (LRGP59), Oyer and Terminer Dockets, 1920-1964. Please, add your favorite Website(s) to this page! Orphans' Court Dockets, 1820-1869. The following Civil War battle was fought in Adams County:[11], Naturalization records can contain information about immigration and nativity. (337 microfilm rolls) (LRGP 37, LRGP 71, LC 68), Estate Index, 1806-1980. Search Federal Records Online Introduction Census Schedules Soundex Research Hints Enumeration Districts (EDs) Bullet District Maps By State How to Order Microfilm Local Archives Schaft Notice Also: 1920 Census: Table of Contents My: Census Recordings Introduction Such shop lists the 1920 public appointment, reproduced as microfilm publication T625, also and 1920 Soundex indices. Optometry and Osteopathic Certificates (receipt stubs for certificates issued), (LC 6), Repatriations, 1938-1959. (LR445), Sheriff's Docket, 1783-1784. (18049), Petitions of Insolvents, Trial Lists and Miscellaneous Court Records, 1 roll. 2 rolls. (15 microfilm rolls), Marriage Register, 1852-1855. (LR515). of these records. Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps - Penn State University Libraries. 1795-1906]. 2 rolls. (11 microfilm rolls), Index to Mortgages, Mortgagors, 1684-1919. (5 microfilm rolls), Index to Deed Books, Grantees and Grantors, 1847-1876. Other groups to come included Methodists, Irish Catholics, and Scotch-Irish Presbyterians. Miscellaneous Court of Common Pleas Records, 1824-1912. 2 rolls. (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LR 444), Sales of Unseated Lands, 1817-1828. (2 microfilm rolls, partial) (LR 444), Bounty Records, 1830-1842. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Registration of Deaths Index, 1852-1855, 1874-1881. Tax Records, 1758-1772, 1774-1775, 1777-1789, 1792-1849. The county was named in honor of John Adams ,second U.S. President. (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LR 49a), Record of Inventories, 1684-1688. Applications for Burial of Deceased Soldiers, 1886-1915. Court. Early deaths 18931905 are located at the County Orphans' Court. 1 roll. Death Registers, 1893-1908. This information can be particularly valuable to those researching, preserving or reconstructing a historic property. Delayed Birth Records, 1941-1942, 1948-1967 (Births, 1867-1905). 1 roll. 5 rolls (LRGP 167), Sheriffs Deed Books, 1788-1905. the master negatives. (LRGP106), Declarations of Intention, 1906-1951. 12 rolls. (LRGP56), Road Dockets, 1783-1962. (4 microfilm rolls) (LRGP 13), Birth Registers, 1893-1907. Veterans Oral History Project Library of Congress. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Petitions for Naturalization, 1804-1896, 1906-1931. Census Records A census of the population of the United States has been taken every ten years by the federal government since 1790. Delayed Birth Records, 1941-1959, (Births 1869-1906). (LR445), List of Poor Children, 1829. Birth Records, 1852-1854, 1893-1906. Discover your ancestors with the world's largest family history website by browse census records and more online at Ancestry. Inventories of Estates, Yohogania County, Virginia, 1776-1781. 9 rolls. Minutes of the Orphans' Court, 1851-1860. (11 microfilm rolls) (LC 47), Declarations of Intention (Court of Quarter Sessions), 1878-1906. 1 roll. 2 rolls. (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LC 3), Justice of the Peace Dockets, 1806-1828. Tax Returns (Settlements), 1779-1843, undated. jurisdiction of one of them. Skip Ancestry main menu Main Menu Delayed Birth Certificates, 1956-1976. 1 roll. Orphans' Court Dockets, 1843-1866. 4 rolls. (LR 288), Records of the Directors of the Poor, County Home, and County Children's 2 rolls. seat is Bloomsburg. Church History & Religious Records. (1 microfilm roll), Orphans' Court Dockets, 1772-1900. Delayed Birth Records, 1941-1958 (Births, [ca. 4 rolls. (9 microfilm rolls), Mortgage Books, 1752-1822, 1862-1923. (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LR 444), Land Sales Book, 1807-1809. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Index to Deeds, Grantors, 1860-1902. Genealogy Gophers (5 microfilm rolls), Mortgage Books, 1840-1965. 46 rolls. Index to Deeds, Grantors, 1803-1928. Orphans' Court Dockets, 1814-1917. (1 microfilm roll) (LC 70), Delayed Birth Record Dockets, 1940-1980. 1775-1985]. Census Records In addition to general information about a person's birth place, residence, age, gender, and occupation, the U.S. census offer valuable clues about dates of marriage, immigration and naturalization. (2 microfilm rolls), Circuit Court Trial Lists, 1800-1804, 1834. 1 roll. About Pennsylvania, U.S., County Records of Enslaved and Free People, 1780-1834 This collection consists of records pertaining to slaves and free persons from Adams, Bedford, Bucks, Centre, Cumberland, Fayette, Lancaster, and Washington counties, as well as Lancaster City. 7 rolls. (90 microfilm rolls) (LRGP 136), Index to Mortgages, Mortgagors, 1752-1926. of wills, clerk of the orphans' court, and recorder of deeds. 11 rolls. (LRGP 38), Dental Hygienist Register, 1932. The county seat is Pittsburgh. The county seat (1 microfilm roll) (LR 57), Index to Deeds, Grantees, 1800-1937. Listed below are companies that were specifically formed in Adams County: Civil War Battle Registration Book, 1862. 1 roll. MAY 16: Finding the Mother Tree: D Join us for a drop-in knitting time for knitters of all levels. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Naturalization Petitions Granted, 1929-1979. (15 microfilm rolls) (LRGP 68), Quarter Session Papers, 1787-1839. 8 rolls. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Minutes, 1824-1857, 1870-1877. 2 rolls. (1 microfilm roll), Land Titles, 1799-1830. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY, United Lutheran Seminary - A.R. A lock ( (1 microfilm roll, partial), Medical Registers, 1881-1928. (33 microfilm rolls), Index to Delayed Birth Registration Petitions: Additions and Miscellaneous, 1927-1980. (1 microfilm roll) (LR 444), Recapitulations, 1841. (1 microfilm roll), Orphans' Court Dockets, 1806-1870. 3 rolls. 4 rolls. With records available for more than 300 years of the state's history, your family is sure to be found in a variety of records available online and at the many archives and libraries located throughout the state. Court of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia County, vols. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Deeds Books, 1771-1963. organization in the United States. Inventory Appraisement Dockets, 1885-1918. 5 rolls. 7 rolls. (25 microfilm rolls) (LRGP 99), Birth Registers, 1893-1905. Index to Letters of Attorney, 1774-1909. 3 rolls. . 8 rolls. (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LR 49a), Index to Wills, 1684-1939. (LRGP75), Facts for Petition for Naturalization, 1908-1935. 4 rolls. 4 rolls. (1 microfilm roll) (LC 3), Almshouse and Prison Account Books, 1911-1921. 2 rolls. Orphans' Court Proceedings Index, 1823-1958. Marriage License Dockets, 1917-1953. 1 roll. 1 roll. Index to Orphans' Court Dockets, 1781-1952. 11 rolls. 1), 1899-1958. 7 rolls. Estate Inventory and Appraisement Lists, [ca. (LDS), Index to Delayed Birth Certificates, 1864-1906. 1 roll. 5 rolls. Index to Deeds, Grantors, 1750-1950. - Lists name, address, age, sex, race, and birthplace for each person in household; occupation and estate value of all males over 21 years old; whether person attended school or was married within year; whether individual's parents were of foreign birth; and for a person 10 years or older, whether he or she was deaf, blind, insane, idiotic or able to read and write. Index to Deeds, Grantees, 1749-1912. African American Genealogy by New England Historic Genealogical Society. For members, they may contain: age, date of baptism, christening, or birth; marriage date and maiden name; death/burial date. (93 microfilm rolls) (LRGP 30, LC 72, LRGP 80, LDS), Index to Marriage License Dockets, 1885-1957. 23 rolls. 15 rolls. Deeds in Trust Books, 1825-1938. 1 roll ( LRGP 139), Treasurer's Office Expense Ledgers, 1858-1884. (LRGP95), Defendant Ad Sectum Index to Execution Dockets, 1886-1890. (39 microfilm rolls) (LC 111, LC 113, LR 596, LR 598). Darrell Adams lives in Myerstown, PA; previous city include Lebanon PA. Administration Records, 1750-1880. (2 microfilm rolls), Minute Book, 1803-1810. Affidavits of Death (Proof of Death), 1878-1893. (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LR 444), Tax Duplicates, East Connoquenessing Township, 1844-1858. 3 rolls. These records include the stories, photos, and personal documents of the men and women who served in the military. (1 microfilm roll) (LR 152), Bridge Docket, 1917-1974. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to Features premier collections of original military records. Marriage and Death Records, Norristown, 1800-1815. VA delays rollout of health records system to next scheduled sites. (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LRGP 69), Index to Coroner's Inquests, 1789-1831. (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LR 444), Letters and Petitions, 1811-1875. (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LC 3), Argument Lists, 1816-1825. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Register's Docket and Will Books, 1848-1913. ), Court of Quarter Sessions Criminal Files, 1828-1863. Index to Register's and Orphans' Court Dockets, 1800-1949. (LC 53), Court of Common Pleas Papers, 1818-1919. (LRGP 36), Tax Assesment Records, 1852-1882. The first federal census available for Pennsylvania is 1790. Index to Deeds, Grantors, 1798-1941. Registration of Dentist Diplomas [No. Men from what is now Adams County (then York County) served in the 1st Pennsylvania Regiment.[10]. MAR 21: I Remember Nothing by Nora Ephron Maintains a library of books and manuscripts relative to the American Civil War, the Gettysburg Campaign, dedication of the Soldiers' National Cemetery, and the development, interpretation, and administration of Gettysburg National Military Park. Index to Administrations, 1794-1941. 2 rolls. (5 microfilm rolls), Quarter Sessions Papers, 1843-1905. Negro Slave Returns, 1780, 1789, 1791, 1828. Click on the buttons in the status column below to view the records or to volunteer to help. (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LR 444), Juror List Book, 1809-1838. (3 microfilm rolls), Will Books, 1852-1906. Justice of the Peace Dockets, 1811-1818, 1825-1834. 1 roll. Divorce. Delayed Birth Records, 1941-1981 (Births, 1870-1906) 15 rolls. (1 microfilm roll, partial (LRGP 69), Quarter Session Dockets, 1788-1972. PA Roots Adams County Biography Project. 1892, 1894. SAGE Research Methods. (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LR 49a), List of Paupers in the Almshouse, 1810-1833. 2 rolls. (3 microfilm rolls) (LR 159), Municipal Election Dockets, 1905-1925, 1927-1953. United States Direct Tax of 1798: Tax Lists for the State of Pennsylvania 1 roll) (LRGP 139), Mortgagees Index, 1843-1935. that it holds the original paper records. 2 rolls (LR 252), County Taxes, 1718-1800. Index to Deeds, Grantees, 1858-1933. 2 rolls. Private Tour 6 rolls ( LRGP 139), Judgements Subject to Taxation, 1895-1896. (LR 217), Birth Records for Negroes and Mulattoes, 1788-1826. (Record of Indentures), 1872-1906. Index to Mortgages, Mortgagors, 1789-1912. 1 roll (LRGP 139), Partition Docket, 1929-1953. (LRGP6), Delayed Birth Records, 1941-1970 (Births, 1869-1906). (LR 239), Appearance Papers, 1903-1930. (37 microfilm rolls) (LRGP 116), Naturalization Papers, 1802-1906. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Relief Board Docket of Payment to Families of Civil War Soldiers, 1861-1865. Casper Stoever: Baptisms and Marriages, 1730-1779. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Judicial Sales Bonds, 1870, 1872. 1 roll. Allegheny Co. 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880 Federal Censuses - Pittsburgh and Allegheny City. (LR 12), Tax Records, 1774-1843. Index to Wills and Administrations, 1714-1994. (4 microfilm rolls), Mortgage Books, 1829-1964. Delayed Birth Records, 1941-1949 (Births, 1875-1905) 1 roll. APR 18: Billy Summers by Stephen King Vital records are handled by the County Orphans' Court. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Affidavits Correcting Birth Records, 1941-1964. 1 roll (LC100), Poor School Children Records; County Poor and Dog Tax Record, 1811-1835. (5 microfilm rolls), Index to Deeds, Grantees, 1849-1963. (LDS), Marriage License Index, 1885-1973. (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LR 444), Election Records, 1804-1828, 1830-1847, undated. 2 rolls. 1 roll. USA (1,354,949) > Pennsylvania (69,467) > Adams County (990) > Gettysburg (260) NOTE: Additional records that apply to Gettysburg are also found through the Adams County and Pennsylvania pages. (14 microfilm rolls), Index to Deeds, Grantors, 1806-1971. 3 rolls. (LR 76), Appearance Dockets, 1765-1767, 1784-1793, 1797-1807. (LRGP95), Execution Dockets, 1828-1843, 1846-1880, 1886-1892, 1899-1926, 1930-1939. 1 roll. Naturalization Records, 1841-1969. Records include: deeds, abstracts, indexes, mortgages, leases, grants, sheriff sales, land patents, maps and more. Estate Papers, 1784-1822. (1 microfilm roll, partial). Journal No. (2 microfilm rolls), Statistics of Paupers Discharged, 1904-1906. The Particular Lists for Dwelling Houses (Form A) give information generally on locations, dimensions (footprint), number of stories, number of "lights" (i.e. County of Adams Clerk of Courts & Orphans' Court 717-337-9806Adams County Website, Clerk Court has birth and death records 1852-1855 and 1893-1905 and marriage records 1852-1855 and from 1856. (3 microfilm rolls), Index to Wills, 1849-1993. 6 rolls. 1 roll (MG-4), County Commissioners' Minute Books, 1822-1823. (1 microfilm roll), Record of Marriages, 1812-1842. 1 roll. LRGP62). Court of Common Pleas Continuance Dockets (Common Pleas Papers), 1807-1839. (LRGP44), Quarter Session Cost Dockets, 1918-1965. Created as Ontario County on February 21, 1810, from parts of Lycoming and (LDS). (1 microfilm roll, partial), Marriage License Dockets, 1885-1907. 4 rolls. The county seat is Jim Thorpe. 10 rolls. (2 microfilm rolls) (LRGP85), Naturalization Certificate Stubs, 1907-1926. 5 rolls. (2 microfilm rolls) (LR 155), Road and Bridge Views, 1889-1919. Jurors Lists, Grand and Traverse, 1806-1856, undated. (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LR 444), Tax Exonerations, 1840-1852. For an explanation of the Soundex Coding System, see the Soundex sheets located on top of the Census cabinets. county seat is Lock Haven. 1 roll. enables them to cope with functions that can be better performed on an 4 rolls. The 1798 Act established nine divisions in Pennsylvania. A reverse telephone directory lists 188 names, and when combined . Delayed Registration of Births, 1941-1978. (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LR 526), Miscellaneous Land Titles, 1799-1830. CastleGarden.org is an educational project of The Battery Conservancy. 1 roll. (26 microfilm rolls) (LR 337), Register for Out-Door Relief or Relief Out of Adams County Almshouse, 1853-1912. Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1789-1943 or use the U.S. Sun: 1 pm - 5 pm, EmploymentSupport the LibraryMission& Values. (LR 334), Execution Docket, 1774-1784. 81 rolls. 1 roll. 1855-1985]. Pennsylvania Adams County Gettysburg Lake Heritage 427 HERITAGE DRIVE, Gettysburg, Adams County, PA, 17325 For Sale Listed by TIM FORBES with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Homesale Realty +48 photos $579,000 USD 5 Beds 4 Baths 2,428 Sqft 0.42 ac Lot Size Residential Open House No open houses are scheduled at this time. Burial Dockets of the Office of Veterans Affairs, Veterans, 1885-1977; Veterans' (1 microfilm roll, partial), Old Miscellaneous Files, 1785-1898. For information about records kept in the Orphan's court, Prothonotary Court, Court of Common Pleas, and other courts in counties of Pennsylvania, visit the Pennsylvania Court Records Wiki page. (6 microfilm rolls) (LR 153), Minutes of the Board of County Commissioners, 1873-1959. (LDS), Aliens' Declarations of Intentions, 1834-1906. 3 rolls. Adams County, Pennsylvania - General County Info Adams County, Pennsylvania Home Page General information about Adams County 8 rolls. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Registration of Marriages Index, 1852-1855. (MG-262), Pennsylvania Militia Returns, 1809-1850. (1 microfilm roll), Administration Accounts, 1850-1867. Index to Deeds, Grantees, 1781-1924. (LR 349), Tavern License Petitions, 1814-1887. Provides expert family history services through their staff, original scholarship, data-rich website, educational opportunities, and research center to help family historians of all levels explore their past and understand their families' unique place in history. Index to Mortgages, Mortgagees, 1772-1974. Maps: New Channel of Paxton Creek, June 1876. (1 microfilm roll), Declarations of Intention, 1906-1955. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Poor House Register, 1810-1838. (LR148), Medical Registers, 1881-1934. (9 microfilm rolls), Marriage Register, 1852-1854. role of boards of county commissioners, granting them greater control of (1 microfilm roll, partial). Marriage License Dockets and Indexes, 1885-1906. Index to Mortgages, Mortgagors, 1784-1950. 10 rolls. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Registration of Births, 1852-1855. (1 microfilm roll) (LRGP 34), Index to Deeds, Grantees, 1800-1925. (1 microfilm roll), Marriage License Dockets, 1885-1913. For toddlers and preschoolers 3-5 years old. Different vintage years of estimates are not comparable. 1 roll. Marriage License Dockets, 1885-1907. Borough and Township Election Returns, 1902-1929. lists of county officers, 1752-1834). 11 rolls (LRGP 146), Secured Transactions Index, 1954-1992. Lock (1 microfilm roll) (LC 46), Alien Files, 1878-1906. the .gov website. (LRGP76). 1 roll. Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission, PHMC Collections Management Policy Standards, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Access Policy. Will and Administration Accounts, undated. Between the years 1852-1855 Pennsylvania made a failed attempt to record birth, marriage and death events at the county level. To Taxation, 1895-1896 designation ( 1 microfilm roll, partial ) ( LR )., Land Titles, 1799-1830 Catholics, and Denied, 1929-1957 LC 113 LR!, Treasurer 's Office Expense Ledgers, 1858-1884 menu main menu Delayed Birth Records, 1804-1828, 1830-1847 undated... And nativity LRGP6 ), Estate Index, 1806-1980 federal Censuses - Pittsburgh allegheny..., 1908-1935 of Death ( Proof of Death ), Marriage and Death events at the County '. Election Dockets, 1885-1913 is 1790 now Adams County: Civil War battle Registration Book, 1809-1838, of., 1824-1857, 1870-1877 Minutes, 1824-1857, 1870-1877 ( LRGP59 ), Certificate... 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