daily prophetic word

There will be a longing to get Gods vantage point on the events we are witnessing around us and to understand the events of the end times. (The Ebook also includes an additional book 'The Missing Chapters'. 2023 and Beyond Prophecy Gods Time and Your Personal Calendar As I was in prayer, the Lord spoke to me and indicated that this New Year, 2023, Prophecy for the Year, 2022 and beyond. Sifting in the church and more Life feels unstable and the future is uncertain. You will have clarity around your calling. The Daily Prophetic Word - Fathers Heart Ministry The Daily Prophetic Word The Father says today, it is time to get out of your boat and walk on the water. "Let me clearly state to all of you and to all the people of Israel that he was healed by the powerful name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, the man you crucified but whom God raised from the dead.". My Army is meeting at the River of Life, the True Lovers of God, says The LORD. I asked Him what it meant. The great sifting will continue. More. Lion Bites - Daily Prophetic Words Every day our team publish a daily (Monday-Friday) personal prophetic word which encourages tens of thousands of believers all over the world. Get disciplined in your pursuit of God. At the end of 2019, I received and released a clear prophetic word for 2020. How do we reconfigure and reshape the church biblically and effectively for this new era? There is potential for a significant economic plummet the likes of which we have not experienced since the 1929 Great Depression. We overcome by your blood. Now the Lord wants to bring you into a place where you can be established, build, grow, and increase. Do [], The Father says today that the Baal spirit is being broken in your midst. This is so so spot-on! By the end of this 30 day journey, you will be amazed at how much you begin to recognize and understand God speaking to you in very ordinary as well as supernatural ways. In a season when great darkness surrounds us, and is constantly being incorporated and justified in The Church, I want to encourage the Bride of Christ to continue pressing through. We overcome in your name. Even more than that, He showed me how I could understand and properly interpret the words, pictures, dreams, visions and other things He was showing me. For many years I stumbled about in the dark trying so desperately to hear God speak to me. What should I expect to happen in the last days? Nations will default on debts. Raise a shout of defiance. Teachings & Articles. They seek the face of the Lord above all else. I want you to experience the fullness of My power and glory in your life. However, I believe it actually began in September 2019 at the time of the Hebrew New Year. THE FIRST 100 DAYS ARE VERY IMPORTANT GOD IS INSPECTING HIS PEOPLE, Jesus entered Jerusalem and went into the temple courts. His powerful messages stay with his audiences long after hearing him. Please read them all carefully and prayerfully. Then, over a period of around a year, God began to show me His ways of communicating with His people. There are 8 chapters from the original draft which weren't included in the final edit. It is a serious time, and I have [], The Father says today, do not despair over those who take, and give nothing back. Do not go beyond it, but do not relinquish your authority within it. As I prayed into it, the Lord showed me that the passport was a sign of our identity. On the outside, I looked like a happy, successful pastor with a wonderful, perfect family. We must discern the now Word of the Lord and obey immediately. Brilliant Perspectives Santa Barbara, California, US The enemy is trying to prevent us from accessing new territory. One way to respond is by asking God to help you activate it in your life. The Father has a timeline. It simply can't contain what the Lord is going to pour out.Leaders are being brought forth who are more concerned with presence than programs, character than competition, consecration over coolness, spiritual authority over Sunday attendance, and the supernatural over social media.This is the year where the Lord is dividing the church into the sheep and the goats. Thanks so much for this word., Craig this is so in tune to what my life feels like.THANK YOU Craig - you explain things in such a way that, we feel the emotions and the chaos but aren't always, sure how to explain our thoughts. What is Gods process of promotion? I recently started investing a little in bitcoin and crypto. Almost trapped in transition. We are being called to seek His face and pursue His presence above all else. I believe that baptism by full immersion will become incredibly powerful and significant this year. 'There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens' (Eccl 3:1, NIV . May God bless you for your faithfulness in helping us to reach, Prophetic Light International Church base Restoration Project: We want to thank all of our partners who helped us to accomplish this miracle project. I will make you forget the former things in light of My glory to come. How to interpret pictures, dreams and visions. The rebellious, arrogant and proud who wanted deception and loved darkness will experience the consequences of their actions.There will be events and incidents that will simply have no rational possibility or logical explanation.There will be signs and supernatural occurrences that will leave the most wise and learned scratching their heads in confusion.Winds of change' are coming.As a sign look for significant and unusual storms in early 2021.God often uses the natural to reveal what He is doing in the invisible realm. Great shaking will lead to greater glory. SUBSCRIBE TODAY! To be honest, I was also reluctant to share it because what I was receiving wasn't exactly uplifting for the most part! Gods people will emerge victorious. We overcome because you are the One WHO stands alongside to help us. Im so weary of waiting. We require fresh manna - practical prophetic wisdom and insights for each day. That will happen as we spend time on our knees and on our faces before Him in prayer. THE BLUEPRINT, is a 40-day prophetic devotional. But then I learned that those who have been in the crypto game for a long time have an expression: And when you zoom out, you can see historically that bitcoin has only ever gone in one direction and that is up. What is the mark of the beast and how can I apply Godly wisdom so that I don't receive the mark? Come up to the place of fullness in Me. A terrified world needs a bold and courageous church. Rapping for Jesus! DAILY PROPHETIC WORDS BOOK. God is Healing Your Trauma! A FRESH UNDERSTANDING OF YOUR AUTHORITY AND IDENTITY. You can subscribe to receive Lion Bites as an email every day or you can simply browse the archive of words here, that come from over a decade of us listening to God . In the form of daily devotions, shares the words of the Holy Spirit as heard by the author, and includes relevant Scripture references and prayer starters. They are not necessarily all for the same person. and the wisdom of others you will learn: How God has been speaking to you, but you havent realized it. There will be a desperate attempt to continue to cover-up corruption, lies, injustice, fraud, greed, and other evils. What are the signs to watch out for? The Daily Prophetic Word is prophetic insight into what God is saying or doing right nowtodayto strengthen, encourage and comfort you. TheSHAKINGobviously began with everything that happened around 2020 - the virus, racial tensions, division leading up to the election in the US. In fact, almost every month it may feel as if were on the edge of war, disaster, crisis, doom. As we go through 2022, this SIFTING is becoming a PURGING. To not be so limited or restricted by politics, news cycles, events, and apparent calamities. How do I place boundaries around relationships that are no longer life-giving or fruitful? Much of the church may reject these prophets. A false flag is an event/crisis designed to create a desired response or divert attention away from something else. Just because you dont see it on the horizon doesnt mean the wave of My power is not crashing down into your circumstance, even now. Dont give the enemy an inch. We are with you every step of the way. But ultimately, he is coming to judge the wicked and reward the righteous. I became very intense about it and even believed that it was because of my lack of devotion or even sin that God was staying quiet. Daily time in the word and prayer have never been so important. I heard the Lord say: Say Goodbye to powerless Christianity.. As in the days of Ananias and Sapphira, we will see God come in judgement against rebellious and hard-hearted believers who refuse to submit to the Fathers loving discipline. This year, I held back from doing that. Others, whose hearts are compromised, will be removed. There is no crop blight on the harvest of blessings I am bringing up out of your life. Who is God raising up? I believe that you will see many more churches begin to teach from the book of Revelation this year. The next 12 months will be absolutely pivotal and I believe this will be the most significant year of the last 50 years. The church will look different than ever before. I have so much more for you. I have watched as a prophetic word has unlocked destiny, brought healing from the past, provided direction in times of confusion, spoken hope into times of fear and uncertainty, and helped me in my own walk to discern where God was leading me and my family. There will be desperate measures such as curfews and bans, but they will be ineffective and counterproductive.There will be many significant uprisings against regimes and governments, as well as the overthrow of those who have been using power in illegitimate and ungodly ways to control and manipulate the masses. 1,362 talking about this. Each chapter can be read in around 10 minutes a day. As the infrastructures crumble in the nations, Gods people will bring Kingdom solutions and supernatural wisdom to the problems the world cannot solve. Persecution of the uncompromising church will increasingly be legislated by governments. In 2022, I believe were going to see more food shortages, power cuts, and other areas of pressure on a global scale. I didn't know it then, but I was experiencing what I now call 'THE TENSION OF TRANSITION'. Laugh, says the Father. You will be able to stand firm and flourish as the shaking intensifies. The church will be brought to a fresh revelation of the importance and significance of baptism. If you like Daily Prophetic on Instagram or Facebook, I KNOW these books will speak to you and help you progress into the incredible future I believe God has for your life. Through Christ, we gain access to doors of hidden treasures and riches stored in secret places. Heavens wisdom and blueprints will be downloaded to a generation of Josephs, Daniels, and Esthers. After the time of dismantling the Lord is re-mantling His people. Most of all, I believe it isTRANSFORMATIONAL. My word is simple and plainly so. The difference between personal prophecy and speaking Gods word into a wider situation. There has been too much human-centred hype. Nor do I think Biden will serve for any significant length of time. Psalm 33 , 1 John 1:5-10 1 John 2:15-17 Luke 21:36 Daily Prophetic Word 14 April 2023 2 of 4 Kevin Bridges 8.7K subscribers Subscribe No views 1 minute ago ONE WORD FROM GOD WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE Get your Personal Prophetic word. Thought for today from yesterday. Here's the Daily Prophetic Word for January 29, 2018! Remember your Timing and Walk with God is Different to Others. The separation between light and darkness will have never been greater. The first draft of THE BLUEPRINT is now complete and available as a PDF E-book. Declaration - Colossians 1:12-13 - I am delivered from the power of darkness. DAILY RHEMA "VICTORY WREATH" A PROPHETIC WORD. See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.. Break free from containment and confinement. Lion Bites - Daily Prophetic Words Every day our team publish a daily (Monday-Friday) personal prophetic word which encourages tens of thousands of believers all over the world. Today was no different, it brought me to tears. Doug Addison The Lord is continuing to move with breakthrough anointing, healing, angels, new hope and joy. Lift up your hands that hang down., Be patient, says The LORD. It may even appear as if the world is coming to an endbut that time has not yet come. I believe that the first 100 days of this year are very important. In 2022, he is coming with a fresh, dunamis power upon His people. But we have also seen a significantSIFTINGin the church. Many of Gods people are experiencing an identity crisis right now. He wants to heal us. We knew we had to leave where we were. Each post is followed by selected, relevant Scripture verses for meditation and declaration, followed by a short approximately 500-word reflection from me including personal stories and Biblical examples. (We will also see significant exposure in other areas of life such as government, finance, business, and tech. Be edified with the latest Prophetic Words for April 2023 and more. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.. Extremism, on the right and left, will be at a level never witnessed before in the nation.In many cities the hostility on both sides will boil over and you will see running battles in the streets. Prophetic Light - Free Personal Prophecy - Comforting, Encouraging, Edifying Through God's Voice. How do I protect my family, relationships, and finances in these days of worldwide turbulence? The nations and systems of the earth continue to be shaken. Do not be anxious or afraid. You, Thank you, Lord, that we have the Blessed Hope of your return to rule and reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords on earth. "Oh my gosh I love this! Here are some tips on how to make the most of global prophetic insightswhether through 'daily prophetic words' or occasional ones such as you find here on Enliven Blog: 1. It will be a tight squeeze - but not catastrophic. We will also experience an unprecedented rise in natural disasters and other crises, including contamination and unusual diseases. How was He at work in our lives? We look too much like the world. Ideological and proxy wars will escalate into full blown conflict. How is worship changing? And old maps wont help you to navigate this new territory. They will bring fresh revelation, untarnished by political ideologies or position or the love of money. Lift up your hands, Be patient, says the Lord. So much change is happening. Please SUBSCRIBE for more. They will be of all ages and from all backgrounds. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries. It will happen very suddenly. Why is there so much shaking and shifting of the old structures? But because the Lord was "drip feeding" me a prophetic sense of what is to come. Thus, they were able to prosper, advance, increase, and experience Gods blessing in an unusual way. Like the two witnesses in Revelation 11, prophetic voices with the mantle and fire of Elijah will come forth. We are experiencing the first season of a whole new era. Within a few months, it began to unfold in ways that would turn our world and our lives upside-down. National leaders will be disgraced and will be removed before their term is finished. However, GOD'S PLAN IS UNFOLDING - and YOU are a part of it. He brings laughter, fun and a unique prophetic style while empowering people to transform their lives, discover their destiny and understand dreams, tattoos and piercings. We must learn to hear His voice. Prophetic Word For Today 17 April 2023 | Monday. How do I break off previous alignments that God is calling me away from? No longer will He tolerate compromise, carnality, selfish ambition, greed, pride, or persistent disobedience in His people. Otherwise, the new wine will burst the skins; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. - 1 Corinthians 14:3 NIV, I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. He is patient, longing to bring everyone to repentance. Gods people must pray. The Lord will teach us not to put our trust in people.). He will give us spiritual perception. But now, you need some help. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, who is with you, O Judah and Jerusalem!' How can I prepare for the next 58 years? We have allowed compromise and sin to go unconfronted and unrepented. "Your book is so freakishly appropriate for where I am today.You even recently called out a breakthrough that brought me out of a grieving season and into fresh light, literally the same day.This book is so on time!"I can't start to explain how timely your book is and how much God is confirming my season. PROPHETIC WORD FOR MONDAY. Come up to the place of intimacy with Me. It could have been written at a different time, and even for someone else, but, in that moment, the Holy Spirit applied it directly to your situation. Apr 4 Uncertain times can come in the form of economic, spiritual or environmental turmoil, or personal attacks against your family, health or finances. The next 12 months will also shape the next decade.. It will be as in the days of Elijah that the decrees of those with spiritual authority will come to pass indisputably. Who is the dragon and the beast? Much of 2022 will be spent trying to pull nations back from the brink of devastating conflicts. For many people hearing God speaks can seem so inaccessible and confined to the chosen few. Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. Simply fill out your details to receive Daily Prophetic and get the free chapters by email. The enemy is seeking to rob Gods people of our uniqueness, our calling, our ministry, even our reputation. His Kingdom Prophecy is a Christian Prophetic Website and Resource Center with daily Prophetic Words, Teachings, Testimony and Prayers. Welcome to Daily Prophetic Word For Today 17th April 2023 by Prophet Russ Walden. The spiritual gift of prophecy is one of the spiritual gifts mentioned in the Bible. He will lift us up. The Lord is working behind the scenes of things. Are we experiencing the birth pangs of the last days that Jesus spoke about in Matthew 24? (After subscribing you will shortly receive a welcome e-mail containing several free gifts). Daily Prophetic Word April 13, 2023 By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries The Lord says, "This is your time to walk into all that I have created you to do and be. Or you're praying and longing to see His PROMISES or PROPHETIC WORDS fulfilled in your life? Hardcover - December 28, 2021 by Emma Stark (Author), David Stark (Author), Sarah Jane Biggart (Author), 392 ratings Kindle $9.99 Read with Our Free App Hardcover $24.83 Other new and used from $19.77 Paperback $26.99 Other new and used from $19.17 Additional Details Since that time it has been the greatest joy and privilege to share what God is saying to other people. Division. Many of you have been wandering in the wilderness for a long time. 3/26/23 https://lnkd.in/gvR_UJ-2 Like Comment Comment In many places, this will lead to a total dependence on governments for handouts to survive in return for giving up of personal freedoms. I am so encouraged and very blessed reading your and your family's journey of transition.Your book is so applicable to the season I am in right now!Your book has opened a flood gate of revelation!! Prophetic Word: You will be Rich! In it I take you on a journey through our transition, and in 30 chapters I explore some of the lessons I learned during this prolonged and often difficult season. This is going to build up to such an extent that it will be like an earthquake or eruption in 2020.In fact, dont be surprised if the Lord affirms this in the natural. Maybe you're WAITING ON GOD for BREAKTHROUGH in some area - a job, finances, a relationship? But you know there's MORE. The others will be swept away in the cultural tide of conformity.The economy worldwide will take a major sudden dip. You are going to need real-time wisdom from the Holy Spirit. You are the beginning and the end, and you are our beginning and our end, and everything between. You will likely see an attack on Israel from Iran and her proxies. And you will be equipped and empowered to be part of the great harvest that we can expect to see as Gods Spirit is poured out. What happens in the invisible, spiritual realm is often mirrored in the physical visible realm. There has been too much performance in His church. Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God. Receive daily motivation straight from the Throne Room of the Father The place of journaling and writing down what youre sensing the Spirit say. How to know if its really God speaking, or simply you making it up (or even the enemy trying to deceive you). Powered By ConvertKit MY NEW BOOK! Please be sure to subscribe to my channel so we can stay connected! What was on His heart? The Father says today, do you love Me? Other key passages/verses for this season: The key word that I keep getting over and over again for 2020 is "PIVOTAL".The next 12 months will be absolutely pivotal and I believe this will be the most significant year of the last 50 years.It is a tipping point year - a year when everything that has been happening since the year 2000 culminates and climaxes.The next 12 months will also shape the next decade.The last 5-10 years have seen the most significant polarisation and division in nations and between nations that I have witnessed in my lifetime.The pressure has been building and this year it is going to be released.I saw what looked like huge tectonic plates underneath the Earths surface. This will lead to unrest, looting, mass protests, uprisings, and the overthrow of governments. In the Bible, we are told that the sons of Issachar stood out in their time because they understood the times and knew what Israel should do. (1 Chronicles 12:32). It is water walking time for you. Look, I am coming soon! Last night I was reading my Dream Journal from a couple of years ago. Daily Prophetic Word - Position Yourself for God\'s Blessings | Haly Ministries Revive Me Daily Prophetic Word - Position Yourself for God's Blessings 10 June 2020 by Haly Ministries You will not need to fight in this battle. Holy living and ongoing repentance are absolutely key to walking with God and flourishing in this next season. I AM the Word of truth I AM the way I AM the life - Keep the Word hidden in your heart and comfort yourself in My Word. Tell yourself daily change isn't harmful; change is beneficial for I am the God that changes not, yet I require you to be willing to live in a constant state of change anchored only in Me, for I will . Our Promise to You You have been on this journey a while. Our destiny depends on our correct alignment in this next season. My dealings will sometimes seem caustic, but it is necessary, for My land will be cleansed. Youre like the pastor that I dont have at this moment.I feel like I know you well because you have been refreshingly open in your writing.I have heard God speak and confirm so much!.God has used your story in my current season and I thank God for every small detail.I cant put your book down!. In spite of what many prophetic voices are saying, I dont believe President Trump will overturn the election. ), If you would like to order the book, all you have to do is CLICK THE LINK BELOW. He will straighten your path. In When the Lamb Roars, I will take you through the book of Revelation, chapter-by-chapter, showing you what the vision meant to Christians in the first century and then exploring how it applies to us today.We will examine different major viewpoints and I will share what I believe to be the most likely interpretation of some of the most disputed passages.Sadly, too many Christians have based their end-time beliefs around popular books such as Left Behind rather than on what we read in the Scriptures.Over this 10-week devotional study, we will look at Does the book of Revelation apply to my life today or was it simply written for those in the first century? What is the changing of the guard we are seeing in leadership? Believers will split into wise and foolish. They will try to maintain power by brute force but their days are numbered. This may mean exiting from significant relationships, changing church or a network, resigning from your denomination, even moving house or relocating to a different region. What is God doing in His church in this time of upheaval, exposure of immoral leadership, and dismantling of old ways? Come up to the place of communion with Me. How will I recognize them? He will give us His eyes. It is a tipping point year - a year when everything that has been happening since the year 2000 culminates and climaxes. What are the signs we will see before Jesus returns? A RETURN TO HOLINESS, REPENTANCE, AND A FEAR OF THE LORD. The now Word of the Lord absolutely pivotal and I believe it actually began in September at... Be a tight squeeze - but not catastrophic we overcome because you are the one WHO alongside. Overturn the election in the days of this year uprisings, and you are going to need real-time wisdom the. 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daily prophetic word