japan statistics 2020

In addition to the financial assistance described above, Japan has also been active in the areas of human resources development and technology transfer through its ODA activities, both of which are vital to the growth of developing countries. Q4-2020 Japan (red), OECD - Total (black) Hours worked Indicator: 1 644 Total Hours/worker 2019 Japan Hours/worker: Total Hours/worker 2000-2019 Japan (red), OECD - Total (black) Total Hours/worker 2019 Japan (red), OECD - Total (black) Long-term unemployment rate Indicator: 32.3 Total % of unemployed 2019 Japan % of unemployed: Total % of unemployed 2000-2019 The Great East Japan Earthquake taking place on March 11, 2011, and the nuclear power plant accident caused by it weakened the economic recovery. The third-best-selling car model in Japan in 2020 was the evergreen Toyota Corolla. Once married, foreign spouses may also, if certain criteria are satisfied, change their visa status to Permanent Resident or other visa categories. The mountains are generally steep and are intricately carved out by ravines. According to reports on arrivals by tourist offices in countries around the world, the U.S.A., the Republic of Korea and China had many Japanese visitors in 2018. Japan's infant mortality rate was 1.9 per 1,000 births in 2019. This population is continuing to decline since 1993. This marked the third highest level in history, just under the ratio of 1.76 times attained in 1973 at the end of the period of rapid economic growth. In 2020, the unemployment rate in Japan was at about 2.34 percent. The House of Representatives has 465 members. The Bank of Japan compiles and publishes statistics on the following indices of money stock: (i) M1, or currency in circulation plus deposit money deposited at depository institutions; (ii) M2, or currency in circulation plus deposits deposited at domestically licensed banks, etc. (a) In 2018, a total of 4,051 establishments employed 220,408 persons, and shipped 17.6 trillion yen worth of products in 2017. Together, forestland, fields and agricultural land thus cover approximately 80 percent of the nation. Japan's 2019 trade balance with the EU (28 countries) registered a deficit of 0.8 trillion yen. In line with this, the Japanese economy again entered into an economic downturn in 2001. The ratio of Japanese stocks held by foreign investors (total of corporations and individuals) was 29.1 percent in terms of value, down 1.2 percentage points from the previous fiscal year. The labour force participation rate (the rate of the labour force to the population aged 15 years old and over) was 62.1 percent in 2019 (up 0.6 percentage points from the previous year). We previously estimated that Japan’s daily time spent with digital had been growing roughly 5 minutes per year, with a 3-minute boost in 2020. The population pyramid of 1950 shows that Japan had a standard-shaped pyramid with a broad base. Other education establishments include kindergartens and integrated centers for early childhood education and care, which provide pre-school education, and schools for special needs education. This translates to 920 grams per person per day. (3) National and Local Government Finance. Meanwhile, the number of mobile phone subscribers (cell phones and personal handyphone systems) totaled 173 million at the end of March 2018, marking a rise by 4.1 percent year-on-year to 180 million at the end of March 2019. The Ministry of Finance (MOF) and the Bank of Japan, in response to the "Basic Policy for the Fundamental Reform of Economic Statistics," put forth by the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy, will (1) change the recording of reinvested earnings and (2) add new components under goods in Japan's balance of payments (BOP) statistics, beginning with the release of preliminary figures for September 2020 (scheduled for November 10, 2020). After peaking in 1984, Japan's fishery output decreased rapidly until around 1995, and has continued to decrease gradually afterwards. As for GDP by type of economic activity, in 1970, the primary, secondary and tertiary industries accounted for 5.9 percent, 43.1 percent and 50.9 percent, respectively. Japan: Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) in jeweiligen Preisen 2020, Japan: Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) pro Kopf in jeweiligen Preisen 2020, Japan: Wachstum des realen Bruttoinlandsprodukts (BIP) (gegenüber dem Vorjahr) 2020, Japan: Inflationsrate (gegenüber dem Vorjahr) 2020, Veränderung der Exporte aus Japan Oktober 2019 (zum Vorjahresmonat), Tankan-Index zum Geschäftsklima in Japan Q4 2020, Verbrauchervertrauensindex in Japan (November 2019), Einkaufsmanagerindex (EMI) der Industrie (März 2021), Einkaufsmanagerindex (EMI) Services (März 2021), Japan: Staatsverschuldung in Relation zum Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) 2018, Japan: Militärausgaben anteilig am Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) 2019, Entwicklung des Bruttoinlandsprodukts in Japan und ausgewählten Ländern, Anteil der 2010 eingereichten Patente, die in Kooperation mit dem Ausland entstanden. The government is making approaches toward drastic reform of the tax system, including raising the consumption tax, as the first step towards simultaneously ensuring stable funding for social security and achieving sound public finance. In fiscal 2017, social security benefit expenditures totaled 120.2 trillion yen (up 1.6 percent from the previous fiscal year), a figure which amounted to 949,000 yen per person. However, the shape of the M-shaped curve has been changing in recent years. In 2018, agricultural gross income per management unit was 6.26 million yen, up 0.4 percent from the previous year. übernommen werden. Japan's total population in 2019 was 126.17 million. Fiscal 2018 air transport records show that there were 103.90 million passengers (up 1.7 percent from the previous fiscal year), and passenger-kilometers amounted to 96.17 billion (up 1.8 percent). Its 2019 fishery production totaled 4.16 million tons. In the past, human beings have faced the threat of various epidemic diseases, including new strains of influenza. The Diet consists of the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors. The Diet also has the authority to fulfill a number of additional functions, including the deliberation and passage of the budget and other matters of fiscal importance, the approval of treaties, the designation of the Prime Minister and the initiation of motions to amend the Constitution. Meanwhile, its social security system is required to address various changes in the socioeconomic environment. The number of hospital beds amounted to 1,546,554 (1,223.1 per 100,000 population). The rate was on a path of recovery with an increase after that. As of October 1, 2018, the number of hospitals in Japan (excluding medical clinics and dental clinics) totaled 8,372. The United States Patent and Trademark Office ranked first among major patent offices for applications filed by Japanese applicants in 2018, with 84,280 applications. (a) In 2018, a total of 24,892 establishments employed 1,138,973 persons, and shipped 29.1 trillion yen worth of products in 2017. was the second highest, with 66 million subscribers, making up 27.2 percent of the total. The Bank of Japan first introduced Quantitative and Qualitative Monetary Easing (QQE) in April 2013; in January 2016, it decided to introduce "QQE with a Negative Interest Rate". As of 19 April 2021, a total of 1,853,729 vaccine doses have been administered. In 2018, the number of patients with rubella increased. Die wichtigsten Kennzahlen liefern Ihnen eine kompakte Zusammenfassung des Themas "Japan" und bringen Sie direkt zu den zugehörigen Statistikseiten. According to the "2016 Economic Census for Business Activity", there were 5.3 million establishments (excluding businesses whose operational details are unknown, national government services, and local government services) in Japan, at which a total of 56.9 million persons were employed. Among females, non-regular staff members accounted for more than 50 percent across all age groups, with the exception of females aged 25 to 34 years old. As of the end of September 2019, 20.2 percent of enterprises had introduced telework. Final energy consumption in fiscal 2018 decreased 2.7 percent from the previous fiscal year, and even by sector, it has decreased in the industry sector, commercial industry sector, residential sector, and transportation sector. Thus, Japan adopts the parliamentary Cabinet system, in which the organization and existence of the Cabinet rest on the confidence in the Diet. Corporate profits were at their highest level in history, and corporate failures were at their lowest level, while investments in plant and equipment for manufacturing products, such as semiconductors, were very active. This amounted to 30.3 percent of the total advertising expenditures. Bilateral ODA (grant equivalent at current prices) provided in 2018 consisted of 2.6 billion U.S. dollars of grant assistance, 2.6 billion of technical assistance, and 5.5 billion of loans. According to the status of Internet use by device by age group as of the end of September 2019, the usage rate of smartphones was the highest (63.3 percent), followed by computers (50.4 percent). Of the total monthly hours worked per regular employee, 128.5 were scheduled hours worked, representing a decrease of 2.2 percent from the previous year. In 2019, advertising expenditures in the 4 major mass media types in Japan (newspapers, magazines, radio and television) totaled 2.6 trillion yen, down compared with the previous year. The BOJ also introduced "quantitative and qualitative monetary easing" to double the monetary base over two years. Subsequently, the yen strengthened from early to mid 2016, followed by a weakening of the yen with recovery of the global economy and a leveling off phase from 2017. The Supreme Court has the authority to deliver the final judgment on the legitimacy of any law, ordinance, regulation, or disposition. The current account in 2019 totaled 20.1 trillion yen, and its surplus increased for the first time in 2 years, due to the service balance turning into a surplus, etc. Time spent with TV in Japan will inch up by 4 minutes, to a total of 3:27 per person per day. Of this disposable income, 323,853 yen was used for living expenses (consumption expenditures), such as food and housing expenses, while the remainder (surplus), totaling 152,792 yen, was applied to savings, life insurance premiums and repaying debt such as housing loans. In April 2013, changes in policies of the Bank of Japan were regarded as affecting stocks and markets, and the Nikkei Stock Average at the end of 2013 was 16,291.31 yen, representing an increase of 56.7 percent as compared to that of the end of 2012 (10,395.18 yen) and the first significant gain in 8 years. Japan crime rate & statistics for 2018 was 0.26, a 9.42% increase from 2017. A breakdown of construction investment (nominal prices) shows that building construction totaled 40.5 trillion yen (up 0.7 percent from the previous fiscal year), while civil engineering works amounted to 20.4 trillion yen (down 0.3 percent). The floor space (public and private) of the entire building whose construction started in 2019 was 127.56 million square meters, down 2.7 percent compared to the previous year. Will COVID-19 quarantines impact time spent with digital media? The decrease in production was due to a decrease in "cosmetics" and "plastic", etc. By type of corporate form, 88.5 percent of them were corporations, while 11.4 percent were individual proprietorships. Life expectancy at birth was 87.5 years for women and 81.4 years for men in 2019. This increase is attributed to factors such as expansion of aviation routes, expansion of the previous consumption tax exemption program, and establishment of a "Temporary duty-free shop system", etc. The ratio of Japan's social security benefit expenditures to national income registered 29.8 percent. In contrast, there was an upward trend about the divorces since the late 1960s, hitting a peak of 289,836 couples in 2002. Meanwhile, a net increase in financial assets (an amount added to savings) was the highest in households in the under 29 group, followed by those in the 50s group. Labour Force - 3. This Act has established a legal framework to address issues such as waste disposal and recycling of automobile and electrical appliance. At present, there are 8 High Courts, 50 District Courts, 50 Family Courts, and 438 Summary Courts throughout the nation. This deficit was financed by withdrawing financial assets such as deposits, etc. Gas purchases for fiscal 2018 totaled 578 petajoules. The most important responsibility of the Diet is to enact legislation. The share of doctoral graduates in the field of Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics in Japan is relatively small. Consumer prices began a rising trend from the fourth quarter of 2007 due to sharp increases in imported raw material prices, but they began to fall from the first quarter of 2009 as a result of falling imported raw material prices after the bankruptcy of the major American securities firm Lehman Brothers in September 2008. The term of office for Diet members is set by the Constitution. Quartal 2020, Verbrauchervertrauen in Japan bis November 2019, Einkaufsmanagerindex (EMI) in Japan bis März 2021, Einkaufsmanagerindex (EMI) Services in Japan bis März 2021, Staatsverschuldung Japans in Relation zum Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) bis 2025, Anteil der Militärausgaben am BIP in Japan bis 2019, Umsatz durch E-Commerce in Deutschland bis 2019, Größte Unternehmen der Welt nach Marktwert 2020, Verfügbares Einkommen je Arbeitnehmer in Deutschland, Japan: Fertilitätsrate 2018 (Anzahl geborener Kinder je Frau), Bevölkerungsentwicklung in Japan bis 2019, Durchschnittsalter der Bevölkerung in Japan bis 2050, Ranking der reichsten Japaner nach Vermögen 2020, Gesamtbevölkerung in Industrie- und Schwellenländern 2019, Anteil Japans am globalen Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) bis 2025, Anteile der Wirtschaftssektoren am Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) Japans bis 2018, Erwerbstätige nach Wirtschaftssektoren in Japan bis 2020, Warenhandel der Europäischen Union mit Japan bis 2019, Rücküberweisungen (outflow) von Migranten in Japan in ihre Herkunftsländer bis 2019, Bewertung von wahrgenommener Korruption nach dem CPI für Japan bis 2020, Arbeitslosenquote in Japan nach Monaten bis Februar 2021, Inflationsrate in Japan nach Monaten bis März 2021, Handelsbilanz von Japan nach Monaten bis März 2021, Konjunktureinschätzung von Japan bis Dezember 2019, Haushaltssaldo von Japan in Relation zum Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) bis 2026, Länder mit dem höchsten Durchschnittsalter der Bevölkerung 2020, Länder mit den niedrigsten Fertilitätsraten 2018, Die größten Volkswirtschaften weltweit nach Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) 2019, Wachstum des Bruttoinlandsprodukts (BIP) in Industrie- und Schwellenländern bis 2022, Länder mit der höchsten Staatsverschuldung 2019, Top 20 der Länder mit der höchsten Lebensqualität nach Best Countries Ranking 2020, Top 20 der mächtigsten Länder nach dem Best Countries Ranking 2020, Top 20 Staaten nach dem Environmental Performance Index 2020, Big-Mac-Index nach Ländern im Januar 2021, Länder Asiens mit der niedrigsten Inflationsrate 2020, Länder Asiens mit dem höchsten Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) pro Kopf in 2020, Top 10 Staaten in Asien nach dem Environmental Performance Index 2020, Ranking der 10 stabilsten Staaten in Asien nach dem Fragile States Index 2020. Trade balance totaled -1.7 trillion yen. Fiscal 2018 school expenditure by households with children attending public school averaged 63,102 yen per elementary school pupil, 138,961 yen per lower-secondary school student and 280,487 yen per upper-secondary school student. Japan's ratio of outstanding general government debt to GDP, a stock measure in a fiscal context, has been quite high as compared to major industrial countries achieved a steady advance of fiscal consolidation in the second half of 1990s, and is now the highest among them. When compared according to owner-occupant relations, the number of owned housing units and the number of housing units built for sale increased; however, this was because the number of housing units for rent decreased. However, it is once again on a declining trend as the switch to LNG power and renewable energy progresses. As of April 2020, the exchange rate was 106.6 yen per U.S. dollar. For each industry, (a) is described by the "Census of Manufacture 2017 (with 4 or more persons engaged)", and (b) is described by the "Indices on Mining and Manufacturing" (2015 average = 100). As the central bank, the Bank of Japan (i) issues banknotes; (ii) manages and stores treasury funds and provides loans to the government; (iii) provides deposit and loan services to general financial institutions; and (iv) implements monetary policies by adjusting the level of money stock to promote the sound development of the economy. Joule (J) is employed as a common unit (International System of Units: SI) for energy across all energy sources in presenting international statistical information. Community police officers at their respective police boxes/substations are engaged in standing guard over their communities, patrolling, and dealing with criminal cases and accidents to prevent crime and catch criminals. In 2014, cases of infection from Dengue fever in Japan were confirmed for the first time in approximately 70 years. These decreases (in both production and shipments) were due to a decrease in "semiconductor and flat-panel display manufacturing equipment", "metal forming machinery", etc. Between February 2020 and February 2021 the exports of Japan have decreased by ¥-283B (-4.48%) from ¥6.32T to ¥6.04T, while imports increased by ¥608B (11.7%) from ¥5.21T to ¥5.82T. With regard to the portion in the R&D expenditures in fiscal 2018 by specific objective, 3.1 trillion yen went to the life sciences field (16.0 percent of total R&D expenditures), 2.5 trillion yen (12.6 percent) to the information technology field, 1.2 trillion yen (6.3 percent) to the environmental science and technology field and 1.6 trillion yen (5.4 percent) to the energy field, etc. Japan registered marriage statistics alone may not present a comprehensive picture of the numbers of international marriages in Japan as marriages registered overseas may also contribute to total immigrant spouse numbers. Universities and colleges spent more than 90 percent of their R&D expenditure on natural sciences and engineering for basic research and applied research, while business enterprises allocated over 70 percent for development purposes. and those that do not (securities companies, insurance companies, etc.). With regard to Japan's imports in 2019, unit value index and quantum index, decreased by 3.8 percent and 1.1 percent compared to the previous year; both indices recorded the first decrease in 3 years. A downward trend started at the end of 2012, but the end of 2017, they began to increase again, and amounted to 1,323.8 billion U.S. dollars (up 4.2 percent) at the end of 2019, marking the third consecutive annual increase. Motor vehicles, which are in the transport equipment category, constituted 15.6 percent of the total export value, down 0.2 percent in quantity and down 2.7 percent in value from the previous year. In fiscal 2017, national medical care expenditures totaled 43.1 trillion yen or 10.66 percent of Japan's national income. While expenditures such as defense expenses are administered solely by the national government, a large portion of expenditures that directly relate to the people's daily lives are disbursed chiefly through local governments. By age group of household head, the average amount of savings was found to be the highest in the 60s group, while debts were the highest in the 30s group. The government has been working to construct a new energy supply-demand structure oriented toward stable supply of energy and lowering energy costs. Statistics (Ministry of Finance Japan) (Balance of Payments, statistics related to fiscal policy) Trade Statistics of Japan (Ministry of Finance) Statistics (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) (Statistics and surveys about industrial activities) Statistics (Bank of Japan) (Statistics related to monetary policy and financial markets) It then increased, reaching 3,531 trillion yen, 8.0 times the GDP, at the end of 1990, owing to increasing land and stock prices. Meanwhile, payments to technology imports stood at 591.0 billion yen, a decrease of 6.2 percent compared with the previous fiscal year. The national government disbursed 42.5 percent of this amount, while the local governments disbursed 57.5 percent. Japan's ratio is lower in comparison with other major industrial countries. In 2019, the Services Producer Price Index (CY2015 as the base year = 100) was 103.3, up 1.1 percent from the previous year. Livestock yielded 3.21 trillion yen, down 1.2 percent from the previous year. The period of compulsory schooling is the 9 years at elementary and lower secondary schools. Due to the collapse of the bubble economy, the national wealth decreased, and while there were fluctuations, continued on a downward trend. Thanks to this development, the volume of final disposal (to be put into landfills) fell from 89 million tons in fiscal 1990 to 10 million tons in fiscal 2017. The decrease in shipments was due to a decrease in "hot rolled steel", "cold finished steel", etc. Higher education institutions are universities, junior colleges, and colleges of technology. Use of electronic money has been increasing, as a means for settling accounts that can be easily used at transportation facilities, convenience stores, supermarkets, etc. This was almost 18.1 times larger than the national average (340.8 persons per square kilometer). ( 2 ) technology Balance of payments ( technology trade ) medical treatment million cubic meters of which 1,120 classified... Time when the proposed budget is approved trillion yen a peak of 289,836 couples in 2002 was million! Changes have been on an additional note, the `` administrative and fiscal authority equivalent to those of following! 123 to 154 degrees East longitude the final weeks of 2019 by withdrawing financial assets in and. Increased 4.4 percent to residential use, and 2.2 percent among females Activities of the advertising... Double the monetary base over two years extremely important role as a,! Comparison, male suicides rose almost 22 % over the same time period population in. 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