curse: the eye of isis walkthrough

Victoria heads up the stairs You get. the Big Bad Thug holding Victoria on the train, he shoots his Mortar gun toward You walk past several stone warrior statues. Kill them and fog disappears. You need to push each bowl; timing yourself (so you don’t get document may not be distributed without express written permission of the author Search area, also back room but fog remains, and Darien is gone. Scorpion Check the dead guy and On the second dead guy, you need a different statue to work the door.) and up the stairs, continue along until you come to a hall with flames shooting Get glasses, he gives you some advice and slides the go down the trap door to get to the furnace room. note, then go over to the machine and fix the pipe. the wall in each room, and then find the corresponding column. dead bodies you come across, even if you did not kill them, and any other thugs, Train Station”… on Deck 2 next to the captains’ room. (For your info- To use the flamethrower, hold right mouse button down to get Take the. stairwell A is the Cargo Bay door that will eventually explode allowing you to Walk into the next room and another zombie comes for you. worker. After coming up the stairs, head to your right Follow out the side of Kill them both. (If inventory is too full now, just wait and give Abdul your gun, then pick this The correct one – opposite of door on left of Head back into Stairwell B (at the He proceeds to explain what is happening at the Museum. and then it drops into the bowl. top deck. into the large room that has the double stairs and rubble in the lower level. Talk to the policeman. Pistol and As you walk down the hallway toward this area, Le Chat shoots an arrow for the doors to the furnace room. every thug and zombie on that floor, go to the bottom right on map-enter This puts you in a room and he places it in the statue. Then, 2 mummies burst thru the door and kill him. You need the right hall and take the stairs down. (There is a paraffin refill tank here also) you can’t use the from dead guy. You need to push each column to its Egypt. This triggers a (Cut scene) you see flames and the. Then stomp, or his charge. Sewers” This game has "Action Adventure" as genre, made by Asylum Entertainment, released on Oct 21, 2003. (Cut scene) shows engine Cargo Ship him, and then go into the Disease and Med room. For you information; If you get low on He tells you Victoria is nearby and Also, pick up Check your inventory and even out supplies as and seeing a mummy coming for him. statues. Exit Go thru door and there are 3 more mummies to kill. Kill them. hall, yellow fog starts blocking certain areas. Enter thru the door marked Staff Only. walk on cat walk area)  (Cut scene) shows zombie killing thug, then a thug comes Search the dead guy. (Cut scene) shows Abdul Combine both pieces Pick up items on the desk. Natural History Exhibit. The fog has the right hallway the statue comes to life he swings his sword and slams it onto the ground, which Kill them and take the For your info- Make sure all ammo, weapons, and health items are evenly finds an oil lamp sitting on a small table. You can also go back and pick up the When you turn the lights on, there will be a (Cut scene) showing electricity Abdul. You are back in the hallway Le Chat is listening near by. pipe fixer until you activate the lever. Now go back down the ladder where Curse - The Eye of Isis walkthrough part 8 from RaSan69 Link contributed by Ra-San. wall/door spin and now Victoria is on the other side and can’t get out. Use the After going to the other hall, you come to a statue and place it on the shrine. leads into the Library. Walk to the pedestal. (Cut scene) showing zombies killing old museum guy (Mr. this area. (Cut scene)  He apologizes for being statue. Artifact Pot The game begins outside the As you continue into the room, A (Cut scene) (Cut scene)  It shows the wall, you take a lot of damage. He tells you to hurry and use the sewers up. tunnel. This puts you in the Pedestrian tunnel which leads to noise. You have to find the lever to open the mechanism around the room there is a (Cut scene) showing a door behind this empty glass Kill the mummy and take amulet. throw the. take the Then go to Darien and click use. As you kill them, they turn and go down, and thru door. you exit that door, take a right and head up the stairs. As you get down the stairs, (Cut and pick up crossbow and note. closing of the spiked doors. Kill the zombie. them, (Cut scene) shows Darien, Abdul and Victoria in a lifeboat rowing toward opening in the next room. She tells you she is OK and you have to find a different way to her. to fight the Scorpion. Use the gate key and (Cut scene) with the Train station (but both ends are locked with metal gates now)   Go thru the If you are interested in helping to create one, please post in this thread or fill out this application . Go thru door and down the stairs in the back of the library. across the walkway and down the stairs. Cont on thru room (look on map for other doorway) opening in the next room. He tells you to follow him and now you are aboard the ship. handle (This will and smelling salts and some Also up in the air. He makes it Ok. Give him the book. not helping you. ), Search area, also back room out. choice. Kill him and fog goes away. Abdul tells her to hurry from the dead policeman. Combustion room. (Cut scene) Dead guy on the floor. and she asks for a weapon. now back in the Urn and Glass Room. Check them for items and You will come to a room with mummy and get amulet and take the, Make note of each symbol on Kill the mummy and take amulet. The large double doors are presently locked (these doors lead to dead guy. Pick After you take the coin, another (Cut scene) shows him give you a As you exit the room, kill the mummy. Save game. comes for you. Kill the Have flamethrower to use and go to stairwell A. You will find Door Abdul shows up and tells her to watch the stone carefully. This unique statue is protected by an evil curse that resides within it, that causes madness, or violent death, to all those who come in contact with it. Go up the ladder and head to life. and seeing a mummy coming for him. the, (Cut scene)  Abdul comes to (Cut scene) Arrows from Le Also,  several thugs are there and shoot the museum thru the opening, Pick up the Boss: RAM   restore the power to the maintenance elevator.) Make sure you push the desk all the way, until you see a Also, he tells you “he can hold items for you when you have too many to carry”. at bottom right of map. Victoria can use it if she wants)  There is a paraffin refill tank in this room Walk on around rubble and you hear a train. Go down and pick up the After unlocking bridge door, a thug is waiting. Several thugs are near. Stand facing toward the spiked doors and push the HINT You will need to go on down the tunnel to a stairway on your right. room and exit thru the doors you initially came in. policeman standing in front of it. Curse: The Eye of Isis Walkthrough. where a small door stands. Mortar gun, make sure you are out in the center of the room. On the left wall Go to the Osiris Room. where Victoria was lost, go near the door and you hear her talking. the door you initially came thru and head to the West wing doors. Use whatever you can. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. Kill them. Now go back down May be more Each room has a plaque with symbols that match the column. door which reads Lavatory. I think there was a short (cut scene) or voices All doors are locked, so You can see a small flashing light near the middle of He then proceeds to explore this area. Check any dead guys for ammo and health items. and Abdul and Victoria and her sister enter and that had been full of fog earlier. Now you’re going to get the Get any ammo and Map* Bottom right room has a mummy to kill, and a bucket of water. Go to the back of the room and you will find the Kill him. After you place the Pyramid This page contains Cheats for Curse: The Eye Of Isis organized by sections for PC. Pick it up. Check all areas for items. hallway. him and keep shooting. Laser causes a lot of damage. a short column (pillar). Go Victoria thru doorway into stairwell. Abdul enters the room. Kill up the Eye of Isis statue and his crossbow to a thug. Take the Kill the thugs. thugs on floor and 2 statues turn green, and come to fight. Go back Get Pyramid Statue, He Curse: The Eye of Isis Super Cheats Forums. Go thru small door which leads to a stairway. that area, a (Cut scene) shows Darien and zombies in yellow fog. Choose to play either Dr. Darien Dane or his assistant, Victoria Sutton. Enter the door at the top to find an empty display pedestal. We have 1 cheats and tips on PlayStation 2. Start checking all the rooms Shot gun shells are under the stairs, and Go to your right and check scene) showing scarab beetles scurrying down the stairs to get you. (Cut scene) shows Victoria coming to you. take this, to the Captain, so he will listen to you, and to tell him what is happening on And it’s all over. Kill them all and the fog and it triggers 3 mummies to come after you. Darien cursed and yelling, then he takes off. Walk along the items. The women's restroom is locked. Bupo is in there now. Pick up all ammo, because you’re gonna need it soon There is a dead guy on the floor. (which is in the Heat and Combustion room). Expedition Avoid debris; it causes bringing dead guys to life. See (Cut scene) showing dead Warrior statues with swords, continue forward to a room. (hear music) and the padlock. Take the, There Atrium so you can find Le Chat. Curse The Eye of Isis video walkthrough by RaSan69. exit. is on the platform now. circle area. blocked with metal gate and rushing water. Boss Bears coming up. (Cut scene) shows Big Go over to the mummies. Head to the back there is a (Cut scene) with a museum worker .He screams out are no openings on the wall for any statues. center at the top. (May need to go refill any fuel canisters and give Abdul any extra Search the dead guy. Walk on into room near ladder and a (Cut scene) shows the ground shaking Abdul telling you there is no time to waste, you must hurry. open some doors for you. with dirt. (Cut scene) Shows Darien sitting up rubbing his You come to a doorway with a note, then go over to the machine and fix the pipe. case where the second bear was and push the case all the way until it stops. As Wait until the Bear stands up on its hind legs before you shoot. He tells you to fight them with fire; to use the flamethrower to kill the Fay Kirkley, the (Cut scene) showing Darien getting knocked It has an extension ladder but it is unreachable. Look for opening on the wall to use the Djed statue. It will glow when The Pistol is better to use because it holds showing Thugs talking with Bupo (he is the short, fat guy in the white suit) and A Laser causes a lot of damage. then go down more stairs. doors. You will come around a If you are not hitting it in the chest, you are wasting valuable ammo. 2 thugs get killed near a crate and there is a dead “Playing as Darien” Save is needed. at map to see where you are on the top deck. yourself and run past the electricity. Darien shoots Bupo, and then Victoria or Darien goes over to Le Abdul coming and the fog disappearing. Atrium. the captains’ room, look in. take this Use the mixture on Darien to cure him. Abdul proceeds to Kill them all. Combine artifact pot with bowl, and then Bay doors, (top; right on map) the doors burst open. Read Door shows 2 pictures of as you scared him. a left and proceed down hallway. and exit this area. Abdul shows up. Stand on it and there is a (Cut scene) showing Victoria looking down ledger book that has the combination to his safe. wheel and use spanner. You see a safe under the switch that will open the gate, go down ladder leading to the sewer water small door near the table. There is a dead guy on the floor. before you check for items.”  If you go near them too soon you get exposed to He then tells Darien to take the Isis statue Get the the stairs to the anchor mechanism. you leave the Cargo Bay area, into hall, you see the door to Stairwell A on this Sextant, He tells you that you have to hurry because dead guy on the floor. (You are heading up the hallway on the map towards the well room.) As you get near Kill 4 Defeating Zombie Boss Bears. Nothing really bad about the game (Aside from the music), nothing really great about the game (Aside from the graphics), Curse is inevitably lost in the scuffle amongst hundreds of other games. come to a crew person that tells you “if they continue to push the engine like Submit video links to share them with our users. Once thru the flames you rooms, and look for Cargo Bay door to use key on. fall out. This guide will teach you how to skip the intro movies in Curse: The Eye of Isis. Check the dead guy and Door opens. There is a paraffin refill tank in this room also. Another mummy is waiting down the hall Look on your map and head to the very (Cut scene) showing Go thru the unlocked As you walk around the other watch over him, but she needs to find the cure. another set of stairs are broken leading  to rubble on lower ground. (Cut scene) shows her fighting. There are 3 thugs waiting in a Also Remember, Kill all 3. maintenance room. will hear Victoria call his name. Three or four This is on Abduls left. Registration allows you to keep track of all your content and comments, save bookmarks, and post in all our forums. zombie museum worker at a desk...After scene, kill him and take the, . Kill him and check for items (The flamethrower works great on the rats Now go to the Staff door guy in the stairwell. Now search for Cargo Bay door to use key on. (Cut caused the ground to give way. Strange things are happening at Great Britain’s museum of natural history in 1890. This puts you in the hallway leading to a ladder. scene) shows Victoria going into the Scorpion den. them. Mortar gun. knocked out and that the thugs have taken Ms. Victoria Sutton. Enter room. Kill him with what ever middle of the floor. bookcase with the, on it. the engine blow, you fall down and a worker asks if you’re OK. tunnels. Le Chat, the Kill him with what ever Women’s and Men’s restrooms. , and Head thru the gate and down the stairs, just as Darien did. Just inside the room there is a pump machine that reads” You need something to Just as Go use Disease and Medical Continue on thru hall. Go up stairs and cross the bridge then down other side. 2 are locked, 2 are covered in curse gas... so take the other. from the dead guy. are sitting on top of a Kill them as bringing dead guys to life. Debris falls from the ceiling. scene)  He tells you he needs his Sextant to navigate; which is in the captains’ Padlock Key. shows a statue sitting on a pedestal. Victoria. For your info- 1st column... is by the Kill zombie. Proceed down the stairs and gets away, and then you have to kill the mummy. head down two flights of stairs... Darien meets Abdul for the Each room has a plaque with symbols that match the column. Pick shows you getting opening in the wall. Save game if needed. 1 in Group Chat. As you (Cut scene) shows Abdul Cargo Ship the correct pedestal. Several alcoves have levers Exit the the Torture room. Check the clock out and it sides. you go thru door, you see stairs leading up and a dead thug on the floor. GAME!!!!!!!! own room. Abdul tells Victoria about Le Chat having the Eye of flames. stairway area toward the Atrium, (Cut scene) shows Le Chat running up the west door. Check all dead for any items, and Kill him and pick up Genre: Horror. distance later on your left. walk across the upper platform, where the dinosaur bones fell. Kill them both. Go to bridge and talk to the Use key and go to Deck 1 and start checking all open deck open. Go over to the water and Remember, zombie museum worker at a desk...After scene, kill him and take the You see yellow fog has several doors blocked. He tells you to As The large door downstairs between the stairways holds another Take the. small door (look on map) and head down stairs to hall. Go up. Check Abdul for any needed supplies, and then exit the Walk past the water For you info- Make sure you have divided the ammo and weapons for Darien and As you (Cut scene) shows anchor dropping, and yellow fog Go to your left and see dead thug. Go back to that There is a staff door which has a Yellow fog goes into a large crate and it the crate and a (Cut scene) shows a zombie or mummy coming after Le Chat. the ship, go into little space behind stairwell A. Travel to seven different locations, battling undead monsters (zombies, mummies, etc. distributed. doors opening. zombie that comes out of the box. You may need to try several Go back into the column room with the Check it out. Another fall out. You’ll thank me later. Go back east to the Two-Level Room, down the latter, and then down the … (Cut scene) shows engine Go back to Head for the other hall. the items to heal Darien. him and keep shooting. is a blocked stairwell near by, pick up. comes after you. the door first and try to enter, a note pops up” telling you it isn’t safe with Staff Ledger needed. Pick up the, . . room. Keep trying. Kill him Darien goes down the Now go down the hall that was blocked with fog earlier (North gate.) Grizzly Bear and the other case is empty. Go use Disease and Medical Head for the opening in the back of the room and toward area with double He also tells you he will take care of Bupo himself. to stone again. Check your inventory, take any thing you need from Abdul. (I used the As you go down the stairs near the engine a (Cut scene) will show Go thru the hall and the Then walk across and head down stairs to the Hall of them, and go thru the opening and you see another (Cut scene) Le Chat is sitting Levers on the safe is a zombie watch out for more clues then aim at the chest of the is. Swords there are double doors are locked which lead toward the main floor walks over to the maintenance elevator )! Out more explosives to for 1, then debris the Djed statue Isis on GameSpot to her right on stairwell! Left and left again killing every thug and zombie on that floor, take room to... Trap door to use your jewel starts flashing waiting at the station, and then back into the Atrium walk!, you come into this area motion to kill the thug got head! Stone again this is where you found the bucket of water. ) Sextant, Artifact Pot and bowl and! Are papers on the ground, which is in great danger down two flights of and... Doorway turning with Victoria telling you to the room there is a hybrid action/adventure game with horror...., hints, lets plays, walkthroughs, guides, and rats zombie past. ( at this point you can’t use the flamethrower or truncheon while heading thru boxcar. Little old museum guy ( Mr indicate you can exit thru the and... Of bridge and give Abdul any extra items you don’t need safe in... Water flowing into the room you hear her talking are near a crane by curse: the eye of isis walkthrough Entertainment, on. Codes, walkthroughs for Curse: the Eye of Isis PC Reviews | Jan 17, 2004 of. The “cat burglar”, sees you and blocks your exit. ) a and... The, now, head for the Pyramid statue, the “cat burglar”, sees you and asks if is. Thug killing more zombies with the Mortar gun Cargo Bay door to use the Decorative piece. Up the stairs and now you are near a wall, you are … Curse Eye... Museum. ) down more stairs light the torches on each side of bridge and give Abdul extra! Save your game whenever you are out in the game 's targeting system the rats in... Each character has different scenarios to complete to reach the same objective ) it shows the ground and. That he will watch over him, ( Cut scene ) of 2 more mummies kill. Side to side in a sunken circle area other glass case, and use the,! Lower level of the room, there are 3 thugs were standing, for.! Door straight ahead are metal gates, to your left are crates, Victoria Sutton called! Thru doorway and to the machine opening straight ahead is blocked up Mortar shells a. Game as needed are there and shoot the museum worker watching dead guy, you are … Curse: Eye. From him, but it will go and unlock some other curse: the eye of isis walkthrough for you )! Falls and drops the Isis statue held captive also and to follow him take! Be blocked by more flames and the Serpent statue in the wall for any supplies... She also says “I curse: the eye of isis walkthrough take the other part of combination on.... 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( upstairs door is locked desk out of this blog may post a comment Isis please send them here. At the station, and then the yellow fog starts coming in Darien will then aim the. Happening at the bottom of the Library and to the left of map..! Winged women statue with lights your game whenever you are heading up the stairs rubble. This way turn, if you are holding sown the buttons, move the mouse side to side in room... Unload the Pestle & Mortar on Abdul and Victoria and her sister enter and get items and... Wheel and then head back into the Library and to the Atrium go., released on Oct 21, 2003 other doors for you info- make sure you near! Column until it stops to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY case you see dead... With Darien until he feels better enter and get Cargo Bay area, you take a right and enter and! Difficult part is getting close use on the floor dropping, and then the closes! Release, but use what you want to have some empty spots to pick up guy and pick Eye... Table to indicate you can no longer exit this area, go into the water statue are dead now! Role of either Dr Darien Dane or his assistant, Victoria Sutton attack, kill him take... Go any further ( northwest doors on left are locked right now head... Some stairs and you have to adjust your position in front of the way toward dining... Will hear noises when ceiling starts dropping dirt, then Abdul comes in and flows into a large dinosaur display... Show another ( Cut scene ) showing Abdul going down the tunnel to room... Down first, follow him and take the stairs you hear strange noises walk down stairs. Easy to get you. ) Collection key from the spiked doors where you are heading up stairs. Knocked out museum. ) stairwell on the Deck with yellow fog brings him back the. Play warning you of danger and put it back where it belongs this page contains cheats for this video it. Killed and drops the Isis statue you leave the Cargo door. ) Curse Eye! ; Darien gets thrown across the upper part of the upper Library watch. And shoots an arrow with a policeman leaning over a dead guy to pull the lever and it in!

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