toronto public health close contact definition

Also read the Public Health Agency of Canada’s guidance on using ventilation and filtration to reduce the risk of aerosol transmission of COVID-19 at home. A contact who is trained in PPE use who consistently and correctly wears a surgical/procedure (medical) mask and eye protection (i.e., goggles or face shield), similar to the health care setting context. You went for lunch breaks or Food should be delivered and received with minimal or no contact. This document is subject to change as the situation with COVID-19 continues to evolve and as new tools/strategies to support public health management of cases and contacts are developed. You must wear a mask or face covering when you are in indoor public spaces such as stores, as per a new City of Toronto. Mask and ties/ear loops should fit securely to avoid adjusting during use. On December 31, 2019, Chinese health authorities identified a new (or novel) coronavirus (referred to as COVID-19) through a series of reported cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, China. The best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed. Be creative and find ways to include using masks during sex, especially with a partner you do not live with. Make a list of the items that you need to limit the amount of time spent out during your visit. Use a probe thermometer to check that the food is cooked to the proper internal temperature. Households should designate one person to do the shopping, if possible. Always follow the product instructions. Avoid touching your face when wearing gloves. For contact tracing purposes, a "close contact" is anyone who spent 15 minutes or more within a 24-hour period and was within 6 feet of a person infected with COVID-19 while they were infectious (2 days before onset of symptoms to 10 days after). Download this information as a PDF (also available in Amharic | Arabic | Bengali | Dari | Farsi | French | Gujarati | Pashto | Portuguese | Punjabi | Simplified Chinese | Somali | Spanish | Tamil | Urdu | Vietnamese). Limit your time in common areas and wear a mask or face covering. At school. Download the Safely Clean and Disinfect Surfaces infographic (also available in Amharic | Arabic |  Dari | Farsi | French | Gujarati | Pashto | Portuguese |  Punjabi | Simplifed Chinese | Somali | Spanish | Tamil | Urdu | Vietnamese). If possible, bring your own disinfectant wipes. close contact) ... please refer to the Laboratory Comments available within the Public Health Agency of Canada's COVID-19 case definition document. ... COVID-19 Contact Tracing: When Public Health Calls and When It’s a Scam. Read the label. Limit to one household member when shopping. Clean and disinfect surfaces in your vehicle if you touched them before washing/sanitizing your hands (e.g. You can also access up to date information on COVID-19 on the Ontario Ministry of Health’s website: Your safest sex partner during the COVID-19 pandemic is yourself. If you … Viruses often change, making new variants. Greet others from a distance with a nod or wave. Toronto Public Health may contact you if you are a close contact of someone who has COVID-19 to check how you are feeling, provide information about self-isolation, and answer questions you may have. Even short interactions without physical distancing, and especially without masks, are not risk-free – and the potential for spreading the virus increases with time, proximity and if the infected person has symptoms. Wait for another elevator if you cannot stay two metres (six feet) apart. Wash fresh fruits and vegetables, under cold running water. This information is current as of September 21, 2020 and may be updated as the situation on COVID-19 continues to evolve. countertops). Try curb-side pickup or offer services during off-peak hours. For more information please contact: _____ T Close contact definition: A close contact is someone who was within six feet for a total of at least 15 minutes in a 24 hour period of someone who has COVID-19 (48 hours prior to their onset of symptoms; for asymptomatic cases, 48 hours prior to the date they were tested). If the surfaces are dirty, they should be cleaned with soap and water first before applying disinfectant. Visually inspect fruit, vegetables and other items prior to selection to ensure they are fresh. Wearing a mask or face covering in indoor public spaces can help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Keep track of the essentials you already have at home. Choose fabric that maintains the mask shape after washing and drying. This includes: conducting laboratory testing and providing advice on evolving testing technologies and approaches Last updated: April 26, 2021 at 7:20 p.m. You should get tested for COVID-19 if you have one or more symptoms of COVID-19, you were a close contact of someone who has COVID-19 or you are concerned you may have been exposed to someone who might have COVID-19. COVID-19 is most commonly spread from an infected person through: While COVID-19 can spread from aerosols generated during medical procedures and certain dental procedures, airborne transmission is not a common way the virus is spread. Do not use public transit if you are sick or self-isolating. Practice general food safety while shopping: Avoid touching items that you are not going to buy. Check for signs of freshness (i.e. Anyone who has had close contact with someone with COVID-19 should be tested, and people with symptoms of COVID-19 should isolate themselves, consult with a healthcare provider and seek testing. The provincial government also requires that masks be worn in indoor settings under the Reopening Ontario Act. Clean and wash re-usable grocery bags before every use. Step 1: Rapid notification of exposure. Wearing a mask in addition to physical distancing and other public health measures can reduce the spread of COVID-19. People at greater risk of COVID-19 due to work or living situations, or those who are prone to severe illness from COVID-19 should consider using a three-layer mask. After receiving take-out deliveries, transfer the meal to a plate and discard the packaging immediately. A safe and pleasurable sex life is an important part of mental health and wellbeing. Keep in mind the definition for close contact could change at any time. Practice hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette: If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, if your hands are not visibly soiled. A close contact is generally someone who has been near a person with COVID-19 for at least 15 minutes when health and safety measures were not in place or were insufficient. Safer sexual practices may prevent unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), but it will not prevent infection from COVID-19. 2. Read the label to know if the cleaning product will also disinfect. A: A close contact is anyone who, during the infectious period: lived with or was within two metres of a person who has COVID-19 for 15 minutes or more of cumulative contact, i.e. Discard gloves in a waste receptacle immediately after removing. Go out with members of your household for fresh air, exercise and outdoor play. Avoid purchasing bulk food items that are not prepackaged (e.g. For contacts in your health department’s jurisdiction: A close contact to a patient with confirmed or probable COVID-19 should be notified of their exposure as soon as possible (within 24 hours of contact elicitation). However, the following people with recent exposure may NOT need to quarantine: People who have been fully vaccinated; People who were previously diagnosed with COVID-19 within the last three months When using taxi and ride share, sit in the back, wear a mask and keep the windows open. Connect with friends and family by phone, social media or online. Wearing a mask, keeping your distance, and staying home  except for essential trips will help stop the spread. Wash your hands often, and avoid touching your face with unwashed hands. steering wheel, door handles, radio dials). People who live in the same household do not need to stay two metres apart in elevators. We Can All Be Part of the Solution to the Pandemic. Place the mask over your nose, mouth and chin without gaping. Stay home even if you have mild symptoms. Clean and disinfect common surfaces such as door handles, countertops, tables, light switches, faucets, sinks, toilets, etc. Maintain two meters (six feet) when receiving a delivery. Wash and/or sanitize your hands immediately after removing gloves. WHO IS A CLOSE CONTACT AT WORK? Your mask should fit your face, covering your nose, mouth and chin without gaping. People who test positive for COVID-19 must stay in self-isolation for at least 10 days from the start of their symptoms, or at least 10 … Electronic devices such as cell phones, tablets, keyboards and remote controls are the most forgotten surfaces. Check the stores website or call in advance to find out when the best time to visit is (i.e. If you have been identified as a close contact by public health or someone in your life who has tested positive, it is very important that you take the … Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Shellfish harvesting can resume on Vashon Island’s Spring Beach after a unified effort stopped pollution, National Prescription Drug Take Back Day October 24: Safe medicine disposal saves lives. Take your children outdoors to play, but don’t arrange play dates or gatherings outside. Your next safest partner is someone you live with. The new COVID-19 variants of concern may spread more easily. Masks should always be worn when physical distancing is difficult. Wash your hands with soap and water immediately after returning home, handling groceries, bags, food packaging/containers and putting away food. Greet others from a distance with a smile, nod or a wave. A close contact is defined as a person who had a high-risk exposure to a confirmed or probable case during their period of communicability. For the general public, the change is more one of mindset: interactions can add up. PHO has created the following resources to explain various COVID-19 terms and behaviours to the general public. Avoid crowded places, play dates, or any gathering with people outside of your household. Launder cloth masks with other items using the hot wash cycle and dryer. Who is calling me? Ministry of Health COVID-19 Reference Document for Symptoms Version 7.0 – September 21, 2020 This document outlines the symptoms, signs, and clinical features which have been most commonly associated with COVID -19. Clean and disinfect surfaces after unpacking your groceries (e.g. For soft surfaces such as drapes and clothing. Do not put masks on children under the age of two. These droplets can spread up to 2 metres, or 6 feet. Do not wear your mask under the nose, chin or forehead, or hang it from your ear. Data Notes for the Week of August 3. Medical masks can also be used, if available. Public Health’s contact tracing team typically asks anyone who has tested positive to identify their recent close contacts so that people can test and go into quarantine. number of close contacts they had in the 14 days before their symptoms started. Also, consider downloading the COVID Alert app so you can be notified directly if you have been in close contact with someone who was contagious with COVID-19. Some masks can also protect the wearer from infection. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s new criteria for a close contact includes someone who spent a combined total of 15 minutes near (< six feet) a person who is infected,, over the course of 24 hours. Wear protective gloves/eyewear and open windows for good ventilation. Find out about contact … Use disinfectant wipes that are appropriate for electronics. When a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19, public health will assess and notify anyone who is a close contact … Try to be creative and use what you have before deciding to go out (e.g. It is not yet known if the virus can be found in blood or vaginal fluids. A contact who is consistently and correctly wearing a non-medical mask and face shield Minimize the number of trips for groceries, medication and other essentials, to once a week. Change your mask if it becomes moist or dirty. Reduce crowding by not bringing extra people with you when going shopping. City of Toronto By-law 541-2020 requires operators create a mask policy. If you need social supports and community resources, please call/text 211. Plastic masks do not protect others from your respiratory particles and cannot be cleaned and disinfected between uses. Talk to your partner about COVID-19 risk factors and how to protect yourselves. This document is intended to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s new criteria for a close contact includes someone who spent a combined total of 15 minutes near (< six feet) a person who is infected,, over the course of 24 hours. People living alone may join one other household for companionship. Packages should be intact with no ripped or torn packaging. Appendix 1: Instructions For Isolating A Case in The Home Or Co-Living Setting Consider sexual positions that avoid being face-to-face. The Reopening Ontario Act requires mask use, including by employees, in all indoor public settings. Physical Distancing (Distanciation physique), Tips for communicating with people who are deaf, deafened or hard of hearing, Use of Non-Medical Masks and Face Coverings (Masques non médicaux et couvre-visage), How to Wear a Mask (Quand et comment porter un masque), what to do if you have symptoms of COVID-19, Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and food safety, Food access supports for seniors and other vulnerable people, COVID-19 transmission, aerosols and ventilation, guidance on using ventilation and filtration to reduce the risk of aerosol transmission of COVID-19 at home, 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): What you need to know to help you and your family stay healthy (Ce qu’il faut savoir pour rester en santé avec sa famille), Cleaning and Disinfection for Public Settings, COVID-19: Map of Temporary Parking Pick-up Zones (CurbTO), COVID-19: Mental Health – General Coping & Specific Stressors. Ontario residents who have COVID-19 are contacted by their local public health unit to identify individuals they were in contact with and could potentially have transmitted the virus to. The actions we take will help us to protect each other. Check the following upon receiving a food delivery: Food should be delivered to you as quickly as possible to ensure it is received at the proper temperatures: “hot food” should be hot and “cold food” should be cold. Use your elbow/arm to push buttons/open doors. Everyone has a role to play. Never leave food in a hot car as warm temperatures can help bacteria to grow. The updated guidance now defines close contact as being within 6 feet of someone with the virus for a cumulative total of 15 minutes (or more) over a … People can still touch their face with dirty gloves. For masks without a pocket, cut/unstitch one end and tuck a filter in between the two layers. Leave the disinfecting solution to dry for it to work. Be courteous to others in front of you by allowing them to complete their selection of items before moving forward. multiple interactions for a total of 15 minutes or more, even if a mask was worn during that contact, or; has had direct contact with bodily fluids of a person who has COVID-19 (e.g., was coughed or sneezed on), or Remove your mask by the ear loops without touching the front of the mask. In some instances, you may receive a contact letter from the person who has COVID-19 as some people are being instructed by Toronto Public Health to provide these letters directly to their … Determining a “close contact” is not an exact science, and that hasn’t changed with the new definition. Keep two metres (six feet) from others and wear a mask. Do not visit friends and relatives in other apartments in the same building. Shop and bank online, or shop during off-peak hours or use curbside pickup. In general, contact tracing involves identifying people who have an infectious disease (cases) and people who they came in contact with (contacts) and working with them to interrupt disease spread. Avoid or limit kissing and saliva exchange and do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands. It is more important than ever to carefully follow these public health practices: Read the Dos and Don’ts guide for more information about what is expected. • A person who lives with someone diagnosed with COVID-19, OR • A person who provided care for someone diagnosed with COVID-19, including Masks should be made of at least two layers of tightly woven fabric (such as cotton or linen), and, if possible, a middle “filter” layer. Try to do all of your shopping at one location. Surveillance case definitions are intended for public health surveillance and reporting purposes and may not apply to clinical practice. Wait until the person in front of you has finished collecting their items before unloading yours at the cashier station. Solo sex, also known as masturbation, does not spread COVID-19. Avoid crowded stores, and go back when it is less busy. have close contact such as people who live in the same household or provide care. Avoid stretchy material. Buy enough for one to two weeks at a time, buying more than this can create strain on supply chains and result in temporary shortages. ... (i.e. error and to establish consistency with the World Health Organization’s COVID-19 case definition, exposure history based on the prior 14 days is recommended at this time. The patient may elect to notify some or all of their close contacts before the contact tracer. Definition of Close Contacts Household contacts of a case who have spent at least 4 hours/day on average in the previous 7 days or 20 hours/week with the case Non-household persons who share the same bed with the case or had sexual relations with the case Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Food packing should be intact and sealed to prevent leaking and protect the food during transit. Stores may limit the number of people entering at a time, and may have a lineup outside the main entrance. Seniors and vulnerable residents who are in self-isolation, feeling ill or need help obtaining food, can call. signage, floor markings) where provided. to reduce the spread of germs and virus. Cook/reheat food properly to avoid foodborne illness. You still need to practise physical distancing when wearing a mask or face covering. Cough or sneeze into your elbow or sleeve. Federal health authorities have updated their definition of “close contact,” which will lead to some changes in Public Health procedures and how we think about the risk of exposure to COVID-19. Visit the Government of Canada website for information on homemade masks. It is also a requirement under the mandatory mask or face covering bylaw in Toronto. This includes household, Use of disposable gloves are not a substitute for hand washing. Data Notes For the Week of July 27. Allow for extra time. Keep fruits, vegetables and ready to eat foods separate from raw meats. Prepay for food with a credit card when you order over the phone, or online. You maintained a 6 feet, or 2 metre distance. A face shield is not an alternative to masks as it does not protect others from your respiratory particles. COVID-19 is not known to be spread through airborne transmission in community settings, ventilation systems or through water. Tailored health advice related to alcohol and drug use; pregnancy, breastfeeding and child care; seniors information, communicating with people who are deaf or hard of hearing; and pet ownership to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Consensual sex can be a way of dealing with anxiety or fulfilling and expressing our needs for intimacy. Wiping down containers or packaging is not necessary. Wear a mask or face covering; it is required under a TTC bylaw. One of the most important steps we can take in slowing the spread of COVID-19 is for anyone who has had close contact with an infected person to get tested and self-quarantine for 14 days. For businesses and service providers, consider offering alternative service to people who are unable to wear a mask. off-peak hours) and to find out about special hours for seniors and vulnerable individuals. For schools and childcare settings, the new definition of “close contact” reinforces the need to group children in small cohorts, and to minimize mixing outside those groups. You are being contacted because you or someone under your care was identified as a close contact of a COVID-19 case. Some variants spread more easily, and make people sicker. Public Health Ontario provides scientific and technical advice to the Ministry of Health, local public health units and other health system partners to support COVID-19 response efforts. Public Health Ontario (PHO) based on current available scientific evidence and expert opinion. Cooking and reheating food to recommended internal temperatures for beef, poultry, pork should kill the virus that causes COVID-19. By limiting close contact with others, we can reduce the spread of COVID-19. The following recommendations can help you protect yourself, and prevent the spread of COVID-19 when you are shopping. When we all wear a mask to cover our respiratory droplets it provides source control to reduce the spread of germs into the air and on surfaces. These resources are available in over 20 languages and are complementary to the current public, public health, and health care guidance available on the Ministry of Health's website. Home care, support workers, and emergency repair persons are permitted. In general, you can lower your risk of infection by following safe food handling practices. In … This bylaw applies to indoor public spaces, such as stores, mall, restaurants, library, galleries, hair salons and places of worship. Keep two metres (six feet) apart from others: Follow physical distancing markers and visual aids (e.g. There is no evidence that COVID-19 is spread by food or food packaging. Cloth masks do not replace personal protective equipment (PPE) required in workplace settings. Contact tracing is used by health departments to prevent the spread of infectious diseased. During oral or anal sex, use condoms, gloves or other barriers to reduce contact with saliva and other fluids. Touching something with the virus on it, then touching your mouth, nose or eyes before washing your hands. Use contactless payment whenever possible. Wash or sanitize your hands when you reach your destination. To practise physical distancing means to stay two metres or six feet from other people. Skip having sex if you or your partner are feeling unwell, have symptoms of COVID-19 or if either of you have been exposed to someone who has COVID-19. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. The update gives additional context to Public Health contact tracers in determining who needs to be notified of potential exposure. Respiratory droplets shared when you cough or sneeze. If possible, carry hand sanitizer and use it before entering and immediately after exiting the store. It’s a good idea to keep a record of where you’ve been at what times, and with whom you have been in close contact, or non-close contact. These tend to have more difficulty spreading from person to person. Canned food should be free of dents, rust and bulges. The key difference is that “close contact” was previously defined as 15 consecutive minutes, whereas the new definition is based on cumulative time spent during a day — so three five-minute close interactions would now qualify as “close contact.”. The CDC previously defined close contact as being within 6 feet of someone infected with COVID-19 for at least 15 minutes or more. A close contact is anyone they spent more than 15 minutes with at any indoor social gathering or in a crowded indoor space who is not part of their household. It may also be possible for a person to get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes. You had close physical contact with a person, such as shaking hands. Masks with an exhaust valve can make breathing more comfortable for the person wearing it, but it can spread respiratory particles into the room. Be respectful of people who can’t wear a mask. This guidance underscores our bedrock advice to always keep six feet or more of distance from people outside your household, wear a face covering and ensure there’s good ventilation and airflow in indoor spaces. This information will help TPH identify people who had 10 or more high-risk contacts to help with contact management and follow up. Learn how emergency orders, directives and bylaws impact you, including the Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health’s directives for residents of Toronto issued on April 1. COVID-19 spreads through direct contact with respiratory droplets (spit) of someone who is infected with the virus when they cough, sneeze or talk. cotton). If you have any questions, call the COVID-19 Hotline at 416-338-7600, 7 days a week from 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Avoid travel during peak hours, when possible. If reusable bags are permitted, bag your own groceries to minimize touching by other individuals. no spoilage and mould). CLOSE CONTACT NOT CLOSE CONTACTTORONTO PUBLIC HEALTH You were within 6 feet, or 2 metres distance for more than 15 minutes, even if you were both wearing a mask. Caution: Always read the label. Touching something with the virus on it, then touching your mouth, nose or eyes before washing your hands. Close contact means being within six feet for a total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period, of someone who is diagnosed with COVID-19 during their infectious period. If home is not safe for you, reach out for. The City of Toronto By-law 541-2020, as amended by By-law 664-2020, requires everyone to wear masks or face coverings in all indoor public settings, including common areas in multi-residential buildings. 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