us collapse reddit

What do you think the global average temperature is going to be in 30 years? In order to lift the mental tension and also to blame someone who won’t counterattack. US collapse scenario. Press J to jump to the feed. China's looming demography crisis will put a damper on 1984 tendencies. Collapse Booklist. In the late 1910s there were a lot of people that held fears about Marxism in western Europe. Of course it is. The problem with the thinking, of course, being that the 'cost' was largely calculated deficiently in terms of externalities, systems consequences, social effects, etc. I prefer it this way. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Note: I think American stock prices will remain high for a year or longer, because Americans have nowhere else to put their money. America's got all those along with a pretty advanced version of the social disconnection/atomization that exists in every industrialized country, making it very difficult to organize different groups into coherent movements. Many years ago, there was a TV show that depicted a near-future America that had collapsed while several third-world countries like India and China had boomed economically. The U.S. economy's size makes it resilient. But in terms of material standard of living, things like food or consumer products? The United States of America today has too many parallels with the Weimar Republic of Germany in the early twentieth century. The natural disasters are only going to get worse, more frequent, and more widespread every year going forward. Although I enjoyed both seasons, I really thought … Honduras U23 v United States U23 . The amount of financial damage will soon overtake our ability to rebuild in areas hit hardest, and they'll be abandoned. It's a lot easier to separate them if you are Chinese. The fact that the US can get away with running multiple trillion dollar deficits every year is a testament to its position in the world. I mean, the social score stuff is horrifying, and with modern day tech China can institute a horror show that even the Nazis could only dream about, with the ability to track every single person and what they do. (Nothing new, if you know enough about US history). US society is also imploding. A retail establishment is one that sells merchandise to the general public (final consumers). As neoliberalism begins to unravel as nation-states and societies feel its long-term structural consequences, the ability of the United States to continue to deliver the 'bargain' to the plebs changes, and brings the negative actions ever close to the current-or-near current moment. The U.S. has collapsed in certain regions- if you're living in post industrial Michigan, hook worm Alabama, or rural Texas you may as well be living in a developing country. Collapse (2009) There’s No Tomorrow (2012) The Accelerated Crash Course (2014) Final Warning Limits to Growth (2015) Living in the Future's Past (2018) Living in the Time of Dying (2020) Podcasts. 3. Yes, because we humans are quite narrow-minded, despite the hype about our braininess. If the U.S. economy were to collapse, it would happen quickly, because the surprise factor is a one of the likely causes of a potential collapse. These people who were proto-Nazis had an unreasonable paranoia about everything from the left. In Japan,Takagi comes to power, does some reforms and is later succeeded by Kido who dismantles the military and naval influence over Japanese government power and continues to reform the sphere. The Colony was produced by The Discovery Channel. China has experienced serious … So when it happens to everyone else I beat them with experience. Glad to hear someone else who gets this. It’s fairly accurate except for the “patriot” part. The Colony Collapse in the United States . What do you think collapse looks like to the Chinese? While the offspring of such people, those born after the collapse, will almost certainly behave in the fashion you've stated, that first generation or 2 of "collapsers" that retain vivid memories of how things used to be will resort to any and all measures to try and maintain their past comforts. It is, of course, the Chinese who are best placed to take over as global superpower as US power fades. Keeping cheap, addictive food products and TV/internet entertainment available is, I think, a key part of how the power structure within this country is maintained. Press J to jump to the feed. Instead, people will re-calibrate what it means to be happy, which will look like a very spartan combo of being safe, warm, fed, sheltered, and with loved ones. Did you know that you can turn on a gesture in the Reddit application that allows you to swipe to collapse comments? Once money becomes worthless, we should see an end to greed and the massive resource imbalance that led to this mess. All the people whining about Trump over completely pointless things, yet very few understand the most dangerous thing about him, which is the destruction he's done to our geo-political alliances. hurr!) Interface through improvised means (serial, keyboard, display). China has experienced serious … I don’t think the deranged narcissist has a patriotic bone in his body. The dollar is still the world's reserve currency, based largely on the petrodollar system and the threat of the US military droning and/or invading your country if you don't go along with our policies. The estimates from MARTS are released … Riding a political tide of disillusionment and despair, a far-right patriot captures the presidency with thundering rhetoric, demanding respect for American authority and threatening military retaliation or economic reprisal. That includes foreign governments that own U.S. Treasurys. The tea party Republicans in Congress were a minority that threatened to default during the 2011 debt ceiling crisis and in 2013. The U.S. Census Bureau conducts the Advance Monthly Sales for Retail and Food Services Survey (MARTS) to produce early national estimates of total and month-to-month change in sales for retail and food service establishments located in the United States. 1984 doesn't make sense with a falling population only in the rising populations like Orwell saw in the 19th and early 20th centuries in the West brought on by the industrial revolution. Like how people from this timeframe are cursing Baby Boomers. Like others have said below, some Americans are already living in third-world conditions. But for an empire, the real power is always financial and political, not military. Recommend a Book . That's already what millions of people are living with in the US. Keeping cheap, addictive food products and TV/internet entertainment available is, I think, a key part of how the power structure within this country is maintained. • BILLING - purchase Reddit Gold, and premium custom themes (but currently all themes are free) • WAKE_LOCK - for various background processing (e.g., mail check, widget) supporting Android 8.0 Read more The government is taking loans non-stop from its citizens and other countries, and the yearly budget deficit has finally reached USD 1 trillion and is rapidly rising year over year. I'm already living in third-world conditions. Documentaries. It is highly unlikely that even the most dire events would lead to a collapse. Make no mistake though, our descendants will curse people from this timeframe. When the number of abandoned areas overtakes our ability to displace those people somewhere else, systems will begin to fail. A lot of the posts here only make sense from the point of view of Americans. We seek to deepen our understanding of collapse while providing mutual support, not to document every detail of our demise. The world pays next to no attention as the American Century ends in silence. A lot of the posts here only make sense from the point of view of Americans. We seek to deepen our understanding of collapse while providing mutual support, not to document every detail of our demise. The idea behind the show was to throw a group of 10 people together to see how they would survive in a collapse scenario. 2. The signs of imminent failure are difficult for most people to see. It would allow you to: 1. It's part of the game bargain that the United States makes with its citizens and workers that neutralizes serious dissent. A term began to circulate called “Judeo … The official collapse Discord server has around 880 users, many of whom are also active members of the subreddit. I suppose it is inevitable, since reddit is so US-centric and because the collapse of civilisation and the end of US hegemony have some things in common. Once systems (food, sanitation, infrastructure, consumer culture, banks, etc.) The United States of America today has too many parallels with the Weimar Republic of Germany in the early twentieth century. The Flint Michigan water situation, the opiate epidemic in rural areas and the Rust Belt, the violence levels in Chicago and Baltimore are a few examples. In ordinary human encounter its the likely victim which is made the responsible scapegoat. Comments (0) Getty . It's just effective accounting after all. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. – Massive 78% U.S. Depopulation ” . twitter facebook reddit copy. Foreign exporters such as China and Japan do not want a dollar collapse because the United States is too important a customer. Collapse Monthly Book Club. Most members of Congress realize a debt default would destroy America's credibility in the financial markets. The only sane way for us to run the planet would be as a unit, using a sane social system like an NLRBE and stop with the crazy posturing and adversarial nonsense, but with China now becoming an ever more hardcore dictatorship with absolutely pervasive surveillance and control apparatus, I don't see that happening in time to stave off extinction. U.S. U-23s collapse in yet another Olympic qualifying disaster. As for total collapse, I'd give it another 5-10 years depending on when we see the next economic recession/depression. China and Japan are the biggest owners of the U.S. … A term began to circulate called “Judeo … It is, of course, the Chinese who are best placed to take over as global superpower as US power fades. No one will give a damn anymore about buying the newest car or electronic gadget or fashion etc. in the context of the most complex problems humanity will ever face. Run on minimal and improvised machines. Collapse or decline in the US stock market. The main characters were call center employees in America, that catered to clients in those countries, sort of the reverse of what call centers are currently. Despite all this recent talk of the US declining as a global power it is still the most powerful and far reaching state-corporate system on the planet, it still controls a huge portion of the world's resource flows and in all likelihood will continue to do so as the age of fossil fuels winds down. because those things will no longer be produced. China is pumping in enormous amounts of money into the poor nations to cement their influence, whereas the US is calling home diplomats and pumping more billions into guns. I've lived in Detroit and I've lived in Tanzania and the two aren't even remotely enough similar to make a comparison. Fan Content. 1 thought on “ Jim Rickards Economic Collapse Is Predicted In – 2021 – US Dollar Crash & Gold Prices To 10K! Grinding poverty, being trapped in debt schemes and having few if any reliable institutions from which to get things like medical care, adequate wages or benefits? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. As for total collapse, I'd give it another 5-10 years depending on when we see the next economic recession/depression. People in the past hoped for an immediate return of the empire hundred of years after its departure. No way, that will turn now. Or we could look at social conditions: extreme inequality accepted as the norm, thoroughly corrupt political systems, and police blatantly being used to crush uprisings (e.g. China has experienced serious … The ecological collapse is coming for me too, but I personally couldn't give a shit … In that scenario, anyone who holds dollar-denominated assets will sell them at any cost. The only real things the US economy currently has going for it are food and gas prices. 01:02 29/03/2021 . What do you think collapse looks like to the Chinese? In the late 1910s there were a lot of people that held fears about Marxism in western Europe. By default, you need to tap and hold on a comment thread to collapse it. For a basic background of this timeline, Speer wins the GCW and outmaneuvers the GO4 and reforms Germany. It seems that we're already in the process of collapse, and I think total system failure is probably between 10 years (earliest), 25 years (most likely), and 50 years (latest). On September 15 th 2008, the collapse of Lehman brothers, the 4 th largest investment bank in the US, signalled what many now believe to be one of the key trigger points and indicators to the financial crisis that closely ensued after. I'm hoping it will be a controlled decline We’ve been in collapse by disaster. The tipping point will come when those, too, begin to suffer from the cost disease propagated by neoliberal structures and prices shoot up. An interesting perspective about the rise of neoliberalism I once read framed it as a means of using private interests to propagate "low cost goods and services" to end users/consumers globally. Instead of doing things that would wrinkle the noses of the very angry and very avaricious class of owners, commanders, and capital groups, particular minimum-acceptance scenarios are offered in exchange for the elimination (or at least the current-and-near-current-moment elimination) of actions that undermine, overturn, or destabilize the system as is. The reason the collapse of the USD is inevitable is because the United States government debt is approaching USD 22 trillion. The U.S. has collapsed in certain regions- if you're living in post industrial Michigan, hook worm Alabama, or rural Texas you may as well be living in a developing country. Well, at least it is a strong contributing factor. They released two seasons of the show. our descendants will curse people from this timeframe. I am English, so I'm kind of half way between. Of course my view on human nature in general is pessimistic. Taking things personal is a characteristic of our bias nature. begin to fail, then society as we know it will come crashing down in a matter of months and we'll go in one of two directions: Become community again. It also affects foreign exchange futures traders. Collapse a comment and all of it's replies by clicking on the column of the comment you wish to collapse. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The show seemed so outlandish at the time. Not like in a criminal investigation, where with some efforts it might be, they detect a perpetrator. What do you think collapse looks like to the Chinese? One of the videos that I tend to think about when I think of collapse is the TV series The Colony. Movement of money into … In terms of total collapse (economic, political, social) across a majority of the US, that will probably take a long time. Growth of the Chinese stock market. So the creature comforts we "enjoy" after getting home from our shitty jobs will probably still be there in a diminished form even as the price of gasoline climbs up to $10/gallon and people in less fortunate countries start going hungry, rioting and walking away from government/market structures. Rural Texas isn’t that bad, just in the valley area. A better question: When the US collapses (and some could argue it already has, or is in the process of collapsing right now), how much time will pass before Americans realize that the US has collapsed and they're all living in third-world conditions? I suppose it is inevitable, since reddit is so US-centric and because the collapse of civilisation and the end of US hegemony have some things in common. And there is an economic collapse coming, which is part of the collapse of the US hegemonic system created in 1971 by President Nixon. Bruce The Prepper December 23, 2020 at 4:10 pm. These memories will also most likely drive a great many people into depression and inertia, precluding them from realizing that a simpler life may in fact be a richer one. Its economy is sluggish but in no danger of collapse. I suppose it is inevitable, since reddit is so US-centric and because the collapse of civilisation and the end of US hegemony have some things in common. In my own view, I see scenario 2 as much more likely when civilization TRULY crumbles. plus Orwell! china is creating a catastrophic intelligence bottleneck (let's try cult of personality again! Discussion regarding the potential collapse of global civilization, defined as a significant decrease in human population and/or political/economic/social complexity over a considerable area, for an extended time. Everyone's focus will be on food and shelter, hopefully with a spirit of community and helping each other out, which should be doable since there will be no more airplanes to catch, no more cars to drive, no more movies to go see, no more cable TV, no more vacations, etc. Ever since the economist Stephen Roach made the statement of a possible US dollar collapse by the end of 2021. Fascists in particular were terribly paranoid about it. To borrow from a more a popular quote: "Collapse is here, it's just not very evenly distributed.". Both superpowers recognize the US as the greater threat … And every second person is now seeking “could the US dollar actually collapse?” On a second note about the proposed weakening of the US hold of world commerce, I don’t believe that this will be the case, as the US is based on economically driven colonial ideals which, unfortunately for the lower class, will surely maintain its power hold on the western civilization monetary system in place no matter the consequences which it will bring upon the unprivileged majority … These people who were proto-Nazis had an unreasonable paranoia about everything from the left. That doesn't mean China won't have a world-class surveillance state built-up over the next 20 years, but as its population peaks and declines, the concern will shift from internal dissidence to too few workers, they will resent being treated poorly and have the power to force change. The United States won't default on its debt. Discussion regarding the potential collapse of global civilization, defined as a significant decrease in human population and/or political/economic/social complexity over a considerable area, for an extended time. According to the website, Collapse OS is a “z80 kernel and a collection of programs, tools and documentation”. Ashes Ashes. Lack of foreign investment in the United States. A dollar collapse is when the value of the U.S. dollar plummets. Not being able to see the whole complicated picture, we need somebody to blame. Ryan Tolmich . Z80 kernel and a collection of programs, tools and documentation ” how people from this timeframe are Baby! Are only going to get worse, more frequent, and they 'll be abandoned sluggish but in no of! Fairly accurate except for the “ patriot ” part Rickards economic collapse is Predicted in 2021! Two things default during the 2011 debt ceiling crisis and in 2013 the US Reddit application allows. 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