the poetry of ezra pound

Pound’s grandfather was a congressman from Wisconsin whose connections obtained an appointment for his son, Homer, in the Idaho Territories as registrar of the Government Land Office. In August of 1933 Pound, living in Italy and at work on his Cantos, received a letter from a young Harvard student. An unsigned review appearing in the May 1909 issue of Book News Monthly noted, “French phrases and scraps of Latin and Greek punctuate his poetry. Fitts summarized two common complaints: “The first of these is that the poem is incomprehensible, a perverse mystification; the second that it is structurally and melodically amorphous, not a poem, but a macaronic chaos.” And George Kearns in his Guide to Ezra Pound’s Selected Cantos warned that “a basic understanding of the poem requires a major investment of time” since if “one wants to read even a single canto, one must assemble information from a great many sources.” The first major critical treatment of Pound’s work, Kenner’s The Poetry of Ezra Pound (1951) paved the way for other serious scholarly attention, and intense critical activity produced a host of explanatory texts designed to help readers understand and evaluate the Cantos. JSTOR®, the JSTOR logo, JPASS®, Artstor®, Reveal Digital™ and ITHAKA® are registered trademarks of ITHAKA. Why the slightest loss of attention still leads to death. Pound advanced a … Ezra Weston Loomis Pound was an American expatriate poet, critic and intellectual who was a major figure of the Modernist movement in early-to-mid 20th century poetry. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion A Draft of XVI. Before the trial could take place, however, he was pronounced insane. The lines do not follow a single rhyme scheme or metrical pattern, although they are fairly similar in length, visually, and metrically. “By no means an orderly Dantescan rising/but as the winds veer” (Canto LXXIV), the Cantos record a pilgrimage—an intellectual and spiritual voyage that parallels Dante’s pursuit of enlightenment and Ulysses’s search for his proper home. EMBED (for hosted blogs and item tags) Want more? The Poetry of Ezra Pound: Forms and Renewal, 1908-1920 Hugh Witemeyer Snippet view - 1969. For several weeks during that hot summer, Pound was confined to the cage. actual aesthetic allusion appeared artist associated attempt beauty become Born called Cantos Canzoni CHAPTER Chinese comes contrast criticism cult Dante dreams … by Paul A. Lacey and Anne Dewey. Cantos V, VI, and VII appeared in the Dial (1921) and “The Eighth Canto” appeared in 1922, but except for limited editions, no new poems appeared in book form for the next decade. For the greater part of the 20th century, however, Pound devoted his energies to advancing the art of poetry. These goals, personal and public, are present throughout the poem; they also sustained the poet throughout his life. Yet this poem also suffered at the hands of readers who misunderstood the author’s intent. At night floodlights lit his prison. Eliot in his introduction to Pound’s Selected Poems; he called Pound “the inventor of Chinese poetry for our time” and predicted that Cathay would be called a “magnificent specimen of 20th-century poetry” rather than a translation. Poems to integrate into your English Language Arts classroom. Alejandra Pizarnik’s French poems reveal the artist’s restless obsessions. Early in his career, Pound aroused controversy because of his aesthetic views; later, because of his political views, including his support for the Fascist government in Italy. I am bourgeois-born (Pittsburgh); have never missed a meal. He stayed in the hospital until 1958 when Robert Frost led a successful effort to free the poet. ©2000-2021 ITHAKA. In an introduction to the Literary Essays of Ezra Pound, T.S. To access this article, please, Access everything in the JPASS collection, Download up to 10 article PDFs to save and keep, Download up to 120 article PDFs to save and keep. The lines do not follow a single rhyme scheme or metrical pattern, although they are fairly similar in length, visually, and metrically. “Mauberley is a learned, allusive, and difficult poem, extra-ordinarily concentrated and complex,” Michael Alexander observed in The Poetic Achievement of Ezra Pound; a central difficulty the poetic sequence presents is its point of view. This final chapter focuses on the early work of Ezra Pound to offer a brief poetic study extending my analysis of lyric subjectivity and lyric chorus; but it also fulfils a rather different function from the other poetic case studies by offering a historical ‘coda’ to the aestheticist poetic trajectory that I trace across this book. T.S. But what does the poem… Forrest Read, in his introduction to Pound/Joyce: The Letters of Ezra Pound to James Joyce, reported that Pound described Joyce to the Royal Literary Fund as “without exception the best of the younger prose writers.” Read declared that Pound “got Joyce printed” and “at critical moments Pound was able to drum up financial support from such varied sources as the Royal Literary Fund, the Society of Authors, the British Parliament, and the New York lawyer John Quinn in order to help Joyce keep writing.” Richard Sieburth in Istigatios: Ezra Pound and Remy de Gourment noted, “Ever concerned about the state of Joyce’s health, finances, and masterpiece-in-progress, Pound prevailed upon him to quit Trieste for Paris, thus setting in motion one of the major forces that would make Paris the magnet of modernism over the next decade. Hugh Selwyn Mauberley (1920) avoided the problems of being evaluated as a translation, since the title refers to a fictional rather than an historical poet. Hosted by Al Filreis and featuring Rachel Blau DuPlessis, Kaplan Harris, and Richard Sieburth. And for a time, it seemed that his long poem was stalled. Access supplemental materials and multimedia. Ezra Pound is generally considered the poet most responsible for defining and promoting a modernist aesthetic in poetry. 3) To reject conventional metrical forms in favor of individualized cadence. option. Pound, however, was dissatisfied by this, and made it a point to celebrate art, literature, and beauty in his poetry. He completed undergraduate work at the University of Pennsylvania and earned his BA from Hamilton College, but he lived much of his adult life overseas. Pound contributed scores of reviews and critical articles to various periodicals such as the New Age, the Egoist, the Little Review and Poetry magazine, where he articulated his aesthetic principles and indicated his literary, artistic, and musical preferences, thus offering information helpful for interpreting his poetry. In following years, Lowell sponsored her own anthologies that Pound thought did not meet his Imagist standards; wishing to dissociate himself from what he derisively called “Amygism,” he changed the term “Image” to “Vortex,” and “Imagism” to “Vorticism.” Writing in the Fortnightly Review of September 1, 1914, Pound expanded his definition of the image: “a radiant node or cluster, it is what I can, and must perforce call a VORTEX, from which, and through which, and into which ideas are constantly rushing.” As a much more comprehensive aesthetic principle, Vorticism also extended into the visual arts and music, thus including such artists as the Englishman Wyndham Lewis and Henri Gaudier-Breska, a French sculptor. James Laughlin, in his foreword, writes that The Poetry of Ezra Pound "turned the tide" not only for its subject but also for his company, New Directions, which first published it in America. Ezra Pound's Cantos represent some of the highest achievement in 20th century poetry. The monumental artistic movement that changed poetry forever. The Poetry of Ezra Pound. Yet his most ambitious work, the Cantos, was scarcely begun. Common terms and phrases. Ezra Pound is widely considered one of the most influential poets of the 20th century; his contributions to modernist poetry were enormous. An epic also encompasses the entire known world and its learning; it is “the tale of the tribe.” Thus, the Cantos were designed to dramatize the gradual acquisition of cultural knowledge. That year Pound was fifty-one. In a June, 1915 review in Outlook, reprinted in The Critical Heritage, Ford Madox Ford declared it “the best work he has yet done;” the poems, of “a supreme beauty,” revealed Pound’s “power to express emotion … intact and exactly.” Sinologists criticized Pound for the inaccuracies of the translations; Wi-lim Yip, in his Ezra Pound’s Cathay, admitted, “One can easily excommunicate Pound from the Forbidden City of Chinese studies”; yet he believed that Pound conveyed “the central concerns of the original author” and that no other translation “has assumed so interesting and unique a position as Cathay in the history of English translations of Chinese poetry.” In The Pound Era, Kenner pointed out that Cathay was an interpretation as much as a translation; the “poems paraphrase an elegiac war poetry. An image of Lethe, and the fields Full of faint light but golden, Gray cliffs, and beneath them A sea Harsher than granite, unstill, never ceasing; High forms with the movement of gods, Perilous aspect; And one said: "This is Actæon." This pioneering study did much to rehabilitate Ezra Pound's reputation after a long period of critical hostility and neglect. Several works of primary scholarship have been released, including several letter collections that trace both Pound’s career and the evolution of his poetic achievements. In his efforts to develop new directions in the arts, Pound also promoted and supported such writers as James Joyce, T.S. The ‘magic moment’ or moment of metamorphosis, bust thru from quotidien into ‘divine or permanent world.’ Gods., etc.” In the same letter, Pound also briefly outlined the themes—the visit to the world of the dead, the repetition in history, and the moment of metamorphosis—all of which have correspondences in three texts that served as his major inspiration: Dante’s Divine Comedy, Homer’s Odyssey, and Ovid’s Metamorphosis. Both poems were, Pound told Schelling, his attempt “to condense a James novel” and both were extended dramatic lyrics. Hugh Kenner, perhaps the preeminent authority on Pound, has written a retrospective preface for the reissue of his famous book, long out of print. Linda Welshimer Wagner, Read Online (Free) relies on page scans, which are not currently available to screen readers. This intro is from Ezra Pound: and His Metric Poetry. read poems by this poet. Journal of Modern Literature He defends them when they are attacked, he gets them into magazines and out of jail. Pound's The Cantos contains music and bears a title that could be translated as The Songs—although it never is. Poet Ezra Pound studied literature and languages in college and in 1908 left for Europe, where he published several successful books of poetry. The character of Pound as borrower, imitator, and eventually as translator and creator of the many, varied personae can be better understood once these earliest poems are credited. Published in 1951, it was the first comprehensive examination of the Cantos and other major works that would strongly influence the course of contemporary poetry. Poem Hunter all poems of by Ezra Pound poems. And in the end a few of them refrain from knifing him at the first opportunity.” ‘The Tree’ by Ezra Pound is a twelve-line poem that is contained within a single stanza of text. Eliot declared that Pound “is more responsible for the 20th-century revolution in poetry than is any other individual.” Four decades later, Donald Hall reaffirmed in remarks collected in Remembering Poets that “Ezra Pound is the poet who, a thousand times more than any other man, has made modern poetry possible in English.” Pound never sought, nor had, a wide reading audience during his lifetime; his technical innovations and use of unconventional poetic materials often baffled even sympathetic readers. The editors discuss a few favorite poems from the new centennial anthology. is a huge collection of poems from famous and amateur poets from around the world — collaboratively published by a community of authors and contributing editors. Ezra Pound lived and wrote in a swiftly modernizing world that, as time went on, placed less and less emphasis on art and beauty. Ezra Pound achieved an improbable balance of scholar erudition in literature and poetry, and clarity for the lay person. Propertius represents the character of a Roman writer responding to his age; Mauberley, the character of a contemporary British critic-poet. By 1943 the US government deemed the broadcasts to be treasonous; at war’s end the poet was arrested by the US Army and kept imprisoned in a small, outdoor wire cage at a compound near Pisa, Italy. Ezra Pound is widely considered one of the most influential poets of the 20th century; his contributions to modernist poetry were enormous. The Poetry of Ezra Pound (Bison Book) von Kenner, Hugh bei - ISBN 10: 0803277563 - ISBN 13: 9780803277564 - University of Nebraska - 1985 - Softcover In remarks first recorded in the March, 1913 edition of Poetry magazine and later collected in his Literary Essays as “A Retrospect,” Pound explained his new literary direction. By Dr Oliver Tearle ‘In a Station of the Metro’, written by Ezra Pound in 1913, is the Imagist poem par excellence. All Rights Reserved. We talk about her long journey toward building Asian-American poetics,... Tempo, echo, and the makings of poetic tone. Soon after the poem’s completion Pound left England. More than three decades after its founding, the Journal of Modern Literature remains the most important and widely recognized scholarly serial in the field of modern literature. To these models, Pound added the teachings of Confucius, historical material, and information from his immediate experience. Cantos appeared, William Carlos Williams lamented in a 1927 issue of the New York Evening Post Literary Review, “Pound has sought to communicate his poetry to us and failed. HSM has been regarded as a turning point in Pound's career, by F.R. Select a purchase Pound wanted “explicit rendering, be it of external nature or of emotion,” and proclaimed “a strong disbelief in abstract and general statement as a means of conveying one’s thought to others.” 2) To avoid poetic diction in favor of the spoken language and to condense content, expressing it as concisely and precisely as possible. actual aesthetic allusion appeared artist associated attempt beauty become Born called Cantos Canzoni CHAPTER Chinese comes contrast criticism cult Dante dreams … Pound was also an early supporter of the Irish novelist James Joyce, arranging for the publication of several of the stories in Dubliners (1914) and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916) in literary magazines before they were published in book form. Pound himself was also not aloof from political reality. By the 1930s, Pound was writing about banking and economic systems, and incorporating into the Cantos his own ideas about usury, which he identified as an exploitative economic system. Through his criticism and translations, as well as in his own poetry, particularly in his Cantos, Pound explored poetic traditions from different cultures ranging from ancient Greece, China, and the continent, to current-day England and America. Christine Froula in A Guide to Ezra Pound’s Selected Poems suggested that Pound’s poem, “in its inclusion of fragments of many cultures and many languages, its multiple historical lines, its anthropological perspectives, remains a powerfully and often movingly expressive image of the modern world. $6.50. About Ezra Pound Ezra Pound was an American expatriate famous poet and critic and a major figure in the early modernist movement in poetry. American poet Amy Lowell also adopted the term, contributing one poem to the 1914 anthology Des Imagistes, edited by Pound. It advocates economic reform as the basis of social and cultural reform, and it could not have held aloof from political reality.” . Some were written from Rapallo, where the poet battled with his muse, while others were written during Pound’s tenure in St. Elizabeth’s, as his battle grew more inward; forbidden most correspondence as one of the terms of his punishment, Pound’s letters to Laughlin were smuggled out in his wife’s handbag on the days of her visits. Pound carried copies of A Lume Spento to distribute when he moved to London later that year; the book convinced Elkin Mathews, a London bookseller and publisher, to bring out Pound’s next works: A Quinzaine for this Yule (1908), Exultations (1909), and Personae (1909). Ezra Pound (1885-1972) is now recognised as the central figure of Anglo/American modernism, the man who did most to shape the movement which in turn did most to shape the 20th Century cultural landscape in the west. Cummings, political ruminations with US Senator Bronson Cutting, and The Letters of Ezra Pound to Alice Corbin Henderson (1993), which details the working relationship between Pound and Poetry magazine editor over a 37-year period. In a circular (reprinted in Pound’s Letters) for Bel Esprit, the well-intentioned but ill-fated scheme to help support artists in need, Pound described the poetic sequence of Eliot’s poem as “possibly the finest that the modern movement in English has produced.” Eliot in turn dedicated the poem to “Ezra Pound, il miglior fabbro” (the better craftsman), and in his introduction to Pound’s Selected Poems (1928) declared, “I sincerely consider Ezra Pound the most important living poet in the English language.” Pound searched through the historical and mythical past as well as the modern world to find those who embodied the Confucian ideals of “sincerity” and “rectitude” in contrast to those who through greed, ignorance, and malevolence worked against the common good. Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! Don Share is the editor of Poetry Magazine, a poet and translator, and a gem of a human. 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