accountability and the leader informative essay

For example, making sure your Soldiers are accountable for every formation that takes, If an important equipment is signed over to a Soldier or NCO, they have to take, initiative and responsibility to take proper management on their equipment because. Enter the email address associated with your account, and we will email you a link to reset your password. We can write you a custom essay that will follow your exact instructions and meet the deadlines. It is all about being reliable and having clear standards. Much of its content features Mickey Mouse& friends, Cartoon-based super Disney+ targets children below the age of 5 years. Learn how you can become a better listener to your team. Open Document. Leaders need to take accountability for aligning their reports objectives to the larger business strategy. leaders, must maintain and set the example in all they do. One way to improve accountability as a leader is by gathering feedback as often as possible. Building Trust, the Foundation of Relationships Using the Trader Joe's case please complete a Case Study Swot Analysis Case Study Analysis is the practical application of the strategic management process. (n.d.). Accountability is what keep the Army running smoothly; shows soldiers how to be account for their personal items/personal agenda; and also helps not only in the military but you can apply this skill set to everyday life. Accountability builds up trust, improves performance, promotes ownership, and inspire confidence. Accountability (noun) Being responsible or liable for someone or something at the state of event and or situation. Accountable leaders set goals that align with the businesss priorities. The three Cs(Competence, Caring, and Communication) of trust can help leaders build relations with Soldiers so there is no fear. . You need to teach accountability to your team so that your organization can move in a single direction together seamlessly. This is not the first time during the careers of today's Army generals that a breakdown has occurred. This can also lead to providing improved gear and equipment. The first thing that you have to do is think of a topic that you want to right about. We often talk about accountability in the context of managing others. In team meetings, leaders and team members walk the fine line of holding each other accountable without constantly transferring blame. For instance, leadership's accountability of where a soldier is at any given time, or a soldier's responsibility to complete an assigned mission or task. analysis (Picture 1). And it is fully required at every single organizational level. Employees will recognize true integrity when they see it. Everyone can fail. Learning to Praise References, Disney Plus Integrated Marketing Communications. Ways to show Accountability through leadership- The style is, however, effective since it reduced the time spent making decisions. 18 students ordered this very topic and got If something happens that causes you to be unable to perform a task or be at a certain place, you have to then let the relevant people know because they have expected you otherwise to keep your word! And to explore "distinctions" is to explore the ways in which one universal form or theme - for example, the theme "evil in persons and in the world" as found in film and literature-- may be comprehended and imaginatively expressed in a variety of unique and distinct ways.We are correct to understand each of our films or books as one distinct form on one universal and perennial theme: in other words, each of our works gives themselves to be a unique (distinct) expression like no other expression on a common theme: Evil.. and it's opposite, "the Good." When the police officer acts in the name of the law, he gets delegated authority from the law, and he represents the law. Accountability is more than just knowing your soldiers in formation. 2-3 paragraphs. Access over 20 million homework documents through the notebank, Get on-demand Q&A homework help from verified tutors, Read 1000s of rich book guides covering popular titles, User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's. Write the introduction, not more than 10 lines. When an NCO teaches Soldiers skills, they arent only making them experts in their crafts, but theyre also teaching them something that they might keep for the rest of their lives, or that could potentially save them in combat. Hunt the good stuff. But many companies dont have the cultural infrastructure in place to set clear expectations for leaders. What was spurring innovation in Egypt, Greece, and Rome? Our best tutors earn over $7,500 each month! Currently within the Army, there is an understanding that trust is imperative for unit effectiveness and is a foundational element to mission command. (Holmberg, Salazar, Herd, Lane, & Orslene, 2019). Accepting the challenge of being above the standard. OKR software can help create another layer of accountability by placing individual OKRs in the larger context. Accountability can be defined as taking action, decision making, and responsibility. The only way you can know about it legitimately is to ask them to account for their actions. When all employees recognize values in action or their absence when they should be in action leaders will feel more pressure to act in line with those values. Security week 5 discussion 1 3 Pages. This essay focuses on the idea of accountability. By keeping proper accountability of personnel, Army Leaders know the condition of their subordinates at all times and can effectively use their unit's abilities fully. english Leadership development programs should define leadership within the company and set expectations for behaviors. Provide specific evidence from these civilizations? When the Army does this and allows Soldiers to do these things it will not only give them appreciation in their work but confidence as well. You need to be accountable because the decisions you make and the actions you take have consequences; consequences that affect more than just yourself. Foundations of army leadership include but not limited to history, loyalty, accountability, evolution, founding documents, and close alliance with the government. Voices of Experience essays and Near-Miss Reports. by promoting trust, saving time and money, and building confidence. When in a position of leadership, it is important to take accountability even if its blameworthy. ThismustbeinAPAformat. Soon, a friendly disagreement occurred when two different people thought the iron was theirs. The style can be easily abused by leaders since they can adopt dictatorial tendencies. Lack of accountability damages the entire company culture, which affects the morale and motivation of individual workers. Nurse leaders need to learn the basics of teams such that they become effective team players. This builds trust with team members, who can see when leaders are veering off-track and hold them accountable. Multiple Choice Communicate with his supervisors about the meeting. Your word is your bond. Gradesfixer , Accountability and the Leader Army as Important Elements for Soldier Confidence., Accountability and the Leader Army as Important Elements for Soldier Confidence [Internet]. Teaching Soldiers skills is a huge factor that comes into the units readiness as a whole. Are leaders born or made? Accountability of a leader in the army is essential because of the following: (n.d.). Writing an informative essay is like telling a blind person what is the color of the sky or telling a kid what are ice creams made of. Professional and leader development is a life-long continuous . Definitely coming back for more study materials. Accountable leaders clearly communicate their goals and objectives and key results (OKRs) to their teams to foster alignment and team focus. Aspects of accountability that leaders need to possess can include promoting trust, saving time and finances, and ensuring confidence. If there is one thing you learn in the military, it is accountability. Promotes trust Personnel accountability is critical in the event of a disaster or national emergency. In this week's discussion preparation, you were asked to analyze the state legislative reporting requirements and then use metacomprehension to identify the criminal and civil risks to health care professionals for failing to report certain incidents. My employer has made it much easier, in the last three years, to complete an incident report. A member that acts in violation to the values of the organization can no longer represent the organization. The Importance of accountability means being responsible for the decisions that arebeing made and taken. Communication is not just about talking, but its about being present wherever you are so that you can engage. Role of accountability include promoting trust ensures confidence saves finances and time Role of accountability and leader in the army Promotes trust Trust is the foundation of relationships. Questions are posted anonymously and can be made 100% private. Why Accountability Is Important It is important to note first, what accountability is. Only when leaders are aligned and accountable can your business move forward. As a member of one unit, you serve the same mission and purpose as your peers. Core Leader Competencies. A leader does so by holding themselves to the highest standard of accountability. Also, showing confidence directly relates to leading by example because showing that you can do your job to your Soldiers and peers and being confident are all related and can prove that you are a good NCO. The team needs to rely on their leader. In the following paragraph, underline each possessive personal pronoun and each indefinite pronoun. According to Rubin, why are scientists uninterested in religious stories? shakespeare. Leaders will take full responsibilities of those accounted for and those failure to be in place of duty. 3.Building a good core for the Unit. Our writers will help you fix any mistakes and get an A+! technical writing Who owns the plantation in A Lesson Before Dying? Upon graduation, you will be capable of assuming duties as a Team, Section, or Squad Leader and have the ability to train, evaluate, counsel, and mentor your Soldiers. This preview shows page 1 - 2 out of 3 pages. Trust is about perception. Throughout this essay I will describe the importance of accountability and why it is so important to the United States Army by answering the following questions: Your time is important. FILM 122 UCLA Film Living in Oblivion Paper Independent Films Discussion. But horizontal alignment is crucial, too. Delegation of authority is a crucial aspect of effective leadership and management in any organization. In conclusion, building accountability is vital as a leader in the Army. Delegation is the process of sharing responsibility for results. Accountability is when leaders take personal responsibility, and are willing to answer for the outcomes of their choices, their behaviors, and their, actions in all situations in which they are involved. With that being said, the army has implemented many preventative measures and programs, resources and ways of reporting. Retrieved from Army University Press:, Rickey, M. (2012, December 13). Accountability is related to the multiple characteristics of leader success. The body. Leaders using accountability to save time and money can eliminate time that would be spent on unproductive tasks. There are also penalties for making false reports of abuse. - Accomplishing challenges can make a person feel exemplary and can boost to one's morale. Each of you are Important to the success of the overall mission. They're not just floating members without clear roles to play - they're . Positive Attitude. Accountability is a responsible, trustworthy role. Some suggestions before you begin: Be practical - make reasonable assumptions and supplement the information you find in the case with additional research.Be realistic - recognize that there is never one single best solution, so justify your recommendations. In this essay, we will discuss what makes a great leader and how one can develop these qualities. Second, individuals must commit to their objectives, which requires defining focused and well-thought-out key results. In the army accountability is a very big deal, it lets the leadership know where you are and who they have there to do tasks. Essay on Leaders Role; . They submitted their reports to my Executive Leadership Team. We will get back in touch with you shortly. Philosophy defines art as the CUNY Lehman College Cinematic & Literary Evil in East of Eden Novel Discussion Paper. original papers. How does Le Guin see customary attitudes toward the future played out in science fiction writing? When building teamwork, you have to have cohesion. api-200889745. trustworthiness and last but not least responsibility. multiple characteristics of leader success. Accountable leaders are transparent with their employees. Question: Informative Essay on the Accountability and the leader. defines responsibility as the "obligation of employees to attain organisational goals by performing specified activities, typically defined by their job description" and "accountability is the evaluation of how well individuals meet their responsibilities". Leaders will take full responsibilities of those accounted for and those failure to be in place of duty. Soldiers can tell when a person is being phony and will lose respect for them. Leadership accountability isnt limited to grandiose strategic exercises. Trusted by over 1 million students worldwide. ACCOUNTABILITY AND THE LEADER IN THE ARMY It will discuss what accountability entails, when a leader could be held accountable, how to use communication to influence one's team, and the outcome for organizations. Technical and business comunication writer Also, listening actively is a huge trait for an NCO because, as a team leader, squad leader, and platoon sergeant, your job is to be a dad or mom for Soldiers. This gives them personal accountability over driving business results. Note that for mini-essay 1 (due March 19th), you are not asked to use "secondary sources"; you are only asked to use (a) the words from the primary work which you have chosen and (2) your own words consisting of an explication of the "primary" words that you chose -- i.e., the quotes you chose -- for the purpose of highlighting a given "variety" of either literary or cinematic evil. You can order an original essay written according to your instructions. We required each of them to write a report, detailing what happened the previous month. A leader takes charge and takes accountability for all those who fall under his or her leadership. Often there are times where accountability goes beyond just one, persons actions and decisions. When individuals feel accountable to others, theyre more likely to meet or exceed deadlines and contribute better overall results to the business. By working together, team members can focus on the tasks that they are best suited for, which can lead to increased efficiency and the ability to complete tasks more quickly. You can get your custom paper by one of our expert writers. Accountability in the Leader In today's world accountability is something that is mildly practice anymore in the leaders of our organizations. Accountability and communication are important for unit cohesion because you are a unit, a team. In todays world where everyone is rushing somewhere, it is important that you learn how to be present wherever you are. Leadership can also be understood as a response. Studypool matches you to the best tutor to help you with your question. collective responsibility, shared leadership and accountability towards a shared set of educational goals that will meet the full learning potential of all learners. Bringing happier families to Soldiers, leaders, and even the unit as a whole. Course Hero. 2-3 paragraphs. However, accountability as a leadership skill requires that you take the skill of accountability beyond just getting the work done. These competencies will improve over an extended period of time. A Culture of Trust. . Effective Communication Skills. I'm Amy, You need to be accountable because the decisions you make and the actions you take have consequences; consequences that affect more than just yourself. You should be at least trying your best to communicate to your reader something -- anything -- that is unique, distinct, about the cinematic or literary work that you choose. You must then check them on the areas they have deviated, and reward them in the areas they have done in line with the vision. Anything to be ready and knowing the job that needs to be done. Introduction Accountability is important when it comes to health care for the purpose of achieving success in the health care industry. It's something that is simply, explained however, nearly impossible for some people in positions of influence to grasp, the concept of. Army professionals strive to continuously 2023 - All rights reserved. Stop, in the name of the law!is something you hear a lot in the movies(hopefully not personally). By continuing well assume you board with our cookie policy. So each of your essays (1.5 pages in length) should include a TA, a TR, and at least one ESS or two. Soldiers may trust a leader at work but when put in a different environment that leader may not be as competent. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing style below: By clicking Send, you agree to our Terms of service and Privacy statement. Provide details on what you need help with along with a budget and time limit. At the end of each quarter, leaders must be able to walk their teams through what worked and what didnt and pinpoint why. Accountability and the Leader Great leadership is the foundation of success in all organizations. 1. Military bearing is all about learning time and place, and [], Discipline is a staple of a competent force and the predominant contributing factor to an effective military. Retrieved from JOINT BASE ELMENDORF-RICHARDSON: Leaders set the ground for the behavior and performance of employees. Global Englishes and Change in English Language Teaching - Attitudes and Impact.pdf. It must be extremely clear on the front end who will be responsible for each part of meeting an objective, especially one thats shared across departments or teams that dont normally work together. Informative Essay, This example was written and submitted by a fellow student. Learn how you can build lasting trust between you and your followers that will help your organization a better place to be in. . However, at a basic level, accountability is often misunderstood by. On the business side, there has to be strong accountability at the top to keep employees aligned with the business strategy across the organization. Finally, displaying character is a good trait to have for us NCOs because we, as a team, have to show our true colors and who we actually are. In addition, teamwork can lead to increased creativity . ]For your mini-essays, you may either use this above Thesis Response as it is; or you may paraphrase it; or you may think up a thesis response that communicates the same essential meaning in your own words. Civilian definition of Leadership- The position or function of a leader. Then, above each indefinite pronoun, write the correct possessive form. This helps set expectations for leadership development. A lack of personal accountability undermines a leaders integrity. (a) Title Question - TQWith regard to all essay writing in general, you should understand your essay as: .. an extended response --- modeled on a short-version response (a TR) -- to an interesting or thought-provoking or enigmatic question (a TQ) and supported by evidence (ESSs). Let us write you an essay from scratch, Order a custom essay from our writers and get it on time. Leaders set the tone for the rest of the organization to follow. Retrieved from Show transcribed image text Expert Answer All the persons do not have the qualities of leadership. There are several ways leaders can demonstrate accountability in their daily routines and behaviors. Your internship work will be evaluated by me based primarily on your jo Critical Thinking & Personal Responsibility Essay. Leaders have a good morale, discipline, and proficiency. Use an, Situational leadership guides how which of the followingbehaviors should be adjusted? They must take their role as people leaders seriously, building trust among team members. 1.Accepting the challenge of being above the standard. jsodfaj , DoD Mandatory Controlled Unclassified Informa, Army Regulations and Army Doctrine Publicatio, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. Jesus is the embodiment of selflessness and provides the perfect holistic example of what servant leadership looks like. Means ownership. The importance of accountability Students also viewed DoD Mandatory Controlled Unclassified Informa 15 terms Arsenal619 PRT Acronyms 25 terms The course focuses on leader training for new leaders and is designed to produce institutionally-educated, competent NCOs. Gather feedback. Achieving results is an admirable accomplishment that everyone in the unit sees. Requirementsare:5paragraphformat,thiswillincludethetitlepage,outline,summarypageandreferencepage. Accountability won't guarantee a positive result, it could also be negative as well. Good listening skills are an essential part of the communication process. Provide examples of legal case law to support your response.this is the student response .Andra Branscumb RE: Week 7 DiscussionA variety of legal reporting requirements are mandated by both federal and state regulatory agencies. Accountability is all part of leading a big organization. By living the companys values, leaders at all levels set tangible examples of good behavior. Our tutors are highly qualified and vetted. Individual outside stressors and personal issues will have a negative effect on military discipline, and the lack [], The Army began its Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) Program to eliminate sexual harassments and sexual assaults. OKR governance has three components: Two-way communication is key to fostering accountability when setting OKRs. Saves money and finances Specify your topic, deadline, number of pages and other requirements. Hunt the good stuff. References Informative essay. New York Essays - database with more than 65.000 college essays for A+ grades . But this often leaves leaders filling in the gaps from their personal experiences, resulting in several competing definitions of good leadership at your company. Case Study Analysis Format Guide This is a true sentiment in almost every health care setting, the health care professionals see the need to report adverse incidents in order to make evidence-based changes but due to the time constraints of filling out an incident report, many incidents go unreported or under reported. (b) Title Response - TRWith regard to all essay writing in general, you should understand your thesis (which I'd like somewhere in your first paragraph, ideally as the last sentence of your first paragraph) as a "TR," a Thesis Response -- a response to your TQ, your Title Question.For example -- "there are many varieties of cinematic and literary evil; and while each variety may share common features with all the other varieties, this essay will nevertheless aim to map out two distinct varieties" [in your mini-essay, you are NOT asked to keep your TR in boldface text, keep in plain text. Communicate the strategy across the organization Leaders must ensure that employees have complete clarity regarding the company's vision, so they can do their jobs effectively. Whether it is child abuse or elder abuse, health care workers must report any suspected abuse. Health care professionals need to become familiar with subtle signs and possibilities of abuse, not all indications of abuse are easily recognizable.There is also the mandatory need to report actual or suspected cases of communicable diseases. She even includes tools for teaching-day-by-day units of study, teaching points, a sample minilesson, and lots of student examples-plus chapters on yearlong planning and assessment. Governing an OKR program forces leaders to be intentional about goal-setting, as well as communicate transparently with their team members. Get your custom essay. Leadership accountability in the workplace is an overlooked but essential component of a healthy culture. literary essay. By addressing these barriers and fostering a culture of trust, communication, and accountability, leaders can overcome these challenges and achieve the benefits . Setting clear performance objectives for individual workers helps them stay accountable to the rest of the team. They were mid-level officers in the 1990s when the scandals involving Aberdeen drill sergeants, SMA Gene McKinney . Work done a lack of accountability two different people thought the iron was theirs ELMENDORF-RICHARDSON: https: // last. Better listener to your team so that you learn in the health care workers must any. To soldiers, leaders at all levels set tangible examples of good behavior actions and decisions image. Rickey, M. ( 2012, December 13 ) bringing happier families to soldiers, leaders must be to... Can engage that leader may not be as competent is fully required at every organizational. Learning potential of all learners these qualities nurse leaders need to learn the basics of teams such they. 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accountability and the leader informative essay