how to write a chess engine

Edit: In simple terms, the move tree just explodes in size after just a few turns. Recall the above section on Alpha Beta pruning: This should ideally lead to a lot of pruned branches. But if you don't write down the game, it will be lost forever. Bruce Morelands site is a very good start to get an idea how MiniMax/Negamax and how Alpha Beta cut offs work. On a sidenote, if I were to write a chess engine I'd try to make one that really can "think" about chess. Have you ever thought how the chess game is modeled on a computer?. It has been the strongest traditional chess engine since 2016. For each chess piece, a class is written which encodes e.g. It takes as input a source coordinate and a target coordinate, and from there it's basically a blunt implementation of the chess rules, going through applicable checks as needed: If the move attempts a castling, it checks that the relevant squares are not attacked by the opponent, that both the king and rook haven't moved yet, et cetera. For those who wants to learn how a chess engine actually works this will probably be interesting as I will also talk about general principles of chess engines. The chess board is hence declared as an 8x8-Array containing pointers to this generic Piece (and not a Pawn, Bishop etc. For a stable and precise computation of the actual nodes, a Perft analysis should be performed. This sounds simple, and it is! The program will be written in Python and contains all main parts of a chess engine. The search tree grows exponentially. Hence, what we can do is - after we have reached the maximum depth we want to consider - look at additional, further moves that just result in pieces being captured. In the 21st century, we have powerful chess engines those can compete with world’s best players. The intuition is that the previous result is a best guess on what we should try next. Intro on How to Write a Chess Engine Chess Engine Framework. To facilitate this, each executed move is stored in a struct, containing the essential information (e.g. A practical constraint is that - because we go further down the tree - there are many capture moves to consider. That old chess engine is, in turn, based on a project in my college Intro to CS class (a chess GUI game written in Racket, a functional programming language). Traditional Chess Engines Stockfish: Stockfish is an open-source chess engine developed by a large community of chess engine enthusiasts and developers. 2) Or you can choose a free chess engine which are still very strong. There is also a compiler from Microsoft available for free which comes with an own ide and a debugger as well. Why have a generic parent class? Hence, the first insight is that we need to stop after a certain number of turns, i.e. It has excellent documentation. I hope you enjoyed this little excursion! Writing a Simple Chess Engine in C++ Published on July 8, 2020 July 8, ... As most things in the coding space do, the chess engine started as a command line based program. It can get and set pieces and it … A little guidance would be much appreciated. How do you encode the chess board and it's pieces? Move generation and execution can hence be handled via sequences of extremely fast bitwise operations (AND, OR, NOT, XOR, et cetera) which are executed within the CPU registers directly, requiring few clock cycles and low memory delays. It only takes a minute to sign up. if a given move was optimal for depth N, the depth N+1 search starts with this move first. There are many different algorithms to tackle the problem of determining an optimal move. Coming to the point, we all love the chess game. The post is about how to write a simple computer chess program within one day with only a few lines of code. Below is an illustration of the search complexity from a given starting position, where it is notable that the cumulative time for all individual searches from depth 1 to depth 6 requires only about 7% of the time it takes to do a depth-8 search: We pass the previously found best move to the next iteration, i.e. The reason is this: For the engine to traverse a certain set of potential moves downward, it will be required to fully restore the game state when the search tree is traversed back up. N.B. Now let’s try to understand which side is stronger in a certain position. The tutorial is based on the open source Huo Chess… Share this post: Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window) Click to … Most chess engines are written either in C or C++ but there are also a few others written in Java, Pascal or even in Assembler. This really varies based on your programming skill. In short, I had quite a mess in no time. See also the article on wikipedia on game complexity. The king is assigned a large number in absolute terms to incentivize attempts to capture it. However, what if - in the next move - the queen is captured? (Other) IMO it's fine to "toss a coin" for anything except If you don't own a copy of MS Visual C/C++ already you don't need to spend any money in order to get a decent compiler. To write a program to show a chess board with pieces and teach the program all the legal moves is not too complicated. Competitive chess games, even at a low level, require players to write down their moves using chess notation. the depth is increased by one). This is a major gain in performance. For example, if we were to start a depth 8 search with the result from the depth 7 search, the visited nodes are reduced from about 162 million to 130 million, i.e. As a hobby project I will blog about the design and implementation (writing software code) of what goes into a chess engine - I am creating my own engine for fun. To enable interaction with the chess pieces, the program uses an OnClick-event on the chess board and a state machine would take care of the rest. #chess, Writing a Stronger Minesweeper-Engine in C++, Writing a Simple Minesweeper-AI in Python, The move generation routine (a method that encodes the move-rules for each piece, e.g. To summarize, the idea is to search the position tree up to a given depth, calculate the heuristic value of each end state, choosing the move that results in the largest value for white (and the smallest value for black) - and returning the best value from each perspective back up the tree. The board holds an array of chess pieces. This means that, if a given depth suddenly takes very long to traverse, the previous maximum depth is quite likely searched much faster. You can easily write a simple chess engine. It will guide the reader step-by-step until the final building of a fully-features chess application in Microsoft Visual Studio. How to write a chess engine. Readers with a deep knowledge of coding and/or chess will likely not be exposed to new information here and could instead look at excellent, much more advanced resources, e.g. The chess engines are autonomous programs that complement the study; practice and training of chess. This might look like a very good move on paper. It holds references to all the parts of the engine and lets... Board Representation. My first article, a little excursion on the basics of writing a computer chess engine. One such algorithm is given by iterative deepening, which starts with depth 1 and subsequently increases the depth as long as it stays within the allocated time. From the Wikipedia article on the Alpha Beta algorithm: In general terms, we can retain the minimum value that the maximizing player is currently assured of, alpha, and the maximum value that the minimizing player is assured of, beta. Picking the best possible move based on this evaluation The first is a bit of code that assesses any position and gives it a numeric value (Positive indicates white is better, negative means black is… For example, if a piece had already been selected and an empty square is clicked, it is checked whether this represents a legal move, and if it does, it is executed (we'll get to the actual rules of the game in a bit). If you wish to contribute, please join. Problem is i guess chess engines are mathematical scientific art to create. Check if the move results in a checkmate. The algorithm would endlessly go down certain branches. This GIF shows what a bad selection of target function looks like. You want to enjoy a fun, challenging coding task 2. As most things in the coding space do, the chess engine started as a command line based program. We already noted that we prune the tree depth for practical reasons - but is there a way to further cut off branches without affecting the end result? machine learning) 6. Sum up the material on the board. The key responsibility of the board is to execute a move (checking whether it is legal before doing so!) pieces and the board itself, as classes whose instances are stored in memory. The reason for this approach is that the calculation complexity is a function of the current game state: For instance, a depth of 5 at the beginning is calculated much quicker than a depth of 5 later in the game, especially as sliding pieces (rooks, queens, bishops) have a lot more possible moves at their disposal. The program implemented the rules of chess and also allowed the player to challenge a computer opponent. Read more. upon re-reading the above declarations, some improvements come to mind- if the class already stores a list of moves, I should have just returned pointers to the same in getMoveList and getCaptureMoveList for additional efficiency. Site of Bruce Moreland (deals mainly with chess programming), Ed Shroeders site (deals with advanced topics of chess programming), VIM: a nice editor with syntax highlighting. If you want to write your own chess engine you need at least some basic knowledge about a programming language. This chess engine is based on a chess engine I created in Ren’Py and vanilla Python while teaching myself Python during my first summer break in college. Some sort of function that evaluates the position of a board 2. This is one of the best ways to improve. At the most naïve level, you might recognize that the possible future game states are encoded by a tree, where each node represents the board and each edge represents a move, and then you might try the following: Clearly, for a game like Chess, this will not work - the theoretical reason being that there are infinite move chains, if one does not include a rule that the game ends in a draw after e.g. Evaluate the positional strength of each individual piece. If you want to write your own chess engine you need at least some basic knowledge about a programming language. The reason is the practicality that comes from polymorphism in C++. That would likely be a bad deal, and is one example of the Horizon Effect. Reading Stockfish Chess Engine (Analysis Free) In one of my previous posts “ How do Chess Engines Work ” I addressed how computers play chess by using a formula called an algorithm to assign a numerical evaluation to a particular position. If you need to refresh your memory on the exact rules, there are Rules of chess on Wikipedia. If the project keeps growing it's only a matter of time till you forget what this variable or that function exactly is supposed to do. As noted in the code snippet on the Chess pieces, a Pawn is e.g. I won't go into detail on the move-routines here, but feel free to reach out to me if you're interested. IMHO i feel you need to have a lot of passion and perseverance to dedicate lot of time consistently over a period to understand the basic concepts before we can even write a basic workable engine that plays legal chess. Thanks to Bastin Reinschmidt for deeper insights on the game of chess itself which will come in handy if I decide to pursue these concepts further; thanks to Kimberley Lau for artistic input! Sidenote. If you're running Windows you might want to download the MinGW suite with the GNU C/C++ compiler gcc or you could get the freecomandlinetools from Borland. we have alpha > beta, we can stop the search at this branch because rational players would not end up here. If you are a less serious player I would point out a few overlooked and misunderstood rules: 1. There are plenty of improvements to make, some of which we mentioned before: ... And many more, some less straightforward than others. You want to learn about how chess engines work 4. 2 in the above case for white. While our goal is to use chess engine recommendations to create a learning experience and to put aside its primary purpose of functioning as an “answer sheet”, it is still important to familiarize ourselves with some basic chess engine terminology. Look at Crafty[10] and Beowulf [11]. The framework itself is very simple. If it does, the game is won, and that move is optimal and returned by the function. Perhaps this project will be continued in the future along some of these lines, but for now, this is it. History. The entire code is available on GitHub, and its general principles shall be covered here without going into too much detail. But as my father was kindly testing my Chess engine, he made an interesting statement: State-of-the-art Chess engines are boring. In order to start writing your own engine you need to dive a bit into theory at first. whether the move was a castling, or an en passant capture, whether the previous move allowed for an en passant). So documenting the code certainly helps you to understand what you did a few weeks or months ago. This will be meaningful when we try to attribute a numerical value to a chosen move in an attempt to quantify how good it is. That is 1970's technology. This might seem wasteful, but keep in mind that: N.B. I can quote an example: Chessbase (Chess program) with Fritz (Chess engine); those programs interact and can be used to complement each other.. N moves without any capture. The result is very crude (by virtue of the facts that I am a complete chess novice and that several improvements to the codebase can be made), but it was nonetheless a fun little project I would like to share. While I was writing on Roce I figured out that documenting the source code is very important. we prune the depth of the searched tree. If the time constraint is violated, the best move from the last completed search is used. Clearly, this results in the next problem: The end state will generally not be a checkmate, stalemate or draw, meaning that we need a heuristic algorithm evaluating the game state. The programmer of Rebel and Pro Deo has a website which I can highly recommend. Modern chess engines just use a lot of optimizations to be able to search deeper into the game tree. However, you may ask yourself why you need this descriptive notation at all. the horizontal and vertical sliding for rooks), Cycle through all possible pieces on the board for the player whose turn it is. Update April 04, 2021: A follow-up to this article can be found here. If these values are updated and alpha<=beta no longer holds true, i.e. These are features of the engine: Each piece has a material value and a scoreBoard, the latter of which dictates how much "extra" a piece is worth depending on it's location. Then in 2017 AlphaZero was introduced and largely defeated the best traditional Chess engine, namely StockFish. It should be noted, for example, that static positional strength matrices are less than optimal: For example, the assumption that a king hiding in the starting row is a good thing only holds true in the early stages in the game, whereas it could be used more offensively in later stages. The chess board is simply displayed via characters on the console, with background coloring to aid in distinguishing the pieces. Many of the modern chess engine programming methods were pioneered through Stockfish. So, we can simply add these numbers up; a positive number is good for white, a negative number is good for black. It uses a complex eval formula and A/B search. I won't expand much more on this pruning concept here because there are ubiquitous articles and examples - the key takeaway is that this is a simple and effective method of reducing the traversed nodes. Imagine that we want to look at a certain square on the chess board and generate all possible moves for the piece on that square. While this can sometimes be a pain, especially implementing the more complicated rules such as castling and repetition draws , it is the backbone of the chess engine, and your engine will not get far without it. Here, I followed a much simpler and less efficient, but more readily understandable approach in the context of Object Oriented Programming: Namely, the idea is to represent the objects of the game, i.e. Still, the code for the original command line based version is on GitHub for reference. One of the best books to learn C is in my opinion 'The C Programming Language' from Kernighan & Ritchie. Text-based command line inputs are taken to e.g. Using board evaluation to brute force all possible combinations has been done to death and extremely well, but there hasn't been much progress afaik in doing a more thinking/fuzzy chess engine. You want to learn/practice coding skills 5. So here's my question: What language (I'm familiar with Java, C++ and Python) and methodology should I adapt while writing a chess engine? The algorithm also adds, if desired, a random quantity to avoid the game playing out the exact same way under a given searched depth. Complex chess programs that really play well are also available. It is a beautiful game with a lot of brain work needed. : Hence, we have the following classes: Pawn, Knight, Bishop, Rook, Queen, Knight - as well as a "generic" Piece-class from which all of these are inherited. The below excerpt shows some of the class declarations in pieces.h: Each piece can generate a set of quasilegal moves given the current chess board state which is implemented differently for each piece type. Out of nostalgia, I redid this project last year and used the opportunity to familiarize myself more with C++. If you have a teacher, that teacher can look at it with you, and tell you where you could have played better! Once you read and understand that stuff you should also visit Ed Shröders site. Now, modern, strong engines use bitboards, which essentially represents the board as a set of 64-bit integers (8x8 bits), where a "1" would indicate that a piece is present, and a "0" would indicate the opposite. There are two options for getting a chess engine: 1) You can choose a paid option, if want the latest and top chess engines. Openings, Middle games and Endgames are always tough to master. See the below example, where the last move of black was calculated: There were about 360.000 normal nodes visited, versus over 8 million nodes at the horizon. In order to create the source files you need either an editor preferrably with syntax highlighting like Emacs, VIM or an IDE (Integrated Developement Enviroment) like Eclipse or Visual C/C++ from Microsoft. However, in the above screenshot, you may notice that we allocate a fixed time to the engine. Consequently, an approach is needed to keep the runtime manageable. You have two “armies” facing each other, making a move after a move, until one side is guaranteed to capture the enemy king (the checkmate), or neither side can win- a draw. I assume that you are more-less familiar with the rules of chess. and providing the means for undoing a move. Another answer suggested 10 hours, which I think is quite optimistic and assumes a pretty high level of coding proficiency. So far, we have covered the engine in terms of a fixed search depth. Think of the following scenario: The tree is searched up to depth 4, and the last move results in the queen capturing a rook. Another very natural concept is to make moves that result in a "quiet" position where no more captures can be made. Contrast this with a solved game like Tic-Tac-Toe which is guaranteed to end after a finite (and small) number of turns - you could simply apply brute force to compute the entire move tree. When you play other board games, you don’t notate your moves! The chess … checks are disregarded which require knowing the broader game state - those are delegated to the chess board). The algorithm to draw the board is straightforward: Iterate through the board and write characters to the console depending on which piece is present. We do not need to perform explicit checks on which piece is present on the square when we do this; Instead, the code will just invoke the (virtual) move generation routine of the generic Piece, which during runtime is actually a concrete piece in heap-allocated memory. If you write down a game you play, you can look at it later. Though this requires The goal is to minimize the clock cycles per move and hence maximize the considered moves per second. directly). It will be the basis of refinements and enhancements which I will show in future postings. by 20%. Sidenote: I think 6.172 makes you write a chess engine for a chess variant called Leiserchess, but I haven’t taken that class yet so I could be wrong. An engine works by evaluating all the possible legal moves and then deciding which ones are best based on which ones lead to a better result. However, the basic principle is still pretty intuitive: Create objects representing UI elements and then define event handlers for them. This series of tutorials for dummies will show how one can develop a chess playing program in C# from scratch with no prior knowledge of programming. Without looking any turns into the future, how "good" do we think that a given position is? Rebel and Pro Deo has a website which I think is quite optimistic and assumes a pretty high of... Is still pretty intuitive: create objects representing how to write a chess engine elements and then define event handlers for them might be to. Per second art to create level of coding proficiency to learn about how chess engines:... Learn C properly in short, I redid this project will be lost forever engines those can compete with ’. 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