maize spacing in tanzania

So what are the main barriers and opportunities for the maize sector in Tanzania? Figure 1 Mapping of Maize value chain in Tanzania Source: Authors’ own Preliminary evidence suggest that although there were many suppliers of maize to the millers, medium and large-scale maize millers do have some influence on the local purchasing price of maize grain. This competition is not good enough as it reduces the growth potential of the sown crops, in terms of both quality and quantity. In Tanzania and in Western and Coastal Kenya, cassava is second to maize in importance as a food crop (Mwango’mbe et al., 2013). Use a spacing of 1m by 0.35m for pepper, you can as well use 1m by 0.5m. Lastly, use the Share Button to get this article across to others on your network. Stay updated with our posts by subscribing to our posts via email and get instant notifications on new posts. This reduces weed competition and loss of soil moisture from evaporation. The spacing requirement for vegetables is influenced by the method of planting you adopt. The mission of IPNI is to develop and promote scientific information about the responsible management of plant nutrition for the benefit of the human family. Select an optimal plant spacing that allows for ease of field operations, such as fertilizer application or weeding, minimizes competition among plants for light, water, and nutrients, and creates a favorable micro-climate in the canopy to reduce the risk for pests and diseases. Though Tanzania is the largest producer of maize in East Africa, the country still faces lots of challenges of achieving full business potential. A Randomized Control Trial (RCT) was designed to measure the impact of FtMA and WINnERS on different household and farming outcomes in Tanzania. Four years ago, maize yield from her 4 acre farm was barely enough to feed her family of five. Farmers’ main reasons for not using fertilizer were that they had Commercial white maize SFL grows 20ha rainfed commercial white maize a year using the same implements and planting methods … Maize is the key staple food crop in several Sub-Saharan Africa countries (SSA) and you cannot separate food security and maize. The Tanzanian diet relies heavily on starchy staples with maize providing an estimated 32 (Lake Zone regions of Kagera, Mara and Mwanza) to 51 (Southern Highlands regions of Iringa, Mbeya, Rukwa and Ruvuma) percent of calories (USDA, 2015). Is it possible to plant 2 seed of rice per hole considering the size? In Tanzania, maize is the widely grown staple crop produced by 4.5 million farm households representing about 82% of all Tanzanian farmers (KI, 2011; NBS, 2014). the maize milling industry in Tanzania is comprised of two distinct types of mills. The spacing requirement for vegetables is 0.3 meters, either on the bed or on flat. The standard spacing for cassava is 1m by 1m but recently, farmers have started using 1m by 0.75m. Is it confusing? Copyright © 2019 International Plant Nutrition Institute. lack of proper preparation of land, and other Nepal if Fig. 1. He reveals that to get high maize yields; it’s about plant population in a given space. In addition, I would indicate the plant population of the crops per hectare using the specified spacing. The recommended number of maize plants per hectare varies from 36,000 to 60,000, depending on … Deep sowing is recommended on light, dry soils. There is widespread concern for issues such as climate change and relationship of crop production to the environment and ecosystems, and IPNI programs are achieving positive results. I hope it is clear now. The spacing of rice varies with the type of land used for the cultivation. Watermelon is one of those crops that requires space to perform well. Yes!. It occupies about 45 percent of the cultivated acreage in Tanzania. The RCT randomly assigned 108 Farm UCA, ICW, Tuxpeño, and Staha) is 75 x 30 cm with one plant per hill, resulting in a plant. The MAIZe VAlue ChAIn In TAnZAnIA A report from the Southern Highlands Food Systems Programme R. Trevor Wilson J. Lewis Maize is the one of the most important food crops in Tanzania, it comprises 45% of the cultivated area. Using 50cm by 50cm spacing for soybean with 2 seeds per hole would make you get 80,000 plants per hectare. The importance of using the right spacing for crops is as crucial as using vigorous planting material. Narrow row widths of about 50 to 70 cm is recommended to ensure that sunlight falls on the plants and not on bare soil. Lastly on the type of spacing, how do you know the inter spacing and intra spacing figure? Having more than 75,000 plants per ha will not increase yield unless growing conditions are very favorable with a yield potential of >13 t/ha. to document the situation of maize farmers in Tanzania before the FtMA and WINnERS intervention is rolled out. Some farmers use 1m by 1.5m spacing for planting watermelon, this is good enough. Maize is the one of the most important crops in Tanzania, grown by 3.5 million farming households, or 60% of total farming households. Background Tanzania has the second largest area planted to maize in Africa, after Nigeria. Questions about past IPNI operations and projects can be forwarded to the International Fertilizer Association, The Fertilizer Institute, or Fertilizer Canada. Read on! We invited 10 farmers in Tanzania to show off their fields and tell us why they love growing these bright blossoms, and what they plan to do with the extra income they’ll generate. It is important I discuss the two types of spacing. Before planting, I presume you have designed your farm layout, as it is part of the preplanting operations in farming. Mashehe Salum is a small scale maize and legume farmer in Ngipa village, Kiteto District in central Tanzania. Intercropping systems. To ensure a more uniform crop stand and lesser missing hills, plant 2-3 seeds per hill and thin after 14-20 days to allow only one plant to mature. There are two types of spacing used in crop cultivation. The space between the crops on each line is your INTRA SPACING. The depth of planting is commonly 3-6 cm, depending on soil conditions and temperature. Most favorable planting densities for high yield in the tropics are probably in the range of 65,000 to 75,000 plants per ha. Below are some guidelines in choosing the optimal planting density and plant spacing for maize in the tropics: The agronomic programs of IPNI outside Canada ceased operations on April 1, 2019. Narrow row widths of about 50 to 70 cm is recommended to ensure that sunlight falls on the plants and not on bare soil. Most important constraints to increasing productivity are poor soil fertility (nutrient deficiencies; soil hard pans), poor agronomy (poor seed spacing, incorrect fertilizer application), and use of unimproved seed. 31 Adoption of Maize Production Technologies in Central Tanzania By Aloyce R.M. Isn’t it? either of the two spacing used, you would get 53,333 maize stands per hectare. It is a proud staple especially in the milled form that makes the famous ugali or sima meal. When you plant two seeds per hole, the inter spacing remains unchanged but the intra spacing is doubled, making 75cm by 50cm. In the case of vegetables, the intra spacing is not applicable here because the seeds are small-sized and they are evenly distributed on the line or channel made; you only make use of the inter-row spacing. Recommended spacing (between and within rows) of maize with different heights and expected You would get 1111 plantain or banana stands on one hectare. This is why you see some crops control good market price while others are sold off out of pity; plants have to be properly spaced to achieve reasonable yield. Findings not supported later where cassava monoculture earned the highest financial returns. Your email address will not be published. Personally, I used 1m by 1m and the performance was not bad; hence, to better utilize your land, use a spacing of 1m by 1m to plant your watermelon. It is simple, the first figure is the inter spacing and the second figure is the intra spacing. Only around a dozen roller mills operate on a large-scale throughout the country, with an estimated 95% of maize flour being produced by small and medium-scale hammer miller operators. The standard spacing requirement for maize is 75cm by 25cm, this is spacing is used when you plant one maize seed per hole. While maize accounts for 40% of calorie consumption in Tanzania,4 the choice to grow maize, even in areas of insufficient rainfall, is driven by a strong dietary preference for maize over more drought-adapted Plantain and Banana Plants that are planted too near each other tend to be taller but with thin and weak stalks, making them more susceptible to lodging and stalk diseases. On one hectare, you will have 13,333 stands of cassava using a spacing of 1m by 0.75m as against 10,000 you would have gotten using a spacing of 1m by 1m. Plant spacing The width of rows and the spacing of plants in the row determines the plant population. Plant watermelon at a seeding rate of two seeds per hole, you get 20000 watermelon seedlings on one hectare. The spacing for yam is 1m by 1m; it should be less or more than this if you want to utilize your land optimally. Best management practices (BMPs) for nutrient stewardship encourage the concept of applying the right product (source), at the right rate, at the right time, and in the right place. We’re one of probably only five farming businesses growing seed maize in Tanzania.” The maize is planted with a four-row Monosem NG Plus precision vacuum planter at 52 000 plants/ha and at 80cm row spacing. The yield of maize crop can be amplified by the spacing adopted. Usually the size of maize … gain for maize in Tanzania was 33 kg/ha/yr, compared to 146 kg/ha/yr for Malawi, 124 kg/ha/yr for Uganda, 110 kg/ha/yr for Zambia and -20 kg/ha/yr for Kenya. Use Figure 1 to select a within-row spacing that will meet the desired plant population. Use Figure 1 to select a within-row spacing that will meet the desired plant population. Farmers weeded their maize plots at least twice. There will be no regulation of the price of maize and other cereals in Tanzania despite a growing shortage that has seen the local staple food hit Tsh110,00 ($47.9) per 100-kilogramme bag. Agronomic characteristics of some of the recommended maize varieties for cultivation in Tanzania. maize in the harvest season, low prices, close to the corn producing areas to help reduce the transport of maize manpower and material resources, The sale target market of corn powder nearly makes farmers reduce transportation cost and time. In 2020, maize production for United Republic of Tanzania was 6,300 thousand tonnes. No. The company plans to expand its activities in the south by opening a new mill in Mbeya region. Maize i crops of Nepal. Cassava/maize and cassava/groundnut combination in terms of gross returns. Can you us with the demonstration of the methods of planting coconuts. either of the two spacing used, you would get 53,333 maize stands per hectare. Maize is one of the most cultivated crops globally. Time of planting. The common spacing for tomato is 1m by 0.5m. On one hectare of the determinate tomato, you get 20,000 stands of tomatoes while for the indeterminate breed, you get 26,666 tomato plants per hectare. 4. Company Name and Address. For drought-prone environments, it is not advisable to have more than 75,000 plants per ha. How To Calculate Fertilizer Application Rate For Any Crop, Find Out The Best Broiler Breed: Ross, Marshall, Cobb & Arbor Acre, Characteristics Of Different Cassava Varieties (Pictures), Fertilizer Recommendations For Tomato Plant (Determinate And Indeterminate), How To Make Liquid Organic Fertilizer For Plants, US Cotton Production Record: Varieties Grown, States Production, Best Time Of Day To Water Vegetable Garden, Best Time Of Day To Water Lawn In Hot Weather, 2 Organic Methods Of Treating Plantain Suckers - Justagric, 5 Low-Cost Insect Pest Control Methods And Strategies - Justagric, Effects of Mulching Plantain Farm With Sawdust - Maize crop calendar for areas experiencing bimodal and unimodal patterns of rainfall in Tanzania. Its activity consists in maize milling with a monthly capacity of 5,100 MT. Using a spacing of 1mm by 0.5m, you get 20000 stands of pepper plants per hectare and when you use 1m by 0.35m, you get 28,571 stands of pepper per hectare. On lowland, you get a plant population of 500,000 rice stands per hectare. The standard spacing requirement for maize is 75cm by 25cm, this is spacing is used when you plant one maize seed per hole. You need to add fertilizer to maize unless you are planting on a virgin land, […] Standard Spacing Requirements And Plant Population Per Hectare […], […] Read: Standard Spacing Requirements And Plant Population Per Hectare […], […]  The plantain suckers were planted early June 2019 with a plant population of 1200 using a plant spacing of 3m by […]. 2 Table 2. Rice is usually planted on low land and upland at a seed rate of two seeds per hole. MAIZE. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Source: JICA Project T s second main food crops after p fertilizer proper quality 1 Rampur Composite variety of maize cultivation in hilly area a traditional cereal crop in s. Spacing between rows and crops is one of the tricks profit-oriented farmer plot to increase their crop yield and also reduce the cost of production; technically,  I can say spacing helps to achieve optimum utilization of the land. 1997) like Gairo, in Tanzania. When you plant two seeds per hole, the inter spacing remains unchanged but the intra spacing is doubled, making 75cm by 50cm. The closer the spacing, the more plants there will be per unit area. Maize sector in Tanzania: challenges and opportunities. 5. The standard spacing used for plantain and banana is 3m by 3m; although some farmers now use 3m by 2m. Because of its potential, this study was carried out to determine appropriate planting spacing and cutting management for optimising maize growth and yield without Do you have spacing requirement for fruit trees and lumber trees? The Portuguese firstly introduced maize production in Tanzania on Pemba Island in the 16th century, by 17th century maize production spread to other parts of Tanzania including the Tanzania mainland. Spacing-The Determining Factor Of 3 Tons . However, mean cassava fresh storage root yield was estimated to be 13.5, 6.2 and 14.4 Mg ha–1 for Kenya, Tanzania … They are: These two types of spacing are not the same qualitatively and quantitatively; qualitatively in meaning and quantitatively in figures. Matures between 160-210 days I do not recommend the latter, use 3m by 3m spacing for plantain and banana to get better yield. “Seed maize production is our primary enterprise. Spacing for monocropped maize and maize/ Assuming that emergence of planted maize legume intercrop takes place a week after planting, the first % weeding is done two and a half weeks after Spacing (cm), Seeds/ Population Intermediate Lowland emergence. When crops are not properly spaced, they tend to compete for growth enhancement parameters like water, nutrient, and air. Vegetables are part of those crops that are widely grown; I call them cash-flow crops because of their quick turn over. Spacing of 75 cm x 150 cm most suitable. When you utilize good spacing requirements, you enjoy the following benefits: Apart from planting improved or high yielding planting material, adequate water and nutrient, crop spacing plays a remarkable role in achieving the good yield, in terms of quality and quantity. Hills within the row, preferably, should not be less than 20 cm apart with only one plant per hill to avoid overcrowding. This website remains online to provide a repository of past IPNI publications. The spacing of the determinate tomato is 1m by 0.5m; while the spacing of the indeterminate tomato is 0.75m by 0.5m. However, if you use the drilling method of planting vegetables, you need to space the plant. Table 1. This reduces weed competition and loss of soil moisture from evaporation. Moringa oleifera has never been grown on farm in Gairo and other parts of Tanzania. A population of less than 65,000 plants per ha is not advisable because a 10% loss of plants is not uncommon under rainfed field conditions. This new cassava spacing seems to be productive in areas have experienced it and I think it is good enough to increase yield and income. TMV Tanzania maize variety Tsh Tanzanian Shillings UCA Ukiriguru Composite A ULVA Ultra Low Volume Applicators ... was most often planted in rows at the recommended spacing. Especially Maize is known as low in comparison to other developed countries. IPNI is a global organization with initiatives addressing the world's growing need for food, fuel, fiber and feed. 8 Table 3. In using the recommended spacing for maize, fertilizer is a MUST, if not the crop will not perform well. All rights reserved. You may decide to plant just one seed or even three (3) seeds, depending on the viability and germination rate of the seeds. Inter spacing is the space between two rows while intra spacing is the space within a row. There are farmers who prefer 36cm by 59cm spacing. Results from the Maize Research Programme show that in the. Most leafy vegetables like Amaranthus, Celosis (soko), Corchorus (Ewedu), Lettuce and others are usually planted using broadcasting method on beds. Though Tanzania is the largest producer of maize in East Africa, the country still faces lots of challenges of achieving full business potential. Maali says even if a farmer applies the best agronomic practices without proper spacing, the yields will still be low. There are lots of crop in the world but have decided to discuss the spacing requirement these 10 crops because they are widely grown. Mwilawa, Ponniah Anandajayasekeram, “Sometimes I don’t care the size of cobs, but how many cobs I have in an acre,” he says. In dry or marginal areas the recommendation is to increase spacing to 90 cm between rows and 30 cm between seeds – total population 37,000 plants /ha. A summary of maize value chain in Tanzania is depicted in Figure 2. Best Management Practices More on this topic. Recommended spacing specific for the lake zone where 1.5 metre ridges are commonly used. Tanzania maize (Zea mays) or mahindi in Swahili is the most common cereal in this East African country. Hello, I am sorry, your question is not clear. Maize is the one of the most important food crops in Tanzania, it comprises 45 per cent of the cultivated area. However, for upland rice, you have 222,222 stands per hectare. Musoma Food Co. Ltd is one of the main mills located in the northern part of Tanzania. An example is if we have a spacing of 75cm by 25cm for maize, 75cm is the inter spacing while 25cm is the intra spacing. Maize (Zea mays L.) is the most important grain crop in South Africa and is produced throughout the country under diverse environments. Only 3% of the farmers used inorganic fertilizer. AAR set to close operations in Tanzania. By spacing their flowers in rows and applying micro doses of fertilizer, many farmers saw their flowers grow bigger and stronger. population of 44,000 plants/ha. On your farm layout, you have a row or line and you have named the row or line; on each line you have crops. VARIETY OPTIMAL PRODUCTION LEVELS YIELD (90kg bags/ acre SPECIAL ATTRIBUTES RECOMMENDED GROWING AREAS ; PH1 : Rainfall of 800 -1500mm. tant cash crop (MOFA, 2010; FAO, 2015). Kaliba, Hugo Verkuijl, Wilfred Mwangi, Angello J.T. Production of maize expanded until recent years, Tanzania is a leading country for maize production in East Africa. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below. The number of plants per unit area is influenced by the distance between rows, the distance between plants in a row, and the number of plants in a hill. Some farmers use 20cm by 20xm; this is quite too close. The spacing requirement for tomato also varies with the type of tomato planted. She knew she could get more from her farm, but didn’t know what to do improve her farm productivity. The recommended spacing for cucumber is 50cm by 40cm at a rate of 2 seeds per hole, if planted directly on the soil, you get 100,000 stands of cucumber on one hectare. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) You get a population of 10,000 heaps of yam on one hectare. You can as well join our Facebook group, WhatsApp group, and Telegram group, for an instant update from us. Yam is one of the crops with high economic importance. They are both good spacing for pepper. Diseases and infections are better managed with a good spacing of crops. Approximate seed rate is 25 kg/ha. The spacing of maize varies with the number of the seeds sown; by standard, two (2) seeds of maize are planted per hole. A maize farmer happy about her crop. -Maize is thought to have originated at least 5000 years ago in the highlands of Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, and/or Bolivia because of the great density of native forms found in the region. Within rows ) of maize in East Africa, after Nigeria both quality and quantity still be low ’! The main barriers and opportunities for the cultivation usually the size are of... Her 4 acre farm was barely enough to feed her family of five 75 cm x 150 cm suitable. Have decided to discuss the two spacing used, you would get 53,333 maize stands hectare. Different heights and expected a maize farmer happy about her crop says even if a farmer the... Habit of the farmers used inorganic Fertilizer you use the drilling method of planting is commonly 3-6 cm, on... 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